HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-11, Page 2Alcohol in Mdicine. IliiPOIITANT FACTS FO1;, C'AN 1IJL N PEOPLE. More than o%o newspaper in Canada ihas recently been pointing out to rad- sers the daurer of taking ii etticint*s which contain a big percentage of alcohol. There is one medicine in ,great demand which, however, contains no trace of al- cohol. This, i, the .',tu -ra]ian li r:r;tl household x 'me,t1, Pii'ansWhile much attention has been directed to the dan- gers of alcohol, no paper that we know .bs,s yet called the attention of reagens to a, still worse danger—that of taking Smeflieines which contain such mineral poisons as mercury, bismuth, calomel, etc. These substances were common in the liver and stomach ,were so wide- ly used 'before Bileans were obtainable in this country. and which are still used in some quarters to -day. Bileans for Biliousness contain none of these poisons. They are thus free from the two great evils 'which render s medicine improper and harmful for gamily use: This, no doubt, hi great measure accounts for the wof Id -wide atteoess of this great vegetable remedy. I3ileans are purely vegetable. The proprietors firmly believe that vege- table roots and herhs, or, what is the same thing, their essences, were from the dawn of creation intended fat- the medicine of mankind. All Listnry tends to teach tilis lesson, nal ruerLrr- science endorses it. In Means, there- fore, you have a purely natural remedy, free from alechol. free from mineral pot - Vous, free from the (purger of seating up the pill -taking habit, and a medicine which has now lean tried and proved superior by all classes of people in prac- tically every civilized country in the world, For liver complaint, headache, biliousness. indigestion. constipation, *ides, wind, female disorders., spring de - anaemia, and for all ailments aris- ing out of defective bile flow, assnnila- :tion. and digestion. Bileans are tine lual- 't:+ad. They are obtainable front a'.: drug- gists at fifty cents a box. or direct from the Bilean Co., Colborne street, Toronto, upon receipt of price. e Mr. Thos. Molyneaux, of Amherst, days: "I was troubled with my stum- eQh for about three years. Every two or three days bilious attacks would come on. I experimented with I don't know ,crow many different medicines, but the biliousness went on just the same. I saw e report about Biletins and tried thein. I hardly expected them to cure cele, but I ani glad to say that although it is about a month ago since I took any Biles ns. I have not had an attack since.." Thousands of similar cases could be quot- ed. Importing Sacred Cattle. 'l:'he government has undertaken to super - Intend the lntrndueticu into this country of the sacred cattle of India for breeding pur- poses. The reason why these cattle are de•• sired by cattlemen is that they are immune from pleuro -pneumonia, which has caused srtch heavy losses through infection by cattle ticks. The ticks, it is asserted, can not \ work on the sacred cattle, laxperiments have utero carrlad on for years to demonstrate this tact. The introduction of one-elght of sacred 'Wood in the ordinary American cattle is said to be enough to obtain immunity. Secretary Wilson agreed to afford facilities for the im- poriration fo Indian cattle, but on condition that government veterinarian should examine -every beast before it was bought and give his approval to the purchase. The expenses of the veterinarians are paid by the cattle- men. <i - o Superb Service to New York and Philadelphia. via Lehigh `alley R. R., through the 'Switzerland of America. Fast express trains. Double track. Block signals. Pullman sleeping cars from Toronto. For further particulars, address R. S. Lewis, 10 Ring street east, Toronto, Ont. gym- .n Some Needs of the Navy. We have been "building up a navy" on the idea that ships alone are necessary. But we have neglected to provide additional sailors, gunners, engineers and, most of all, officers. se that we have not a fully manned ship at sea and a Large number of our vessels are laid up for want of crews. Every time a new vessel is launched some one of those in commission must be retured in order to furnish a crew. Furthermore, the facilities at the command of our navy for docking lerge vessels are so poor as to greatly ham- Iser the operations of our fleet on occasions when quick repairs may be needed. EMIR! SPANINLINIMENT 5t.n Lover all hard, soft or eallpused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood It avin, curbs, splints, ringbone, 'sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, soughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bot - le. Warranted the most wonderful Ble- mish Cure ever known. Makes Carnegie a Proposal. Father—Can you support her in the manner to which she is accustomed? Suitor—Yes, sir; if you will raise an equal kanrount. MRS. (HUNTER'S STORY dye Results aro "Truly Marvottous." Mrs. I. IIunter, of 111 Raglan Road, 'Kingston, Ont., says: "I have suffered with kidney and liver trou- ble and chronic consti- pation for some time. I was subject to dizzi- ness, bilious headache, nervousness, drowsi Mrs.i. Hunter. MSS, pains in the back and side, and a tired, weary feeling nearly all the time. NII tried almost every medicine, was (mated by doctors and druggists, with lithe or no benefit. "I tried Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill, and the results have been truly wonderful. I am so much better. Anti -211 is a shoat wonderful remedy." All dealers, or the Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 603 THE COW, A. Creature of habit, so Miik Her Regu- • larly, The cow is largely a creature of habit. A prominent dairyman recently said, at a dairy convention, "When you break in on a cow's habits, you disturb her whole milk -making machinery." 