HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-11, Page 4• 4 The LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COORE, BARRISTER AND SO- 11eitor, Notary Public, Henson, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. 11'ROUD1t OOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderieb, Canada, W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Plays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED AUC- tioneee for Huron County, respectfully aolieite the patronage of those who in- tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University,. Painless extraction of teeth. Plato work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zuricb, every Mon- day. 1-2G E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. USIC. ZURICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized and is now prepared to furnish Brat -class music for all kinds of amusements. For t_arms apply to or write F. W. Hess, Secy-Treas., Zuriele. INSURANCE. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness ynsurance. FOR SALE. GOOD FIFTY -ACRE FARM for sale, ` The north half Lot 25, Con. 12, Hay. Ali cleared, with good overflowing wells, large brick house and large bank barn. Will leave $2000.00 on premises at 4 par cent interest. Apply to Frederick Heckman, Mitchell, or E. Zeller, Zurich. 35-3mpd. ACRES otland for sale, being the North half of the East half of Lot Eleven, in the Eighth Concession of Hay, the property of the late Jacob 0. Ginger - For further particulars apply to the 'executors, Rudy Sehwartzentrubor or John.L, Gerber, Blake, P. 0, 38-1mpd, AUCTION SALES, 1XTBNSIVE AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Furniture, on Lot 8, Con. 12, Stanley 2 miles north of Blake, on Tuesday, May I5th, 19UG, commencing at 12.30 p. m., sharp. s verything must be sold as the proprietor has sold his farm. E. Bossen- berry, auctioneer; John Dunn, proprietor. STOCK. Tnn WELL-KNOWN SrtuJON Young lrchard Willow Will stand for service at the farm of Alonzo Foster, Lot 4, Con 9, Township of Hay, during the present season. He is dark bay in color, has plenty of muscle and bone, good action, has sired good colts, and is a sure stock getter. Terms; To insure, $6.00, payable 1st February, 1907. ALONZO FOSTER, Babylon Line, 37 -2nd Proprietor. NOTICE. :::The undersigned, who have signed their names i.m the • subscription book of, and bound themselves to effect insurance in the proposed"The Huron Tract Mutual Weather Insurance Co.," hereby give you notice that the first meeting of the pro- posed Company will be held at the Town Hall in the village of Zurich, on Saturday the i2th day of May, 1906, at 1.30 o'clock, p. na., for the following purposes:—To adopt the name and style of the proposed Company; to appoint a secretary ad in- terim; to elect a Board of Directors; to receive and adopt the subscription book of the proposed Company and to name the place at which the head office of the pro- posed Company shall he located. Dated the 26th day of April 1906, P. Lamont, D. D. Taylor, John Pfaff, J. J. Merner, '. C. Kalbfleisch, W. B. Batt- ler, W. T. Caldwell, B. S. Phillips, J. .Kellerman, Jacob 'laborer. INSURANCE The very best kind of insurance --i. e, pro- vision for the FUTUR as well as the Pressen' is a Savings Account in THE S VEREICN BANK OF CANADA Interest paid 18'Otiit TIMES A "VICAR. $1.00 will open an ac - 001113t. Put yotw money in a place where you can got it when you want it. J. Sue,' Mgr. Zurich. TRH tifIgA Ji PUBLISHED WV E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 190e. Dominion Parliament. From our awn. Correspondent. Ottawa, May 2nd, 1906 The Commons at 2 o'clock thi morning, disposed of Hon. Georg E. Foster's resolution denouncin the contract between the Govern ment and the North Atlantic Trading Uompany. The motion was rejected by a majority of 54 in favor of the ad- ministration. Sir Wilfred Laurier's speech was the great feature of the day. In a brilliant and logical ad- dress he replied to the attack upon the emigration scheme launched by the late Minister of the Interior, and succeeded in placing the issue in a now light before the House. The galleries were thronged with visitors to hear the Prime Minister, The debate extended over five days and was by far the most important controversy that yet developed this session. It was nine o'clock when Sir Wilfred rose. He thoroughly exposed the campaign of misrepre- sentation which the opposition under the leadership of George E. Foster has resorted to in order to involve the Government in a scan- dal. The Prime Minister analysed Mr. Foster's resolution and showed how the House was being asked to en- dorse statements that were false in toto. He replied to the base in- sinuation of dishonesty by inviting the