HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-05-04, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. VI., No. 41 m - V. -•- 1.• -.• ^ - • ^ • ZURICH, ONT., FRI , , MAY 4, 1906. $1. Per Year. cerele;•-‘re,creetire.ers4v4leereee-rwelate LocAL, NEWS. siMArr.G.1-0 0-.70.4.0,4114-2, 4-0 0 Bey. Mr. Sauer left for his home in Winnipeg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy of Exeter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Rickbeil on Sunday. Mr. J. A. Williams has disposed of his driver to John Dodds. the pOp man, of Settforth. Mrs, John Mittelholtz is on the sick list at present. We hope she irnay soon regain her usual good health.. Mr% John Foster is busy at .pre- sent building cement walks in the village. Mr. Foster does good work. in this line. TowNsuiP Conn eopnoi1 ref Hay met in the To71.7) Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The session Nvas not a. long oae and only routine business was transacted. Last Saturday night a severe thunder storm passed Over this tr,-eetion. A tree near the corner of .-lhe Zurich Road and Bronson Line was struck by lightning. The 'West ern Ontario Pcfh :r14tilway hill has passed its third 'ending in the House of Commene Thisis the railroad that may (and They not) pass through Zurich. Mr. Alf. Smith left for Crosswell. Mich.. nn 'Wednesday near which 'lac'e lie has secured a good situa- tion We 11270 sorry to see him go vs he was 0, right good fellow anil a valued member of our brass band. The road. grader was used tit i110 -rave track on N's'ednesclity and the track luts been pot. into first.class lupe. We nnderstand that the metinen raees. which proved so )10 orpsting last slimmer, will he continued this season. Mr. Chris. Eilher delivered his oRoxie B..'to Hensel'. on r.reesday, Mr. (ore • Sutherland • ,postmester.ot that town 1)0pg.. the" .-petreh set': ' ie-prtee .reeei yedlter her by M17. Eilher wits 44200.00. Al- though tbe priee.paid for her by Sutherlend is it high rine, he now has a driver of which he can be proud. 1lev. W. J. 'fetter. who bac been moved by the eonferenee to New Hamburg, preaphed Itis fare \A -pi' Hellions here on Sunday in the Evengeliettl hnrrh. Ftis di-lcourse in the meriting Nvas in tilt? German ?language. the text chosen was 1 Core verse, It. wo' it n101'4211 fill, inspiring, spirited and well eelivered c -•ern -em. testifying to the feet that RSV. Yager is a mini5,ter r,t r eleinenee. and the spiritual .„(.1 r„ *41 of f '(5' 3:is Itettrt. Tit evening service it•Nnmeneeil et 7 p. me and th eitnroli wag CrOVV:i.eci to tile (P) e. •, many tieing compelled to stand Rev. Sauer. who has been labering fie the North.W00% deli ered 71 vliort address ( n, their work in that oluntry, and the want of fnrds to vnpport their churehes. A collec- tion was taken in this behalf. Rev. "Yager then spoke a short time. basing his remarks on the 24th verse of the 10th chapter of Romans. "The Grace of our Lord :testis Christ, be with you all, Amen." He said it was with feelings ef deep regret, and indeed a painful task I'm' him, to seer farewell to the congregation of Znrich. where for the past foto' yeave. he hed labored emong them as their 'pastor. •Sn711 - ming np the work of thQ few short :veers of his ministration here, he was happy to kr 011' Oft t ili e seed 1 hat had been sown, had not all fallen on bard and stens- ground. lent on fruit rui Roil. +main a 11N" soals Iota been won for Christ. and the church membership greatly increas- ed. And tigein, to know as an !Ilia 11 ('(' 1.C8T. , 'W1 uitever was re. enired ef him lie did it cheerfully end willingly and was thus IL great VOnr1.1 trem entand inspiration to the young people, t() work more earnestly and zealonsly for the vert -el of ;Teens Christ, and. the no - lifting of youth character. So while leaving ibis field of work, it will be continued with. renewed rtrength tit his 1111 w appointment. 