'Phis is quite true. Too much attention cannot be given to feeding at stated. intervals and milking with clockwork regularity. The utmost neatness ought always to prevail in the stable. It should be thoroughly cleaned every morning. All soiled bed- ding should give ,place to that which is clean and fresh. Twice a week it should ise tbtorouihly scrul'ibed. Every stall should be provided with some means for disposing of liquid excrement prompt- ly. Let the tidiness for which Iloliand is famous prevail here, and we may pro- duce butter which will rival the produc- tion of the Dutch dairies. We have all necessary facilities for making as fine buttes• as is made anywhere in the world, but we have not yet been educated up to the proper standard of caring for the dairy. Use the currycomb on the cow. She needs it as much as the horse does. If it is not used, loose hair will be con- stantly dropping into the milk pail.— Eben E. Rexford in "Making the Country home," in The Outing Magazine for Feb- ruary. Life Insurance in Great Britain. According to the British Board of Trade's Annual Blue Boole on Life In- suranco Companies, the bioiness is far tnnre cheaply run in Great Britain than as the recent revelations have told us, it is in this country, For instance, the percentage of all ex- pense;, incl tiding agen ts' co_nunissions, to premiums is now only 13.50 per cent. In 1900 it was 14.01 per cent., and it has fluctuated between that and the present ratio in the intervening years. British life insurance as a whole did not increase much last year. In 1900, excluding inductrials, the policies num- bered 958,524, insuring $2,350,000,000. In the six years since the number has in- creased only about five per cent., to 1,- 005,304, while the total amount insured only increased to $2,435,000,000, or less than 4 per cent. "Industrial" insurance is very popular in Great Britain. The number of poli- cies outstanding is immense, namely, 24,668,532, insuring $1,210,000,000, at an annual premiumexpense of $55,000,000. Expenses fell from 44.5 to 43.5 per cent. of premiums. All. or practically all, these policies are British. After allowing for over- lapping, more than half the working classes in Great Britain, most nvomen and children, are insured with the indus- trial life offices, I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CJdR.ISTOPIIER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINIMENT. St. Peter's. C. B. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling with MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N. B. THOS. W. PAYNE. • Cheap and Filling Food. Now, these will be the virtues of the cer- eals, they are cheap. easily swallowed and of moderate nutritive value. There is an element in the average human mind, half puritanic. hail stingy, which is inclined to count as a virtue in ingestion of any food which is not especially attractive but be- lieved to be nutritious. In fact, to eat that which is cheap and filling is one of the petty vices, HOW DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS GIVE INSTANT RELIEF.— They're handy to carry—take one after oat- Ing—or whenever you feel stomach distress coming on—sufferers have proved it the only remedy known that will give instant relief and permanent cure—no long tedious treat- ments with questionable results—best for all sorts of stomach troubles. 35 cents. -96 _ The Easter Bride. (Philadelphia Bulletin.) Here's the old superstition which the Laster bride, who fortunately Is always married in white, may take for what it is worth: Married in gray, you will go far away. Married in black, you will wish yourself back. . Married in brown, you will live out of town. Married in red, you will wish yourself dead. Married in pearl, you may live in a whirl. Married in green, ashamed to be seen. Married In yellow, ashamed of your fellow. Married In blue, he will always be true. Married in pink, your spirits will sink. Married in white, you have chosen aright. Ask for Minard's and take no other, Wireless Telegraphy in Mexico. Wireless telegraphy was put in pub- lic service on. January 1, 1900, at Maz atlan and messages are now being sent and received from Gnnyarnas and Santa R.osalia,, Lower California, the latter place having been without telegraphic communication. The tariff rate for a message is $1 American currency for each ten words and ten cents, American for each