HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-02-23, Page 2E{E Vag Ida HP FOR OVER A. YEAR R #iltiii GDOdc'S Kidney Pills Citred his Kidney Troubles. VONT ire's Per reedy Healthy and Able to Wer•?` -(rives ail the Credit to the Great Canadian ;kidney 1i-$eredy. Wapella, Assort., N. W. T., Feb.12.— (Special)—Cured of Kidney .Disease that inti laid him up for over a year, ..tr. George Bartleman, a well known min tire, is loud in his praises of Dodd's Kid- tiey Pills, tor to them and nothing else Fe claims he owes this cure, "Yes, I had Kidney Trouble," Mr. etartleman says. "I had pains in my mak and in other parts of nay body and though the doctor did what he could for ase, I grew worse till 1 was unable to work. "Then I started to take Dodd's Kid- m,ey Pills; and I took them all winter and summer while I was unab.e to work. i took in all twelve boxes, and now I me perfectly healthy. My pains are all isene and I aun able to work. I heartily seoommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all tafferers from Kidney Disease." Dodd's Kidney Pills a.iwnys cure the Eidneys. Healthy Kidneys strain all inn rarities, all seeds of disease, out of the Rood. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills sure such a wide range of diseases in- cluding Bright's Disease, Rheumatism aced Urinary Troubles. DOG FASHIONS, raterproof Boots, Linen Collars and Ties. There has long been an "entente cor- diale" in fashions, says the London Ex- press. Parisian Hien can scarcely be dis- tinguished from London clubmen, and the smart Englishwoman is a Parisienne to the tips of her dainty gloves. There has now begun an interchange of civilities in dog fashions. The dog outfitter in Burlington arcade who created a mild sensation at Christ- mas time by displaying dog9' boots, tai- lor-made coats, collars and foot -warmers, in his window, is now receiving orders from Paris for "smart tweeds." The' dogs' coats made in Paris are a little too fanciful and the French ladies who own "bulldogues" have developed a taste for tweeds and shepherd's ph -delis with which to dress their pets. They have discovered that even a toy "bull- dogue" feels deeply humiliated at hav- ing to appear in public in a bright scar- let coat lined with satin, and pro- vided with a pocket from which peeps a tiny handkerchief. A growing business is being done in waterproof boots for dogs, and also those stick-up collars and ties which look so well on a smart pug. Season for Toleration. (Boston Transcript.) lOeii't scold the youngsters if they take a Stitch longer time to do an errand than you Mink is required. Being human, you can't expect them to resist the temptation the bop windows offer. You can't resist it lroursolf, and you realize. possibly, that you ars a little nearer ,perfect than most of your friends. You are Iate these days at every appointment, even at keeping one with the dentist, because of the holdups Me windows prove. Before one you hover, weakly promising yourself to be good at time next temptation and pass it with avert- ed eyes. But you break your promise; at .the very nett attraction you stop and ad- -prise and your journey up or down town s re continuous performance of promises •taroken. So don't you think you could for lbe next week or so be a bit more tolerant :.2o those lower than you in the scale of ,elghteoueness? a o e• BETTER THAN SPANKING. 'Spanking does not cure children of #I -wetting. There is a constitutional souse for this trouble. Mrs. M. SUM- i1ERS, Box 8,' Windsor, Ont., will send 'tree to any mother her successful home ete-eatment, with full instructions. Send leo money, but write her to -day if your -,hildren trouble you in this way. Don't M3arne the child: the chances are it can't •,telp it. This treatment also cures adults tad aged people, troubled with urine dif- Iaoulties by day or night. ?TSB:M!, HINTS. Soiled dish tovrels, should not be drop- .eed into hot soapsuds until they have •bean washed first in lukewarm water. The hat suds sets the dirt, If a. Hamburg steak is served with a hot tomato sauce it will be most appe- tising. A small, stiff brush, such as artists use .when paintnig in oils, is excellent for- .lartashing the dust from