HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-04, Page 4NwiaN,YN'M.. ..Mwrw,MM+ .., •,wwu.wrmWwrw,...,✓.��...!rw.r, u.,rax.�wrMw!"",+°1.4P++�w.,., ""'"'.""'"'" ""''" niweaianm,.,.e" 4 ZAM-BUR AGAIN IN TIUU PHANT. 1 THE 3' 11. RAHWA.Y fNlifti Roel 1 4 The LEGAL CARDS. H, J. 1), COOKE, BARRISTER AND S0- licitor, Notary Public, leusall, Ontario. At Gurieh (Zeller's office) every Mon - :ay. PROUDFOOT, BAYS et BLAIR, B!'R- ristors, Solicitors. Notaries I'iiblic, etc., Godorich, Canada. W. Prouclfcat. 1C.C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBFRRY, .LICENSED AUC- tioneer for klaxon County, respectfully solicits the patronage of those who in- tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. ;)It. 1r. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, CR.A- dtut e of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate world a. speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, erery Mon- day. 1-2G E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary 'Public. Dee ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care• fully and promptly prepared. Oflice— Zelier block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC. ZURICH BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized and is now prepared furnish first-class music for alt kinds amusements. For t rms apply to or +vrite F. W. Bess, See'y-Treas., 'Zurich. INSURANCE. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION coriwl' CLERIC. Village and Fenn Property insured. All the Leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. FIE PU13L1SIDGT) BY 141. Zir,LLT.R. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906, Dominion Parliament. From our own Corrosnoudent. Ottawa, April 28th, 1003. The debates of the week were mostly on the North Atlantic Trad- ing Company. The opposition is so an=ion to find anything that would even look US it scandal, flint they exhaust every means to that end. This North Atlantic Trading Corn - puny gnestiou is, from all that was said so far, a tempest in a tea pat. Mr. John Crawford of Portage La Praire in speaking on the question said. that it was not in the inter- ests of the country that the opposi- tion raised the howl. The real motive was to besmirch the ex - minister of interior. (lion. Mr. Sit - ton) who was one of the best men the oonntry ever produced. He al- luded to the good quality of the immigration brought to Canada, one of the striking evidences of that having been disclosed at the agricultural committee the other clay, when it woos shown that only three persons in every 2000 iutmi- grants were found to be of unsound mitral, while the proportion among native Canadian was twice as great. Mr. Crawford conchided that the government batt a square business deal with the company und received value for all the money spent. Your rnetnber•, B. B. (nun, followed. Mr. Gunn'S speech was a criticism of the Government ; but the Most of his speech was a heap n Hon. George E. Fos- ter. "I have been reeding about 1=013' SALE. Mini since I was a boy," said the ,fit 001) FIFTY -ACRE FARM for sate. South Huron representative. This '3 The north half Lot 35, Con. 1'3, remark produced laughter, but Mr. 'isv. All clearers. with good ovcrflowin.,• Gone explained that he was not so Zurich Herald. 43.4-34.43443-434-434-44.-€4,4-0.4E4.49.41 COUNTY NEWS. o+34- -43` -CeeEee&eE4,-.Ee neere A branch. of the Sovereign Bank of Canada' ill be opened in Walton, R. E. Pickard of Exeter left last week for Frobisher, Sask., where he will oversee the work on his farm there. Gundry Bros., of Goderioll, have addled a touring oar to their livery. Tho machine weighs 1,300 pounds, has a speed miles 3a iles an hour, and costs 41,100. of pt tris e upo :setts, largo brick house and large hams barn. V'i11 leave $2000.00 on premises at t per cent interest. Apply to P'rerleriek rleckulan,'Mitchell, or E. Zeller, Zurich. 