HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-04, Page 5Iioffran'S Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION .OFFAL ilamorizAwinAcovaMERMEESIOMS , Ch3j t/Prt t /A .a«ae ► ,". ,-EL 'fhe Zurich Herald. • HOTELS. OtiO*t3*111".d0".srCir*;)rea$I*rt9ti16't*arti **0t '4 * fry * $ 0 THE $ ep * e•;;✓ Cf * ZURICH :D et 0 0 ee :a w a G3 • Strictly np-to-date in rnociern im ra o provolnatute. Dining rooms is sup - alt plied with only the very best. I'( A13si' contains chtnie,e lliquor�rs tend f0y, : cigars. If IT If a If 0 0 t fit f0 * rA GOMMEFO! !L HOTEL Excellent Ssmple Rooms :?i for Commercial Men. :,r rr,+ io J. P. RAU,"i-ROPRIETOR. tta lo%3oef..ata t =:.**c3* ii b'3rd"l.•cv3ti 04,0*:htr 04 0 1 1 Ube .orinion lbouse. This 'Rouse has recently changed hands, ancl is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o getter Trat1e in the perninien. R.R. Johnston&Son P g01'rtli:•rof s. DASHWOOD Their being no service in the Evangelieril church here last Sun- day evening many went to Zurich to hear Rev. Yager preach his farewell sermon. Rev. Yager was pastor of this congregation several ;veers ago and be will always be beloved by th e members, :Rev. A. W. Saner of Winnipeg occupied this pulpit in the Evangeli- cal ehlir oh last Bnnday morning. He spike in behalf of the North- west Missions ,and took a freewill offering in aid of the same at which $33.63 was laid on the plates. Rev. Sauer was pastor of this church at one time and while here endetired himself to the entire congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Shrum and dough• ter were in London on Monday. Mr. Andrew Truernner of Petrolia is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Shrum. - Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Reynolds on 'Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Louts Simon still continues in poor health and her recovery seems doubtful. Mr. Fred Gassman, who has been very sick for sortie time, is able to be around again. Tu I31J1 1/II'Y FT -,i t` General Blacksmith - ing anti Repairing Done 13ring along yen r sleighs, cutters, wagons, litl#rgies, etc., etc.., wit are prepared to repair them, woodwork and ironwork, at shortest notice tinct right prices. Oar trade is constantly growing wllielt shows that Ont v7O1'K iS t•ati .fa et ory. Horseshoein ; a specialty VI'd�r.to 6r �1, .0 i1i144££ ]1 t'w 17 t✓a. r rJUe:hll • m, sr000A Call and see hens. ' 1 can suit your taste in Quality, Style and Price. also carry a Full Line of Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware, Oils of all kinds Plow Points lte.... BLAKE The following is the report of S. S. No. 1) for the month of April based un regularity, punctuality and deportment. V class. Ruth h ,ys, Irene Doug- las, Nnnie Siterritt. `r. IV. Viola Ldighoffer, Roy Cabling., Thomas Meyers. was nneonsaloils and remained so J r. IV. I-abel Hanson, Pearl until her den th which took place a. Zapfe, 'Phomas Sherritt. few hours later. She was in ber Sr. I -I. Albert Keys, Myrtle 117th year and with her hnsbend resided here for several years. The Meyers, sitar} Douglas. ,f r. 11I. Gordon Manson, Ethel deceased was. en earnest member of the Methodist church taking an Zaltfe, Ebner Oesuh• active part in all its services. for Sr. II. lllikie Kennel, Jakie Bren- many years The funeral tnnk place nerniae, Pat r (Xlltgerieli. on Tuesday afternoon to Fa.nsvtlle Jr, lI lanrna Beehler, !'earl Me- Cemetery. HENSALC. Mrs. McCloy has disnesed of her residence to Mr. Geo. Hudson, Gen, Dick left last week for Manitoba. G. C. Petty Inas pnrohased the butcher business of Smith & Mc- Donald. T,ast year the (tsepesment of Hen- sel] elInnlInted to $265,000, this year it will 'be neer $300,000, or about $40,000 more than lastyear,. lMcKay & Cndmor e . ]lave put in the cement fonndatinn of the new residence which the former is hav- ing erected. The foundry has been sold to Messrs. I3nnt & Boyd, of London. The now firm will begin operations at once. They intend going into manufacturing of radiators, bath tubs, pining and pinnlbin g stlpplIee, and will also Ile a general repair business. Thtry will start with six hands whioil they agree to increase to ten before the end of the year. The local I. O. O. F. lodge mare,b- etl to St. Paul's church last Sunda -v. Rev. Mr. Doherty conducted the service. The sudden death of Mrs. David Folliolc on gaturday April 210, caused a feeling of surprise and nein throughout this comninnity• Portage) is the next loco of The deceased had partaken of