HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-02-09, Page 1THE The Official Organ of Zurich. and Ity wnshipti at Vol. VI., No. 29 ZURICH, Oboe., FIDAi.r, FEB`. 9, LOCAL NEWS. • Next Wednesday is St. Valentines Day. Miss England left for Guelph on Monday to attend the wedding of her sister. Mr. Elmore Magel, of Detroit, Mich, is spending a few weeks at his hone here. A nunaber from the village at- tended the Eidt—Stade wedding at Dashwood on Tuesday. Miss Melissa Smith returned last Friday from a pleasant few weeks visit with Michigan relatives. The Jubilee brass band has been engaged to furnish music at the evening meeting of the farmers' institute on Friday, Feb. 16th. Mr. Alonzo Foster has a thor- ough -bred cow that recently brought forth healthy twin calves, one of each sex and both pure white. Bro. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post, District Deputy A. O. U. W., paid Zurich a visit on Friday and was a welcome caller at THE HER- ALD office. DEATH OF WILLIARE WURRL—The death of William Warm took place in the general hospital, Sault Ste Marie, Mich., on Friday. Jan. 26th, at the age of about 32 years. The Soo Times of Jan. 27th contained the following, in reference to his death, • William Wurm, the well known musician and member of the Third Regiment band, died at ' the Sault Ste. Marie, general hos- , pital Friday after a long illness, He is survived by a widow and two children. The deceased was well known and had many. friends in the city, who will syznpathize with the family in their bereavement. The funeral was held under the auspices of the. Modern Brother- hood of America, the deceescd haul tug been it member of that society. The Third. Regiment band, of which Mr. Wnrm was a member, accompanied the body to the grave, playing a funeral march. The church was filled with friends of the deceased, many of whom accompanied the body to the grave." The deceased will be re- membered by many in this village as about eight years ago he was one of clerks hi Merger's store. His mother, Mrs. Hy. Wuru1, and his brothers and sisters will have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement. SUPPORT THE LOCAL PAPER.—Mr. 'F. E. Robson, head of the C. P. R. advertising department, was re• gently interviewed by the Canadian Municipal Journal, a. bright month- Iy magazine of Montreal, devoted to the interests of municipal man- agement, upon the subject of towns and villages advertising themselves and what means he considered best for so doing. Mr. Robson re- plied emphatically that he believed firmly in systematic advertising for municipalities, for the simple reason that he has seen it done successfully in several instances. He said in reply to a question of Methods : "In the first place, I have a very high regard for the local paper. Too often its work for the municipality is overlooked, as week after week it devotes valuable space gratis for the benefit of the community" in which it is located ; and. like many other blessings, its value, by the unthinking, is not recognized." Commenting on this the Brockville Times says: '•Mr. Robson was right. The local news- paper as a rule spends endless time-, • space and energy in booming the town, and yet some of the mer- chants and business men seem to begrudge it te little patronage, hag- gle and beat down prices, and in many oases give their work to out- side firms or travelling fakirs. There is no local enterprise which should be so willingly or substanti- ally supported as the local news- paper, however humble. It is not so big as the city paper, and the keen bargainer who wants to get a reduced rate never fails to point out that he gets more paper for his money in the city daily, but the little local sheet fills a place which the city daily never does and never can. It is not a rare thing to hear Some narrow-minded individual sneer in derision at the local iiaper and point out its defects. Well, it has defects, and plenty of them, no doubt, brit as a ruse it represents the cemanunity pretty accurately, in this r,'ospeetas in others." Miss Emma Thiel has recovered from an attack of quinsy. Mr, John Levegut returned on Saturday from a visit to Detroit. Revival meetings are being held in the Evangelical church at pre- sent. Mr. John Voelker of Dashwood visited relatives in the village on Sunday. Mr. it iiliam Baker has sold 325 cords of wood to Mr. J.A. Williams for use at the mill. Mr. John Pfaff, of the Blind line, recently purchased from D McLaren sr., & Son, Cromarty, a fine Short horn bull. The animal is 13 months old, roan in color and from the best stock. Mr. Pfaff paid a handsome figure for the animal. Mr. S. Ronnie, of thio village, last week purchased the Miss Car- lisle property, Henson, for $1100.00. Mt. Ronnie is a large property own- er in this village and in Hensall and evidently has great faith in the prosperity of both these places. Mr. J. F. Rickbeil is pushing the sale of the International 'Earvester Company's gasoline engines. Before many more years every farmer will have one of these engines as they are easy to operate, ready at i all times and the cost is not very b much.. b A sitting of CI court will be hel Feb. 12th. ' 1906 I Per Year. tenth division gre' on Monday, Mx. Peter Koehler, has finished hauling brick. tot bhp new dwelling he will erect next guitar. Mr. Monnie Ronan has, been confined to the ho ;ef the past week on account of a sore throat. Mr, Edward Boy!es. formerly of near Blake, has moved to 'Seaforth where he will male his future home. The fine sleighing last Sunday brought out the cutters in large numbers and Meny enjoyed the pleasure of a'sleikle.ride. Large crowds"cctitinue to :attend the auction sale' hf .Merner Bros. at Steinbe;oh's old stand. Auction- eer Bossenberry makes a ' good salesman. Next Friday a fanners' institute meeting will be held:' in the Ton Hall here. Two meetings will be held, in the afternoon and in the evening. Both meetings will be addressed by D 0. 