315-33tepd. ° ACRES ' AS of land for sale'beings the Dr. Rollins of Exeter intends leaving for the Canadian North- west shortly where he will look a- round for a -suitable location, to en- ter his profession, George Baldwin hes disposed of his musicel i�nstrmnental business in Sea.forth to Richard Perk, and last week removed to St. Thomas where he hats embarked in a mach larger business. In committee of the Legislature a. hill was Bassi.( last week extend- ing the time for the commencement and cO,npletirm of the Unterio'M��est Shore Railway to two and four years, respectively. Robt. Holmes of Clinton haft been H.WELL appointed immigration officer for the county of Huron. His .duties __^-----_-- __— are, chiefly, to attend to the plac- inof immigrants w110 conte to this e Old nA Reliable g; enmity in charge of the Dominion Immigration. KaIbtieisch's �,a' PlaningMills.... C. T. Currelly. a former a eeter boy, ro1V exploring in Fgypt. has (Recovered a statute of the goddess Hathor, in the temple at Thebes. Many noteworthy findings have been made by Mr. Currelly during the last three years. A Hullet•t farrier traded horses while in Clinton the other duty. Neither of the animals would be prize -winners in an ordinary com- petition, and the farmer gave a note to boot. After he had gone about a mile on the way home, the horse dropped dead. According to present prospects, (aoderich is to Have tare passenger steamer lines this year. The king Edward will run on its Old route from Toledo to the Soo, end in attl- ditinn the White Star Line (Detroit) and the Northern Navigation Co. will patch have a steamer running to Goderioh. The residence of Mr. James Bag'- slaw Stephen, 1n1rr0wly el-teape( be:inx horned to the ground. one clay last week. The chimney burn ed out a ndf.; at)ark caught the roof. The flaul.)es irdel+ly spread., but, Mr. eld ns his hair would lead. ane to think. MT' A T , Maclean of Lnnenburg followed in an effective answer to some of Mr. Foster's criticisms of the contract. He contended that M '") +North heli' of the East half of Lot ( when a member essayed to prove Eleven, in the Eighth Conccessicut of .lays ['malfeasance in office by a minister, the property of toe late Jacob 0. t;�ielgor- ich. For further partieulara apply to the exe(1utors, Rudy Sehwurtzoutrubor or John L. Gerber, Blake, 1'. 0. :;s 1(nl,:l, to AUCTION SALES. 1l,'Z.crNSI\TE AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Houvet- hold hurnilure, on Lot 8, Con. 12, Stanley 2 milts math cf B ithe, on Tuesday, May I all, 1006, commencing at 12.330 p. tn., shall . Evcrythicv• must bo :old a+s 1130 1i1•+,1'1 is for Int:, milli his falai. E. 1iu1:•cp. berry, auctioneer; John 1)'110, proprietor. STOOK. Tnr ' lirJ, Ki owN Sr.tt.r.ro i Y011ng Orchard Wuaflow 'Will stand for service at the f:atnl of Alonzo Foster, 1. rt 4, Con 0, Township of 1fay, during the present season. He is stark buy iai color, has plenty of muscle anti bane, good action, 11)1 sired good colts and is a sure stock )4eitl('1. Terms: To 'lustily), '(1 I, t•c, '.00, a,y able l:.t:. February, 1907. _tin ALONZO FOST.tull., Babylon Mind', Saddlery and Furniture Store Call on me For new Baby Carriages and Go• Carts, and Express Wagons of all kinds. For your Harness, all hand -made, team and light harness. Full stock on hand Trunks, Suit Cases & Ladies Satchels For your House Furniture, Bed -room suits, Sideboards, Bookers, Morris Chairs, Couches. A full stock of every line. For high ;rade Organs and Pianot.,. A few 2nd -hand organs at low prices. For Highest Standard of Excellence Sewing Machine, THE SIN GER. Over twenty million in use. Call and see them at our store. = = Zurich, Ont. he shonld at least involve the ntatchinery of parliament to laying it. out. Mr. Foster reminded him of n certain english King, who af- ter a Certern sad event. was never again :aeon to Smile. But the event which kept Mr. Foster from smil- ing was not so bad as the One in e11;ttlisli history. AIr. Maolean eon - tended that it was not dishonorable I Bn ':ha.\v•salol some neighbors were for the officer of a department to I soon nn .the scene anti titter an hour's .hard work extinguished the ftle(7.