the crevices in eelvet trimming and from between rib- iton folds. Instead of using a knife to cut marsh - =lows into small pieces for the deoora- lksa of certain dishes, use a pair of eels - pore. This is also a good method of em - ?toy in cutting old-fashioned molaeees sandy. Borax is an excellent cleanser of milk bottles. After rinsing out the bottles HU them with clear water and add a trod teaspoonful of borax. Allow thein to stand for about an hour, when all cloudiness will have disappeared. Never allow a cake of fat to remain on the top of soups and etews. It makes them' turn sour more. quickly than they otherwise would. Rightly Named. "I have come," said the old subscriber, 'to complain about your report of my daughter's wedding." "Wht was the matter with it?" de- manded the editor, "Well, her name printed it Gratis." "That's not so bad, away, wasn't she?" is Gratia, but you She was given Cash MANLY STRENGTH AND WOMAN - EY BEAUTY depend on purity of the blood, and much of that purity depends on exerfect kidney filtering. If these organs are diseased and will not perform their func- tions, man will seek in vain for strength end woman for beauty, South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities through the body's "filterers"-repairs weak toota.-46. Early Bird Catches the Worm, Little Ned was sent to the post office one Say to get the mail. The post office was Tull of people, so the little fellow was not ,Coticed. When he asked for the mail the xesetmaster said: "No mall for you," "Nod ran home and burst forth indignant - far: "Dveryono got there before I did and Mare wasn't one bit of mail left for me!" 0 0-5,-- r Cure If Shiloh's Consumption Cure fails to cure your Cold or Cough, you get back all you paid for it. You are sure of a Cure or the Cash. If it wasn't a sure cure, this offer would not be made. Can anything be fairer ? If you have a Cold, Cough, or any disease of the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, ta„Gt 1 313 25c. per bottle. All dealers guarantee it. Returning a Savage Verdict. New York is nothing if not imitative. It apes Paris without the wit and brilliancy of the French capital. It imitates London, but succeeds in reflecting only the cheap and meretricious. A saphead with a cane and monocle is the most popular ideal of man- hood in New York. The whole town is one % gilt -lettered\ feto speak f, and what sign.adi any hoes spoken of is not mentioned in polite society. It is a parasite -among cities,. living upon the Industry of the country at large. if you doubt it consid,,15r the relent disclosuires of how its captains of finance have waxed fat upon ill-gotten profits gained from burglar- ious use of the people's money. Its munici- pal government is a synonym for corruption the world over. It is not only wicked, but degenerate. Its daily conversation is the gossip of the red-light district. It worships wealth, however gained. There can be no taint on money that New York can not con- done. DfiLISII RRAVINLINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused tamps and blemishes from horses, blood slsavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, toughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bot- tle. Warranted the most wonderful Ble- mish Cure ever known. Smallest Inhabited Island. The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says: "I consider MINAR,D'S LINA.iMENT the BEST liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT and it was as well as ever next day." The island on which \idly stone liglrt- heuse stands is the smallest inhabited island in the. world. At low water it 1s coaly 30 feet in diameter, and at high water the base of the lighthouse, which Wes a diameter of oniy a little over 28 Greet, is completely covered by water. Snullght Soap is hotter r tkzan other soaps, But is bort when used in tho Sunlight way. 41 Sunlight Soap and. follow directions. $n some society a round of drinks will wake a man square. A pessimist Is a man who loves him- t}TLf for the enemies he has mnade. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLLN. Your Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sun- light Soap it you find any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other sops, but is Nf' est when used n:l. the Sunlight way. ,i. $5,000 reward will be paid teeny person who proves that SunlightSoap contains any injurious chemicals or any Porn% Of adulteration. recruallY good with her .k or soft waters I5s Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Interested. Church—You say his boy is in col - le e? Gotham.—Oh, yes. "Is he interested in the future of foot- ball, do you know?" "Oh, yes, indeed." "What position does he play?" "Oh, he doesn't play at all. He's studying to le a surgeon."—Yonkers Statesman. a-® Corean Minister and His Pay. (Corson Daily News.) The Lorean 1tinister to Paris, Mr. Min Yungchan, who'went to Washing`on to protest against the treaty, has wired for 1,000 yen to defray expenses. As Mr. Megata now holds the purse strings Mr. Min, has only a sporting chance of get- ting the money. Canadian Hail? Restopen Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stags falling hair, causes to grow oh bell herds, cures dandruff, itching, and ah, scalp diseases. Contains no oily, or , 0r, clients. Not a dye. Price 76 conk! T4tufroasec Willrraarl first order for rfo crate, can or postai note. Address TRE MERW1N CO.. Windsor, Oat. An Historic Cushion. Sir Patrick Keith etu•ray has pre- sented to the nation an old cushion on which the crown of Scotland rested, and it has been placed in the jewel room. at Edinburgh Castle, The cushion has been in the possession of the Keith Murray fancily since the marriage of the late Sir William Keith -Murray, eighth bar- onet, to the heiress of the last of the Keith Maniechals, and wlio thereby be. same owner of Dunottat Castle and Buvelston House, near Edinburgrh. ITCHING, BURNING SKIN DIS- EASES CURED FOR THIRTY-FIVE CENTS.—Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves In one day, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotehers, and all eruptions of the skin. It is a soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the cure of baby humors. 35c,•-'47. A Regard for Appearance. (Ladies' Home Journal.) A milliner endeavored. to sell to a col- ored woman one of the last season's hats at a very moderate price. It was a frig white picture hat. "Law, no, honey!" exclaimed the rwom- an. "I could nevah wear that. I'd look jes' like a blueberry in a pan of milk."— Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Indisputable. A young American sailor returning to hia his leave o n leave was booming, as Ameri- cans will, his profession, his life, and his sip. "1 guess," ho said, referring to his steamship company, "ours is the longest line 1n the world, extending as it does from Am- erica to China," A lady in the company who ballad from the land o' cakes turned upon him severely and remarked: "Well, 1 dinna ken if ye're cause tae bounce sae much, for does ma class line no stretch frae pole tae pole?" Jack apologized for existing, and took a back seat, Minard's Liniment Cures Distend eir,u House Plants. How the r beautify. Give then fresh air. 1 Inside vendow boxes are pretty. Hanging baskets are very charming. Painted basins (make good "baskets." Always lave a hole in the bottom of jar or basil. Broken lets of pots, or clinkers, over the hole will insure drainage. As a rule, house plants thrive with tlje thermometer at 05 degrees. It is best 'to crater plants in the morn- ing, lest they become chilled. Once a week they should be given a thorough waterng, sinking the pots in lukewarm wate and sprinkling the fo- liage. One way of freshening foliage is to dip the plant in lukewarm water before the zeil has heel wet. Minard's Lininnsat Cures Colds, Etc. Drugs From Germany. According to the Berlin Export, the total exports of German drugs, dyes and chemicals for the ten months ended October, 1005, amounted to about 1,022, 400 tons; imports to about 1,200,00( tons. Increases in the amounts exported occurred in the following articles: Potas sium cyanide calcium chloride, chlorate manganese chlorate, bromide prepara- tions, aniline dyes, acetic acid, ammonia. ISSUE NO. 8, , 1906 .AGENTS 'WANTED, [M ;F, ERS WAITEF AS LAND AGENTS FARMEIFIS wanted all over Carman, as agents for Western Canada land. All select- ed lands, Liberal commission. Address FARM LAN 'S P. O. Box 528. Winnipeg, Pisan. A GENTS, WE ARE PAYING LARGEST. commissions of any company doing an honest business; we manufacture the high- est grade of flavoring powders in Amerioa; you can make from five to six dollars a clay. Apply to us for particulars, Iwanta Manufacturing Co., Hamilton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. 