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The Herald, 1906-02-09, Page 8
8 The Zurich Herald. ZURICH Meat Market. 1 11 We handle all kinds of fresh and salted meats in season, sau- sages, poultry, etc, etc. We are now supplying all choice cuts, at right prices, while the quali- ty is as good, if not better than ever. While thanking the public for their liberal patronage, we solicit a continuance of t h e same. 1 YUNGBLUT & DEICHERT, Zurich, Ontario. Cutters = Cutters The season for Cutters has again arrived and as usual we are prepared to supply all intending buyers with a really first class, stylish article. We manufacture all our own Cutters and consequently use nothing but best sea- soned wood, and durable trimmings. They are also painted to withstand all wear and tear. Portland and Square Box Cutters are our leading lines. They are neat., sty- lish a n d comfortable. Take a look through our stock before purchasing. P. Hess & Son, Zurich = m Ontario. �K!A1C,ST. TaM1. i,o.h k+.a,tin PEOPLE'S EAT MARKET 1-0 ¶We have now been in the butchering business for a year and we can candidly s a y that our business has exceeded our expectations. ¶If square dealing and right prices will do it, we expect it to 3nake a bigger advance than ever this year. :All kinds of meats, sau- sages, etc., etc., iu season. Give us a call. lir HIEN SNA;.: S i i —o -- Any article on the SOUVENIR COUNTER at your ow n Price. Picture Post Cards 1 cent each. Writing Tablets 2 and 3 for a quarter two si zes. —e— F. W. HESS, JEWELER - ZURICH s GOSHEN LINE SOUTH Special to TIM HERALD. Mr. Wendel Smith is hauling logs to Dashwood this week. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Trueniner left for Pigeon, Mich., on Thursday last. A number of young people visited at David Gingerich's on Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. W. Smith and son. visited at Mr. Valentine Kochens, Zurich, on Sunday last. Mr. John England lost one of his best horses last Sunday evening. Miss Barbara Meyer from Baden is visiting her parents at present. Miss Maggio and Lizzie Iraus- kopf visited at Mr. John Regier, Mr. Dan Trueniner was in Credi- ton on business last Tuesday. LOCAL NEWS Winnipeg's population at. the present is estimated at 119,837. Mr. Dan Hartlieb of Exeter was a business visitor in the village on Tuesday. New ads —3. Preeter, Weather Insurance Meeting, 3, 3. Merner, Fred Kalbfieisch, Sovereign Bank of Canada. A. H. U. Colquhoun, news editor of the Toronto News, has been ap- pointed deputy minister of educa- tion for Ontario. A large number of horses are be- ing bought up in this vicinity. The prices obtained for them are well up in the hundreds. Mr. Louis Foster has sold brick for a new residence which. will be built near Dublin. They have to be hauled a long way but they are good brick. Mr. Fred Kalbfleisch has just re- ceived two cars of British Columbia red cedar shingles, Hastings Brand the best shingle made. Now is the time to place your order. Hon. L. P. Brodeur has been sworn in as Minister of Marine and Fisheries and Hon. Wm. Temple- man as Minister of Inland Revenue in the Dominion Cabinet. The sleighing in this section is fairly good and farmers are mak- ing good use of it. Wood in large quantities is being brought:to the village and there seems to be . no shortage as yet. A farmer living near Bryanston found a tramp sleeping in the hay in his barn on Tuesday. He took him into the house and found that Weary Willie wore 5 shirts, 2 vests 5 coats, 1 overcoat, 4 trousers and 2 underdrawers, The tramp did cer- tainly not believe in carrying a- round a trunk. 22 below zero. That's what F. W. Hess' thermometer registered on Monday night. And it's got a habit of hovering around the 10 below mark now, The weather man has certainly started in with a vengeance. Arid the groundhog, if it came out of it's hole, could see it's shadow. So we are in for six weeks more of it. If we could only move to North Toronto. The atmosphere is netting remarkably warm there, no doubt due to the corning bye -election. DRYSDALE. Special to nen HERALD. In the moral and physical world, not only the field of battle, but also the consecrated cause of truth and virtue calls for champions, and the field for doing good is "white unto the harvest ;" and