�v, n')t iltttil annci(tet•ahlc of the roof heti.. been hustled however. NOTICE. The undersigat(l, who have ;signal their ::amea i:n t he su1,.cripation limit of, and r,unri theln1e1vcs to effect insurance; in t Ice hropese.,1 `•TI 0 [Tonal 'T'ract Mut nal \\reacher insurance Cc.,'. hereby: ,*_''ice you Ootids that the first nieetil/g of the prat - 1.0 F'd C'onlpany will he 1i 1(1 t rho Tuwo Hull in the village ('f Gurieh, no SeHtrdat' r 1.:4)t t tek Nttlploynlerit in a compnnv th iti)appolled to ha VS 130 r1 bosinessl rela{tinns with the clsnlrt'nent " -- -') tar be I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 ani on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand. B. C. RED CEDAR SHlNCLEa and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my atm to combine good. work with good material. I also do dt`USTOM sawir4C and PLAN11'3C .j' -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C.. A B s1SCH, Mills 1.4th Con. ZURICH 0 Q'.A•t�.-•6' At": 1"-A•2 e1^'. 4Y %Irrs4 `-0410<314"3.<0.41t411$410.4-541041).41)0 Tral'in"theCaRn01 : r. .cc t , a said,' that he acted an ,nint'(ter of Tim Other morning a portion of (1tlnt•hrt1 when the Conservative per. the flooring, of the. loft of Treble tC tv was in power. Sube-telusntlt Baker's livcry stable, Exeter, gave Nl,'. Foster tnok the position of way iwhile Earnest Flynn was It nntlnrn.i Tonna ver of the IJninn throwing downnstraw, lireci 1tating Trust (ln•ntr;.tiv which was pratetie- him and a largre quantity ..of- straw I` :illy the Independent Order of 'Per- to the floor honcatil. In falling his ha waters Mr. Meelenn did not. allege left Orin carne to contact with the Hint the ex -minister had provided prong of a fork the t. was nn at rack tp t lucrative marc for himself \when' nnderneath, amt the prom lame• be wee in power, hitt the contended t ratted the. mttgcle ati)nrtt two moles that Korb Il ehartre would lin a s making a r.aetw'twound. \real remodel -1 (1 the. nn^ »111(11' 11- I 'l'htlr:,laiy at:Ft('1'11)00 lust ane of gainst lti t'. Smart 1v Mr, Foster. the fertile ware'vr,lses awned be Mr. itrnniealn al rined1 tllot L'1'l Levert & +actual tit E zotot' v aS .Strntlt('M)a) war`; i(1'1tt'nflien 11 in 'shat';. t 1 the aromid. There wore makinra the first corltrac't with the ~0101' muchinory in the building', i.rai,1111?• cnmpi%1)V. 111'. was 11Ct1VO \c,11c'1) was taken out A spark from throughout and was the only Pr's- a (4. '1'. I.;, engine is snppose(1 to 'ion who nrgn(1 npni1 rile (h'ilalrtn)Cnt have 15100 the .'sawn. The tiro en- 1):'Hilic':•t th('.. ()nrniY,in. itself that the gine was nn hand early, blit the n 1.rfameoidents; clin)11)1 he. Scr1ret The l ittn tinct being so far from tho tO\011 Tf i:,il l•'Y,t,1)i551)T)0( letter tel !1.•",n I thorn \\•1134 11x) water supply aval.il- Al'r gifton stntod : `r()n n 1 corlrli- 1 able. 0011 the fire wan It+ft to born tinea •,shntr.vr,'r rnngt the terin', n};it'telf out. Several honses in the the terrorl.','1)nn)Jt he made .tabling" vi.•ittity were ignited ley the sparks Aftr'r speaking. the defies i)n1)ns- hut they were all (•xtinguiehrcl ,u n}?tl1 for the th<:\tfcllo(v,in�s l,artar+esti oalr, � eget np.ri1 the fletutme., llr' saai(1� that witlldnit lass. The las ;u a.hout 11. 1 it tv•tn nnroasnn(til.e for ivlr. 1 oste•• j ;�1.ep0, l . ,t.• ti covered 'by insar- :,dnun tb,' nou,o and t . of the y 0)) e- t-` ("I:1110ege 111(1 g.')v errant"n t aa,•; to 1 tlnc'e 1 '(R pa,n1' n appctnt 'L YCei'�`tNl �)' alit. in- i tenon; to t,1, _.t. a Board of 1)iteotors: to I rho 11',tnb+'r nl pcn\ilc brought out. I The Exeter Advo )oto has the fol- a•eleeives and adopt tho sub„•riptiun hook of rtht 1,11 Foster ascertain how man`* I lowing; to say of Mr. 'Henry 13osd;en '1 1 ". 1 cls )1+) It - tc1 )vl , �. i 11f11 I a.l,e prol,n:?ed.i (..on11a,1y :lndl to luama t.h( r on vet t•; \\ e 1 e , 1 i berry s UAW hotel at (bund Benet place at w11i011 tho hea•�l cdlicel of the pro- (ion propaganda, by hint; 1.0111)1 which is rapidly nearing cOnlple- 1,c4ed1 Company shall141 located. (•,;untine noees and smellingg-)erUOnslp ( tion. "Take a walk down tlernd 1>. triad the 90th day of April 10:!!3. Y. Lwmnt, 1). 