HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-03-30, Page 6LARGEST CONCRETE WALL
Is Building Along Lake Front at
One of the largest concrete walls ever
constructed is building by the Illinois
'Central Railroad in connection with
tome lake -front park improvements.
The wall is 21 feet high and 6,250 feet
long, measuring about 7 feet at the base
i land 19 inches at the top. The visible
imide of the wall, which is to be used for
! a retaining wall to conceal the move-
ment of trains, is divided into panels by
' attractive concrete mouldings.
The top of the Wali is fiui,lied by an
attractive coping. It contains about 22,-
700 cubic yards of concrete, of which
18,000 cubic yards were laid in three
months, when construction was stopped
by cold weather. The wall is not yet
complete, but can be made so in about
three weeks' working weather.
In the Opera Box.
(Brooklyn Life.)
"Aren't the acoustic properties of the opera
14ouse magnific•ent?"
"They certaluly are. You can .hear every
word that's said by the Blanks' party four
bore, nwey."
For 33 Years
Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung
Tonic, has been before the public, and
this, together with the fact that its sales
have steadily increased year by year, is the
best proof of the mc.. -ii of
as a euro for Coughs, Colds, and all
diseases of the lams and air .passages.
Those who have used Shiloh would not
be without it. Those who have never
wed it should know that every bottle is
sold w:th a positive guar,.atec that, if it
' doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund
what you paid for it. Shiloh
Has Cared
thousands of the most obstinate cases of
Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let it
CUM you.
"Last winter 1 coughed for three months and
thought 1 was going lata Consumption. 1 took all
eats of micines, but nothing did me any good
%tail1 use Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Four
bottles cured me. Ti.ia winter 1 had a very bad
cob!, was not al le tb speak, my Iungs were sore
on the side and back. S^c bcrirs of Shiloh made
me wall again. 1 Lave given it to several people
end every one et' them hove been
Joseph, :, Hyacinthe, Que. • r GOT
SI -II".
25c. with guatantee at all druggists.
The United States has more cremator-
rematories than any other country, there being
twenty-six, twenty-four of which are in
operation. A larger number of persons
are cremated here every year than any-
where else. In Canada, in spite of the
objections made by the' Roman Catholic
clergy, there has been a crematory built
is Ntontreal by order of the government.
There are seven crematories in Ger-
many. A petition was recently signed by
three thousand medical sten and present-
ed to the Reichstag, with a view to mak-
ing ereamation compulsory for those
who have died of infectious diseases.
England has the saute number of crema-
tories. Italy porsesees twenty-two, but
statistics as to the numbers of people
cremated are lacking. Switzerland has
three, Sweden two and Denmark one. In
.Austria societies for the promotion of
cremation have been formed and branch-
es exist in many of the towns but the
practice of crenation has not yet been
legalized. In Madrid the right of crema-
tion has been conferred by royal decree,
while even in Russia, in spite of the pro-
testation of the Holy Synod, the govern-
ment proposes to issue a decree in fav-
or of making cremation optional. In
France a large crematory has been built
'in the far famed cemetery of Pere la
Chaise, in which since its opening 2,-
290 bodies have been reduced to ashes,
HUMAN HAPPINESS, pitiless in its
assaults, and ono respecter of persons, has met
Rs conqueror in South America Nervine. This
great stomnoh and nerve remedy stimulates
digestion. tones the nerves, aids circulartion,
delves out impurities, dispels emaciation, and
borings flack the glow of perfect. health. Ciit'ee
hundred of "chf o> lac" that Imes) ba.f led pny-
Dress Parade.
Miss Mary Lawlor, a Cincinnati school-
tessober, :holds that cleanliness is the foun-
dation oS good ohs -metes'. Every xeeraiug
bedore recitations she holds a "dress parade,"
during wbidh such ,pupils es need It were
brought under the inflwenoc of soap and
towels. Missing buttoaa, unbrushed hair and
dirty shoes oleo come in for careful atten-
tion. The school authorities. deolaro that as
m result of this policy there -has been a dis-
tinct gain in (Discipline and self-respect
ntmlonlg the children.
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Seulight way.
Day Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
as n 9
How It Appeared to Johnnie.
Toachor—.Tohnny, shell talub.
Johnnie. -T -o -m -b, 'tomb.
Teacher—Now, John'nlo, sive a definition
of Itrem ,
fohnulo—It's like the spare bed, only you
have to be dead petrat.
Sunlight Soap is better the. zt' i i' soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
To appreciate the simplicity and ease of
washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight
way you should follow directions.