if he enlists in the ranks, and his spirit faints not, he may write his name anion? the stars of heaven. Beautiful lifes have blossomed in the darkest plac- es, as pure white lilies full of fra- grance on the slimy, stagnant, wat- ers. No possession is so productive of real influence as a light cultivat- ed intellect wealth, birth, and offi- cial station may and do secure to their possessors an external, super- ficial courtesy ; but they never did, and they never can, command the reverence of the heart. It is only to the man of large and noble soul, to him who blends a cultivated mind with an upright heart, that men yield the tribute of deep and genuine respect. Miss Ethel Snider has been ap- pointed to fill the position of organ- ist in the Union Church, Mr. Ross Johnston has recently purchased a heavy draught mare from Mr. James Dewers of Bayfield for which he paid a handsome fig- ure. Miss Helen M. Sparks arrived in the village on Monday last to take charge of the school and Miss Clara Koehler, her predecessor, has re- turned to Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Horner have returned home after spending the past week visiting friends in and around Hensall. Mrs. John English has returned to her home in Boston. While up north a few nights ago two of our young gentlemen great- ly amused themselves by having an interesting debate. The subject in discussion was "Married or Single Life." In the midst of the argu- ment an old bachelor appeared on the scene and expressed his views on the matter. Fie strongly urged the advisability of young men en- tering into the matrimonial rela- tionship at the age of twenty-five years, stating that if he hacl taken such a step when he was in the quarter century stage of his life, it would haves been advantageous to him ill many ways. Surely such an inspiring testimonial as this will have a tendency to create serious matrimonial thoughts in th.e minds of the bachelors in this section of the ecuntry, Born. Hess—In Zurich, on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi- nand Bess, a daughter. DASHW000 Special to TrIE HERALD. Mr, Ziminerznan, Health Inspec- tor of Zurich, was here on Thurs- day last attending to the scarlet fever oases, > Wehope the spread of this malady has been stayed. Miss Lousie Eidt is at home at present in attendance at the marri- age of her; brother John, The home of David Tiernan has been brightened by the appearance of a baby boy. We extend congratu- lations. Mr. John Hoffman left last week for Toronto where he has secured employment in a large sash and door factory. Mr. Situ Ireland, wife and family Ieft on Thursday last to spend a few days with friends in St. Marys. Mr. Henry Guenther last week disposed of his little grey "Billy" to 111r. Thos. Murdock of Hensall. Mr. Murdock purchased hint to mate one he had. The revival meetings are still in progress in the Evangelical church here. These meetings have result- ed in much good. Mr. William Zimmer turned out a fine delivery sleigh for the Eg- mondville"Brewery last week. Dr. McLaughlin has been kept busy lately attending to his many patients. Mr. Arthur Davis of Exeter has been staying a few days with his brother-in-law, Wm. Rhode. Mr. Conrad Staubus continues in poor health. Wm. Shrum, who was indisposed for several days Iast week is able to be around again as usual. Mrs., E. P. Paulin has been con- fined to her house through illness for some time. We hope she may soon recover. Mrs. John MorIoek and daughter, who have been here attending the funeral of Mrs. Morlock's father, left on Monday for their home in CasevilIe,, Michigan. . Mr. John Hall of London was here last week looking after his clover -seed business. People who find fault with the Health Authorities should read rule 4 and 5 of section 17, also sec- tion 18 of the public health Act, and also section's 5 to 9 inclusive in the regulations, the scarlet fev- er section found also in the nurblic health act and we then think their criticism would be less pronounced as the.y.x,ts ldunderstand the situa- tion much more definitely. A veryprettywedding took place in the Lutheran Church here on Tuesday evening at five o'clock when Miss Mary Stade and Mr. 3. Eidt were united in marriage, Both are very popular in the community and the