'Anderson and G. Barbour. Mr. M, Y. McLean, of Seaforth and Me^ J. Shapton, of Exeter, are billed to address the afternoon meeting A programme will be given at the evening meet - ng. These meetings are of great enefit to the farmers and should e well attended. On Monday afternoon Feb. 5th the W. C. T. U. nictfor its regula meeting at the home of Mrs. Fre Witwer. The Devotional Exercise ;'ore conducted by the Vice -Pres. Mrs. S. Merner, after which.. follow d the educational half hour, th ubject being on the,Qmoiai Orga f W. C. T. U. • The`White Ribbo iclings," led by Miss Ethel M Williams. The program was very nteresting and all :the members resent assisted in this :past' of the acting, Miss Lizzie22Rannie then any a p'eatsie e rlt�, entatlec, Dr. Ovens, Eye and Ear Surgeon will be at the Queen's Hotel, Hen- sall, on the first Thursday and Friday of each month. Hours from 4.50 p. m. Thursday to 2 p. m. Fri- day. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of the eye, 'ear, nose and throat treated. Next visit from e 4.50 p. m. Mar. lst, and 2 p. m. Mar. 0 2nd • • 23-tf '1' :SCHOOL REPORT OF Z. P. S. x Fret s e n n The following is a report of the senior room of Zurich Public School for the month of Jo nuary : Sr. V. Edwin:Koehler, Lily s ,. w z�. I'; .,,� ,`pearl �i.>. t ,.,�. ,:, s , .. �� .Mothers Pra• bil41ness Jr. V. Joatm El `c;rt, Acla it oeh it ler, Celia Hess. Sr. IV. Roy Faust, Arno Heide- o man, Erwin Grels. ' Jr. IV. Ohas. Bossenberry, Elgin ri Sass, Almah Brenner. Parents should see that their d children study next day's lesson c for at least an hour or two every evening. By so doing they will acquire more actual knowledge and establish a habit of home reading and self-improvement in after life. Alex. McLeod, Teacher. as 'tiiiC'Ti 1 �tILS/bL f i�Cf , tG !a` , kieTrg was decided to send $5..'0 to the cunty Treasurer, andea most en. auraging letter was read from the ounty Pres., Mr. Acheson of Gode- ch, urging the members to labor ore earnestly and with greater etexmination for the Temperance ause this year, Mrs. J. Geiger, who has been appointed Roc. Sec, in the absence of Miss Ella Rennie, celled the roll and read the minu- tes of the previous meeting. The meeting closed with singing the Temperance Doxology, �'��rNp�i �E b i��':A,S��•T..�A � 1 .. �......d.�' ". �T�h�Jlll�G ust's '141ert'e Winter Caps, all at orast prices. Print Remnants at very low prices. Flannellette Remnants at low prices. Dress"Goods Remnants at low prices. Men's Woollen Underwear at cost. Ladies Woollen Underwear at cost. Men's and Boys' Ready Made baits at lowest prices. A fine range of Men's and Bays' Dross Shirts just arrived. $1.25 shirts for $1.10, and $1.40 shirts for $1.25. Don't miss these Bargains. The shirts are all new stock, just arrivek and the very newest. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. GENERAL ZURICH, = MERCHANT ONTA>`i ti+ 00 ee0. ��pdda•i oocV'.•va.Pcoor�o• '•�vv. Boots and Shoes (i Q This store is noted for having in stock Q D the latest and best in all lines of boots and D G shoes, Our stock is composed 'of the beat D 0 goods that money can buy. It will 'be to Q .t0'D t1 your advantage to do your trading at this Q$ store during 1906. We use all our Gusto- Vg.• : 000 - mors the same. • Q�0 /IA:, . Rubbers Rubbers Vii We havo a fnil stack. of Men's, Ladies' Q • . ...VP ., . and. ('1�iloren's rubbers.. " Z'11e 1r"a.c ing ' (n� r � z-;�h ., . ti, 5, "....^Y,I.tlii "�. a,.�?r l..,l>1' A""'•.".',;IL�' lq,��. !..�, illi � . , • .Our 1. .� .. gdl t ra deed ger i•W'4 if Do .Felt Shoes a� . 0 � • We c have decided to sell the balance of Q V , our stock of Felt Shoes at a brig reduction in 0 A� price.. They aro first quality and well worth �0D U0� the price we ask for them. Q D �0A Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. OD '..$o e FRITZ, The hoe�nmanv o� QQ •C1.,,,,.p '040a4Ub4�'�44 t•44po� �D iW` $Fa. Jt R '21{F I yy vyN'Op'k oaf. if:" . 7 J .„ rq7�„++. I tt YA yJ� t, to S`. `.rre We have just received a shipment of New Spring Goods, consisting of Prints Overalls ShirtiflgsTop Shirts eottoflades Dress Shirts These goods were bought before the recent advanee in Cottons and we are able to give you Extra Values. e e T1 EE S d? /4\1G'S New Stock to hand. If you aro looking for a nice, nobby Suit for Spring, look through our Large Assortment before buying, as we have the Right Goods at the Right .Prices. PRICES' X318 00at,30-04—wry 1EAL IT G A A TEE leeeileaseMealleasiMeeseeeeltresetiWeentreelletegieeseerekettieseefeeemaegtees