HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-02-23, Page 5HOTELS. 0 r0 w'0 O 0 0 to 0THE 0 0 a0 0 0 0 0 COMMEfC! t HOTEL l0 <y ZURICH 0 0 0 Strictly up-to-date in moderns im provenaents. Diniugrooms is sup- plied with only the very best. ¶ If Box contains choiee liquors and cigars. If ¶' ¶ ¶ ¶ Excellent Sarnple Rooms for Coznmez•ciaf Men. 64.1431111,16=01111111[21111141101,41:6111444061W.I451111144 614=1441.1114.40 J• P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 114• 000 0* D:DFJ'al::7ti;t430*00t@E".t(a+O1*:104 t0 0 0 m 0 t0 t0 0 "Ube oniinttod 1iouze. This House has recently changed hands, and is now ono of the most orderly and hest con- ducted Houses in the Province. r'o netter Walle in the k'eminion. 616441.11410 R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRIInTO:RS. TatElMrellgiEVE2 - • w. it1JI.41.4v..P a P off man's Jubilee Laundry o We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing', and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION arlatetb . HONIARA! TjSi„ l B If : w^Y{3 r s ,C General Blacksmith - ing and Repairing Done Bring along your sleighs, cutters, wagons, buggies, etc., etc., WO are prepared to repair them, woodwork and ironwork, at shortest notice and right prices. Our trade is constantly growing which shows that onr work is satisfactory. Horseslloei.ng a specialty Prang ( • I Tr uemner THE MARCH D1cLnNz,:t.•ron.-In the March number the Delineator has fallen under the spell of romance which the forthcoming marriage of the President's daughter has evok- ed, and presents as its leading feat- 0 aro an article on ..The Brides of the White House," illustrated with a p - e Zurich Hera•Id., ST, rlCS,Ei, FOREC.&.s.6FOR FEBRUARY. Special to THE HERALD. LD. ICRE1i l rON Special to'. HE HERALD. Me marriage took place on. Wed- nesday, Feb. 21st, of Miss Minnie Andrews, daughter of Rev. 111r, Andrews, of this village, to' W. H. McCormick, of Pierson, Main. We extend congratulations. Miss Lottie Brown, of London, who was a frequent visitor at the home of W. II. Wentzel, died at her home in that city a few days ago. The band concert on 'Wednesday night was a groat success. The Programme was a lengthy one and every number was appreciated. Jacob Heist, who was 79 years old on Friday, Feb. 9th, gave a birthday party in honor of the occasion. Albert Wolfe is learning the blacksmithing with Mr. Alonzo Hodgins. Garfield )3aker and A. Brown, who have been visiting friends and relatives here, have returned. to their home in Brussels. James Lawson Will soon bo ready to open up his jewellry store. Our quartette club took part in a concert at Fullerton last Monday evening. Miss Lena Wilheln is r ecovering from her attack of pneumonia. 011ris. Finkbeiner of Morriston visited relatives hero last week,. The recent cold weather has en- abled the hotelmen and the butch- ers to put in their supply of ice. Tho literary society snot at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Heist last Friday evening. GOSHEN LAVE SOUTH Special to THE HERALD. Miss Susanna Buechler of Slab - town visited at Mr, John Gascho's .on Sunday last. Jacob Ceingerieh is helping to out wood at Fred. Krauskopf's, Mr. and Mrs. Pani Messner were visiting at Mr. 'Wendel Sillith's last Sunday evening. Mr. Philip Hartman has sold his :'arm on the Town Line to Mr. Chas. Heaver for the suis of $1800. Mr. Geo Fleisehaner was visiting in our burg least week. • Messrs. John, Moses and Daniel Gesell° visited at Mr. Gingerich's an Sunday last. Mr. David. and Miss Latera;' Ben- der of 2herieh visited at Mr:; . John The home of Mr•;s. August Masse was saddened oil lkl nday by the death of her little �tinghtee. Mr. Maxim Masse, of` Courtright, and Miss Sarah Masse, of Seaforth,• were here attending the funeral, Mr. and Mrs, Marcel Corrive 11 visited at the. home of Peter Duel1- arroe, .Bronson Line, ` on Sunday last. &Ir, P. T)ucllarnie has returned from the lumber camps on Tues day, Ho, met with. an accident whish compelled him to stop work, Theophile Ayott has returned to his home in Sanilao county, Mich., aftera six week's visit here. The fishermen at St. Joseph s some nets in the lake a few de ago, but have had no lttekin cats ing any fish. BY The Rev, Irl. R. 7Tio1�s. " A reactionary Storm period falls on the 2'lnd to the 25th. Ti)ia pet; iod promise; in' all probability to he the.pnost sovere.of the nionth. It i.t fully within the influonoe of the: Vernal equinox -of the .Earth, at the center of the Mercury- period, anti within the growing Venus disturb- anee. New Moon at a Solar eclipse node is on the 23rd, and Moon's passage northward across the celes- tial equator is on the 25th. On and touching the 22nd there are More conjunctions of Earth, Sun; planets and Moon than aro• often seen in the same -space of time. About the 21st look for a change to warmer. in most western parts of the country. et The temperature will continue to ys rise rapidly ars the warm wave ad- 11- vances