HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-11, Page 8The Zurich Herald. ZURICH Meat Market. 11 We handle all kinds of fresh and salted meats in season, sau- sages, poultry, etc. etc. We are now supplying all choice cuts, at right prices, while the quali- ty is as good, if not better than ever. While thanking the public for their liberal patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same. YUNGSLAJT DEICHERT, Zurich, Ontario. Amenassmagenzensaffussimen ORDERED WORK. We always carry a well assorted stock of steel tire and rubber tire buggies, in different styles of trimming and painting. We pay particular attention to work or- dered by an intending purchaser, and we feel certain we can turn out a job that will be satisfactory. We use nothing but first class material in constructing our rigs. Our products have stood the test Repair Department We are prepared to do repairing of all kinds satisfactorily and prom- ptly. Get your buggy re -painted It will look better and last longer Give us a call. F. Hess & Son, Zurich - - Ontario. a EN m m ewe s nu a Eze arm Elm ;mill is CA.NAD'S GREATEST NURSERY WANTS a LOCAL SALESMAN for Zurich To sell High Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest list of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offer- ed. START NOW AT TEE BEST SELLING SEASON. Big inducements, Liberal Pay, Handsome Free Out- fit, Territory- Reserved. Write for Terms and Catalogue and send 25 cents for our Aluminum Pocket Microscope (magnafies 4 times) and 50 cents for our Handy Saw, just the erimming trees (cuts iron as well as wood). Stone Sc Wellington, PONTHILL NURSERIES OVER 800 ACRES Toronto Ontario Never .a0•0040:104.01MMO0/0/00/1 WERE WATCHES AND CLOCKS AS CHEAP AS 1 Now IMMEIMIgitOMIONIMI••• y Don't trouble neighbor for TIME. will sell you raigthitm. epiece ct ot IL F. W. HESS, JEWELER • ZURICH 010111IfittOtmArotteilitRataSei epi 144 5 Cougo. Remedy The Children's Pavorite Coughs, Colds, Cratep and Whooping Cough. This reraed y is famous for Its aures over n largo part of the civilized world. It can always be depended upon. X Contains nO opium or other harmful drug and May be given as Corifidontly to a baby as to nn adult Price 25 cts; Large Size, 50 cts, waIlookoiaa~oeingrosteemammec Ef.Noy§r.ggyawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwx&wmAN .... LOCAL NEWS r; "Everybody works but father," Is a sad and ill-timed jest, Since the house-cleaning season opened, He has had no time for rest. "Mother" hands out soap -suds, And so does Sister Ann ; But the chap that beats the carpets Is our old man. Mr. Herbert Axt of Exeter spent Sunday at his home in the village. Mr. Henry Weseloh is erecting a comfortable stable on the rear of his lot. We are pleased to state that Mrs. Wm. O'Brien is able to be out again, after her recent severe ill- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang moved into their home on Monday. Mrs. Prang will be at home to her friends after June lst. Owing to the dry weather the grass is not growing very fast, and consequently farmers cannot turn their cattle out on pasture. Over a million bushels of grain are tied up in boats at Buffalo harbor on account of the strike of the niates, firemen and oilers. The meeting for the organization of a Weather Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall here, to-rnorrow, Saturday, afternoon. If you prefer to take medicine in tablet form you can now obtain Dr. Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Abso- lutely no change has been made in the medicinal ingredients. Sold by J. J. Merner. Henry Volland, jr., Of the Baby lon Line. is making some improve- ments to his stable on the property he recently purchased from Isitac Wisnaer. Jacob Hoevald had the contract for the mason work. The Independent Lang Distance Telephone Company obtained a franchise from the Private Bills Committee of the Ontario Legisla- ture on Tuesday, Two hundred thousand dollars must be spent within one year. h'or the first time in many years, Mr. J. A. Williams' woodyard at the mill, is nearly bare of wood. This is no doubt due to the poor -winter ire had for hauling loads of any kind, and also that he uses coal largely for fuel at present. Work has been commenced mi the repairs which are necessary to be made to the Grand. Bend dock, which the storms