'S . il!ta '' 'as' �l ;k 'jaa ; i� 111 tits ,, hi Mn: i 1 gg t . L' �$; Qe !, A Pdl':' p„Irti l I q () t �. i'A�iu 1•r r-' i Y `-, r• fi� yya�h., txI fl 'I,'•'_4 y. tU.. w u+Y) ;q V •",1� t. -fl l;N - , L '�1 `,-.VJ.�;,/ �, 4^ J� !d di13• t5,ii S '�^` ., T�+•+c Y m.e5 PAW MY ,.,, j „'�,I •t ,� grl�i ,-[7,4,,, O 1n f R.T.+�n.L.., VI I, ` k .I Haws\\ !IVES Mums LIMITED. rft� NiEEp PE,RfELTIYPI)R MNT ARY PRSp' WHOEM ' enovenNAT ��`tFREE FROM AOU LTFRAI' TR IR 50.9 CONTAINS A NY "4P" or AUTHORIZED TO RETURN PURCHASE A OuLTEIR,RpRAVNA` OEVGR OR CORYAlkomy1R,R,RIbubeNEMILAIe To ANYONE FINDING CAUSE ,GEl'UIME,& ON ALLUEALERSARE MONEY FOR COMPLAINT _ "'--____J__ — _� - -- Your Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sun- light Soap it you find any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other sops, but is Nf' est when used n:l. the Sunlight way. ,i. $5,000 reward will be paid teeny person who proves that SunlightSoap contains any injurious chemicals or any Porn% Of adulteration. recruallY good with her .k or soft waters I5s Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Interested. Church—You say his boy is in col - le e? Gotham.—Oh, yes. "Is he interested in the future of foot- ball, do you know?" "Oh, yes, indeed." "What position does he play?" "Oh, he doesn't play at all. He's studying to le a surgeon."—Yonkers Statesman. a-® Corean Minister and His Pay. (Corson Daily News.) The Lorean 1tinister to Paris, Mr. Min Yungchan, who'went to Washing`on to protest against the treaty, has wired for 1,000 yen to defray expenses. As Mr. Megata now holds the purse strings Mr. Min, has only a sporting chance of get- ting the money. Canadian Hail? Restopen Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stags falling hair, causes to grow oh bell herds, cures dandruff, itching, and ah, scalp diseases. Contains no oily, or , 0r, clients. Not a dye. Price 76 conk! T4tufroasec Willrraarl first order for rfo crate, can or postai note. Address TRE MERW1N CO.. Windsor, Oat. An Historic Cushion. Sir Patrick Keith etu•ray has pre- sented to the nation an old cushion on which the crown of Scotland rested, and it has been placed in the jewel room. at Edinburgh Castle, The cushion has been in the possession of the Keith Murray fancily since the marriage of the late Sir William Keith -Murray, eighth bar- onet, to the heiress of the last of the Keith Maniechals, and wlio thereby be. same owner of Dunottat Castle and Buvelston House, near Edinburgrh. ITCHING, BURNING SKIN DIS- EASES CURED FOR THIRTY-FIVE CENTS.—Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves In one day, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotehers, and all eruptions of the skin. It is a soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the cure of baby humors. 35c,•-'47. A Regard for Appearance. (Ladies' Home Journal.) A milliner endeavored. to sell to a col- ored woman one of the last season's hats at a very moderate price. It was a frig white picture hat. "Law, no, honey!" exclaimed the rwom- an. "I could nevah wear that. I'd look jes' like a blueberry in a pan of milk."— Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Indisputable. A young American sailor returning to hia his leave o n leave was booming, as Ameri- cans will, his profession, his life, and his sip. "1 guess," ho said, referring to his steamship company, "ours is the longest line 1n the world, extending as it does from Am- erica to China," A lady in the company who ballad from the land o' cakes turned upon him severely and remarked: "Well, 1 dinna ken if ye're cause tae bounce sae much, for does ma class line no stretch frae pole tae pole?" Jack apologized for existing, and took a back seat, Minard's Liniment Cures Distend eir,u House Plants. How the r beautify. Give then fresh air. 1 Inside vendow