'Wishing God's rinheSt blessings on 3;is congregution here, and asking them to rememher him in their rayers, he bid them all farewell, 'rile choir rose and sang never sa,y good-bve in Heaven" and 1,e meeting olosed. Mr, Yager and wily left Monday afternoon for 1 Lc- ir future home in New Hamburg. A 1 ile we are sorry to lose them, w know our loss will be Hamburgs t- • 11, • • ' New ads.—C. Fritz, John Dunn, 1V1r. Hy. Magel liak114 a hand Frost Fence, -some verandah bui.lt',/Kafront of -e'VVVViiallAiMINWMANViliMMAIMMIWANWMAlhAilMk ,A+7` Call at the Feed Store, for your his residence. , garden seeds, 3 large packages for A large number .Dashwood etc. 5 cents. people attended the.somes in the 02C" Mr. 'Wm. Klopp, of the 14th eon., Evangelical church lust Sunday twee delived a fine bunch of cattle to evening. . '20 Alw• ys The Le owouameaaaauttszunzumaxiter4wnumsxmu.a.smar Mr. Peter Lamont on Tuesday. C. Eilber. Zurich, •11tR. been Losr--A halter, last week. in ap- front of Deichert's blacksmith pointed bailiff of thc!Nith Division shop. Finder return to Mr. ChrCourt of Huron connty,,vice Philip is. Either. Sipple, resigned. Mr. Gen, Smith is laid up with An exchange says:ee-"Pet 8eouiplr- an attack of rhemnatic; fever. His .of common baking •snda y many friends hope he may soon cistern ettillt spring. It. recover. insect life therein,' leiritles the UnneceSe borne. the new pastor of the Evan- cleaning out of the 04kteret, gelical church, have arrived, and Mr. Sane Holtzniaa is taking they are ,getting settled. in the orders for the book. "The $an Revml MrsGischeler, of Col- water, and makes iry the . ti. personage this 'week. Francisco Calamity by Partite] nake Tbe footballteam have down and Fire." The honk gives tt, vivid ac to hard practice and by all appearand minute dmiriptinn of the recent eartlignake tit -Stn Pr/Incise° anoei will have a winning bunch this summer. They are open for' challenges from any team. outside of teams entered in the W. F. A. At the sale of the honsehold goods and property of the lute Mrs, Soldan held in the village last Sat- urday, the bruise and lot was imrcliased by- Mrs. Stelek, of the 14th concession, V305.00 being the price paid for it. Mr. J J. lsilerner has purchased a lot front 11,irs. M. McCrmick,- and we. nn(1et't1und. he contetnplates erecting a hand-tonte. dwelling on it this summer. It lies just north of H. Moyers residence and is an ad• • g t. 1 The- death took place at his home in Sarepta nn Snriday, April 2ilth, of William _Reynolds, a.t the ago of 91 years. He had been ill for only 11 511( rt time, hi- death being due to a worn nut system. The deceased had been post.naster at. Sarepta for many years Ho was highly es- teemed by all ttll who knew Mtn The washeld. on Tuesday • and was largely attended. Mr, Henry Lipplitirdte,assessor of Frey:.ToNynship:,..bats .00mpleted.: t he. riiii-fok 11100,- and it:te'the' Township Clerk en Monday. The following statistiee are anllett from it: Nrimber on roll, 994 ; acres in township, 52,490 land cleared, 4.1,708 acres ; woodland. 4,000 acres ; swum p. 6, 722 acre ; value of la nd, $1,534,710 ; valne of bnildings. t72-2.3075 ; lets:mess tax. $25,825 ; in - (()me tax. $12,:135 ; total n 48014471len $2.9.45 23:"); children aged 5 to 21, 1030 ; aged 5 to 10, 907 ; total popula- tion, 3.443 ;number of male persons aged 21 t.) 3. 1333 rdIr With newest designs. --Dress Goods of the very latest. New Prints, all patterns and colors. Men's Suitings just received, right up-to-date. Wall papers, a large assortment at reason- able prices. Millinery Department At rear end of store, under the management of Miss Bennett. Don't they before. you hae v had a look at our hats, ladies. Dutch. Setts anti Produce taken in exchange. • tek... He has already taken a large num- - ---- . - - ber of orders. • • '-____ . tut tor oe'... The farmers in this ,vininity have filD (0 s ., FAL[17ST, ...; nearly 7111 completed seeding opera- tions. The weather litatbeen very favorable f or the The fall wheat is looking good and t1•0 re- cent rains having helned. it wonder- fully. and if no barinfnl frosts necur within the next few weeks, u. good crop should be'hartested. Mr, J. 3. Merner, of this villege, and Mr. Henry Lebeate ef the 14th concession. Closed an.. imporbtnt ':•-......gle.e;0•-•."