HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-04, Page 8ZURICH
Meat Market.
VSro handle all kind
of fresh and salted
pleats in season, sau-
sages, poultry, etc. etc.
Vire etre now supplying
all choice outs, at right
prices, while the quali-
ty is as good, if pot
better than ever,
-While thanking the
public for their liberal
patronage, we solicit a,
continuance of t he
Zurich, Ontario.,
We always carry a well assorted
stock of steel tire and rubber tire
buggies, in different styles of
trimming and painting. We pay
particular attention to work or-
dered by an intending purchaser,
and we feel certain we can turn
out a job that will be satisfactory.
We use nothing but first class
material in constructing our rigs.
Our products have stood the test
Repair Department
We are prepared to do repairing of
all kinds satisfactorily and prom-
ptly. Get your buggy repainted
It will look better and last longer
Give us a call.
F. Uess & Son,
Klinii.MngiON ri iel/M1
Valentine Koohens is adding- a
kitchen t'.1 his dwelling,
Mr. J, P. Rau lost a valuable
cow last week through :ni1k fever.
Mr. Hy. Wing of Shipka was a
visitor in the village on Wednesday
J. F. Ri'ckbeil has a new steel
land roller in stoei:, which he is
offering at a bargain.
Mr, John Deichert, jr„ is moving
his tailor business into the shop
lately vacated by O'Brien ez Smith,
Miss Louise Schnellman, a for-
mer resident of this place, was
renewing old friendships hero this
For a good mop or broom call on
J. Gelfnas, Drysdale, he has some
that will please you. Call and see
About 160 hotels were closed on
I1iay est, throughout Ontario, in
towns a.tid villages where local
option is in force.
Mr. 0, Shoemaker and his men
put up the foundation for the new
dwelling Mr. Henry Ktdbfieisch
will erect this summer.
The regular meeting of the W. 0
T. U. will beheld at the home o
Mrs. 0. Fritz, Monday afternoon
May 7th, at 2.30 o'clock.
Mr. Peter Lamont shipped a ea
load of cattle to Toronto on Tne
day. The market is better t
it was the past few weeks.
Mr, Emanuel Ellis, Mrs
Elba and Miss Sparks o
spent Sunday w
Ontaario. 1
.',' a zvr ,..ter. :.::1..1:,,O. WA :to, .... Ir.. •
ti LOCAL SALESMAN for Zurich l
To sell High (:lass Nursery Stock
in Fruits and Ornamentals. Largest
list et NEW SPECIALTIBN ever offer-
ed. START Now AT THE Blur
SELLING SEAsnll. Big induccements,
Liberal Pay, THandsore Free 'Out-
fit, Terrirnry Reserved. Write for
'Terms and Catalogue and send. 25
emits for our Almninurn Pocket
iriicroscore (ma.gnafios 4?; times)
ands :r() cents for our Handy wnw,
;st the trimming trees (cuts iron
u:Is well as wood). . .
The Paint Blount oc ,-
The Scrubbing Krush,)
The day of the dusty carpet, the dirty floor and sorubbinr
brash is waning. A. rug can bo shakon in a minute—a painted
floor can be cleaned with a duster.
is especially prepared for floors. It dries quickly. It gives a bard,
glossy finish. It represents tho difference betweeu the light and
the dark side of house -keeping.
Sherwin-Williams is the rest by ': est.
For sale only by
A. Charlesworth & Sono
Hardware lierehants Zurich.
half section of western land from
R. McKinley, Stanley, who cleared
lt)(t0 00 on this land in loss than a
year and no doubt Mr. Merner will
make a like sum in a year's time.
To -day, Friday. is usually set
apart as Arbor Day in the public
schools in Ontario. It is a day for
cleaning up generally, planting
trees. etc. Wunits it not be a good
r move for each town and viliege to
! have sn h a day te clean up and
1. eau tify- the town.
I Word wac received from Pigeon
hitch., nn Wednesday, of the death
of, lir. Charles Wilson, one of the
Ipioneer farmers of .this township'
Mr. 'Wilson visited this section in
I the winter and seemed quite smart
I at that time, We have not learned
the cause of his death.
Dr. Ovens, Eye and Ear Surgeon,
will be at the Queen's Hotel, Hen -
still. on the first Friday of each
month. Hours from R a. m. to 2 p.
m. (,lasses properly fitted and
diseases of the eye. ear. nose and
throat treated. Next visit Friday.
Ala;; 4th, from 8 a. in. to 2 p. 1n
Phil. Simile has received word
from his brother Henry, who lives
in San Francisco. that his carriage
establishment had been totally do-
strnyed 11y the rec'nn t earthquake
and fire. He also stated that his
i residence was but slightly injured.
and that none of the members of
his family had sustained tiny injury.
t \'Verden Apaekntan, of Exeter.
1 County Engineer Ainsley, of \V1ne-
hath, and ('nnnty Councillor Wil-
liam Lamont inspected the county
ltridire on the Sanhlee Lino. smith of
St. Joseph, on Tnesday. It is the
intention. we nn(lerstnnd, to build
cement Ointments under the pre-
sent strnctnre, and put the bridge
otherwise into first class shape. Tho
i superstructure is in gond eondit•ion
yet and should last for sit or seven
years at the least.
