The Herald, 1906-02-23, Page 4LEGAL CARDS. H, 3.1). COOKE, BA11R1STER AND SO- lieitor, Notary Public, Hen.sall, Ontario. At Zurich (Ze11er's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, eco., Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. R, C. Hays, G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. E. BOSSENBERRY, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for Huron County, respectfully solicits the patronage of those who in- tend having sales. Satisfaction guar- anteed. DR. F. A. SELLERY, ]DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto Unirer.iity. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-t26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds, Mortgages, • Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Otliee— Zeller -block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC, 7URICII BRASS BAND HAS BEEN re -organized and is nnrr prepared. to furnish first-class music for all kinds of amusements, For t.rms apply to or write P. W. Hess, See 'y-Treas., Zurich, !INISURANCE. ANDREW I-IESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—Largo brick dwelli:,g, with frame kitchen and frame stable. The dwelling is practically now and is in first-class shape. For particulars apply to John Procter, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE -75 acres of choice land on the 14th Can., Township of Hay. Good brick house, lank barn, 40x 60. Gooch •water, and well fenced. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply to \VILLJA3t STI:Lo.G, Zurich. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY TIli', SIOTIIER'S FAVORITE. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favo- rite with people everywhere. It is '•special• 1y priz.d b� u ot hers of small children, for colds, crony ;rid whooping cough, as it always affords tluiek relief, and as it con- tains no opiunt or other, harmful dru;, it gray bo rh en As:contidentiy to',i. baby act re an adult. For sale by J. J. Monier. SO YEARS" E3XPERNENC! TRADE MARKS DcSiGNs COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a aka; Ch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether all Invention 18 probably pntnnt,tbiC Comrattniru. tionsstrtet'.ycunadential. Handbook. on Patents cent tree. Oldest agency for securing paten ratents taken t..wnn h Mull & Co. receive 'pada/ notice, without charge, in the A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest etc, Welton of any scientific Journal. Tern,,. g; a year pp;foouur months, . 1. Sold byall� novv dcwicr,i. ll NN co.38lBicadway, Now Yitd Branch Office. er St , a.;b.nutan. L. Foilow the Crowd and have your Photo taken by Trott. hi Zurich every • MONDAY. GEO. TROTTl. is always the best time to do anything, Now iR the best time to opens an anentunt in the OVEREIGN CAIN OF CM ACA. Deposits of $1.00 and up- wards received. Interest paid 4 times Gess a year. 60 branches throughout Canada, 3, SNELL, Manager, Zurich Branch. 11ZPIE .Pass Taro) i Y ).r,. ZELLER. FRIDAY, F.EB, 23, 1906. THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE The Ontario Government pro mises to give more liberal aid to the Agricultural College at Guelph. This is warranted by the improv- ed -work that is done at the institu- tion, which. for a nciir,.ber of years lagged in • uncertainty as to the geed to be sooanpiished. Tho experiments in field • crops have borne excellent fruit, in in- creasing production. In barley the returns for the ten years 1895 to 1904 showed an average annual in- crease of four and a half bushels per acre; the value of which is com- puted at more. than fifteen tunes the entire cost of the college. Simi- lar experiments with wheat, oats, peas, rye, grasses, clover and roots shove :similar result. The bacterio- logical department has been ac- counted especially useful in ma king the nitrogen of the air available as plant food. It is claimed that cer- tain bacteria introduced into the soil work on the roots of clover and other leguminous plants, take the nitrogen front the atmosphere, and convert it for use. Millions of these bacteria are propagated in the laboratory and supplied in small bottles to be spread upon the seed before it is sown, and thus intro- duce thein to the Rail. It is said a crop of clover will leave in the soil in the roots alone about fifty pounds of nitrogen per acre. • Thos the plant food supplied to the soil by the crop of clover iso 10 per acre in one year, and the farmer .has the clover crop, tops, and leaves to the good. This, if practiced an every farm, would mean millions each year to this province. 