din- (Ratb)p •5:e a see, he prontieeel to make a ear with the family awl seemed in importance and is at the head of Wali of ne5 : hut. he bade me a the best of health andspirits Her the wood,t, and large steamers can beast. Then he said he would brace husband and son George left the already be seen on the lake here. me up ; hist he mule me go stagger. house for s time and on returning Next was the Vanhorue farm, 20 ingaround, and then threw me into foetid her lving on the $nor apiece- miles east of !Viand eg. Th,s tarm, the ditch. ife said I nest drink to entlp suffering, great gain. She I am told, is cue of the Enterer and be sneial.Then he nude me gnarrel best equipped in Manitoba.with my enemies. He gave nit tL At six o'clock last eremitic). the Mack eve and a broken nose. Then huge iron horse meth 15 coat:lie I drank for the good of my health. He ruined the little I had, and left most of them peeked with humanity, me •'sick- as a dog." six hours behind regular time, pulled '()f course.' taw Winnipeg, everybody safe and 'He said he would steady env sound, and Di gond humor, the nerves; but instead he gave ale weather being all that could be de- delirium tremens. He said he would sired. Not rho least mishap on the give ale greet strength; and be low?journey,thanks be to the One made me helpless.' who holds l in the hollow of His 'To be sure. 'He promised me courage. hand. I soon found Moses Bechtel ,Then what followed?' and hi: good wife, 11•h t are known 'Then he made me a coward; for to many in Zurich. They send their I heat my sick wife, and kicked my kind regards by this medium. little child. He said he would 1Viunlpeg is really a wonderful brighten my wits ; but instead he 1 1 t lk ey Lateen' yr+ ir,;"v Frost I ences Are Strong All Around The Iaterats of a Prost Fence are High Carlton ,.^io. 9 Hard Steel Coiled Wire. thoroughly galvanized—that can't he broken until the strain reaches from 1900 to a 20 pounds. The stays are TTo. 7 or this same No 9 wire. And the two wires are locked with the 1 root Locks. rt.+' That braces the fence in all directions—up down and diagonally, a 11111 t c ei We are so sure that Trost reacts ar- tt•e atrrntt(e-t and hest that we guarantee to repair, free of charge, any fence that goes wrung. That's fair, isn't it? Trost wire Fences are for sole by FRED. L sa> �' ric BUSY WINNIPEG. I W. C. T. U. Winnipeg, April'3Bth, 1006. BA. LANCING ACCOUNTS. Editor of TIAL I'lenaLD: 'Nothing! A thick set, ugly looking fellow unusual occurred from Zurich to I was seated on a bench in the publio 'Toronto, where we boarded a Yell -i park, and seemed to be reading man sleeper, one of the finest lions- i some writing on a sheet of paper es on wheels in Canada; rent $17.00 i which he held in tie hand, You seem to he much interested a clay, and board $3 to *45 a day. i in Your writing••' I said. There is plenty of snow in tee i 'Yrrs ; I've 's'. en figuring my ac: - woods and ice ou the lakes from count with Old Alcohol, to see how North „ay to Furt 1Y illiauls, and I we stacrL' nota living th}ug to be seen for about .400 miles. It's surely a queer country where nobody lives. North Bay, fort Arthur and Fort William are placer of importance, but we passed these in the night. Kenora, ' find he comes out ahead, I sup- pose?' Every time ; and he has lied like sixty ' 'How did you come to have deal- ings with him in the first place?' 'That's what I've been writing. er 13ride, Emanuel ]Meyer. The death of Wm. Whiteside son Part II. Percy Zirk, ~Milt's Oes• of W. Whiteside Sr., of this place ch. John Aaron Meyers. which took place at Keewatin Al - Part I a Edrttuocl I+iib, Aaron gante.leetweekissirilerlvrev, etel Oc'oh, Allan ()est h, 1 y all that knew him in this piece. Part I b. Lorne Mattson, Clara '1'e moved with his parents from Zit f: , troy 11cLe ick . C,e Lfprth to Henaall where he scent G. S. (Inward, '1'cnclter. STAT L =N TOWNSHIP. • Miss Mary Dalrymple of St. Marys visited at the home of Mr. David McNaughton last week. • We, are sorry to Bear that Miss Eva Stephenson has been Indispos- ed the past week. Miss Lttnra. Korner of Blake was the guest of Mr. [1. Peck last week. Johnstone Bros. have sold their team of broevn metres to Mr. Archi- bald of Seaforth for the .sum of *150, .Janes Cowen is again ernploye.l with Mr. Jos. L. Richardson. Thomas Stinson will put a wall under his barn this summer. W. F. Keys is very busy this week getting, the office read, for the new Sterling bank w1lioh will start business at Varna in a short