1). Taylor, Joins 1 fail; .T. .J. -(truer, J. C. Iutlbila ascb, W. R. Batt- ler, W. '1'. Caldwell, il, U. S. I'hiilil+.=, J. Kellerman, ,Tacob iIlJ,crer. INSURANCE The very best kind ()f Insurance—i. 0. pro. vision for the 331.7TURL Its well as the Pi1ICSENT is at StI.Vin'gs Account in THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Interest pair. Fora TIMI113 A. 1'1 Alt $1.00 will open an ac- count. Put your money in a. place whore you can get it when you want it. £ SneiI Mgr. Zurich. breetles'1on,dlil) to the lake shore and on Reverting to the nature nF the Lae left side yea will notice at neat, cot tenets. Mr. Maclean asserted imposing' chide -story building, tho Conservative 'n grovernment+ contracts with intmi.gration agent.. 'elle, end of the speech was marked with prolonged applause. Mr. H. H. Miller tnnved tho jnnrnment of the debate and will speak ore Tuesday next. feet square and contains in all t - Canauliatn` I bout thirty rooms, Besides the bar. which is to be equipped in the most Mr ri. Cooki and Hon, Norman, approved style, there is a capacious of Mensal., visite(. relatives in the 1 dueling room and parlor, kitchen t.tit ,xeemva .t\ " main walla of which are compose(. set thct rlicnmpin Of tnalzing so.rrpt' of excellently designed blocks of content. This ie the now hotel. le has trim windows with suitable ledges, a -well designed entrance and the general appearance is to be admired. The building is about 40 village on Sunday. Shorting, of Hamilton, Ont., won the greatest event, the Mara- thon race, at the Olympic sports, helot et Athens, Greece. SORE NIPPLES. A cure may be effected by app'y ing Oleambcrla,in's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a, soft cloth before allowing the child, to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the best results. Prioe 211 cents per box. Sold by 3. I. Morner, and over twenty neat bedrooms. The house throughout will be lit with acetylene gas. The writer WAS pleased to take a look through the varions apartments which are now in course of coinpletinli Every room in the building is to be finish- ed in modern style and tiie furnish- ings ars to be in keeping with the outward appearance of the building and the splendid appointed rooms within; all of which go to show that the genial landlord is deter- mined to do all in bis power that can be clone to inake the guests comfortable." STOP AND READ T 1.5. At the new - Zurich Grocery: Store, next • (tour to Sovereign Bank, is where you eau buy the sweetest sugars, the purest teas and coffees, the finest spices, the most delicious fruits and canned goods; maple and cane syrups; all kinds of flavoring 'ex- tracts ; the sweet little fish that cannot speak it's wish., but with biscuit snakes a splendid dish (sardines) ; soaps and brus- hes; mops and brooms; pails and tul)s, ere. In flet, everything la the line of a first- class groves store. Intormttionatl ,tock H'oi'iJs and 1)r. Scott's medicine for horse;, n.trtie. ponitry. and SW) T10. 5 ti The 1)1.411 and highest ggr.ult's Of flans and nil kinds of null- i•) t feed. tilvrays 08. hand. All is sold at Surprisingly low prices. Couto and see. t All kind; of farm pr:).11tN0 taken for goon's a1,; cash. `J ,te 51 e & 8 o r i , A /: M3 JPau!i`6S iv >�R%fi✓F%4L.V-Z.7in.%2',✓24�"/ a'Id ,S1L�'GA 1W'I).�i� 1a , t1 (x13h1� 3�1^i , I a' it I1`' .. Deering fafee pg*, tam Eig.. hider t re the best. When baying a hinder you want one that 15 easy running, li3ght (Tea t. anal one that hinds the gratin perfectly. The 1)EERiNG has these. t)oinui an 1 ineny inure in.apt'ovements. Call on m0 for CREAM SEPARATORS, RAKE`4, MOWERS, DISCS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, PLOWS, LIAY LOADERS', GASOLINE ENGINES, IA(lements of all MACHINE OILS, and farm a, F. ick J. Deering Agency ZURICH Cents pays for the "lurch Herald" to January, 1907.