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The Oficial Organ of Zurich.,and Hay Township.
Vol. VI., No. 42
$1. Per Year.
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Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell, of
Exeter, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Hess on Sunday last.
Miss Minnie Doan entertained a
number of her friends very
pleasantly on Friday evening last.
Mr. andlirs. Hartman Elsie of
Dashwood visited', at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Julius Bloch on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziller, of
Stephen township, were the guests
of Mr. Cyrus Colosky on Sunday
We print another interesting
letter from our' townsman, Mr. S.
Ronnie, who is making a tour of
the great west.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weido, and
daughter, Ethel, left yesterday for
a week's visit with relatives •
Buffalo, N. Y.
Messrs. Yungblut & Reichert
have purchased a driver from Mr.
Seth Brown, near Sarepta, for use
in their butcher wagon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rau, of near
Drysdale, mourn the death of their
three months' old child, which sad
event took place on Sunday.
Mr. Wm. O'Brien has sold his
driver to Mr. R. N. Douglas, gener-
k al merchant, Blake, for which he
receisadatlagaalE a; im ofttis5U 00
ple."—Peloubet. it is well when the
ministers dare rebuke the sins of poli-
ticians and those in authority. Not
lawful Herod had put away his wife;
' had induced Herodias to forsake her bus-
Heyoc TiVifer, 'diiK14,1 manak'er
of country last week. He was an °
old on bo , being a son of the ton
New ads -J, Preeter, Frost Fence,
Dr. Shoop's Remedies. --
Losx—A carpet stretcher. Finder
will please return same to Mr. J.
Mr. John Brenner is putting a
stone foundation under his dwelling
this week.
The rag and junk gatherers are
picking up the old material through-
out this section this week.
Mr. Victor Appel of the staff of
the Sovereign Bank here, assisted
at the Hensall branch last week.
Mr. Ezra Tiernan, butcher, of
Dashwood, has purchased a hand-
some delivery wagon from F. Hess
& Son.
Rev, Mr. Gischeler preached his
first sermons in the Evangelical
church here last Sunday. His
discourses created a very favorable
M,r• •James Dow, of Milton, has
accepted a situation with A. Char-
lesworth & Son as tinsmith. Mr.
Dow is an experienced man in his
line of work.
Game called at 6.30 sharp. Be sure
and attend. Silver collection.
A junior football team has been
organized in the village and the
little fellows are getting into shape
for takling some of the teams of
the su rounding towns.
Mr. T. J. Merner is planting a-
ye acres of onions on Mr. P.
is farm. He has about a
dutch setts left and intends
ting a Iarge quantity.
Next Tuesday, John Dnnn, who
lives on the Bronson Line, 2 miles
north of Blake, offers his live stock,
implements and household furni-
ture for sale by public auction.
The fall .wheat cm in. this , .sec-
tion has been going back during
the last few weeks and some far-
mers have ploughed it under, using
the land for other purposes. The
cold raw winds have been doing
the damage.
Whenever your bowels skip a day
without a movement—take a LAX -
ET. Whenever your breath is bad
—your skin waxy, or sallow—your
tongue coated—your breath foul—
take a LAX -ET only 5c. Sold by J.
J Merner.
the Dominion Bank, died in the { bout
late Ju ge Bro a of Goderic
A football game between the
Crediton and Zurich teams is billed
for this evening to be played on
the Fair Grounds here. Be sure
and attend and cheer the ' boys
along. •
Dr. Ovens, Eye and Ear Surgeon,
will be at the Queen's Hotel, Hen-
sall, on the first Friday of each
month. Hours from 8 a. in. to 2 p.
sn. Glasses properly fitted and
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat treated. Next visit Thursday
May 31th, from 4.30 to 9 p. m.
A quite though pleasing event
was solemnized at the home of the
bride's sister Mrs. P. Bender, on
Wednesday evening May 91h, when
Miss Regina IVelker was united in
wedlock to Mr. John S. McClung.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. A. D. Gischler at 7 p. in., in
the presence of only the immediate
relatives. Miss Joanna Elbert of
Zurich and Mr. Harry Welker of
Mount Forest, brother of the bride,
assisted the bride and groom re-
spectively. The ceremony over and
congratulations received, the guests
repaired to the dining room and
did justice to a • sumptuous repast.
Mr. iand•Mrs. McClung left yester-
day afternoon for Toronto, and
other points east and will make
their future home in New Ontario.
That they may live long to enjoy
wedded bliss is the wish of their
The weekly shoot of the Zurich
(4un Club was held last Thursday
evening. The weather was fine
and some good scores were made.