opposition to make a direct charge, promising them every as- sistance in proving such a charge and intimating that should a cul- prit be discovered, he would be accorded merciless treatment at the hands of the government. Sir Wilfred very clearly stated the reason for the employment by the present government as well as its predecessor of mere or less sec ret agents to induce emigration to Canada from certain European countries. He instanced the diffi- culties under which such agents operate, by the incarceration in jail of one John Dyke, who, in 1873, was sent to Germany by the Prov- ince of Ontario as emigration com- missioner. In this- case the man, had not violated the laws, but he was kept in prison for months without trial because of . the red" tape ignorance of ofleialdom, In 1899 the present government instead of continuing to pay separ- ately a number of different agencies in Europe, agreed to combining forces and the North Atlantic Trading Co., contract entered into This contract, despite Mr. Fos- ter's assertion to the contrary, was laid fully before parliament in a printed report in 1902. .Anyone who is familiar with the work of Canadian emigration agents in cer- tain countries of Europe and the difficulties they are up against will realize the impossibility of reveal- ing all the details which the oppo- sition is asking for. Failing to get them, the Conservative members, although in their hearts they know better, are endeavoring to to make the country believe they have unearthed a grave scandal. The fact remains that Canada has benefitted largely as a result of the contract. The company has now, however, lost its usefulness, as the result of the publicity which has been given to it, and we should not be surprised if this was the real reason for the cancellation of the contract by the government. I ani sending you Sir Wilfred's speech as taken from ''Hansard," in case you should arrange space to pnblish it. It would be interest- ing reading for all of your readers. CANADIAN'.[Noma.—We would be pleased to publish the speech of Premier Laurier referred to above but space will not permit.—Ed.] s 5 g WARNING. I wish to state positively that no one has in the past, nor will in the future be authorized or permitted to sell in Halls, Tents, or in any pub- lic places, my prescriptions -Dr. Shoop's Remedies. Reputable Drug- gists, or Chemists are my only legitimate representatives. Certain parties, of questionable reputation, have been offering manu- factured articles in the undignified manner ►mentioned above, said articles purporting to have been created at my Laboratories. Pro- bably the persons responsible for this deception are aiming to gain the advantages that naturally will come to them because of the popula- rity of the genuine Dr. Shoop's pre- parations. This article is published as a means of warning the public against the deeeptiota in question. I'rosecu- tione at Law will follow. C. I. Shoop, M. D. `urikh Herald. "3► +3 43► 3- »its.0• 4Eae COUNTY NEWS. Tb, ingto e pthaepulation of,is Exeter1878. , accord - assessor Exeter has a proposition on hand for the establishment of a canning factory lis that village. Mr. A. E. of the Blyth Standard, has joined the staff of the Toronto Saturday Night as circula- tion man. The death took place in Khiva on April 25th of John Quarin. De- ceased had not been feeling well for some =;time, although his case was not 'tboight serious. His death Came very suddenly. Thomas Elston and Mrs. Lucy Higgins Were united in marriage on April 24th in London by Rev. Hol- mes. After a trip they have taken up their residence in Exeter. Their many friends will wish them every happiness.'';' Mr. John Whiddon Bayfield has the most of the lumber for the new evaporator on the ground and will soon start the building which is going to be a fine structure and one of the largest and most complete this side of•Woodstock. Mr, Arthur Baker and Miss Pearl second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. GilI, Grand Bend, were united in marriage on Wednesday, April 25th. Rev. S. A. Carriere perform- ed the ceremony in the presence of the friends of the contracting parties. J. B. Hawkins of Goderich has disposed of his hardware stock to E. P. Paulin, of Dashwood, who assumes charge June 1st. Mr Paulin is thoreughiy experienced in the hardware line and was for- merly in business in Wingham but latterly in Dashwood. A sad drowning accident happen- ed two miles east of Chiselhurst a few days ago when the olny child, a two year old son of Mr. Edward Allen, wandered to the Sauble Riv- er, only a few rods from the house, and fell in and was drowned. The little fellow was only a few minutes out of his Mother's notice when he was missed. Samuel Halls, formerly of Exeter died at the House