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The Herald, 1906-05-25, Page 4
The 'Zurich Herald. LE AL OAR©s. H. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- ' lioitor, Notary POlio, Hensall,Ontario. At Zuriob (teller's oro e) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Godericb, Canada,. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. (3. F. Flair. BUSINESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for Huron County, respectfully solicits the patrour,re of those who in- tend hating sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. OR. F. A, SELLER -I, DENTIST, GRA - dusts of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department. of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate wc.k a speciality. At Dominion iJouse, .:aricu, every Mon- day. 1-t.6 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Docurneate care- fully and promptly prepared. Ofiice— ZeI1er block, Zur'eb, Ont. MUSIC. '7 U RICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized end is now prepared to furnish first-class music for all kinds of amusements. _For' r:rms apply to or write E. W. Hess, Se•?'y-Treas., Zurich. INSURANCE. ANDREW BESS, DIVISION COURT, CLERK. Village and farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Ineuratxe. FOR SALE. GOOD FIFTY -ACRE FARM for sale. The north helf Lob 25, Con. 12, Hay. All cleared. with good overflowing wells, large brick rouse and large bank barn. Will leave $20.0.00 on premises at 4 per cent interest, Apt iy to Frederick Beckman, Mitchell, o: E. Zeller, Zurich. 35-3m pd. i; F� r"ACRES of land. for sale, being the +=�� North half of :he East half of Lot Eleven, in the Eight!: Concession. of Hay, the property of the ir.te Jaeub 0. Ginger- i ich. For further particulars apply to the 1 executors, Rudy Schwarteent.rulior or John L. Gelber, l3lske, P. 0. 38-l,npd, 1 STOCK. I TIM WELL-y.'-IO'.\r .STALLION . Young Orchard Willow , Will stand for aersi.e at the farm of . Alonzo b'U tar', Lot. 4, Cou c9, 'Township of Hay, during; the -present seaeou. I He it dark bay b color, has plenty of muscle and holm, good action, has ,iced , good colts, and i a sere stork getter, t Terms: 'J'O how re, $ti.00, payable 1st t February, 11)07. P.LO NZO FOSTER, i Babylon Line, 37 -?m Proprietor. Court cit Revision. NOTICE it: i,e:'eity given that a Court t of Revision of the :. e,essmenL• Roti of the Township or Hay'wk be held iri the Town , t Hall, Zurich, on ...I.: nriav the 4th day of ! June, A. D., 1900, et 1e) o'clock, a. tn., for ' the p urpeec ot- henttn and settling com- plaints agaluet the ;, id Assessment Roll. s Persons having bee less at the said. Court ' will guide themselves accordingly. Zurich, May 10th, i1»6. 8 FRED. HESS, SR,. s Clerk. a t Meeting of 'Huron a CQutty Cott'Lvdlll. n f The council of the County of Huron will 7 Intel., in the council chamber in the Town I of Goderich, on i'i:e•,lay, the 5th day 01 ` June next, at 3 octock. All accounts against the county requiring settlement utue: be placed :v.:h r.;:e alert. lafrot•e third. date. W. LANE, Creme. .Arintiai seting. a The n.nnstotl nu. flog of 1h'i SOUTH ': HUt.0N 1^.ili .iuite' I;�'3'CL'rUTE will sl he held in Miller', ;cit, Flena,lt, i+rionrlay, „ June,tth, thee, teto.:e thirty o'.a)ck. The S following order ie :.:clew will. he trausaet- i'l ed Reporle nt Pre- dt,-ir 1Sxect''ive Cour. y rnittee and Andrtnrs ugteetions of points w at which to hrtd ,e r ta.r and euppleuten. w tary meeting�r, elect •un of Directors and Auditors for en,uh:g year, etc. A judging ii Mass demonstration wi`l be conducted at. e three o'clock by kir. H. S. Arlon, B. S. t. A., 0, A. 0' lruetlh, re A cordial invrt t ic,n is u <teuderd to all; tl young :nen ceper_ttity. An excureion wet ne held l.'t the )\indei ''t'' Para) at Guelph, J.rne i3t1t, 1900, th Seed meeting ev,3 he held at Crediton, of Tune 2nd, See emsll bills for partiuulara )f excursion and ::sed meeting. ni 11. HOR'roN, R. GAR,r>Il'rER, i 14-2b I?tirsit>ir•.•;. 8acawian.Y. t Ili Ata barn raising; near Petery- burg', on the farm of Nelson Shawn.: Last Friday afternoon, ta,. piece of to Timber slipped and fell to th) h ;round, striking Henry Krueger on 10 VIP head, killing hits instantly, In nd slightly injuring another mem. ei PUBLISHED BY L'�, ZELLER.. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1906. A number of East end residents are deeply interested in a proposed sidewalk to the Fair grounds. The walk is a necessity and we believe would be endorsed by a majority of citizens. Private subscriptions to the amount of ;1200.00 can be se- cured, and as the total cost will be only abont $000.00 for a good ce- ment walk, our trustees should not hesitate in going on with it. It is also likely that the Agricultural Society will contribute $100.00 to- wards it. The walk would he a great public convenience, and on Fair days a great necessity. Government judges will likely be secured for horses and cattle for the coming; Fall Fair. A good deal of dissatisfaction always exists owing to the belief that friends of the judges are sometimes favored, and that prizes are awarded ac- cordingly. While THE HRRALD would hate to accuse local judges of favoritism to friends, the very suspicion of such a thing would be entirely eliminated by getting strangers to act as judges, espec- ially on the two glasses named. The experirnent is at least worthy of a trial, and if found satisfactory can be continued, and if not the Socie- iv can fall baok on the old method. Every effort should be made to give each article exhibited full justice, as that is the only way the general public can be expected to retain confidence and interest in the country Fall Fair. AN TI -TREATING SOCIE FY. ta-:'h has orga-iiztd an anti -treat - ng society with a membership of hirty--five to begin with. They all uok this pledge: I the ntttlersigned, give my cord of I:ouor trot to buy an intoxi- Iating drink for, nor receive a' treat ruin, any ntan over a public bar ill he townot Galt. and as far as pos- iblc to spread the indaenee of this rotsety in other towns." The society was organized with a till list of office.ts, and ear b roan ill wear a badge, whiQII is expeet- td to protect litirl ft•utn it2Viiatien5 o take' a drink. ARGEST STEAMER AFLOAT. New York, May 19 -The new hamburg-Atttericen 1iilel' Iia.iserio A:Testa Victoria the la' ;est pa sere �er �tt�atner ail at, with a gross, ounage of nearly` -'0000, completed her initial trip aorose the Atlantic o -night, arriving in Quarantine at ".12 p. m., from hamburg, Dover zr,<I I$oulogue. Site brought 490 aloon, and 1.700 steerage passenger.. I'he big veeeel left Quaraniiitc at .30 o'clock and Iande.i her pa-- ertgers to night. The ship made n average speed of 17 knots uttririg he voyage. No- trouble whatever was experience I with the machinery id the engine.{ diti riot .tuft r,ti e n tie, way over. The vee•, 1 is 700 ttrt in length over all, with a bean) feet and depth from deck to u'el of 87 feet. KEEP LOOKING 1, i'. Freta th. lxa:teas City Journal. ''My friend, whet you set tett to 1) down hill von will have no A, COUNTY NEWS.. x#3043.430.4$.43. -,3.+e++£ -•£+•—0£++Eto Subscribe for THE HERALD. Mrs. .Robertson, of Goderioh, celebrated'her 100th birthday dur- ing the week. The first. football game of the season for the Hough cup played at Clinton on' Saturday between Sea - forth and, Clinton teams resulted in Clinton retaining the cup by a score of 3, to 0. T, W. Gibson, who has been in ellertee of the 'Bureau of Mines, To- ronto, for some time, has been made Deputy Mister of Mines ; he is a former Hu 'Man, and is to be con- gratulated upon his promotion. A large number of new townships have been set apart in New Ontario and nanttrd after men prominent in tate affairs I S the province. One of them will be known as Eilber township after the member for South. Iiuron, Mr. J. fl.., MncRoberts, formerly the teaeber of the school at Holmesville'and latterly employed in London. has been appointed City Librarian_ at a salary of $1000 a year. There -were 20 applicanst for the position. John Anderson, a baggageman on the Louden, Huron and Bruce Railway for eleven years until May lst, when he resigned. died at. 1Ningharn'o1ri.Sunrlay last, at the age of 67 years. He was a member of the L 0 0. F. and leaves a wife and one son. The members of the Retail Mer. chants' Association of the Wing - ham Branch have decided for their own protection, to tabulate and print lists of what are commonly called "Bad Pety." When an ac- count is sent out and no response is received the name delinquent will he added to the list of ''Bad Pays" for the protection of mem- bers of the Association. On Wednesday of last week, the Guelph and Cxoderioh Railway track laying gang reached Elmira, and a few Guelph friends of Divis- ional Engineer Macklin htul the privilege of accompanying him on the first trip over the road from Guelph te. Elmira, It is expected the road will be ballasted anti in complete working order as far as Elmira for the running of passeng- er trains in time for the Toronto Exhibition: 'An gilt `''le ' passing through teem day frigittenacl. itr. P. i+fof; . ,at Exeter north, causing ther<leo tnrmarottnd, -upset the wagon, t,lrow out Mr. Moir grid runaway toward the north. Wlten tberig overturned the horses broke away front it and after run- ning to the Luke road struck a tie post, broke the harness in several places and became separated. Mr. Moir was not injured but the wag- on and harness were considerably damaged. In West Huron there are 24 rural school sections With