church was filled by their many friends to witness the inter- esting ceremony, which was per- formed by Rev. R. Eifert. After the ceremony the bride and groom and the guests repaired to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs C. Stade, Stephen, where a bounteous wedding repast had been prepared. The gifts to the young couple were both costly and useful. We join in extending best wishes'to Mr. and Mrs. Eidt. HENSALL. Special to Tins HERALD. Miss Margaret Bonthron, late stenographer for Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, hes secured a situation with a law firm in Barrie and left for that place hast week. Mrs. T, Oanxeron is recovering from her recent illness. Our curlers are distinguishing themselves this season. Alex. MeCloy of Toronto 'visited his' home here last week. Messrs. D. A. Cantelon and Jos. Ellis visited Buffalo last week. A number from the village at- tended the Liberal meeting at lirucefleldon Monday. Mr. Jas, Bonthron, of Hay town- ship, has purchased Mr. Chas. Wil- son's dwelling at the west end of the village and will move into it shortly, Mr. and Mrs. Dobson of the west are visiting relatives here. C. Fraser has moved into Mr. Coulter's house. Married,. EIDT--Sxn.Dti— At the Lutheran church, Dashwood, on. Tuesday, Feb. 6th, by" Rev. R. Eifert, Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Stade, to Mr. John Eidt, both of Dashwood. Died. SAnlwmcLL,=-In Exeter,. Friday, Jan. 26th, Geo. Samwell, aged. 74 years. Wtne...-• At Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., on Friday, Jan, 26th, Wil - liana -Sturm, at the age of 32 HART,—lis Bruceixeld, on Sunday, Jan, 28th, Miss Agnes Hart, at the age. of 82 years. CIIMILIMEIVEMONLICI rt ottnt,at ere As it is necessary to close the estate of the late Alexander Charlesworth we take the liberty. of issuing all our accounts. Wishing you a prosperous yer, and thanking you for past favors, we are, Yours very truly, A. Charlesworth & Son SOM tint The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand. R. C. RED CEDAR SHINCLESS and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good. materia. I also do CUSTOM SAWIIMC and PLANBnIC e -Chopping done every Tuesday and Fridity. F. OL KA„ EFLEEISC ; 9 Mills 14th Con. ZURICH These stoves are for sale at C. Hart= leib's Hard= ware, and everyone i s guaranteed. Also trunks, valises and harness a t right prices. C EDITON Special to TELE HERALD. Whew ! Is it cold enough for you? Mr. Albert Zwioker, who has been travelling for the McCormick Mfg. Co., London, has left for Winnipeg and the coast. Miss Mary E. Brown, who has been fitting herself for a mission- ary to China, at a Brooklyn college is visiting at her home here. The Literary Society met at the home of Mrs. W. Kerr Friday even- ing. The Society is making ar- rangements to give a concert in a few weeks. Norman Winer has returned to Detroit after a visit at his hone here. The young people are taking much enjoyment out of the skating on the pond. Miss Farrow is able to resume her duties in the public school, after a few days illness. Misses E. and • M. Sweet aro visiting at the former's home in Ch'esley at present. • The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will give an oyster supper on Wednesday, ii'eb. 14th. A good program will be given after the supper. BLAKE Special to TME HERALD. Quite an unexpected change in. he weather took place last week. Mr. Edward Boyes sold a fine horse to a Mr. Handford of Exeter. Mrs. Mains, formerly of Hills- green, now of Dakota, is visiting her brother, Mr. Thos. Sherritt. Mr. Peter Brennerman is at pres- ent engaged with Mr. Wm. Baker in the swamp. The auction sale held in Zurich by Merger Bros. seems to draw crowds. The following is the report of U. S. S. No. 9, Stanley, for the month of January, based on regularity, punctuality and general deport- ment. V class. Ruth Keys, Nonie Sher- ritt, Irene Douglas. IV. Thomas Meyer, Roy Capling, Viola Edigboffer. III Sr. Isabel Manson, Flossie Capling, Thomas Sherritt. III Jr.. Albert Keys, Pearl. Zapfe, Mary Douglas. II Sr. Gordon Manson, Elmer Oesoh, Susie Oeseh, II Jr. Mikie Kennel, Jakie Bren- nerman, Mary Jane Meyer. Pt. II, Emma Bechier, Oclwr11. Nicholson, Jakie Moyers. Pt. I. Sophia O©seh, John Aaron Meyer, Edmund Erb.