of Ittst fall ancl winter have badly damaged. Seem- ingly the sand on wilich the cribs rest has been washed way in some plaees, causing them to settle, and putting the platform in bad. shape. Often-times in the sudden illness- es of children if a reliable remedy is available fatal consequences can be avoided. For these emergencies parents are urged to have at hand ready for immediate use Dr Shoop's Diptheria Cure, Dr. Slaoop's Croup Cure, Dr. Shoop's Worm Cure and Dr. Shoop's Pain Panacea. Child- ren's ailments demand promptness above all else. Ther is nothing harsh or that can possibly harni in any of these excellent household medicines. Sold by J Merner, J How to boom your town :—Talk about it ,Write about it. Beautify the streets. Elect good men to all the offices. Keep your sidewalks in good repair, Sell all you can and buy all you can. If you are rich, invest something, employ somebody. Be courteous to strang- ers that come among you so that they will go away with good im- pressions. Always cheer on the men who go in for improvement. Your portions will be for nothing but what is just. Don't kick at any proposed improvement because it is not cut down fifty per cent. The Women's Christian Temper - nee Union met for their regular eeting, May 7th, at the home of rs. C, Fritz, The Vice -President, rs. S. Merner, conducted the De- otional exercises, after which the ducational half-hour was taken p by the Supt. of Narcotics, Miss lla Rennie. The topic chosen was e -Cigarette." It is one of the ost subtle evils that the Cana- an people. have to face to -day, cause it is the worst enemy of e boy, and in many cases the rt. I3y it many a parent's hopes the been blighted, as they see eir bright, pure boy falling a etim to its deadly sting. We eet them everywhere, on the reets of our towns and cities with le haggard faces, their fingers ained with the deadly poison hich they are inhaling into the stems, sapping their will power, d weakening their nerves, dim- ing their eyes and blurring the tellect, robbing them of their wers to resist temptation, and erefore falling an easy victim to ery form of crime. It is high ne that the electors of Canada to aken up and stand shoulder to oulder in this great matter. that e gigantic evil will be wiped 0711 our land. The :Business f o] - wed and the meeting dismissed. m M 17 E ID th di be th 11E th vi 111. St w St sy an 111 in po th ev tit sh h lo fr omrsoAL.E. The weather during the past week has been very cool and dis- agreeable aud would almost remind one of winter. Fur coats, winter garments and fur caps can be seen worn by pedestrians everywhere. Judging from such unpleasant sur- roundings as these, one would natu- rally believe he was travelling with Neilsen on his polar expedition in the Artie regions rather than in this sunny Ontario of ours. Mr. J. Snider has secured the services of Mr. Albert Horner for the season. Mr. Horner ie an enter- prising gentleman and possesses in a high degree that quality of persever- ance and energy which is essential to success and prosperity in the world. Mr. Thomas Johnston, Sr., de- livered a fine load of hogs in Hensall on Monday last, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bedard of Holmesville spent Sunday last at home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Denomy. The Messrs. Rose and Schenck of Zurich are at present engaged in constructing the stone work of T. Snowden's new barn. Edward Stelck is busily engaged breaking in his new driver. Edward is an up-to-date jockey and knows a good horse when he. sees it, Herbert Mero, an employee of the firm of Snowden Bros., spent Sunday last under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, Jr., of Zurich spent Sunday last at tbe home of the latter's mother, Mrs. H. Stelek. Seeding in this vicinity is almost finished and the weather thus far has been all that could be desired. The services in the Union church are still largely attended and. Mr. Delgaty's sermons are becoming more appreciated by his hearers every Sabbath. Subscribe for "TIER Heiter,o" and become a reader of the news con- tained in this valu"ble paper. HENSALL. A large acerage of onion seed has been put in by residents of the vil- lage and vicinity. This line of industry is growing larger every year. • Mies 'Vera Murdock has been en- gaged as organist for Carmel Presbyterian chureh and entered upon her duties last Sunday. Mr. H. Arnold has purchased the residence of Mr, Wm. Colwill. Mrs. Colwill will move west shortly where she will join ber husband. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in Carmel Presbyterian church last Sabbath at the 'Morning service. Our roads and streets have been improved by using the grader on them M. and Mrs. Thos. Kelly of Zurich, spent the week here with Mrs. Kelly's parents. W. Goetz left last week for Orillia where he has secured a position. Mr. Kelebon and family have moved to St. Mary's Mrs. 'Cooly, who has been visit- ing relatives here, has returned to her home.in Winnipeg. Business has been very brisk at the station, much shipping being done. +ft. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mal. McEwen last week sold to Alex. Innes a colt two years old past, for 050. Neil Gilmour, Indian Agent, Kee- watin, -Visited old acquaintances on the 2nd last week. He formerly resided in this township. Misses Albina and Laura Rich- ardson, returned last week from a pleasant visit to Wyoming. A meeting was held in Goshen Methodist church the other even- ing to appoint officers and teachers for the Sunday school for the sum- mer months. Mr. Thos. Robinson was appointed istiperintendent and Mr. T. Keys as Bible class teach- er .;he school will re -open next Several of the farmers are com- plaining of losses in the live stock line during this spring, Mr. Robt. Snowden' , in particular, has recent• ly lost a fine mare and foal, also one of leis best steers. ••-••••••• BLAKE Mrs, D. Sheppard, of Galt, who is at present spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Carni, spent Sunday el/611'1,11g at the home of Mr. Robt. Allan. Mr, and Mrs, A. Douglas of Brucefield renewed old acquaint- ances here last week. Mr. lay, Talbot perchased a, valve able driver from Horner for which he paid a snug sum, The Painfitirugh or The Scrubbing Brusk Which? The day of the dusty carpet, the dirty doer and scrubbhir brush Is waning. A rug can bo shaken in a nainute-apalatedt floor can ho cleaned with a duster. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS INSIDE FLOOR PAINT eepecially prepared for floors. It dries quickly. It gives a hard, glossy linitth. It represents the difference between the light and the dark side of house-keepLug. Sherwin-Williams is the Best by Test. For sale only by A. Charlesworth & Son. Hardware ilerchants Zurich,, miummisigassassemegonawast House= Cleanin Ti House-cleaning time is with us once more, and yoa will need some furnish- ings to brighten up your Lome. We have paid particular attention to have our stock of Carpets, Linoleums, Cur- tains, Roller Blinds, Wall Papers, etc., etc., complete, and We can supply your wants better than ever in these lines. WALL PAPERS We have put in stock a complete line of Wall Papers. of the latest patterns and designs. They will make a won- derful change to your rooms. CalI and see our sample book. Carpets Our line of Carpets has never been so complete. The latest designs and coloiings, and prices to sui everyom2. CURTAINS You will need new Lace Curtains for your parlor or dining room. We liave an entirely new stock. It is money in your pocket to buy your Curtains at J. J. MEM The People's Store = Zurich. 1111=321391MISIZEINCENAMMININIE I'LN4S,11‘rec • _ MAI --vs.‘• jMILIMPIIMI I ' •••••••••-•,1,1,,--- • •Is' -7\1\771kirbi7-1,4iTrt I itliklaigr I t‘ I - 1411114,--A ' t'AV."-Ctt • 1:4.t Tr \‘‘rilr \\\Sir r _071;454 4,t: s 144044,—"‘ • • • , 1, IDEAL WOVEN WIRE FENCE Would you like to build. one piece of fence for good this year? Look at this one. Put up that kind and it's the to stay. Andv er,y reason for it, We had choice of many kinds of fence to sell to fence builders in this community and we choose the Ideal, because we believed it the best. Big, heavy wires, Number 9, all of them, :Hard steel, and stays close togetller. See how it is locked, 'num, xs ArracTau BY WEATHER CHANGIN or by clinthinr, over ib and retitins its .shape even after very hard usage Bub seeing the real thing is better than looking at the picture. We have it. Come in whenever you are ready to talk fence. Costs onthina to examine it. You dan'b do better in style of fence or price. LIIAS. 1ARTLEIB = °C. Zurich oSs: • .0: wmPre.113=141ietiatEO,'