eastward, •unci the batome- ter will fall proportionally over the stone sections. By the 23rd high temperatures for the season will have spread eastward to the central valleys, with low and threatening barometer,. and about Friday, Sat- e urday and Sanday, the 23rd to 25th et' violet and general storms of rain, wind and thunder will visit Many is sections- as storm centers move eastward over the country, While e the front, or eastern to southern 11 sides of these storm areas are caus- e ing tropical rains, with thunder, gales and possible tornadoes, at the same time rising barometer with sweeping blizzards of snow and sleet -prepare for destructive sleet -will be rushing eastward on the western and northern sides of the same storm areas. With the com- bined influence of Earth, Von us. Mercury and other astronomical perturbations, all bearing on this period, storms differing all the way HENSALL. Special to Tent HERALD. Miss Lily Ortwein r'ttendecl th millinery openings lit Toronto let week. The membership 'of our pubs library is steadily increasing. There is soma improvement iu th condition of Mr. H. Cook, whit his many friends will be pleased t hear. Jas. Sniffle, the assessor, he commenced his work of assessin the property in the village. A young ladies hoekoy Club has been organized in the village. We are going to halo the second butcher shop. McDonnel & Snlyth the well known' cattle and hog buyers are going; into the' shop vacated by Bob. Higgins. g Nate Warner= who worked with Buchanan Taros., at baking, has purchased the James Beverley building and will take possession on April lst. Ile intends fitting a s steel oven in the basement and will t run a bakery. Mr. 1.l. Hill of Cliri- t ton has been building the oven. t Mr. Kelobon net the council on Monday night of Iast week and laid t before there a statement as ta. his t prospects. He stated that he laud i orders ahead which would aggro - flora 1 f frons tropical and tornadie, to boreal and blizzardous, are apt to be in progress at the same time, the boreal features of the settle general storms on the west being operated only by the diameter of he storm area from the tropical eingents of the general storm on he east. Hence, under these con - Miens, especially at this season of he year, blizzards n1ay succeed a Bungler storms and tornadoes with- I n as few hours of time. The present 1 s a favorable time for s rich phono-' gate many thousands of dothtrs, blit if the oounoil required the :.t-0 down it would greatly hamper him. 0 The council took'»o action in the matter but at a subsequent meeting t it was decided to close down the s foundry for. an indeft to period. Gaseho'as on. Thursday evening.. 0 Mr. Pani l rosenor lost a valuable THE ONION're relVITRy: sh Flay„ By=Law No. 1906 A By -Law to provide for drainage • work in the Township of Hay, County of Huron. and for proviyY. .' ing for the payment the sum- oi;. ninety 090.00) Dollars, the Orb - portion to be contributed by t he said Municipality for outlet lia- bility towards the °•Mud Creek Drain," Township of Stephen. Provisionally adopted. the 17th day of. January, A. D,, 190G. Whereas the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron has initiated certain drainage works in the said Township, and whereas the Engineer employed by the said Township of Stephen, has made a .re- port, an estimate and an assessment of said' drainage work. And whereas, the said Engineer has assessed curtain lands and roads in the Township of Hay; for outlet liability of said drainage works, the amount assessed against the said lands and roads in tho Township of Hay is $90.00, and being as follows: SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT of lands in the Township of Hay. Lot Con. Acres For Outlet Total. 15 . S. B. 100 3.00 3.00 18 ' ° " 9.00 9.00 1, 1' 4 5 ti 4 10 5 0 << 8 <f 14 << <1 °° 12-00- 11.i 2-00 11.i 0 11.00 8.00 8.00 7.10 7.00 5.(') L:'J 7.00 7.00 0.00 0.01 5.01) 5.00 5.8') 5.00 •3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 $84.00 Assessment on roads in Hay, One half Town Line . 3.00 Side Road, Con. 4.5 3.00 Total on lands and roads in Hay...$90.00 And whereas, the council of the said Township of .Stephen has served the head of the council of the Township of Hay with copy of the report, plans, profiles and assessttteut of the Engineer, for the pro- )used work. Therefore the !aid municipal council f the said Township of Hay, pursuant to memo A., the Moon does not cross the �, elestial equator, working' north- ward from south declination, until t he kith, the cold following the a terms of the 22nd to 25th may be he provisions of the "Municipal Drainage ct, ' enacts as follows: - 1 That the said copy of the Engi leer's report, plans, profiles, assessments, nd estimates are hereby adopted. 