After rubbing on the soap, roll up each
piece, immerse in the water, and go away.
ISSUE No. 13, 1906
commissions of any company doing an
honest business; we manufacture the high-
est grade of flavoring powders in America,;
you can ma)to from five to six dollars a
day. Apply to us for particulars, Iwants
Manufacturing Co., Hamilton, Ont.
Jt -IT
]A P
will do its work in thirty tg sixty minutes.
Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed
in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing.
Equally good with hard or soft water.
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto
Hing Christian and Lord Elphinstone
Loved Her.
A contemporary recalls the fact that
the late Bing Clirietian was once a
suitor for Qucen Vietoria's hand, and
this reminds the Onlooker of a long -for-
gotten romance of the early months of
the Queen's reign. It centred roundthe
Lord Elphin.stone of those days, one of
the handsomest men in Europe, and the
holder of a high Court post. Thus
brought into the almost daily society of
the young Queen, he fell desperately in
love. :Lord Melbourne and the Duchess
of Tient considered the position so deli-
cate that he was- judiciously sent abroad
to fill an important po-tt. As Was only
fitting so exalted a passion. Lord Elphin-
stone remained faithful to his romaure.
re -ars after, when he held. an important
post in India, it was his custom both at
his dinner table and in his drawing roost
to have a splendid gilt chair placed in a
position of honor. Itt it was a picture of
Queen Victoria framed in gold, and
adorned with gems. Ile never referred
to the silent guest, or seemed, indeed,
conscious of the picture's presence, but
there it always stood, a mark of his
fidelity to his early attachment.
For Believing Dodd's Kidney Pills
Cure all Kidney Ailments.
Cured His Backache of Twenty-five
Years' Standing and Satisfied Ev-
eryone he liecosnmended them to.
Economy Point, N. S., March 19.—
(Special.)—George S. \TeLaughlin, of this
place, gives two splendid reasons for his
belief that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the
one remedy for Kidney ailments. Here
are the two reasons in his own words:
"I was troubled with Lame Back for
25 years or more, sometimes so severe
that I could not turn myself in bed. One
box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me, and
I have had no return of the trouble since.
"1 have recommended Dodd's Kidney
Pills to a number of persons who had
Kidney Trouble. All who have used
then have been benefited or cured"
Dodd's Kidney Pills not only relieve
all Kidney Diseases, from Backache to
Bright's Disease, but they absolutely
cure them. But sometimes where one or
two boxes relieve it taxes snore to make
s complete cure.
What Happened to Tomlin.
We have always claimed that the farmer
was the most independent man on the top
tide of earth, but we are oonstrainic+l to say
that there is such a thing as carrying inde-
peredenco too far, as was drone one day Last
week when Ezra Tomlin, from the Bushy
Hill neighborhood, shot our sanctum door
full of bird hot because he had been asked
to liquidate his aubseriptlon. Ezra's friends
think he will bo able to spit up and take
solid nourlshn ents in a week or so.
—Is the great engine which pumps life
through your system herd pressed, over-
taxed,, groaning under its load because dis-
ease has clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Hart is nature's lubricator and cleanser,
and daily domonstAtes to heart sufferers
that Lt is the safest, su+.'e,t, .and most speedy
remedy that medical science knows, 67
More of Our Language.
Green.—"I never saw such good weather
as we are having now. Diel you?"
Brown—"No. of course not; but I've felt
id'. coddler,"
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
A "Ian Maclaren" Aphorism.
Everything is possible if you haveone
person to believe in you, says Iasi Mac-
Makes all kinds of Blocks, either solid or hollow,
and one set of pallets is all that is necessary
The. machine is simple, handy and easily oper-
ated. Why pay fancy prices for a Block Ma-
chine when you can buy this machine and outfit
-• ata moderate cost? Send for booklet, prices,
ete. Awarded diploma at Canadian National
Patented 1 Exhibition, 1005,
The Man and the Hour.
He stood in the hall at midnight,
But the clock was not striking the hour,
For his careful touch had stilled it,
Ere the storm bad time to lower.
IJe said, as the stairs he climbed softly,
"A ,hero of labor I'm iike—
For surely this night I've averted
A most disastrous strike."
A CRY FOR HELP.—A pain in the
back is the cry of the kidneys for help.
South Amerioan Kidney Cure is the only
cure that hasn't a failure written against it
in cases of Brigitte' disease, diabetes, inflam-
mation of the bladder, gavel and other kid-
ney ailments. Don't neglect the apparently
insignificant "signs." This powerful liquid
specific prevents and cures. -70
Story About Randy.
Lord Randolph Churchill won aplace
and a certain reputation in English poli-
tics by nagging and baiting the old lead-
ers of both parties. The Evening Post
says that when, in the heat of debate,
he used language of the Liberal leader
which the latter indignantly denounced.
as "foul," Lord. Randolph apologized al-
most with tears. But the nightly bad-
gering went on. "You will kill Mr.
Gladstone one of these days," some one
said to him. "Oh, no!" he rejoined,
"he will long survive me. I often tell
my wife what a beautiful letter he will
write her, proposing my burial in West-
minster Abbey."
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
I Owe It All to Mother.
"I am deeply touched by the remembrance
of one to whom I own everything that a
wise mother over gave to a son who adored
bier."—Andrew Carnegie.
When I came trudging into town,
Anawkward country lad,
An empty purse and, wilting hands
Were all the'l•-kelittfle had.
But now I cannot count my gold,
MY stook land bonds are manifold;
My rails are laid up on every land,
My ships alt sea area legion, and
I owe ,it to ray mother.
On winter eves I used to draw
A hassock to her knee,
And listen. to the Bible tales
She loved to tela nue,
Slbe taught (1110 truth was always best.
She planted ,courage In my lereast.
With patience, hope, ambition high,
And fear of God, and that is why
I owe it to Amy mother,
When tempted from the narrow path
To mazes of deceit,
Tale memory at her gtentie voice
Recalled my wandering feet.
And as my shclrtening days descend
Dy pleasant paths toward the end,
God's scrutiny I do acct fear,
For I have kept my record clear,
And I owe it to my Toothier.
Ample Training.
"Whet preparation have you undergone,"
asked the great 1e1.•plorer, scornfully, "for the
hardships unavoidably attendant upon the ex-
peditton you wish to take with me?"
"I leave frequently walked ,across the bath-
room linoleum barefoot," proudly answered
the would-be voyager.
Whereupon the great •e:rpaorer apologized
and assigned him a ,berth,
safe, harmless and acts quick—gives almost
instant relief and: an absolute cure in from
one to three drays—woo-ks wonders in most
acute foams of r•heunuatisln.. One man's
testimony: "I spent six weeks itt bed before
commencing its use. 4 ,beetles cured me.'I
+6 oeu
Wanted His Liquor Pure.
"I spent $50,000 in rota Ln twenty-alne
years!" exclaimed Capt, Dunham .before the
committee on public health. at the hearing
of the Fernald bill. A roar of laughter and
exclamation wont up. "Yes, Sir," went on
the old salt, 'I've d'rauk lit out of a glass and
out of a .bucfoet. I want to appear here in
favor of that part of the bili which would
require all liquor to be pure,"
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
— --v e -Y
Spend your Easter vacation in Wash-
ington and Atlantic City. Special Wash-
ington Easter exonrsion via Lehigh Val-
ley Railway Friday, Aril 13. Tickets
only ten dollars round trip from Sus-
pension Bridge, '3,Ziagara ,balls. Tickets
good ten days;Sop-over allowed at
Baltimore and Philadelphia on return
trip. Side trip, Philadelphia to Atlantic
City, ov.ly $1.75'. Trains leave Suspen-
sion Bridge April 13th at 3.50 and 7.15 a.
m. and 7.15 p. m. For tickets, Pull-
mans and further information, call on or
address Robb. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent
L. V, R., 10 Icing sheet east, Toronto.
Special ten day excursion to New
York City, Friday, April 27th. Tickets
only $9.00 round trip. -Send ,for map and
guide of New York, free.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Stouts—Ts ,MabelPeM1lsugyn2us,
Bella- AAiwfully. 1 insirit,ad rot''twtanty blo
Ldroat tfha 'atilow ono is, pay Tho carne Caro, andcks
she , 1 I •. _. f._, 1...
The Nature of an Oath.
Some thirty years ago a case was on
trial :bef're a Judge of a court in a city
in which, among the numerous witnesses
for the defence, was a shiftless looking
colored man named Jones, who was to
testify as to an alibi.
He was fiscally called and the usual
oath was about to be administered, when
the attorney for the prosecution arose
and addressed His Honor, suggesting
that Mr. Jones be interrogated as to his
understanding of the solemnity of an
oath. The -Judge therefore asked the
witness if he understood the nature of
an oath, to which he replied: 'Yes, sail."
"Well," said His Honor, "what is it?"
To which Mr. Jones immediately re-
plied: "Why, when you tell a' lie, stiek
to it."
Gntlemen,—My daughter, 13 years old,
was thrown from a sleigh and injured her
elbow so badly it remained stiff and very
painful for three years. Four bottles of
MINA.RD'S LINIMENT completely cured
her, and she has not been troubled for
two years.
Yours truly,
St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th August, 1900.
Didn't Mean It That Way.
(American Advertiser.)
Mere would appear to be very doubtful
comfort lin the subjoined candlid statement
that appears in the "Agony" column ,of a
London daily.
'Notice. If 11—; Who is supposed to be
in C—, will oommunioate with his friends
at glome he well hoar of something to his
advantage. His wits is dead.
Removes all hard, soft or callpused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat,
coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bot-
tle. Warranted the most wonderful Ble-
mish Cure ever known.
As a protest against the detention of a
Polish 14 -year-old schoolboy in prison for
seditious practices, 100 political prisoners
in Pawialc Jail, Warsaw, refused all
nourishment. After three days the offi-
In and round the Niiagara Fruit Girowiag
District. Immediate possess'itla, easy terms,
small payment down, tow interest.
We have the following choice properties
to offer:
(1) 100 acres, fine stone house and bank
barn, Township of Beverly, main road,
7 miles from Galt, Price $4,000.
(2) 140 acres, Township of Waterloo, wag-
nifloent land and good ,buildings, adjoin-
ing Town of Preston. Price $7,000,
(3)100 acres, West Flamboro; fine buildings,
good sail, part timber, 7 miles from Ham-
iltan. Price $5,000.
(4) 36 acres, good land, Township of Bin -
brook, 14 miles from Hamilton. Price
(5) Beautiful 6 acres, 3 miles south of Ham-
ilton, fine fruit, good buildings. Pries
(6) 50 acres, Township of Nelson, new house
and new bank barn, 15 Bares clear, bal-
ance firewood. Price $900.
(7) 25 acres, Town:ahip of Willoughby, 12
miles east of Welland, good buildings,
good soil. Prioe $900.
(8) 100 acres, Township of Tralaigsr, 14
miles from Tononto; good buildings, black
locals, orchard. Price $6,000, or will tett.
We can give an industrious man with
small capital a ware opportunity in any of
the above oases.
We will arrange free transportation frota
Ilanuii:ton to inspect any of the above pro-
Apply to
37 Jamas street south, Hamilton, Ont.
apple ta'ees; leading varieties; fifteen
dollars per (hundred. Apply Fruitland Nur-
sories6 Fruitland, Ont.
about 20 years .of age Lor positions
as cook and housemaid in a private Lamily•
good wages to reliable girls. Address In
writing to Mrs. Geo. F. (l casco, 74 Hannah
street east, Hlamadton.
press feeders; wages $7 to $1.0, ac-
cording to qualifications. Robt. Duncan
Co., Hamilton.
Souvenir Post Cards
12 for 10e; 60 for 50c; 100, $1. 200, $2; 800,
85; all different. Largest and finest stook
In Canada; SCO mixed, $3; albums, all 'prices.
W. R. Adams, Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al-
ways be used for children teething. It
soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for Diar-
A safe, suro and reliable monthly regula.
tor. These Pills havo been used is Franco
for over fifty years, and found invaluable
for the purpose designed. and aro gurran•
teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for
sealed circular. Price *1.00 per box of
or y mall, securely sealed,, on receipt of price
Box 42, Hamilton, Canaria.
The ehronic—kicker generally gets
more e•:ereisc than results.
!SMm xfAt';r.Pti)5s.'l&:41i.V '."Tt le.VA,_tor-,rr
CZ) FR Mink
in sines do Gat purchasers, from 160 acres upwards, sttucted on or near =a -
'ways in tura famous wheat growing districts of
ERMSeo GENEROUS and HELPFUL ghat every indu�talr£oue man may own
Tho catlaranter and pnnst•xso or our company., /remelt hr organised) UNDER THE
For information toad prices apply
I11V$IBYW wenn
The Union Trust Company, Limited
Whoa writing mention this paper.
Kidd )=ktE>t;l ,64'4 $' ...q 11,0
rr tel:
OS) -17$ crtrili
That precious remedy, is a positive cure for all female diseases. Write for description
circular and tree sample. R. S. MaGILL, Sienese. Ont. ..
F rmers and Dairy•=t en
when you require as
Tub, Pall, Wash Basin as Milk Pan
Ask your grocer fur
Er ,
E `4u A
You will find they give you satis-
faction every time.
insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time.