time. The agents of the two leading. cream separators hail a test trial at Mr. A. Robertson's one day lately. The Massey -Harris came off victor- ious by about fifteen points and cf course All. bought the best. Tho arrangements for the tele- phone line to Varna have been completed and it is expected the company will start work ( n it at an early elate. I thank my many customers for their kind patronage during the past year and solicit a continuance of the sane. R. N. DOUGLAS General Merchant BJLA KED ONT. t nettle me act like a fool, ane a about a year when he went Feat city, wits its massive buildings and • ' t H f'd to Mkt) anspent five years as tL member of the North West Monttetl p )line. He greatly (listingnished himself in the service making several very daring arrests. He held the posi- tion of chief of police of Keewatin. 1l is death was ca tie d by i'nfiama- tiou cif' the trim '.The deceased was born in Belfast, Ireland. He leave's a wife and one child to mourn his loss. FORECASTS I'OR MAY. By Rev. Irl. R. Hicks. fine streets. But some streets are11kH an it1I• n•e• pyoid~ tt gentleman of Inc ; but he made a a fright --Intel axle sleep, wagon ).— tram waif.' wheels just suhd lake ; inch plank. l It has a resident population 01 160,- A RELIABLE QUESTION 000, and about •.40,000 floating poi.,-! ANSWERER. u anon at this time. of the year, I The GLOBE LIBRARY CLUB of composed ot, I seri told, .over 60 Toronto are offering on -very favor - different langnages; and when you i able terms. tin exceedingly valuable see the principal streets :ltd even ! little 'Work of Reference, entitled lanes crowded wit.li all owlets, shapes t the MODERN CYCLOPEDIA. in 8 and s"Les of humanity, it is indeed I volnnles. a sight to behold. 'Igo -morrow eviil In these ltnsr days it is a verit- tind me at Cavalier, N. D f able treat to be able to obtain infor- eamuel Fannie. ` lntltion from authentic sourceswith a. nlinirnnnt expenditure of time A reactionary storm period. isA UbElt L'L MEASURE. 1 `!'his is the outstanding feature of central on the4ntl, 3rd and 41-11,}lir. I. .13. 'Aloes, M. ea 1'. for the MODERN CYCLOPEDIA ; ;vet Centre Grey, has introclucetl a bill tt contains 27074 article's, besides into the Ontario legislature. which, 1 17.0 engravings and 22 neaps. It is if passed, will prat tin t:f'fectnttl j the most Ltp.tc-date EnCyc1.ipedfain check upon 1L practice which is very, existence sect r.,ontttins lnfitl'ltlat1C1:1 unjust to the farming community. ; nett to bei found ine thea Eritannie•a. It ]las become the custom of recent The London Tinter incl Hiller itl- ac'ars for the companies intLlcui4; ur fluential English jonrnais speak t e h0dy highly of the work and few schools with Moon at first anomer on the 1st, and on the celestial e hitter on the 6th. Theprobahilities are that unsettled. threatening weather will begin on the 1.st, and that storms and storm conditions prevailing on the 2nd and ;3rd will • be prolonged until titter the 5th. Change to se}lue ,� farm imp ten.ents o ti anti -storm conditions—rising bnrt7- 111 • in their printed sales agreements 1 the 11t,MODERN O DcE PKingdom t1 LClt)YEDIr>, clause, w l }Lich Irn'' t t•haL I•n the creat of any legal dispute arising ! Through a. combine with the pub - out of a sale, trial thereof shall , Betters, the CerLOBE LIBRARY •t ne recti ill t'Lun are enabled to place the meter, cooler and clearing evil hardly come about, except in the extreme northwest, before the Mooll paste~ south of the equator CREDITON Sam. Kuhn has engaged with Amos &r Harris as painter. John Foster of Zuri ;1L has been awarded the contract to construct tile cement sidewalks in our village. Work will be commenced on thein in the near future. John Geiser bus returned home from a visit to the Cobalt mining district. Rev. Mr. Damns. preached his farewell sera) on last Sunday. The church was filled. The reverend gentleman and his family have made many -warm friends during their sojourn here, who are sorry to Seo thein leave. Fred Hoist has purchased a new Leonard engine for his brick yard. The Lawn Tennis club held its annual meeting one evening last week for the election of officers and the arranging of other business. The officers for 1906 •are : kion. President, H. Either, M. P. P., President, Ira S. Brown; Vice - President, Mrs. 0. Biuett, Sec. A. E. Kuhn. A meeting of all those interested in baseball was held on Wednesday last, and the following officers elected: Manager, A. 0. Kuhn ; Capt. Herb, Young; Secretary, H. K. Eilber. A