2. For paying the sunt of 884.00, the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from. roads belong- ing to or controlled by the Municipality, the following; special rates ever and above all otter rates,- shall be °issarised, levied and collected upon and filum the above- mentioned lots and parts of lots and roads, and the amount of the total special rates ;dint each lot or part of lot respectively hall 1' assessed, levied and collected as foresard in any one year after the final tssiug of this By -Law. ;l. For paying the seen of $8.00, the. monet assessed against the roads of the Iutiicipality, shall, over and above ali bier rates, he levied and collected in the ime manner and at the b:ante time as thcr rater are levied and collected, upon nd from the whole ratable property in the horse one day last week. The Huron Expositor• o,' last wi' k Mr. David Gingerich and family contained the following : J. W. vlsitctri at Mr. l�IennO Sollwaartz0n- truber's on Sandey last. ',net Friday .los Lowson lens through the line offering; 5 cents per porind for May cattle. Mr. and Yrs. .iaeou Braun noel daughter ��cln, etre spending a few 11 eeke in lliclli ran, visiting rela- tives and friends. Miss Lovina. buss was the guest of Mary Brunn a few days last week. STANLEY TOWNSHI P. Special to THE HERALD. Mr, 'ii'. Scotchnrere of the Bron - on Line, sold his driver to Mr. R. Colelough of Goderich township for he emu of 8130. 1 S restrained and modified; but it will be safe to anticipate narked winter stories, anti• severo-.. cold - for the time of year up to the' last ` day or two of February. A regular storm period, hiving ts center on the first day of alarcll i t 111 cause a rise in the temperature i as n western extremes on the 27th r s nd `28th. Those who consult their arolneters will find theta finetuat It tg; and failing in saute sections a- a mg -with rising temperature, cud loudiness with other unmistakable •0 ndieations of brewing storms will si 1)1)0111' as we pass from February t° 1t0 March. a Ortwein, of Hensall, was in town a i few days ago. Mr. Ortwein is one 11 of the largest deniers and exporters i of (miens in this part Of the coma. 0 try. He ships on an average ahem. b 50 tons of onions evert year. This u at $200 per ton wvhieh is ((bout the h average price, represents a lot of 0 money. Most of the onions which i Mr. Ortwein handle: are grown in a. the vieinityof Hensall. Pc furn- 11 ishes the seed to the grawors and they furnish the lapid and do that work and ho pnrchatses from theist the product. Ho says: there is no• thing a farmer can grow that will T give so good a return for the Iabelr a and outlay. As ala example We may A state that last year Mr. Isaac Jar- n rot, whose firm farm adjoins the c, br 0 in di h rl thhi th h 1 .r` r' ttt A ke ho en 0.11 th Ito M Lis an cl).. Ne COUtiTRY CORRESPONDENCE Washington, D. C... Feb, 17. 1206-18 he long .expected and enthusiastic -1m Hy -wished -for nuptials of Miss! a lice Roosevelt to a lanky Ohic,an' ei 'rued Nick Longworth were pulled I ' fI this morning in bully style, Thel t ide came into the church leaning , n the arni of her father and carry' - g white roses. Orange blossoms I ffiised their sweet fragrance front er hair. The bridegroom wore a ! l; no suit of store clothe., and llaltl I eo s top boots newly greased. .After ! co e preacher had tied the knot in j as c. presence of a lot of foreigners .1Y, 0 whole party ndlourned to the!Ie.1 oesevelt barn lyllere it ng- r ," ba ,Lp toper was served, consisting of th rkey, pumpkin pie and hard elder. s t]° fter supper all hands began to 1 e n ip the light fantastic toe, and 1 tilt opt it up until the wee sola' ! u r nrs ayant the twal'. rt'11,, Imes -101i ts were set out in the spare room , to d.ought to make it very easy for Co e young couple to start house. aa.e epfng� without, ninth expense, sai 's. Nick Longlvorth ie one of the ost popular girls in the village d she -will be 1)11.1011 •nlissetl in arch and soeial circles. -Toronto NYS. said Township of Day, in env one year • IL iter the dual passing of this &]y -Law. 4. This By -Law ,leak be published, the &TACir Hra.tco in accordance with "c. 21 of the "Municipal Drainage Act" td shall come into full force and effect ftrr tho final passing thereof and may be tett Vs the "Mud Creek Drain" (Stephen) Uy- Law. Finally passed this day of . .1),, 1900. NOTICE. i' osteo is hereby given that a court of e vision itis be ]teld in the Township ]:Tall, nr ich, cut Monday the 5t11 of March, 108, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore - on for the purpose of hearing and trying mpiaierts and appeals against the above sessntent or any part- thereof and all tie's of appeal shall be served upon the eek of Hay at least ten days prior ti, eh Court of Revision. And further notice is hereby - given at any person intending to apply to have c above 13y -Law or aur start thereof asked roust not later than ten days after c final passing thereof .serve a notice in icing upon the Reeve or other head ter and upon the Clerk of the said trnhip of flay of his intention to make plication for than purpose to the High urt of :Justice