The Herald, 1906-03-30, Page 8The Zurich Herald. ZURICH Meat rke We handle all kinds of fresh and salted meats in season, sau- sages, poultry, etc. etc. We are now supplying all choice cuts, at right prices, while the quali- ty is as good, if not better than ever. While thanking the public for their liberal patronage, we solicit a continuance of t h e same. YUNGELUT ' DEICHERT, Zurich, Ontario. sommesnassmamannumumsaam ORDERED WORK. We always carry a well assorted stock of steel tiro and rubber the buggies, in different styles of trimming and painting. We pay particular attention to work or- dered by an intending purchaser, and we feel certain we can turn out a job that will be satisfactory. We use nothing but first class material in constructing onr rigs. Our products have stood the test Repair Department We are prepared to do repairing of all kinds satisfactorily and prom- ptly. Get your buggy re -painted It will look better and last longer Give us a call. `. Hess & Son, Zurich _ - Ontario. MEAT MT We have now been in. the butchering business for a year and we can candidly s ay that our business has exceeded our expectations. IfIf square dealing and right prices will do it, we e±pectit to make a bigger advance than ever this year. 'JAB. kinds of meats, sau- sages, etc., etc., in season. Give us a call. WOMEN Never WERE WATCHES jr)N CLOCKS AS CHEAP As Now Don't trouble your nel.ghbor for TIME. I will sell you atimepiece right, 64 m't F. W. HESS, JEWELER ZURICH .11 t:A.ei AD'S GREATEST NURSERY WANTS LOCAL SALESMAN for Zurich To sell High Class Nursery Stock inFruits and Ornamentals. Largest list of NTw SPECIALTIEES ever offer- ed, START Now AT THE BEST SrELLING SEASON. Big inducements, Liberal Pay, Handsome Free Out- fit, Territory Reserved, Write for Terms and Catalogue and send 25 cents for our Almninum Pocket Microscope (ma.gnafies 4?: times) and 50 cents for our Handy Saw, just the Brimming trees (cuts iron as well as wood). Stone de Wellington, 1/01anxtz TTURKERIV'S OYER 800 ACRES Toronto Ontario 4 LOCAL NEWS The Sovereign Bank has opened a branch in Brucefield this week. New baby carriages, go-carts, ex- press wagons and cheap organs at 11. Well's. The roads are in a bad state at present, but if the fine weather continues they will soon dry up. Ilay Township council will meet in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tues- day, .April 3rd, at 9 o'clock, p, tu. New ads. 7. Preeter, C. Ilart- leib, A. Charlesworth & Son. R. N. Douglas, Sovereign Bank, Frost Fence. Miss Susie Johnson entertained a number of her friends very- pleasant- ly on Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Cantelon of Clinton. J. J. Merner has put into stock a carload of the celebrated Redpath sugar. Anybody requiring sugar can buy it at right prides. He also wants 20,000 pounds of dutch setts at once. A woman in Toronto has been asleep 09 hours, and they can't wake her up. The Montreal Star suggests that somebody should get near the bedside and make anoise like a new hat, OUR MILLINERY OPENINGS under the management of Miss Mc- Dougall, showing the largest stock we have ever shown, will take place on Saturday, March 31st, and Mon- day, April. 2nd. .As there are already importations of dutch setts from the United States, growers in this locality should try to tnarket their surplus stork during the next ten clays or two weeks. Serious losses often oc- cur by holding them too long, and all signs point to an early planting see on. Ii.1r, E. V. Campion, who has been teller of the Sovereign l3ank herr for about four weeks has been transferred to Goderieh where the Sovereign Bank is opening up e brand: this week. Mr. Hunter of Exeter takes his blase. Mr. A. Truemner, junior at this branch, has been transferred to the Dash- wood branch. The Ontario College of Pharmacy has sent out special warnings to the druggists against selling car- bolic acid to persons without get- ting them to sign for it, the same as other poisons. This warning is given in view of the many fatalities which have occurred of late throu- gh carbolic acid. The Pharmacy Act requires that all carbolic acid sales be registered.. We have a sample of W. B. McLean's adjustable, heat convey- ing, heat regulating ventilating, dust and fire proof stove pipe thimble. Call and see the sample and leave your order for one. It is an economical idea of the 20th century and you cannot afford to be without one. Dont smother in one room. and freeze in another but be up to date and eunsider your comfort health and also your pocket book. We will have a mach• ine that will turn them out during the summer to meet the wholesale trade so call and leave your order for one. A. Charlesworth & Son, A banker in a nearby town offers the following splendid advice to young men : Are you getting on in the world? Are you a little better off now than you were at this time last year? If you are not gaining day by day, month by month, how can you ever be prepared. for that business opportunity- you are fondly hoping for? Possibly you are one of the coed whole hearted fellows that let all their money go as soon as earned? If so, somebody is depositing your money in bank, for depend upon it, sooner or later your money gets there. Better de- posit it yourself, then you yourself will get the benefit of it. A. little selfish. perhaps, hut one of the honorable forms of selfishness"— Ex. A. 0. .t . W.—The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen was held in Toronto this week. The reports of the Grand Lodge officers make aprinted vol- ume of 413 pages. The leading questions that engaged the atten- tion of the lodge at the meeting were biennial sessions and reduced representation. It is thought by some Unit the $10.000 spent in hold- ing annual meetings could be more advantageously expended on pro- motion and extension work. There are 473 subordinate lodges, and every lodge may send one represen- tative. It is now proposed to elect district representatives, one for every four hundred members. The rate gttestiou was permanently settled lest session, and, a:s a result the year 1005 was the best year financially in the histsry of the Order. Mr. J. A. Williams repre- sented Zurioh lodge at the (grand Lodge meeting. DRYSDALE. Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger of the fourteenth concession, Hay Town- ship, spent leianday last at the home of W. J. Horner.. Joseph Rau has purchased a fine pair of steers from Jacob Gingerioh for which he paid a good , figure. Miss Lauri Horner is this week engaged ire sewing at Mrs. Ross Johns Johnston's,', Blake Horner has given up farm- ing and intends taking a course in the Toronto:- School of Taxaderniy in the near future. John Johnston while out on a hunting expedition near Winthrop a few days ago succeeded in capt- uring a fine racoon, It is of the silver gray :species and John believ- es it to have strayed from some of the Zoological gardens. During o, mathamatical contest in the village a few nights ago the following problem caused consider- able excitement. Two parallel roads are 200 yds apart, Jones and Brown each have a triangular lot running from one road to the other. The base of Jones' triangle is 20 yds long, while that of Brown's triangle is 30 yds long, The longest side of Jone's triangle is inclined at 30 degrees to the base ; The longest side of Brown's triangle is inclined at 45 degrees to the base ; which is the Iarger and by how much? The correct answer to the above prob- lem will be given in next weeks issue of ',TEE HERALD." A peculiar incident uccured to Louis Challett while returning home last Sunday evening. He was walking along the road when op- posite the large bridge on Joseph Rau's creek:.he observed a star in the form of a meteor descending rapidly towards hila. And it came eraiting small sparks of fire en its way. WV'hen about twenty feet from Mr. Challett it sndcirnly- burst producing a whirring sound re - sena bling that caused by a swarm of bees. This was accompanied by a sulphuric odor. THE HERALD writer who was some two hundred yards further north witnessed the scene although the distance between hint and Mr. (Mellott was so great that he was unable to observe the sulp- huric odor or the whirring sound it produced. wliat the above de- scending ball of light was is yet unknown, and it no doubt evoulcl require an astronomer to define it. HENSALL. Council''eseeXichoi has quit the teaming business and last week had a sale of rigs, harness, eto. On Saturday A. McErien had a sale of harness and leather goods as be found that he was overstock- ed after buying C. V. Cook's busi- ness. Dr. Ferguson has opened an office in Georgetown and this week will move there. His many friends in the village and country clubbed to- gether and on Wednesday evening in the Opera :Clouse made hien a valuable present. Dancing was kept up to the wee small hours. Dr. Ferguson has been Bible class leader and president of the Young People's Society in the Presbyter- ian church and took a great interest in church work. The Women'sMissionary Society of the Methodist church is now 25 years old and last Sunday was W. el, S. day in the church. The general store business in Hensall owned by Wm. Bawden and conducted by his son, S. Baw- den and Wax. Cook, has been pur- chased by Messrs. Thos. Boyle and Wrn. Wilson of Exeter. Stock was taken this week and the new firm is now iiz pdssession. Mr. James Beverly, having sold his brickblook-to Mr, N. Warriner, of Clinton, is engaging in the same business, that of a furniture mer- chant, in Exeter, and has moved there. Mr. R. Cudnaore recently sold a village lot to Mr. George McEwen. We rdgret this week to have to chronicle the death of Mrs. John McGregor, who was so very highly respected for her many excellent qualities, and who was only a short time ill. Miss Smith recently returned from attending the millinery open ings, and will, as in the past, take charge of her .own, millinery open- ings. Mr. R. Bullard had a hard fall a few days ago owing to the icy oon- dition of his door step, ,and narrow- ly escapee very serious injury. Dr. Sellery was in Kincardine the first part of last week attend- ing the funeral of his grand father, who died last. week. Mr. Dtatcen McEwen returned from Toronto on Tuesday last, where ho bad been visiting his son John, who is attending the 'Univer- sity there,' Mrs WM., Moir bass returned from Toed:tee where she had been visiting her. daughter, Mrs. Case. Mr. Milton McTaggart left here for the West last weer;... e er's WS ;It We have just what you want. We are able to show you all the new styles in this line. We are also showing something entirely new in Waisting. WASII fi D Something Special in this line. FINE TAILOR=MADE CLOTHING. We can give you the right coloring in Tweeds. We guarantee you a perfect fit. We give you the New York styles to choose from. HATS and CAPS. A beautiful line to choose from. The Wafer Lite, the new Hat for spring. Call and see it. Farm Produce of ail kinds wanted for which we piny highest Jlarket Prices. Jo ME J. The People's Store = = Zurich. etateatireeeee How about fencing? If you are gdi Iw • o any fencing it tcdi be lo your own intere: t to call and see our Peerless WGven FENCE. It is treacle of the beat steel vire and is acknow- ledged by all fence critics to have the safest, strong- est and most durable lock yet invented. The price compares with any woven fence made, and if you consider quality it is the cheapest. A. Charlesw nth & Co. s,~ , 11. 44,,;��` IDEA, WOVEN WIRE FENCE Wuld you like to build one piece of fence for good this year? Look at this one. Put up that kind and it's there to stay. And every reason for it. We had choice of many kinds of fence to sell to fence builders in this community and we choose the Ideal, because we believed it the best. Big, heavy wires, Number 9, all of them. Hard steel, and stays close together. See how it is locked. IDEAL Is NOT AFFECTED BY WEATr a OlrANOEs or by climbing over it and retains its shape even after very hard usage But seeing the real thing }s bettor than looking at the picture. We have ib. Coyne in whenever you are ready to talk fence. Costs nothing to examine it. Von can't do better in style of fence or price. CHAS. HARTI..EID a a Zurich il}f,)V.i allsiz 3�° V?s^q jl,�gty '9nam A !‘:�rzlA .04. �P} t} t' b i�.