football meeting was also held the same evening and the following officers elected : Presi• dent, W. A. Finkbeiner : Captain, Aloin .Amos ; Secretary, Ira Brown. on the 5th. Earth will be entering take place in tb0 Cnitt �Cttt'li within the IC'Ir111 of. 11ruet1C:Ll- the place, where the company con• K• lv event' rage earner. Correspond- on the Mars period about this time, and a 1 I the phello- lnena for the relnainder of May. through Jtine and far into 7nly, will take on whatever peculiar aepect•t the Mars influence may cermet has els head 0111(0. rhe ,>nr.c' is invited. effect was to put the farmer practi-_ eally at the mercy of the inannfttc Curer once, he had. signed the gree_ Mary Vollmer, a (Arlt girl. was numb. In the event of a dbeente Thane Tuesday night, dyidg in con- ' to an uct}on he would ho vlllslons in the front yard of the Leta in, coAiregulars oris erio(1 is in fierce at the expense of transporting hint- house she boarded at on ltaltcotnb from the 7th to the 11th, hav,n.r self and. his witness es to the lllnce street. Detroit. It is st'ippoeetl its center on the ;lilt. 'l.'he Moon ie of trial, which might either leo in she was worried to death by a in perigee --nearest the Earth --anti the nest county or at the opposite masher. incl of the province, !:_tie, case would --- et its full on the 8111. A very low come tip in a court whore lite was I Ind threatening barometer will move out of western sections se who knew nothing1 f his will by total stronger and before a judge whatever n the 8th, the weather 'eyt t titer c emeter, but who in all probe:hil(- warzn and cloudy, the hygrometer will indicate great ltumiclity, and wide, vicious storms ot: rain, wind and thunder will sweep eastward across the country from about the 8th to the llth. tush normally are the results reasonably to be expect- ed at this tithe, all followed closely from the northwest by a rapid rise of the barometer, ''westerly gale; and drop in temperature sufficient- ly low for frost over central to northern parts of the country. `'\'e may say with assurance dist hurt- ful frosts, except in the far north, are not to be appreheneed later than the windup of this period -say about the 9th to the 13th. STOMACH TROUBLES. blrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly respected resident of Faiso- nia, Miss., was sink with stomach trouble for more than six menthe. Chamberlain's eltntnacli and Liver Tablets onred her. She says : "I can now eat anything I want and and the proudest woman in the ty knew the Inannfacteret• quite 'tvelt. 'ilie result was gnat the farmer esualy preferred a settle• meat. es•en thoni ii an 11t tLSt one to going to trial tender such expen- sive an 1 disudvt n,ageous condt- tinns. 1'•nnpa rativeiy tuts}• to 1111tt scholars, less easy to find men of sterling character in this or any other walk of life, most difficult to find that combination of strong character and scholarship, with patience, to et and gentleness, which make up the ideal teacher," was one of the reasons assigned by Miss Agnes 0. Purves at the recent Ontario Educational AssoeiatiOn meeting why so few men are in the teaching profession, Her paper was road in the public school de- partment. Boys shonld be taught love of country, loyalty to the crown, indulgence in manly sports, self-reliance, the loathing of vul- garity of manners, of tale -bearing, and girls need "mens sanain corpore sane as well as the boys. world to find such a good reeds- School boards should find men who cine." For sale by J. J• Mernc r.can teach. thus, and remunerate Samples free. I highly. AI IR hi E T S -whent.............. 76 (.r 78 Oata .... 33 35 Barley 40 4e Peas . , . • 65 '43 Flour ....... .2 00 2 25 !:Alli ...............17 e0 17 00 Shorts . 18 00 20 00 Butter .. 111 1. i +'ggs. .. .... . 14 13 Potatoes.... 30 35 Hogs (per Cwt) 7 (10 7 00 Hay, per ton , 6 00 0 00 5o 'YEARS"' ,EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anvnne sending ashot r•a and deserlotion tnay gm,'k1y narert.ntu oar opinion free whether an invantwit is probably pn.tentable. Commtnttetw '.ions att•tetlgcowiewntial, liandbookon Patents vont free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Pittnuts taken through Munn. & Co. recelVR Waal stetsee,, without Chale, M. thte c UUi11cAmerican. ! bandsnntrly illustrated weekly. Largest sen eulatid,t or r.nq soloa1nie ;,+metal 'ferias, 13 a earl font .nonths,(1. Soldbyell towsdaelers. LINN & Ca swito:tdway, yew yolk Branch (Mos. . ^ se- WAabin(tott, 31. C