At ono time Win. Schenk looked
like a sure winner, but he failed to
hit the last three. Hy. Yungblut
and Phil. Sipple both hit seven
rocks, thus making a tie for high
score. In the shoot to break the
tie, Phil. missed the first bird, and
Harry happened to hit it, so he
carries the medal for the second
time. The next shoot takes place
tin Thursday evening next. Fol-
lowing is the score:
W. G. Hess. _ . 0 1 0 1. 0 1 1 0 0 1 5
W. O'Brien ., .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3
Geo. Hess 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 6
W. Schenek.. -0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5
1?. Sipple 0111111010 7
Hy. Yungblut1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 7
F. W. Hess...,0000011000
P, Rau 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
Zettel 0001011.011
Jacob Deichert0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
E. Zeller, 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
J. Schuottler 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4
J. Mittelholtz0 1. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Hy, Doan 0000000000 10
Trueniner,,0000101000 2
Mr. Janes and Brutal Ruinphrey
visited at Mr. Herb Bloch Sunday
New line in curtain poles, cottage
rods. Brass
H. Well.
Chas. Greb is eiliOtiiig an ad-
dition to his stablel.:Rd had a
raising on Monday,evgning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce; Bossenberry,
of Grand Bend, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Rau on Sunday last.
Losr—On Priddy-Wernoon, May
4th, in or near the 'pest office,
Znrich, three 5 -dollar bills. Finder
will please leave at.,, Tin HERALD
office, and reward will be given.
Mr. J. J. Merner t ae bad the old
stable on the lot which be purchas-
ed from the Steinbach estate, torn
Mr. and. Mrs. Johfl Gravelle of
Stratford visited it the home of
Mr. Simon Bedard, Sauble Lime,
over Sunday. •
The hardest wood. is not ebony,
but cocoa. It grows in the West
Indies, and is used for making flut-
es and similar instruments,
Now the big coal strike has been
declared off, after all the funny
cartoons and the long articles in
the large daily papers. Surely the
world is getting better.
Last Sunday, the rule for the
summer months was commenced
in the Lutheran church,, Sunday
School at 9 a. m. service at 10.30 a.
m. and evening- service at 7 p. m.
The weather has been very dis-
agreeable this week, Cold raw
winds have prevailed, and on Wed-
nesday morning a fall,ef snow took
place. What we wantnow is warm
weather, to give the growing grass,
grains, trees, etc., a chance.
Stewart Edward White describes
a Kentucky breakfast, in the May
number of McClure's. "•What's a
Kentucky breakfast?" asks Cy-
yolone Bill."Why, s Kentucky
breakfast is a three prix id steak, a
hcttle of wbzs •ey, .a7asl tt sti r „dog•,;,
What's the dog for? Why,' to alit
the steak, of course."
Those who have taken other laxa-
tives without satisfaction — and
those who have taken such quanta-
ties of other laxatives that they
have lost their effect—will find a
pleasant surprise in LAX-ETS.
There is usually no pain, griping,
nausea or discomfort even in severe
cases. This cantly bowel laxative—
LAX-ETS is only 5c and is sold by
J J Merner.
Always In The Lead
With newest designs. --Dress Goods
of the very latest. New Prints, all
patterns and colors. Men's Suitings
just received, right up-to-date. Wall
papers, a large assortment at reason-
able prices.
Millinery Department
At rear end of store, under the management of
had a look at our hats, ladies.
Miss Bennett. Don't bus before you have
U T9
Dutch Setts and Produce taken in exchange.
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The longer you wear them the
more you'll like them.
altit , , t at tat ot oft
That is what will result if you buy your shoes
at this store. Our Spring Stock is now corn-.
plete, and we have a larger range and better
quality than ever. You will need a new
pair of suoe•s to wear with that new suit or
that new dress. lie sure and see our latest
styles, they are the only correct thing.
We have a; special line of Children's Shoos.
They are :neat, Stylish and Wear Well. We
invite your insheetion,
Carefully bought --•liberally
Sold •
C. FRIT,, The Shoeman.
•a,� ! O.O loO• d•O• �O-o�rOJ_•cG�-'�occc•cr� oma•
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Our whole aim in business is to give our customers Prompt Service, Close Prices,' Best
Goods and Large selections—the 4 essentials to make buying a pleasure. That our business
methods are appreciated is shown in our largely increased sales this Spring—being the largest
by far, in the history of this Popular Store. We wish to call your attention to :orae of the
° New Spring Goods and note carefully the prices
Muslins and Wash Goods, fancy crepe
cream ground with black and
green, and black and blue
patterns, per yard ........ • 15
Small check embroidered pattern
Waistings, in green, blue, cham-
pagne and cream shades,
very stylish, per yard • 2
Ain. I. silks, in different sized checks,
in grey, fawn, green and
pale blue, per yard
12 pieces fancy colored organdies, in
in line and large overchecks with
' large flowers. These are among
the very newest things shown in
the large cities, our price
per yard • 25
Some 50 pieces white goods in plain
lawns, organdies, India linens,
dotted Swiss tnuslins, fancy stripe
?nuslins and fancy vestings,
ranging in price per. to • O
yard from . , .
Zephyrs and fine English ginghams,
in all shades, 5 different .,°,.I
sized checks and stripes. , • 2
Plain linen suiting all shades
and extra value at
0 pieces colored dotted Swiss ninslina,
all different shades and ._.
patterns, per yard. .. •,;1
.A lot of Ladies' Mash belts and fancy
collars, the new things for
�' ry has to be glade to clear out a lake stock
° The Prices Will Sartr prise You
But we will sacrifice profits to ,sell them 'off quick, These silks come in Dress and Waist ends
and are very fashionable and up-to-date.
slimmerweer, each... „ , .. .-0