HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-03-30, Page 1THE
Vol., VI., No. 36
Mr. Sam. E. Faust is visiting re-
latives in Milverton this week.
Miss Maggie Rupp of Hensel].
-visited at her home here on Sunday
Mr, "Billie" McLeod of Seaforth
was a visitor in the village on Wed-
Mr. Gideon Bock of New Dundee
visited relatives and friends here
last week.
Miss Mabel Cantelon of Clinton is
'visiting at the home of Mr. Thos.
Johnson this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnn. Fritz of Grand
Bend visited relatives and friends
in the village on Sunday last. ,
The regular meeting of the W.
a T. U. will be held at the home of
;l re. P. Bender, Monday afternoon,
April 2nd at 2.110 o'clock.
Mr. Fred Hess, Sr., gave' an
oyster supper to a number of. his
friends on Wednesday evening in
honor of his sixtieth birthday. We
extend best wishes.
Mr. John Galster showed us an
egg the other day which measured
7* inches in cireumferen.ce length-
wise and 01 inches around the
centre. This egg was laid. by a
nine months' old Red Cap pullet.
Who can beat this?
The Children's Aid Society of
this County have requests to find
:Ponies for two infants—one about
six weeks and the other a bright
little boy of ten months. Any one
willing to take either will please
rccomuiunicate with :Mateo, Mitchell,
President, Goderich.
Dr. z • nr
Ovens, Eye and Eur Surgeon,
y g n,
will be at the Queen's Hotel, .Clen-
eall, on the first Friday- of each
month. Hours from 8 a. m, to 2 p,
an. Glasses properly fitted and
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat treated. ''ext visit Friday,
,44pril 6th; from 8 a. ni- to 2 p,
• 23-tf
Fence Builders.—We can sell you
the best carbon steel coiled wire,
guranteecl, to build a 0 wird fence
xit 15 cts.per rod, a 7 wira fence at
17a4 cts per rod, a 8 wire fence at
20 Cts per rod. We have a large m-
terest in a wire plant operated at
Clevelaiid. that's why we can sell
so cheap. O. Hartleib.
The Provincial health authorities
of Manitoba Will be asked to take
steps for the protection of consum-
ers against the indiscriminate ship-
ping of Ontario apples to Manitoba
:and Western points. Many of the
apples received in Winnipeg this
season are said to have been small
and wormy, and unsaleable. In
hritish Oolumbia similar fruit is
being dumped into the ocean or
river, and it is proposed to adopt
the same course in Winnipeg,
Mr. J. Preeter and family, hacl a
very unpleasant experience on
Sunday last. They were on their
way to visit Mr. Preeter's mother,
and when near Dashwood, in at-
teirapting to turn out to pass an-
other rig the wheels of the mikado
slid into the ditch and the horse
rig and occupants were unceremon-
iously dumped into the ditch.
Assistance was given by others
passing and it was found that none
of the occupants bad sustained a
scratch, although badly frightened
and well shaken up.
The first "shoot" of the Zurich
Gun Club was held on the Fair
-;grounds on Tuesday afternoon.
The weather was very disagreeable
but the members turned out in good
numbers. Tern HERALD intended to
publish a photo of the first holder
of the medal, but "our" modesty
forbids more than the mere men-
tion of his name. By carefully read-
ing the score as under, TEE
-inial n's reticence will be more
readily understood. It might be
mentioned however that editors as
a rule are "dead shots"—that being
a necessary part of their hazardous
business. Following is the score :
C. Fritz tl 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1. 0 5
Ed. Zeller ! 0 1 1 1 0 J. 1 0 1 7
Peter Lamont 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Hurley Webea. 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6
Wm. O'Brien 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 5
Hy. Yungblut 0 1 '1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4
John Truelnnur 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Albert Zettel. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 4
John P. Ran 1 00111100.1 ti
Wan. G. Hess 0100001000 2
M. Meidinger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.
Wm. Schenck 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 4
John Sohuettler 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4
W. H. Hoffman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
,Jacob Deichert 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 l
A Mittelholtt 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
The Official Organ of Zuri,
Mr. Dan, Oswald ]eft for the
west last week.
J. D. Mentor was in Toronto this
week on business.
Miss Mel. Koehler visited friends
in Hensall over Sunday.
Mr. F. Witwer and family visited
relatives in Dashwood on Sunday
Mr. Peter Koehler is staking out
a portion of his property into vil-
lage lots.
A pleasant rag bee was held at
the home of Mrs. H. Weber last
Friday evening.
A car load Ideal fencing just ar-
rived. Tho cheapest and best.
Prices very low, call and see at C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and Mr.
and Mrs, C. Fritz attended the
funeral of Mrs. Beaver at Crediton
on Wednesday.
J. D. Morner's sale last Saturday
was well attended. His new brick
dwelling was not sold, as the re-
serve bid was not reached.
A number from the village drove
to Hensall on Monday evening and
witnessed the hockey match be-
tween the Goderich and Hensall
Miss Marie Bassow hes returned
from London on account of ill
health. Rer many friends will re-
gret to hear that she is ill with an
attack of inflammatory rheru.na-
ft. N. Douglas merchant Blake is
offering some choice new goods to
his customers. Read his ad on page
5. He also handles all kinds of
farm produce at highest market
Mr. Currie, of Ottawa. and Fred
Belanger were at St. Joseph this
week invest'•igating the condition of
the dock. Wo understand that Mr.