1±'or many years the farm and college were carried on at a loss. Students were even paid. to gi;'c their attendance. The institution is now on a profitable basis. return- ing a revenue to the treasury, This surplus revenue would bo well ap- plied in inatking the college and farm: more effective, to the profit of our agricultural pursuits. COUNTY COUNCIL BILL. There will he 'a conference be- tween Ilon. Nelson idonteith and representatives of the thirty-eight county councils in Ontario on Fri- day of this weak, to discuss the new Connt. Councils Act which. WAS introduced. last, session. and 1 ul ov,er until this ono in order to ;rive time for pnbltc .consideration of it. The grain object of the bill is to snCnre on county e, unei:s the pros- once of more mein who have badl experience in township work by providing that they shall consist of ier'rc0 and deputy reeves. Larger munxrra]itios will also he given more reasonable represen- tation than they now have. Stretford is to have a branch of a largo carpe t nanufactnring company. The warm weather has melted nearly- all the,snow and the roads are in a pari state. By all atpiiear- aneha we will likely have au early spring. The Ivlolsnns Runk ist nponing at branch at E:ltrtmrton, makng• ten chartered. bunks represented in the cit,.'. William Carleton pleaded guilty all tho police ennrt. London, en Monday, to stealing $S00 from Wm. ,he uric Goderielt';fttll fair will be held on Wednesc ;p, Thursday and Fri- day,' Sept. Nu to 28. The Steip1"on and Usborne Agri- cultural Soeioty.has (looided to hold a celebration in Exeter on May 24. At the .recent meeting of the Huron amity Council in Goclerich the town of Winaham was made r► High School centro. John R. Bone, a former resident of East Wtewanosh, Huron county, has been appointed assistant man- ager of the Toronto Daily Stas. (has Beverley hiss disposed of his furniture business in Honsall and has iuoved to Exeter where he will open s furniture and under- taking business, Alex Riley died at the residence of his father, Benjamin Riley, of Tnokersmith, on Thursday, Feb. Sth. The deceased had been an invalid for Some time. In the matter of early chickens T. 3danahan Clinton leads then a11. Out of a. setting of thirteen eggs psis under alien of the barred rook variety on Ji.nuary 23rd, nine good chicks wen hatehcd. Donald 11cInnes, who was re- cently admitted to the House of Refuge from Bayfield, suffering from gangrene in his feet, as the result of them being frozen, died en Treesday of last week, John Aueley, engineer for the country of Huron, has tendered his resignation, to take effect Juno 15 next. During his long terns, Mr. Ansley has .curried out many im- portant 'and permanent improve- ments in the way of bridges for the county. After anillness of sono months D. C. Matter, who for the bast quarter of a. century ba, held the position of high constable of the cnnnty of Huron, died at his Dome in Gocleric:h last Thursday. Constable McKay re- ceived hitt appointment in succes- sion to the late Barney Trainer, and is in turn to be succeeded by W. 1I. (xnnclry, Mr. McKay- having put in his resignation awing to health. A serions accident happened at Goderioh last Snturdar. An eleve- tor was being erected in the im- plement warerootus of L. Lavis and three young ladies pa s sin g Wflt t) 41) 5)50 what �y,t ,nim, nn. They got oil the elevator and when ahont 1 f riSein..thc .floor the fasten:is. at rine end. became de- tached,.'willing the occupants up- on the twilling, One ]ashy had her thigh lnjnken, enol another suffered l cnncusedon of the brain, while the thu;l escaped with at shaking up. 4 Phe delegation ennsisting of V7artic n;Spac:kinan, ('nnnt, Conn- eillor ]!.ttT enzie and Treasurer Dr. riolmo•, rnterviowed many of the cabinet .binisters while in Toronto last. week. In the matter of the change in the constitution of Coun- ty Councils, nothing. was clone, as the Premier said the cabinet had decided on tine change proposed. In the matter of charges glade by nntsicic High schools for pupils of ibis county attending thein, the Members of the delegation believe that the Act will be so amended as to prevent any future trouble on this paint. in the matter of the pour house difficulty. they also be- lieve they were st.'tecesstul, for al- thorarlt the minister objects to the appointment of so many Inspectors, Marsh, an old Westrninister far he was in sympathy with their mar. Ho gave Marsh a worthless `sews, yo thattbe delegation was quite successful. note for the $800. Nelsen Allison, aged 14, employ- ed in the Turnbull Co.'s woollen mill, Gait, had his leek broker. last Saturday He was on an eleva- tor and attempted to leave it while it was in Motion. AUCTION SALES • UCTION SALE of Farm Stock and . Implements on Lot 9, Con. 10, Hay, 3 miles south of Zurich, on Thursday, Irlarclr 15th, 1906. John Gascho, proprie- tor; E. itossenberry, Auctioneer. AFRAID OF STRONG MEDICINES. Many people suffer for years from rheu- matic pain:;, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Chaniberlaints Pain Balm and without taking any medicine internally. For sale by J. J, Manor. MARKETS wheat.. 