boxes are pretty. Hanging baskets are very charming. Painted basins (make good "baskets." Always lave a hole in the bottom of jar or basil. Broken lets of pots, or clinkers, over the hole will insure drainage. As a rule, house plants thrive with tlje thermometer at 05 degrees. It is best 'to crater plants in the morn- ing, lest they become chilled. Once a week they should be given a thorough waterng, sinking the pots in lukewarm wate and sprinkling the fo- liage. One way of freshening foliage is to dip the plant in lukewarm water before the zeil has heel wet. Minard's Lininnsat Cures Colds, Etc. Drugs From Germany. According to the Berlin Export, the total exports of German drugs, dyes and chemicals for the ten months ended October, 1005, amounted to about 1,022, 400 tons; imports to about 1,200,00( tons. Increases in the amounts exported occurred in the following articles: Potas sium cyanide calcium chloride, chlorate manganese chlorate, bromide prepara- tions, aniline dyes, acetic acid, ammonia. ISSUE NO. 8, , 1906 .AGENTS 'WANTED, [M ;F, ERS WAITEF AS LAND AGENTS FARMEIFIS wanted all over Carman, as agents for Western Canada land. All select- ed lands, Liberal commission. Address FARM LAN 'S P. O. Box 528. Winnipeg, Pisan. A GENTS, WE ARE PAYING LARGEST. commissions of any company doing an honest business; we manufacture the high- est grade of flavoring powders in Amerioa; you can make from five to six dollars a clay. Apply to us for particulars, Iwanta Manufacturing Co., Hamilton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. 7 ACRES DAIRY FARM - PT= 1 buildings and surroundings; ar- tesian well; modern equipments; near sugar factory and trolley; owner going west; ap- ply quick. Write F. E. Shantz, Berlin, Ont. VV- ANTED, COMPETENT GORDON press feeders; wages $7 to $10, as - cording to qualifications. Robt. Duncan Co., Hamilton. Fr ELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARIA IN DD- A. mond by New Grand Trunk Pacific Company and other Canadian linos. Wo are exceptionally well prepared to train young men for railroad operating and to supply competent graduates. Address Central Tel- egraph School, 3 Gerrard street east, To- ronto, W. H. Shaw, president. Souvenir Post Oards 12 for 10c; 60 for 50c; 100, $1; 200, $2; 1100. r $5; all different. Largest and finest stools i in Canada; 500 mixed, $3; albums. all prices. W. R. Adams, Toronto. Ont. 1 ICTURE POST CARDS, ENGLISH OR Scotch, 6 for 15 cents. Dominion Sup- ply House, Ring street, Hamilton, Ont. Amerian Profanity. "I am fond of Americans, but I could like them even }etter if they would not garnish their, coiversations with such a plentitude of pnfanity," remarked Mr. William Seariglt, of London, at the Shoreham. "I am not sating it by way of com- pliment to my opn people, but the truth is that among stn of education and good standing in Londln it is the rarest thing to hear one give vent to an oath. You may sit in the clubs for month after month and neve hear a blasphemous word uttered. Intact, profanity is heard in England only from the lips of the rude and vulgar, and, therefore, I was rather surprised by hearing such fre- quent use of peo!ane expletives by Am- ericans of the belt social condition." SPEECHLESS AND PARALYZED.— "I had valvular disease of the heart," writes Mrs. J. S. Goode, of Truro, N. S. "I suf- ferred terribly and was often speechless and partially paralyzed. One doso of Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart gave me relief, and before I finished one bottle I was able to go about. To -day I am a well woman. ---13. Gnawing Conscience in Kansas. (Atchison Globe.) Conscience money is turning up with a frequency of late that would indicate that the world is becoming better. A man walked into the Atchison office of the Pacific Ex- press Company the other day, and, tossing a silver dollar on the counter, said: "I was overpaid that amount on a money order nearly a year ago, and it has been gnawing at my flesh ever since. Never mind my name; just keep the money and forget It." With that be went out. Next thing we know somebody' will pay a railroad because he once rode on a pass. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. w-.0 Slow But Sure Locomotion. "You say both his legs were shot off. How did he ever get home -seven miles away?" "Why, he said the shrieks f the wounded made his flesh creep so that he got home in a very short. time." No Such Article For Sale. After the newly organized band at Morrison had desisted from practice for a few nights the B flat player found the valves on his cornet had stuck. Ho wrote to the factory asking what kind of grease to use on the valves. The house answered him saying that cornet players used only saliva on the valves and never used any grease of any kind. The B flat player then wrote: "Gentle- men: Please send me 25 cents' worth of saliva. I can't get it at the store here. Inclosed please find stamps for payment." His reply has not yet been received. o .+. TWITCHY MUSCLES AND SLEEP- LESSNESS. --The hopeless heart sidkness that settles on a man or woman whose nerves are shattered by disease can best be pictured in contrast with a patient who has been in the "depths" and has been drag- ged from them. by, ,South American Nervine. George Webster, Not Forest, Ont., seys: "I owe my life to' it. Everything else fail- ed to euro." -44• e / C Everybody Works But Father. "Please, sir, will you give a dime to a poor orphan?" "Here it is, sonny. Is your father dead?" "No, sir. He's de orphan. Dis money's fer him." M, " �'1 ii, A• .p '�+k, ZEM vas `VSA✓ rrt That precious remedy, Is a positive earn tor all rosins obsesses. 'Write tor descriptive circular and free oample. R. S. litcGULL, Simeoe, oat. ..m MOW o Could Not Wag Its Tail. At the Robert Burns anniversary din- 1 ner in New 'S: crk the other evening, one of the speakers told of a friend of his who had just come to this country IPom Scotland std moved into a Har- lon flat:. Said flee friend to him: "I'll no be able to bide in the Iroise there." "What's the matter, it's just as good a house as yon ever lived in," the friend said he remarked. "Oh," replied the myon fresh from leotlancl, "ony thing is glide aneuch for ore, bu any collie dog is getting spoilt. He canna wag his tail this way (hovink his hands from side to side), he !las to .wag it this way (up and down)." FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN whou yam regatta a Th,Wash Basin or ME Pan est year grocer liar E. B. EDDY'S FIBRE WA E ARTICLES YOU WILL FIND THEY GIVE YOU SATISFACTION EVARY TIME THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE INSLST ON BEII Q SUPPLJED WITH EDDY'S EVERY T117a n,>w•, m. An Oriental Definition. "Now, my lad, describe the zebra," said the 'teacher,. The boy thcnig4 hard for a. 'Minute and then gave this description, which would be hard to beat: 1`It's a donkey wearing a football jersey'" I ^'� ' i }r, ; s�1:Y FREE For C jrre t Answers to this Puzzle The letters to the left of this advertisement when properly arranged spoils four words. Can you spell outithreo of therm it eo the gr and prizes we offer are surely worth trying for Three CorrectAryeWerb Win. If you cannot make them out yourself, get some friend to helpyou. The first word when the letterie are No. 1 properly arranged spens thin name of a lar ,e Canadian city. T110 second erly away word S Spoilsthethers aro name of Bonne- N®.2 thing we all nso. Tho third word whoa properly arranged sloelie the name of something tiro all do. The fourth word mrhen properly arraaugod No. 3 spoils the naso of something we o11 hInvo. o n rlon 'to beep you a tittle we have put as mwaskusder the Eat bitter No. q, in each word. Now ears make therm oars. it dices not cost you omo cont to try and solve thin puzzle and if you are correct, you may win , large amount of Cash. We do riot ask any money from you end a contact like this le very interesting. It dooanot matterwhere you live, wo do not care ono bit who gets the money, it you can spell out three of there words, write them plainly and mail your answer to us, with your n*:ure and address plainly written, and if your answer is correct we will aotlfy you promptly. Weare giving away 610O.00 for cerreet answers ati nd a few minutes of yourme. Don't\ delay, lead in your e 01110 9peEa *newer at once, - i'ltmg *newer ofdollars to advertise Our badness. TIM imam PINK PILL CO., IDopt. 56789 TORONTO ON