additional word. It is too early to give an opinion as to the success of the system, which consists of two plants called the "Slahy-Arco" and "Telcfun- ken," both of which were imported from G.ernlany. During December, 1005, the receipts of the Mazatlan telegraph office ( the telegraph lines being owned and operat- ed by the federal government) were as follows: Messages sent and received, 0,- 244, the fees for which were nearly $10,- 000, American currency. The govern- ment messages amounted to $034 in ad- dition, L7,77210 r, - Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. Sunlight Soap will not injure the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Equally good with hard or soft water $5 000 12EWAI D will bo paid e t any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any iniurions chemicals or any form of adulteration. �._ 159 Lever Brothers limited, Toronto Teaching Political Economy. Two Irishmen were discussing pure socialism. "I'll tell yon what socialism is," said one. `If you and me were socialists and you had a thousand dollars and I had none, you'd. give me five hundred." "It's fine," said the other. "Go on." "Again, if you had ten cows, and I had none, you'd give inc five." "Sure I would. Go on; what next?" "Or, if you had two horses and I had none, you'd give me one—that would be socialism." "That I would, Dennis, and it's a fine doctrine, too." "Another example: If you had two goats and I had none, then you'd. give me one." "Well, that I would not; I've gob two goats!" Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Sending Messages in Paris. (Harps -'s Weekly.) The telephone system of Paris leaves con- siderable to be desired and meets with con- stant complaint rii':.h the subscribers, One the dattert li rored to test the speed of the various m ,ins of communication of the city, senting menages in different ways from his tennis, is the Rue Richelieu, In the centre rt the city, to a friend on the Avenue de le Grand Armee, near the Bois de Boulogne, He found that a bicycle mes- senger made the trip in eleven minutes and fifteen seconds, as compared with twenty- three minutes for a cab. A message sent via the Metropolitan railway required thirty- five minutes, a message by the pneumatic tube three hours, while the mes- sage sent by telephone did not arrive at all. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. -a "SPLENDID ISOLATION." So much has been said and written about England's "splendid isolation," the phrase has grown so familiar to English eyes and ears, that the political attitude it represents is a source of pride to thousands of Englishmen who are intelligent enough to know what isolation costs. "It is of the utmost importance," says the Spectator, "bhat we should understand that the tem- per with which England regards the other States of Europe and the temper with which those States regard her is absolutely different." And then, with ill -concealed elation, the writer adds: "The English are the most universally disliked race on the face of the earth." Diplomatically, this may be true. Socially and individually, it is not. The English possess too many agree- able traits to permit them to be as much disliked as they think and hope they are.—Agnes Repplier, in May Smart Set: TOO MANY PEOPLE DALLY WITH CATARRH.—It strikes one like a thun- der -clap, develops with, a rapidity that no other disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the radical, quick, safe and pleas- ant cure that the disease demands. Use the means, prevent its deep -seating and years of distress. Don't delay with catarrh. Agnew's gives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents." -97 • When Gran'pa Died. (John D. Welts, in .Buffalo News.) maw she erid n paw crld tu, persackly like us childurn do sumtimz n so wud yu Y yur ,gran'pa died. all our windo blinds wuz down n most folks cum frum all aroun'— barkers mills n marshaltown— when granpa died, may tolled up boys jtst ho wtu ack n tuck us us tu misses mack tu walla till pay and sbee cum back, when grandpa ded. wee seen um go frum where we wuz— they wuz sojers marchin tu, becuz when soldiers die they acus ruz, n grandpa ,died. when they cum back tiVruz atmos nate n they kep us insid out ov site n ,we didunt play kuz it wuzn't rite— bus granpa ud died. wunder whut our yard. II du n hollyhocks n garden tu?— wbo'11 care tar 1m—I wonder who?— now grandpa's died! None of Them Lost so Far. Pastor—Beware, young man, repaember, "the wicked shall not live out halt their days.,, Rounder—Does the bible say that? Pastor'—Yes. Hounder—Well, I'm alt right, I've lived alt my life so far, First Thing in Order. "And so you have three new little broth- ers?" asks the neighbor of a little girl play- ing in the front yard. "Isn't that nice?" Yes'm." "I must congratulate your papa. Where is he?" "In the house writing a letter to Mr. Roosevelt." BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. S. :NI. t=um- mers, Box 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child; the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by night or day. Keeping Down His Thirst. "Yon must have an awful thirst, Hiesel- bauer!" "I? I'm never thirsty." "But you're drinking all day long." "Yes, and for tldat reason I'm never thirsty." Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is best when need in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions, Made Productive by Irrigation. Probably the most Important step that has been taken in this country during the last decade has bean in the direction of reclaim- ing and and semiarid lands by means of irrigation. Vastas tracks in the west and middle west aro now richly productive that once was considered worthless for raising craps. Deserts formerly given over to meag- er bush and cactus are now wonderfully fruitful Holds and gardens. In this develop- ment the department of agriculture has beon a most potent factor. It has realized the dreams of pioneers that were considered via - binary and Impractical. ITCHING PILES.—Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment is proof against the torments of Itch- ing Piles. Thousands of testimonials of cures effected by its use. No case too ag- gravated or too long standing for it to soothe, comfort and cure. It cures in from 3 of 6 nights. 86 cents. -95 'Where Partiality is Shown. Tobacco Is a necessity and ice cream Isn't, rules a Pittsburg justice in passing on the Sunday laws. And yet the opponents of equal suffrage insist that women are ade- quately represented in the government. ISSUE Mi. 19, 1906 FARMS FOR SALE 'i 1 A11MS FORSALE. IT YOU WANT TO .1 buy a fnrxn in Ontario, send for our li'vt of os u' 3,11'O i'arnrs for sale. The West- ern Real sato 1:xchaugo, Limited, Letlt.en Out. MISCELLANEOUS, WASTED Blacksmith for agricutural machinery con- cern; good position for sober industrious man; state references and experience, D. BELL & SON, St. George, Ont. AKVILLE FRUIT LANDS -10 ACRE lots, excellent for fruit, gardening or poultry; close to electric ears; big money in fruit. Write quick to A. S. Foster, oakvihe, Ont, Y ANTED, IMMEDIATISLY, TWO GIi2LS about 1( years of age for positions as cools and housemaid in a private family; good wages to reliable girls. A .dress in writing to Mrs, Geo. F. Glassco, 74 Hannah street east, Hamilton. Souvenir Post Cards 12 for 10c; 60 for 60c; 100, $1; 200, $2; 600, 35; all different. Largest and finest stock In Canada; 600 mixed, 93; albums, all prices. W. R. Adams. Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diar- rhoea. llrpg2401. er DR. LEvl OY's FEMALE PILLS A safe, sure and ?ellen, monthly regula- tor. These Pills have been used in France for over fifty years, and found invaluable for the purpose designed, and are guaran• teed by the makers. rncloso stamp for scaled circular. Price 61.00 per box of DY mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price LE ROY PILL CO., Box 42, Hamilton, Canada. here l*t , ill You Go This Summer? R aipi' s, drp.sac, the far famed Saguenay River, etc.. on application to any railroad or steamboat ticket agent. For Illustrate guide, "NIAGARA. TO TIM SEA," send six cents in postage scamps ,.o H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, loronto. What the Dress Needed. Crit—Bits,) Miss Angles—This new gown of mine doesn't give me the graceful figure the tailor claimed it would. I must have it altered. Miss Plumble!gh Why don't you take it to Paddem & Co.? Miss Angles,—Aro they your tailors? Miss Plumplelgh=0h, no; they are uphoI- sterers. M r WARRIOR WOES.—Through damp, cold and exposure many a brave soldier who left his native hearth as "fit" as could be to fight for country's honor, has been "in- valided home" because of the vulture of the battle ground—Rheumatism. South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure will absolutely cure ev- ery case of Rheumatism in existence. Relief in six hours. -98 Insomnia Treatment. (Denver Post.) First Doctor—You're treating Jenks for in- somnia, aren't you? Second Doctor.—Yes. First Doctor—Have you rendered him your bill vett Second Doctor—No, of course not. I want the man to be able to sleep, Capital Punishment. "He pleaded guilty to the charge of big- amr." "What was his sentence?" "The judge gave him five hours in a room with his five wives." Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. 0)rsart cm 13 I CO $5 a mos if seat eneeltono trem,edy, le a pos,Uttve euro Lor all female &lotuses. wrsta toe dieserlpflon atronlaa' Bald frees esnv ,4e. R. S. M,oGILL, Simcae. Ont. Farmers and Dairymen iPLax Tort W*41 Da Tub, Pail, Wash Basin or Milk Pan IInk yvow Igoe E. BG EDDY'S wARE+ ARTICLES FI You will find they give you satis- faction every time. THERE IS NO SU STITUTE Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time. 0100.4wamfowisureoPmfristagnav~warboworemowetwodosv~oirowtowfiallommtorftfa DOUGHTY'S CEMENT BUILDING BLOCK. MACHINE The. machine is simple, handy and easily oper- ated. Why pay fanby prices for a Block Ma- chine when you can buy this machine and outfit at a moderate east? Send for booklet, prices, ete. Awarded diploma at Canadian National Exhibition, 1D05. GEO. DOUGHTY, Patentee, Waterford, Ont. Pwteti ted 1966.