Stone & 'Wellington,
wit e: W:1T(r ;:8 AND
C.i3OCi:S AS ('HEAP A4•
Don't trouble
your lielgh.bor
for TI1:i1'f.
I will sell. von
F. .,M er
1!". V"Y . HESS,
A CtaIosrrY —Jacob Sclrwartzen-
i trnber, of the Bronson Line, sent n
cnrinsity to this office on Tucsda,
which is well worth seeing, It is at
(large (luck egg;, n)easlll•int_ 1.(1
sy j inches in cironnrfcrenee lr•'ngthwi:=
land (43 inches ar(nvid the center
This in itself is extraordinary, h1
the peculiar part of it. P4 that insitk
this largo shell is another egg, a.
big as t11(•` ordinary duck egg, :111(
this egg 1s also encased. in a shell
It is indeed a c'uriou' thin:*, an(
but for the fact that we have th
real egg in the (nee at present. \vI
would hardly .have believed it t
be possible.
The Children's Favorite
'Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
This remedy is tan>ous for its cures over
nlarge part of the civilized world. It can
always be d>'psncled ut>ee. 19 nontains no
e tum or other harmful drug and may be
gt v>'n as confidently to a baby as to a» adult
?rico 25 cts; Large Size, 50 ata.
Seeding is about completed i
this neighborhood,
Quite a few are getting ready t
raise their barns, >unong their b(
ing Mr. Jaine.s Henry Johnsto
j also Mr. Henry Erratt and Al
Arthur Stephenson,
I Miss Minerva, Stephenson lie
gone to Varna to learn dress -ma
I 11Ir. Andrew Reid has sold
valuable te>un of 'brood mares t
"+lr. Ralph Stephenson for ti. goo
figure, Mr. Stephenson has handle
at bit of horses since last fall.
teto!a• A ... i,. 'F: h'3>+ . 4-174-7
liWA `4si L ¢ Trus
.1 .1 "'P `clued
;.i; 3si. iti tWb
House-cleaning time 'is with us once
more, and you wilt need some furnish-
u nisll-
in;s to brighten up your 1loiiw, we
have paid particular attention to have
our stook of Carpets, Linolen)ns, Cur-
tains, holler Blinds, Wall Pullers, etc.,
etc., complete, and we Can supply your
want s better than ever in these lines.
We have put in.stock a complete line
of Wall Papers, of the latest patterns
and designs. They will malt:t' a won-
derful change to your rooms. Call
and see our sample boos,: .
Osis.' liilt-: O1' Carpets 11;1.• ''i', : > i10;"). •;•1
0 )li)plett.?. 0 It
C >1> ring:, tlllll price; to 5til (1' 'i 1
roll will lloe(I new Lace C1:l'•.+t::1..: f 11
y(>111' 11arlOr or tlit>lllg 1'oolil, ''t� t' il:(c'•'
a.) entirely new stuek. Tt iti lilintey
111 ''Uti1: Docket to buy your ('uri tills at
eop e's Store =
= Zurich.
aat4iAtlQ 1510:',":'+^fir..+.,r,1"` dAtr,16 .slY4,,Li9>, 4. F6.1ti:1/h+45'. tri'.. ,:,CI:[1) 7,. iT�),,;i$LfnA.•
"il'.1d#Int ku g13 9(-%;1,"iif
ld tarilwl
r ra Nt•
‘, VOA *.,„:41;;;;;._;
tyi-i5.•NW 641,)%vI,t-,o .•. �v ii:.. , .t'. ,-,: , IMr140. VON, '...^'• ..+•
yv'{ 'c>uld ',von like t> lnule ,a.e 1>,a,a: of t::)un3 f:n• �'>t rl th '• you'?
YY 7,r>ok ,rt this arra. 1'rt ni> ter>t. kind, ail i it'., 919,:1'0 1.0
A xdvet" 1ens00 for it, 1\1'n hn•.l CI>aie e -of to:eny kiwis >1' n „ to
su11 to f>>'tc builcle(;s in thio tantouuily and ' •o t irn)mo iia• 1 i�{t,
1>ea>ruse we believed i • 1 h beat. 13;g, 11-:;t{•y wir. , Nam' >at' 0• ,;.11 of
theme. starts steel, teal etnrs (tinge .>,;r,tl>i±r. 5i'.? hn{> i..:, i+
11)xA1. 18 N rr :1.171 tsr;rst> IW W I:AT:11M t ri.Ls,t5.
o>'1>veli•111 iigoverita>4 yawns. its Nirti)e. twee :ti'e'r
1 urs soriu,> t}ia real tl>i >7,4 is bettor ( 11.x11 1>,0kin'. at the•, l,ir ;.:u+s, 1S'N
have t(. (home in Wk/never you arc ready to talk f :un..;. costs
n•"hiuwi' to rxnrninr int... You can't do better in style of f0rr.;e; or prik .
lel S• UAR i :i_.EII '° >' Zurlcb
r i`, t44 4,i tlrw111:;?,, ly">i r,'t�, l'y.tdf`:. ,t>'•;'�
1tit�(.i�yta{itl�i'�tSr,yq@+ft�n+,l q 11; 7,