of Refuge on Fri- day Apr. 27th, aged 65 years. Be- fore entering the H. of R. he was an inmate of a Home at London, but would not stay there, He was well -connoted and, was a paying patient. The body was sent on Sat- urday . miming , to_ Exeter, the interment taking- e place in the cemetery there. Owing to unavoidable cirenm- stances the date of issuing the pro- gramme for the West Huron Tea- chers' Association may bo delayed and as many are anxious to know the date of the next Teachers' In- stitute. this plan has been taken to let all know that it has been defi- nitely decided for the West Huron Teachers Association to go on the Farmers' excursion to the Agricul- tural, Guelph, on June 15th, with the privilege of returning next day. James Dickson has been appoint- ed deputy registrar of deeds as successor to J. D. O'Connell, who recently resigned to join the Sove- reign Bank. Mr. Dickson has been associated with the registry office for nearly fifteen years, has a thorough familiarity with the work and has proved himself a faithful and competent official. From the standpoint of the public, interests he has deserved the promotion, and the appointment will no doubt be entirely satisfactory to those who have business with the office. The house of Jonas Slims, of the 3rd concession, Stephen, caught fire a few days ago, the cause being an overheated chimney. The fire was first noticed by a young lady who lives a short distance south of Exe- ter. This young lady was out driv- ing and seeing the blaze drove from house to house and notified the farriers of the fire, and hacl it not been for her ability as a reins - woman in driving the horse at a furious pace for assistance, the fire might have bean more serious. As it was only a few shingles were burned. Mr. Wm. White, Rodgerville, met with a painful and unfortunate accident on Monday last, which might easily have resulted serious- ly. He was about to unhitch the team from the roller, the hind part of which was heavily loaded, and as the horses stepped forward and the tongue left the neokyoke, it flew back with. terrible force, striking Mr. White in the forehead, inflicting a large scalp wound and rendered him unconscious for some time. Medical aid was iinmediately procured and he is now progress- ing nicely. SORE NIPPLES. A cure may be effected by apply Ing Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off With a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by J•, 3, Merner, Saddlery and Furniture Store Call On me For new Baby Carriages and Go -Carts, and Express Wagons of all kinds. For your Harness, all hand -made, team and light harness. Full stock on. hand Trunks, Suit Cases & Ladies Satchels For your House Furniture, Bed -room suits, Sideboards, Rockers, Morris Chairs, Couches. A full stock of every line. For high grade Organs and Pianos. A few 2nd -hand organs at low prices. For Highest Standard of Excellence Sewing Machine, THE SINGER. Over twenty million in use. Call and see them at our store. 11. WELL, = Zurich, Ont. `the Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing I`Iills.... .I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a.large stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWINC and PLANINC W"Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISOH, Milts 14th Con. ZURICH 1Mar7. tasaar›.r aaro-fa.eP,raS^a. ,�4,4s4:11,4g. 419rI4-14s r-s�7rr STOP AND READ THIS. At the "n new Zurich Grocery Store, next door to Sovereign Bank, is Where you can 33 buy the sweetest sugars, the purest teas / and coffees, the finest spices, the most / delicious fruits and canned goods; Maple / and cane syrups ; all kinds of flavoring ex- a tracts; the sweet little fish that cannot / speak it's wish, but with biscuit makes a 7 splendid dish, (sardines) ; soaps and brus- / hes; mops and brooms; pails and tubs, etc. ji In]fact, everything in the line of a first- 4 class grocery store. 4 3 4 J 4 4 ®A.g.,8z v.,gwti.y' . 1, a` >{�` e.t--e ✓ ‹9�w' ,-.Jmif�'.A,--. 9:.,1w...0 .,t ,..1�ve International Stock Foods and Dr. Scott's medicine for horses, cattle, ponitry, and swine. The best and highest grades of flour and all kinds of mill - feed always on hand. All is sold at surprisingly low prices. Come and see. All kinds of farm produce taken for goods as cash. 8. Son. eering Binders are the best. When buying a binder you. want one that is easy running, Light draft and one that binds the grain perfectly. The DEERING has these points and many more improvements. Call on me for CREAM SEPARATORS, RAKES, MOWERS, DISCS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, PLOWS, HAY LOADERS, GASOLINE ENGINES, MACHINE OILS, and farm implements of all kinds, J. F. RickbeiI, Deering Agency ZURICH Cents pays for the "Zurich Herald" to January, 1907.