Currie has -re-let the contract of
completing it to Mr. Belanger.
Oise of the dynamos at the mill
got out of order onMMLon.day... night,
and a.sa eousequenr , p;1r# .s1P -sae
village was in darkness. The trouble
has been found and we are again
enjoying our usual satisfactory
Mr, Segrais, who opened up a
grocery store in St. Joseph a few
weeks ago, has disposed of his
stook to Mr. J. J. Merner, of this
village, and has left for ' the west.
He had intended to leave for the
west from Montreal, but Mr. Cantin
induced him to come to ,St. Joseph.
He is, no doubt a poorer and a
wiser man through this experience.
Hay Township.
ARCH 30, 1906.
Mr. William Fee •oGoshen
Line north has 2 Coll- lana 1, and
1 colt, rising 3, for' S
Mr. C. Ellber dis i ii. of his
young driver to Mee;ir eOloy, • of
near Hensall, for $160 00,;''
Get your horse bills and cards
printed at this office. Taet us have'
copy before the spring' usie
A pleasant party was 1lalci at the
home of Mrs. Frect 3Vitwer on
Tuesday in honor of leer birthday.
J. W. Ortwein and ' ialnily, of
Hensall spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs Ortwein's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Wagner. •
t Messrs. F. Smallacornbe and R.
Twitchell of Hensall were in the
village on Tuesday purchasing
onions to plant for se(.
Never go from a ea 7in atmos-
phere into a cooler 00e without
keeping the mouth cloned, so that
the air may warmectii its pass-
age through the nest• before it
roaches the lungs.
Did you see the Landis machine
work. The latest equipment to
manufacture harness, leather is
going up, harness corms, down.
Team harness, with eci]iars, V25.00
a set and upwards,. Singles at 1:++9.00
and upwards at C. Hartleib's.
We have had some real springlike
weather this week . and;; the ladies
are having serious thoUg is about
starting housecleaning: 'Just notice
how busy the man of thaelmuse gets
clown town these days. 'You don't
see him hanging around Jae house
much at this time of the• year,
0, Lord, 'we approach "Thee this
morning' in the attitude 0' prayer,
an' like o' complaint When we
came tae the lwnd o C
l„ w
expected tee find a hon f.ewin,a wi'
milk an' honey, bat instead o' that
we found a. land peopled vi' ung,ed-
ly Irish. 0, Lora, ni 'J y -'feat
mercy drive them tree ti sue Jost
d -'a. y,
pa.arts;o Cn,nacla- ,.�xs� � �. ee:v:�
4 „.
1 �,�
, erg ti�i'1'ilC'l llll,4 %T'3,P;,� Y �, Zta�� C,.T,ei',
gie them ride emo1-invent¢ •gie theta:
nae place o' abode, neer make there
magistrates or rulers aiming Thy
people, but if Ye hao ony favors
tae -bestow or ony good lan' tae gie
awa' gie it tae Thy ain—Thy pe-
culiar people, the Scotch -mak,
them a' members o' Parliament,
an' magistrates an' rulers among
Thy people. But as for the ungodly
Irish, tak' them by the heels and
shake over the mouth o':: hell. . but
dinna let them fa' in, ars' tt' the
glory shall be Thine. Atnen.
r i4
$1. Per Year.
�`Ea 1 ` ' W W i !r VAI MW
r sit i n s st s;tr
We have a few stamped mats which we are
selling below cost price.
Regular 40 cent Mats for 25
Regular 30 cent Mats for 20
Door Mats 15 cent for lo
A large quantity of Remnants at a
m 0
\Ve have recei ed several shipments of Spring
Shoes, .but in the mean time we are clearing
out odd lines at less than cost
C FRITZ, The Shoemman. ooa
t� Pte:-: �°c%�-a.��'oc'�_;-� ��s�-��-''�.c7o �P���c'�-�.���'c�: �•
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If you want a' good bargain in a pair of
Women's Shoos it will p,'13' you to come and
see what we are (dill;;. We want the room
for spring goods and we want your patronage.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods.
fel G
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amturaar lermer,zszorcezassoraaawenYovw r��,
atnira azasrums3,1.c•
We wish to a,' nounce to our many Friends
that we are holding our Millinery Opening on
AND 4--" LLO `'! G D,40iffS
and hope to see all our old cstomers and many new
during our Spring Opening.
We have spared no pains in or er to provide our patrons with the very newest
creations in. the Millinery word- and with this department under the, supervision
of l'hiss E. Gibson, who has v itecl the' leading Millinery Openings in the cities,
we have every confidence in stt:ting that our display in this department will far
surpass any of our previous e ports, our ails being to provide, not only the very
newest ideas of High-class Mil znery, but also to give the very Best Values for,
your money obtainable anywlie e. Trusting we may have .the' pleasure of seeing
you during our Opening, we ate, yours faithfully,
�I1�4wd �dt!lti rf,a�� w.