at Toronto during the six efts next ensuing the final passing of the d By -Law. 1)atcd this and day of February, 1900. FRED. KESS, SR., Clerk of Tray station grounds at Kippen, raised We understand Mr. Andrew Stin- 'not quite an acre of onions 'and he son has rented Mr. Charles John- received from Mr. Ortwein the sum son's farm for a number of years, of $550 for his crop. Last season Mr. R. Peek and Mr. W. J. Peck aver ;13,000 were spent in )lensall spent a few days in Toronto for onion seta. This will give some last week. idea of the profits of the crop and Miss Hannah Penh Ile Icftt for the veins it is to that part of the ITltornas on 'Saturday a.econlpanird cone trv. The Only w1 *on der le that by her brother Rob. who intends lint felrntor4 do not go niers extrn- re:,trauning for a, few weeks, ten a visit. come yt,t1:; the market may- not ho Slt'oiy i'1te the li'i'iirr � r• Of eertirse Mr. Chas. Johnstone has grticl activeedemanut d thisthereis r - three horses to the following glen : assures t ,e1 . Mr C) as Mr. 0. Johnson of Clinton, 1111•. J, wain ny tons in thathesing of has Cowen of the Bronson Line and Mr, had allz* trouble in disposing all he can purchase. A JEALOUS MO,1V'S ACT. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 17. -Wild with jealousy because his wife re- fused to live with hien, William J. Richards lest night twice shot his wife, 1\fay Richards, and she is now in a critical condition at Grace Hospital. though the physicians expect she will live. Believing that he had killed tile wvounarl, Richards turned the weapon on himself, He was taken to a hospital, but will recover. Mrs. Richards oanio here about a, year ago frbttl Seafarth, Ont., and vette married to Richards, who formerly lived in Alpena, Mich., but some months ago she left him. harks .rathwoll of the Goshen Lino. Mr. Johnstone received good riots for each of the animals. handsome portrait of hiss Roose- velt never before published, The fiction of the number includes a short story by Mttry Stewart Cut- ting, a clever study of child Iife by Virginia Woodward Cloud, and the continuation of ..The President of Quex," Helen M. Winslow's inter- esting club story. Viola Allen, the popular young actress, who recent- ly married a southern millionaire, writes of Shakespere's heroines from the point of view of one who has personated many of there with great success, Dr. Murray concludes her series on "The Rights of the Child" with a paper on growth and development ; and a unique feature beginning in this number is ".-:oas- es by Correspondence," the first being The Doctor's House, Stories and pastimes are supplied for the amusement of children, and in the other departments many topics. of. interest and value to the home are treated, Fashion of course, plays a large part,in this number, and the newest styles are] illustrated and described in detail. HIGHLAND PARK. Specil to TnE HERALD. Messrs, Samuel Miller annd 'Win. Schatz were near .Bayfield one day last week on a hunting expedition. Geo. Edighoffer, who sold ono of his horses some time ago, took hint to Varna on Monday. Mr. Ben Surer us sold a horse to Mr. Sparrow for which he received a good sum. Messrs. Noah Sararas and Geo, Eisenbaoh were in Dashwood the latter part of the week on business. Quite a number from our burg where in Zurich Sunday, attending quarterly meeting which was held in the Evangelical Church, The Mtsses Selina Beaver and Mary Gasoho were visiting at Wm. Miller's on Sandal last. Mr. Henry Pfile visited Mr, Win. Schatz Sunday. Noah Sararas is breaking in hila 2 year old "Shoe ''ly." Kisses cannot be copyrighted- which is fortunate for those who print them. .. The banquet tendered to Sir Wil- frid Laurier at altasey Hall, `Torun- te, on Wednesday evening post nearly $8,000. re 'Elkton, Miele, antlered a severe lose through, fire on :Tuesday of last week. The lot's is estimated at about $20,000, STARTLING l3ll'CTl3,L7E. People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chirstgo theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than five tithes this number or over 3,000 people died from pneumonia in Chicago during the sante year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an instance of this sort; "Too tnuoh cannot be said in favor of Chamber hilt's 'Cough Remedy,.. and especially for colds and influenza. 1° know that it oared my danghtot•, Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia." wy, D, 1Vilcox, Logan, New Xor1. Sala 1•y J. J. Merner. Clubbing rates, IrgerWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with. Tel. H iiAL n : Daily Globe • . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe.1.75 Mail & E mire 1.70 Berliner journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1,60 Daily Free Press 3,25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1,50 WeeklySun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Farming World 1.20 Weekly Montreal Herald 1.25 Subscribe for Tan HERALD,