an assessment of $200,000 or 'ever, which must pay it salary of 3t -;C0 in 3907; 26 sections assessed between :150,000 and $200,000,..tvhieh utast pity $4,50 salary ; 37 sections assessed between $10f,00i) and $150,0630, must Day $1t30 ; nine sections assessed between 00,00t) and $100,000, which must pay t350. There are 90 rural school sections. These figures are furnish- ed by Inspector Tom, unci are inter- esting as showing the working out of the new Public School Act. Gordon. the 4 -year old son of Mr. Jelin ytorlock, who lives about tP 0 miles north of Crediton, had a very narrow escape from instant deat.0 the other day. He was playing with the dog around a wagon which v•a% being filled with earth, when in some way he and the dog fell in front of the wheel of the wagon as the horses Stepped forward. The wheel passed over the child's head find the body of the dog which axed t•lte child from being crushed o death. Little Gordon is tt lively the chap and we are all very glad hat he is none the worse after his tttrroty a etoe. 1I... tiity in getting plenty of rhoyes t tics way,' says Bert 1V al icer. It Eve; ti few feet you will find ,Dine t leeed friend who will give you a r eneie lift that will increase your ' >eerl. But when you start up - hill - vu will have to do most of the ork yet:melt'. Occasionally you ill find some one who will lend a I Security clp.ng hand for a few seconds, but 1! s a general thing yon will have all he pulling to de yourself. The 1 ..a.vings. • ason is that it is lots easier to rue cwn the hill than to runup. Friends e always ready to help you when ere is no work. When the hour toil comes they vanish Iike the ght. The thing I am trying to rnpress on soar mind is: Never art down hill. Always look. , ;i' T. to think that at the top of 'the 11 is a rainbow with a bag of gold. t its foot. Even. though you seem never reach the top, you will he appy itt tho trying. There is more ace in the heavens than there is the sand. Look up, friend, look it Sovereign Stands for security and stability. You are sure of BOTH and much MORE in E SOVE ED BANK OF CANADA A deposit of $1.00 opens a SAviNus Account upon which interest is paid four times a year. "DO IT NOW" Put your money in a plans where you can get it whoa you want ,t. J. Snell Mgr. Zurich Saddlery and Furnitfire Store Call on me For new Baby Carriages and Go -Carts, and Express Wagons of all kinds. For your Harness, all hand -made, team and light harness. Full stock on Eland Trunks, Suit Cases & Ladies Satchels For your House Furniture, Bed -room suits, Sideboards, Rockers, Morris Chairs, Couches. A full stock of every line. For high grade Organs and Pianos. Afew 2nd -hand organs at low prices. For Highest Standard of Excellence Sewing Machine, THE SINGER. Over twenty million in use. Call and see them at our store. 1-1. WELL, • = = Zurich, Ont. 1 be Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Nils.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past•yettr, and wish to announce that 1. am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see the if your are going to build. It is my aun to combine good work with good material. I also do * UST0M SaW1Nis and sPLaNiFNIC Mr—Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBI FISC H, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH of-'.-. ..7'?c ,9'a. i grzNil'1a•'a.,.:°J!ols^D+314.-3 .J+'b,4-A-"iteMA",i* r STOP AND READ THIS. 3 1 At the new Zurich Grocery Store, next 7 door to Sovereign Bank, is Where you can V V buy the sweetest sugars, the purest teas ;9 I and coffees, the finest spices, the most V delicious fruits and canned goods; maple V 4r • and cane syrups; all kinds of flavoring ex- V� tracts; the sweet little fish that cannot speak it's wish, but with biscuit makes a A splendid dish, (sardines) ; soaps and brus- hes; mops and brooms; pails and tubs. etc. In fact, everything in the line of a first- class grocery store. International :lige?: gond; and Dr. Scott's medicine for 4ehorses, oattle, poultry, and swine. a The beet and highest grades of flour and all kinds of mill- it 1 g feed always on hand. All is sold at surprisingly low prices. Uoine and see. • g All kinds of farts produce taken for goods mil cash. S. Ytarmie . Soft. ®g✓t �r4. a � x.�rB � ffi �i3�Qy �3i.��3. :.D ..9 •.3 e s ' Deering Binders are the best. When buying a binder you want one that is easy running, light draft and one that binds the grain perfectly. The DEEmore RtNG has these points and many ore improvements. Call on 1110 for U11EAM SEPARATORS, RAKES, MOWERS, DISCS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, PLOWS, IIAY LOADERS', GASOLINE ENGINES, MACHINE OILS, and farru implements of all kinda• JFp. .°t 1. , D�� rx aAgency ZURICH 5 Cents pays for the "Zurich Iieraid" to Janu ry, 1907.