78 k 80 Oats :. 33 35 Barley , ...... 40 45, Peas...,.. ..... 65 70 Flour .2 00 2 25 Bran , . , , , 17 00 17 00 Shorts '.1S 00 16 00 Butter .: 15 16 Eggs„ ,,,... ., ..14 15 Potato° a , ... ...... 30 35 Hogs (per owt) 5 50 6 50 Ha!, pert ton , ... 6 00 6 00 Magistrate [lumber and Crown Attorney Seagnr of (olerich were in Exeter last 1'4 erinescllty in Con- nection with the trial of two crim- inal cases, Air, Humber holding the court a t the request of the magistrates atjxeter and Mr. Sea- ger appearing as Crown prosecutor. Rex vs. Launcelot Beattie was an action for the alleged theft of a buggy and the hearing of the ease occupied most et the clay. The magistrate committed Beattie for trial a at the general sessions, bail being taken. Iter vs: .Bobier was adjourned for a week. Bailiff Deavitt of the l)i'ision Court, who wits cream gatherer for Bobier's creamery, charges the defendant with defrauding the patrons of the creatuery, and the reason of the ad- journment was the non -production of certain books in connection with the business. J, G. Stanbury, of Exeter, acted for the defence in both cases. A minister tolls this story:—"I once had in niv Sunday school an urchin front a poor neighborhood. tie brought in two or three recruits and one afternoon I. said to him : 'Billy, don't you think you could induce one or two other boys to come to Sttncla y school.?' Billy. answered, "Well,'sir, I could bring one, but all the other fellers in our alley can lick ine."—NeW York.. Tribune, tut IIINIu „ i Bi Alii '^4-,iI F i....,,� x( i 5 dn.:.ryl. r,lad,n r n 'll J. J,in For more 'than Fifty Years the SINGER has been recognized Ens maintaining the HIGHEST STANDARD OFE�:UELLENCE a among Family Sewing Machines. They are now being sold at lower prioes'quality considered, than any other inachino. Look for the Singer when in need of a sewing machine. At H. WELL'S Furniture Store, Zurich, Ont. ^'404.. "tra •!a..; . ..••!A XQ,'4 � ,wt:4,4N1.4,4%(.1 pY`cr'i.yak.! fi:'3S,"vr".#n 6;d A. ittc'ifri •••1,1.5i,,aAfi Saturday it Bargains hi Furs. LisL 1 Gentleman's Ina. Astrachan Coat regular $21.00 for $12.00. 1 Ladies' Astrachan Jacket, regular $27.00 reduced to $91.00. 1 ., ., „ $25,00 tt $20.00. 1 black Astrachan Collarette " $ 7.00 " $ 4.95. 1 Collarette ” $ 4.00 " $ 2.10. 1 Stole ° ° $ 6.50 •' $ 4.75, 1 Stole .. $ 5.00 " 1 3.:3:5. A nice line of Pur Caps to clear out at a Bargain Bargains in Remnants. For Saturday •c.o will have our Remnant Table filled with Remnants and other Bargains. Cowie early and get first choice. Highest Market Price for Produce of all kinds. J a J. MERNER ...4t, .:5' - = Zurich. "ae a.4ie , �-_--�..'rs-A.G `t�J'✓�.'�i+ F'�l7 gauss vT'a• ere.rwt1"stseser:st e:tee^ raesse -9 eresei9 �-4'D•^9 0 STOP AND READ THIS. 3 pa At- the new Zurich Grocery Store, next V door to Sovereign Bank, is where you can ?Y buy the sweetest sugars, the purest teas 1 �' and coffees, the finest spices, the most 9 delicious fruits and canned goods; maple ; q and cane syrups; all. kinds offlavoring ex- / tracts; the • sweet little fish that cannot ; speak it's wish, but with biscuit makes a 9 splendid dish, (sardines) : soaps and brus- /' 4 lies; mops and brooms; pails and tubs, etc. 4 I:nyfact, everything in the line of a first- 4 // /5 International Stock Foods and Dr. Seott's medicine for • 16 horses, cattle, ponitry, and swine. class grocery store. The best and highest grades of flour and all kinds of zilill- gr food always on hand, All is sold at surprisingly low prices. Corrie and see. All kinds of faun produce taken for goods as cca"sh. to ®'3 .�.%7f✓rS �Lr✓G"�` r1 �Ca ?✓t3 i4� 7 6t✓: 9.,iA+ ��Z3 Ali �.b D� O �v� �.,9e& wish to thank my numerous cus- tomers for the hearty patronage they h2ve given me during the past season. The DEE RING farm im- plements have grown into much favor with the farmers in this vici- nity, and deservedly so, as they aro the best that can be bought. handle the leading makes of plo �t< s Give me a call. Cali!on me for CREAM SEPARATORS, WIND1'1ILLS8 MANURE SPREADERS, DISCS, DRILLS and all kinds of farm implements. PLOW POINTS and MACHINE REPAIRS of all kinds, always on band. V � F. IickbeI, Deering Agency ZURICH eel