_,.-.'se,-.7‘..ez.zee........ee,..e-,..e.e.e....se,..e, ..ee... ,..,:_*-7.-,.;:„:.•:...„,--,„-„:.s_-.,,,.,7•.., .,•;,, deal on Triesda7.- by whiali Mr. te3rieeeeetz..?!.,e.e..reeee..-e,-....?;.:•,•.•%1e..4,,*e, 5,--„ez-,,,0.,.ze.2›.e.-. lee, .0.zeede.T.e..g......e,e", it. •iir ; ' Mack," tho fast coltylaieli showed up so splendidly last - season. an(1 a etc,. GENERAL ME.R .".;'HANT arac: tea„ OP'kcTARI-0 uc'NktiVeflAWAMMINANIMRIZPRRAPA2M.PAWAAPA- JAtk, ZURICH .g••••••••••••••M,1•140 ;Verner gets possession. of "Little • The longer you wear them the 1 Mr. Leben beemues -owner of the property sitneted ort the corner of -1- and occupied by Mrs. Tiowald, Mr Lehettn giving the different.e. M r . Ali Merrier has seenred a piece of fast linrseflesn and no donlit will show the other fellows seine things this summer. A. suggestiote.eof praetieal vainest A Weteit) ft et 0 to til e.peOr'Iter-L': en Pr al 1 . WY 0) WM e aili k. ' f0 .: f WV:4 ' " H tirOY:1: ''''•'?,,,, "."'''-• Mr. Lewis, who suggested that in 0 on S1 cl o let tion of the advance in tut e I I a0) more you'll like. them. the Zurich Road and the 14th , tet .4 44 "..4 by the rural postmasters: tlie oftice4 .;eN in country districts shoeld 1)0 kept ..i open 1101119 p. in ,., enablii a farmers i and. laor bing men. to e:et 11011' mail after their day's work. The pro- pesal W814. 1.111 01: ed np by .1.Tr. Hate, i Mr. Lewis also Hil`c0C10 te an in • ,I eree se in the pereen to ee ttll ow nil i for the stile of stemps. He. then -gilt I it conhl he at least 5 perl vent , 1 i per vent, being the present rate. • • Thet is what will re -nit il' you huy yonr siMeS at this stere. (ler :•Zpring Stoek i• 110W 1:0 1;- plete, and we have a III '1(11 1511 (C and brtter quality than 1 Ver. You uit 1 11)41 a new pair tif s oe. to mete with t hat new suit or that new dues:4. 11,, ...111, mid. Set. 0111' 111 VS 1: • styles, they are the only eort vet, thing. • - • ' CHILDREN'S; 51-10ES NV, ',aye 5, ript 1111 I line Of Child re11*0 Si010S, rriicy a re N ea ' 1 v 1i1 01111 111 WL'I;1 . di 1, your in,vec! Carefully bought -- 8 .60 AL/ FAMI•60/1A MOLY e.()k C. FI TZ • • e hoe n. *.K• kg" "sz.: "Iv 1112001Mnr.,;,4ESSAMIRSTENWEREINJENNEWMfigKEEIM.R. KM?. 9 , % 4.7.1 V Vayr, a .4. •Trie`""P‘le P, 7 3U MS1.14•*••MMIN....neeldrosuomerraramommusunmartium...**Nuatmwaraw.....* V •I - *". Iv...4 • 0.-.1 An IDIN WE INVITE YOU to our store we do S() with tilde expectation that we iLJL ean please you. just a little better than others, all 011 We (DON,' c't•S d() S() with the assurance that the.y are money -savers and better values than you can get elsewhere. Note the following prices : 13 ends Dress Goods, regular .75 to q.1.00, per yd :15 & 10 only silk waists, plain col- ors, blaek, red, pink . arid white, worth $3.50 special price 2,50 Ladies' Chiffon collars, reg- ular .50, this week ':35 Speeial Jine fancy white shirt waists, latest styles 50 60 411' 1 ath S In 100 pound sacks NOW Woll.hi he a good. time to lay ill a stoel« f sugar as WO are ,iuoting close prices 1)11 Redpath's Granulated. There is onIy One Quahty of Redpath's Granulated Su,ar, aud that The Dest. We have it in 100 lb sacks. Call and get our prices. About 40 pieces I* Prints, to 'dear t loc., per yard. IF you have not been one of our customers in the past, 11 visit to our store, with its • immense Spring stock, will agreeably surprise you, while the quality of our goods, with our close prices will convince you that your confidence has not been misplaced. tataribmise.tuilemalklein..........emayouagualoweatimalsientaafiows J. REETE GENERAL MERCHANT ZUR1OH ONTAC1O y'Jti, 4.1 ino.;Mit 21i,', .0e 'V 14 Ai II: