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The Herald, 1906-03-30, Page 4
4 The u.rch i -.+gale.. LEGAL CARDS, B. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- 'leitor, Notary Public, l3ensall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's oiliee) every Mon- day. PiR,OUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR - :Asters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, to. 3oderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. . C. Bays. G. P. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED Ate- tioneor for .Huron County, respeet£ully solicits the patronage of those who in- tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. ;,. P. A. SEL,LERI', DENTIST, ORA - dilate of the Royal College of 1}eittrtl Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work i epeeia]ity. At Dominion .louse;, Zurich, every. 1on- day. 1-26 — ZELLER, ANI) Notary Piddle. Deeds, li ori gage Willsand other Legal Do t m•nt. e.•rc- fully and promptly pre -leo -ed. U;ii c Zeller block, Z urieh, Ont. " `G'1.•ICn BRASS BAND HAS 111>EN re-orgenized and is now prepared to furnish first -cuss uuit;ie for all kinds f amusements. Per terms apply to or Brite F. W. Hess, Ste'y-'Greens., 'Enrich. !6iVSURANCE. e.NDR W HESS, 1)iVISION t7O1'11T CLERK. Village and Fenn Propert.y ineured. All the leading C':ual,:tnie:+ represented. Agent for Accident. and Sickness hieurance. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—Large brick du -0116g, with frame kitchen and frame stable. he dwelling is practically now and is in ,:est -class shape. For partieu lays apply to John nectar, 7.uriedt. '1 OOD FIFTY -ACRE FARM fcr sale. '4-7T The north half Lot 20, Ctrl. 1.3, Tay All cleared, with good overflowing yells, large brick' house and large bank 'earn. Will leave $2000.110 on premises a' 4 per cent interest. Apply to Frederick :-Ieckman, Mitchell, or E. Geller, Zurich. 3,i-3inpd. AUCTION SALES. EXTENSIVE SALE EP' FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS. - Mr.. E. Eo ssenberiy has been instueted .`,o.seli by Pnblie Anetion, on Lot 13, L. ?�. W., Hay, near St. Joseph, on TEES- -:?AY, APRIL 3rd, 1906, the following ealuable property: 1 aged team generr.l purpose horses, 2 3riving mares, 4 cows supposed to be eiith calf, 1 farrow cow, 5 steers rising 3, heifer rising 2, 3 steers 1 year old, 4 fall calves, 1 standard wagon complete, truck, 4 in. tire complete, 1 truck 4 in, .ire, 1 bobsleigh, ° buggies, 1 cart, 1 democrat, 3 set double harness, 2 set ;•low harness, 1 set carriage harness, 2 `angle harness, ] Kemp manure spreader. Massey -Harris 7 ft. binder with truck end. carrier, 1 mower 6 foot eut, 1 hay rake, 1 Massey -Barris drill, 2 cultivators, seuffler, 1 tu,nip seeder, 3 plows, 1 set '•narrows, 1 roller, 1 straw cutter, Fanning gaug-plow., 2000 Ib, platform ecale, 2 wagon -racks, 2. gravel -boxes, tnrnip.pnlper, neek-yokes, whiffletrees, and other articles. Sale commences at 1 o'clock sharp. Everythiny must be sold as the proprietor 'ra giving up the farm. Terms of Sale: All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will 'ee given on furnishing approved, joint notes. 4 per sent oil for cash on credit -mounts. E. Bossenberry, DANIEL SMITH, Auctioneer. Proprietor. interest Paid Quarterly means more than interest paid half-yearly.or year- ly. You, as a business man will see the advan- tage, be your account large or small. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid 4 til1.es a year. • SOVE E1fN BANK OF CANADA J. SNELL Mgr. Zurich getrozaWalrassiceitardieffilnisleis The bill dealing with sleigh runn- ers introduced by James Tucker M. P. P., will prohibit the use of eleigbs that are less than four feet from centre to centre of runner. It will not go into effect until Deo. lst, 1907. The Act as it stands affects only sleighs manufactured after Dec. let, 1906, but the demand was general that it affect all sleighs in use. The date for going into effect was deferred one year in order to give manufacturers time to prepare fel` the new requirements. PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1900. Dominion Parliament. From our own Correspondent. Ottawa, March 19th, 1906 The session of the House of Com- mons today was of short duration.. Sir Wilfred Laurier announced that some of the government bills would be ready for to -morrow. The Ministers answered numerous ques- tions and tho House adjourned. The Senate, however, had a stor- my sitting, as the result of a dis- tm.te between Senator Miller., who haseiju:st forsaken the Censer vetive party an. Senator Rose, a former minister of the McKenzie I3owell government, Both come from Nova Scotia. Senator Miller complained of what he called slander, uttered by Senator Ross in his speech on the address from the Throne, and in the heat of his erg:rnernts aeves- c.d Senator Rots of .teeing -a totter- ing and a toothless viper," r..` Senaitoe Ross in lli ropiy ehttl- lon.=ged his mutagimlet to a foot race on Parliament [fill to sec which of the two had more vitality. One as I and the other Iii years of age. A livelier sieine was not seen in the Red Chant her for a 1071g time. An influential dleptitritien repre- senting tie, Dotioner,n Lord's 1)ay Alliance inter i the Premier re . i dine the prt3f'oe'(1 bill on the Senility observttnt'e. The 1'remiLer in hie reply remarked that the question was full of dillieulties. Different views on S•unbay obser- vance prevailed, and when the bill cense to be discussed. clause by clause, he suggested that the repre- sentatives of the varying opinions should get together and if possible find a common bads that would in- terfere as little as possible with the conviction of their fellow citizens. He insisted, however, that fair play to all should be the rule for action. March 20th. Today- was a day of progress in the Commons. Private and public bills and estimates constituted the program. The bulk of the nine months' main estimates for civil' government were put through. Among the bills receiving the first and second readings was the Usury bill. This bill defines a money lender to be a person who carries on the business of money lendipg, at it /•ate thfinterest than 10 per cent, The bill gives the court before which a usurious contract is `ought to be enforced, tlie power to come to the relief •of the debtor according to the ciroum- stances of the case, interest at the rate of 6 per cent to be allowed af- ter judgment. After very flowery speeches from various members, the bill was referred to the bank- ing and commerce committee. March 22nd. The first division of the session took place when 156 members re- sponded to the call of the party whips. The vote was on a motion of Mr, A. Broder, Con., Dundas, who proposed a resolution in favor of granting additional pensions to Canadians volunteers who suffered total disability m the South Afri- can war. In reply to the resolution Sir Frederick Borden said it was agreed by all that great services had beeo rendered to Canada and the Empire by the volunteers. All were united upon the sentireental side of the gnostion, but there was also tt business side to consider. When the volunteers went to South Africa the terms were that they should be paid the stone as British troops. These terms were accepted by the Canadian government and by the individuals also. He was prepared to consider cases where the British government paid a smaller pension than that allowed by the Canadian government for service in troubles at home. He was not, however, of the opinion that volunteer. who served in South Africa should be better paid than those that served at hbme, for instance, in the Fenian raid. Mr. Broder demanded a division on his motion and it was defeated by 96 nays and 59 yeas. Hon. Wnz. Templeman, the new Minister of Inland Revenue, was introduced by Sir Wilfred Laurier and Mr, Ralph Smith of Nanaimo, March 24th. The Commons are certainly tak- ing life easy. Yesterday's session was again wholly devoted to satis- fying member's curiosity. It was a private members session, and the list of questions requiring govern- ment attention was up to the stand- ard of.lengtb. A number of new bills were given their first reading. In the Senate things have resumed their normal state, and it is hoped the election for president of the i ienate over seventy athletic as- locations," will not lead to any. personal encounters. CANADIAN Subscribe for Tisk HERALD. COUNTY NEWS. hti ct m^F3a 3` l* F3 4f 3� *Ew+Ea++EM 4,•+Ei. Gilbert Li elio' drover of Kippen, paid out over ,$1,000 for hogs at Kippen stat en, on. Monday of last week. x,. Sipco the, �ffQQ.vincial asylum was instituted ;a!ax London, Middlesex has sent:in' 5 patients, Lambton 577, Oster d :4.fS Kent 327, .Huron 5110, Esse4, 332:find Elgin 361. Mr. and:! , R. B. McLean, of near Kippe rat week exchanged homes wit t ih,son, James B., who conies to the ,homestead farm in Tuckersmitl, ;while Mr. McLean go- es to the ko , in Stanley. Robert tyilson, of Prosperity, near Dungannon, a young Ulan of t?2 years, com nitted suicide by drowning himself in the Maitland! river t fe1't; Gray. ago. ri'ht' Ciliac Of the rash salt; is ,t mystery. :Pos. May; south of Exeter, will be laid up for some tittle owing to a! cow, which he was a bent to niilk, having stepee.d on his foot and rtf- l terward kicked hint, throwing biul at;ait0t the edge of a. board and in-! jurinir his Side. T. Mc1,. (-nates a l:rt sold his farm on the 5th con of Tuckercmf th, to Alex. Gori? )n..if Egntondville, fur 4t6,b+00 IGS Ea extra good farm, j and has z.r -ss buildings on it. I Mr. Grieve 1t. ends going to Sea- I For more than Fifty Years the SINGER has been recognized as maintaining the HIGHEST STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE among ramify Sewing Machines. They are now being sold at lower prices'quality considered, than any other machine. Look for the Singer when in need of a sewing machine. At It WELL'S Furniture Store, Zurich, Ont. forth to reside. 't i r W. C. Hiis cit. and family of l:<;e- and 1YleOld ' li ble te,� have left :"r ��tig,by, a)' K,aibfleisc 's Saw & Planing' Milso��.,. where they -will nutke their futile; home. Mr. Huston was presented with an address and a handsome snit; ease by the trustees of Main street Methodist church. in recog-' nition of l' .services. A young man named Frank Shannon, Who claims Gude rich ae his home, .arrieed in Blyth 21 few days ago, and being without food and money -was kindly looked after by Andrew Lynn, an old acquain- tance. One morning he suddenly disappeared, and shortly after his departure Ilih'. Lynn missed his gold watch and chain. Shannon ryas followed to Wroxeter, and arrested on suspicion, • and was taken to Goderieh for triol, For some mouths a daughter of Wm.Kleine-a, Mitchell, has not been in good health and imagined that there was something alive in her stoniadh. At tinges she could feel it crawling up her throat and would hate to take food to send it back.. I,N?_e sensation was anything but Xree' '" ' 'mut relief came one day rte"•- : en t.u. ,,V0)11) )iii -Air Was' vssiti zn. "sae country and, drinking a. glues of cream which did not agree with her, .took a fit of coughing tnCE op came 4 milk snake measuring louirteen inches in length, and still alive. Judging from the size of the reptile it must have been in the victim's stomach .about two years, and no doubt was swallowed while drinking from a pool of water. The other day Gay Cudmore bought from. Chas. Allison a small house below the railroad in Clinton oeoupied by John Ellison. The world has gone hard with the lat- ter, prolonged ill health keeping him out of work, but in addition to .acquiring a family he has acquired no wealth, and paying rent as well as providing for his family has been a hard problem. The purchas- er of the .louse ordered them to move out, bat he failed to do so, and on Friday he went and took off the doors anti windows, leaving the unfortunate family exposed to the rigors of the weather. This was not 0 wise or prudent thing to do, aside from its legality, and Ellison complained to the mayor, who sent Chief Wheatley down to see that they were replaced, before any of the family died of exposure. Thedoors and windows were re- placed and Ellison was quietly ad- vised that he had bettor get anoth. er place which he promised to do. FOIi.r0ASTS FOR APRIL. By ri'heR,ev. Irl. R. Hicks. The firer stcran period in April is central o': the 4th, extending from the 2nd tc the 6th. This period is covered a;soby a Mercury disturb- ance. The Moon is at first quarter on the 1st and at extreme north de- e1ination on the let. By the 3rd change tc Farmer 'will become marked in western. to southern. sections. The barometer will fall rapidly and storm centers of great energy will forri.. and move east- ward over the country during the 4th to 613b, Trppioal rains, with thunder and heavy gales will attend the south sides of these storm areas but rains will ti n. to snow and sleet over midi: sections, central and northward. old northwesterly winds, with free inn in the north, and frosts far to the southward, will follow the s, rms of this per- iod for two ortlia e days. Banwell, why« got away with $,40,000 worth of he Crown Bank's money, was hip trial at Toronto last week and. wa sentenced to four years in prison* I wish to thank my customers for their patron2ge during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings .Brand . C. ;-:EP.A CEDAR Sail&CLE$ and all kinds cif Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and Ker me if you are going to build. It is my ane to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM S>.W1l C and PLAridgi© 1. chopping clone every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KAL mills 1.4th Coil. Id', ZURICH STOP AN READ THIS At the- new Zurich (Grocery Store, next door to Sovereign Bank, is where you can: buy the sweetest sugars, the purest teas and coffees, the finest spices, the most delicious fruits and canned goods; maple and cane syrups; all kinds of flavoring ex- tracts; the sweet little fish that cannot speak it's wish, but with biscuit makes a splendid dish, (sardines) ; soaps and brus- hes; mops and brooms; pails and tubs, etc. In!fact, everything in elle line of a first- class grocery stole. International Stock Foods anti Dr. Scott's medicine for horses, cattle, poultry, and swine. The best and highest grades of flour and all kinds of min - feed always on hand. All is sold at surprisingly low prices. Come and see. All kinds of farm produce taken for goods as cash. €nue fil.,"6-%et,S.%, CV -5..%c7 212,-- -,.7e0 When In Need Of t>, farm implement of any kind, it will be to your interest to call on. me before purchasing elsewhere. The 'DEERING- IMPLEMENTS are too well known to need any further description. I handle the following lines: International Gasoline Engines, Magnet Cream Separators, Side Delivery Rakes, Swath Hay Loaders, Binders, Rakes, Manure Spreaders, Cultivators, Drills, Plows, etc., etc. Deering Mowers lead them all. Buy no other. Machine Repairs of all kinds on hand. Try the Deering Lubricating Oils. None better. ® F. ickbeil 9 Deeri Agency ZURICH 2 7 5 Cents pays for the "Zuri.ch. Herald" to January, I907A