HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-15, Page 7RANGE PECULIARITIES 01.E SONE EA.KTJLQUA.li1GS. Os t Tremendous Powers are Not Alw=aye 'Bloc Which Do the 1Vfost Damage. Earthquakes: frequently come y, suddenly and unexpectedly, snug off with merely a Beare or using widespread ruin and loss of in a few moments, but although se tremors of the earth are im- iately recorded on the seisnio- phic instruments.. which wait ex- ctantly for shivers in. various a.ttered eities, geologists usually erve judgment and hesitate to Ike rapid inferences or eredic- ins from any particular disturb- ces. Thus, though from high sture to deep valley, from. nstanee to Geneva, Switzerland ok and feared one day recently, d withintwo days far -away Mar- ken), remembered for its horror ,1902, trembled also, men of ence are not yet ready to link the o phenomena. t any rate, Dr. Edmund Q. vey, curator of geology and rthquake expert of the. American eum of Natural History, is not epar.ec' to say that the two shocks d any connection. It may be so, admits, but it is by no means vitable. NOT LINKED UP. 'The former great earthquake in rtinique was not connected with se in other parts of the world," d the scientist in discussing the estion;and he'ought to know, for went to the stricken island soon r the diaster and made an ex- ustive study of the conditions re. "Moreover," he went on, lthough there were several sub- luentquakes of less magnitude, sympathetic shock was felt at rtinique at the time of the kes at Pelee, St. Vincent, San ncisco, or Jamaica. However, re may, of ciurse, be same con tion between the shocks in tzerland and in the Rhine region the disturbance in Martinique. fact that they were so nearly ehronous would certainly lead that thought, at any rate. I interested to see what the fuller rds of the two shocks say. As we have had nothing but the gre reports which have appear - n the newspapers. eeseettexesserzsCVVIL it Che shocks which were felt in Lesser Antilles do not neces- y indicate a recrudescence of anis activity. Shocks were re- d from Port de France, St. was, Guadelupe, St. Vincent, Dominica, These may have due to a, crustal movement g a line of weakness. The e in Switzerland, which is said ave been the most severe in years, was probably due to ting, the sudden slipping os ding of stratified rocks ' into positions and elevations. Dis- ances of this kind are not es- lly surprising in regions like fps. They are comparatively g, geologically and in such g regions changes of form and rata are toehe looked for. THE E,,HINE REGION. he leaver Rhine region, on the nd, broadly, the Rhine y�r, below the Black Forest, is upof far older rocks. The for pis much older than the Alps, t is bordered by rocks of er age than those which. the upper Rhine, Here quake eshocks are indeed sur - •g, and disturbance• which not shook up Switzerland, but •trongly felt at Frankfort, art, Munich, Strasburg,, and ce es well as 'this is said to been, may take rank as an uake of real geologic im- ce, MAKES TREMENDOUS. at is a point which is fre- y not appreciated. An earth - or an eruption which causes thquake, may do atremend- u.nt of damage and cause s of thousands of lives, and e of slight magnitude and mportance from the scienti- nt of view. For instance, a and some of the histori^al as eruptions. On the other t shock occurs now and again is almost unheard of .by the whose chief manifestations some barren region, and, sequence, cause loss of life perty which is trifling but .ay be vastly significant to and` of tremendous power ge, a' shock was there.. sweat take in ,Alaska iii Septem- );i. Few persons outside. cidntifrc world realized`'thetl g remarkable had happen$ ,• ..„i:: Y•r.�,„nl,fsi,.'VYi.I was BO li WIU FRAH TELLS O1.{' CURES MADE BY. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Thos. Griffin, of Peace River Land.. ing,' tells bow ho got rid of his Rheumatism -- honestly earned popularity. Cold Springs, Peace River Land- ing, Alta., 1:)e.e. 26 (Special)—just why Dodd's Kidney Pills retain their wonderful popularity is eas- ily .shown by atrip across the prairies. Every town, village and post -office has at least one man or woman who is ready to tell of pains relieved and health restored by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Let Thos. Griffin of this place add his statement to the hosts already published. "When I came toethis part of the country," says Mr. Griffin, "I was troubled with abad back and Rheumatism in my shoulders and hips. I sent for six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they gave me re- lief at once. I also recommended them to my eldest son. who was confined to his bed from Rheuma tism. "Now I know that Dodcl's Kid- ney Pills are the best medicine for Rheumatism and the Kidneys. I recommend them to every person 1 hear • complaining of net .feeling well." Dodd's Kidney Pills made their popularity by curing sick Kidneys. They keep their popularity by keeping on curing sick kidneys. CHANGES IN FLOWERS. From Sou i iica came years ago,, the )recently unfashio able'' fuchsia; from the hills northern India and Tibet have be brought many useful varietie from China we have had anion other things many new 'primula Japan has yielded wonderful iris; Africa many varied plants, ilsea, ly of most brilliant and eorgeoe coloring • while numerous char', ing members of the narcissus fame have been discovered in 't. Pyrenees. But this cannot continue ince finitely, and even in the realm 0 orchids, for which .perhaas the mos systematic search of all is made there is not much left to he explor ed. For our future novelties w shall have to rely then chi* of the skill of our hybridists, u*lit are constantly engaged ia niatixL, different species of the same fathil of plants, and our cross fertilizers, who are doing similar work with different varieties of the same species. The flowers of to -day ar the result of cross breeding, stimu- lating by electricity, drugs and hc, water baths. Many of Our Most Beautiful Ones are Modern Productions. ' It is a truly astonishing thing to reflect that Shakespeare, for all his love of flowers, would have been able to name scarcely a single bloom. in a twentieth century gar- den,• says the Strand. He would hardly have been able to distinguish the queen of flowers itself, so greatly has the rose changed in the last three centuries. ttl.s for the begoniasthe chry- santhemums,' the dahlias, the ger- aniumse the fuchsias and carna- tions, these were unknown even to °” nUSIL - beautiful flowers are purely modern .productions. Three centuries ago there Were What were then thought of as gar - no flower gardens in England. dens were herbaria, places where rosemary, mint, rue, thyme and sage grew, and perhaps a few Primitive blooms, such as violets and primroses, were suffered to ex- ist, much as poppies and corn- flowers do to -day. Many well known plants have been developed from specimens discovered in various parts of the world, and there is no doubt that a number of charming novelties are still lurking undiscovered in re- mote spots. The chances of valu- able finds are, however, becoming vnfortunately less every year. A Eczema Always Lek anti Itchhi Used Box of Cuticura Ointment and It Completely Disappeared. "I have suffered from eczema for two years. The trouble began on one asrn where there appeared a red spot of about a live -cent size, and it always widened, all the time Itching and burning. The first days I didn't care, but seeing that it gained in size, I tried •--- Ointment and — Ointment, but both without success. It was always burning and itching. Having seen in the newspaper the advertisement of the Cuticura Remedies, I tried a little, and seeing that it improved, S bought a box of the Cuticura Ointment. After having used one box, my eczema nom- pletely disappeared. The Cuticura Ointment should be kept in every home." (Signed) N. Ostiguy, MarieVilie, Que., Jan, 14, 1011. A Generation of Success For morethan a geeeratien Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the speediest and most economical treatment for itching, burning, seals and bleeding skin and scalp humors, of young and old. A single set Is often sufficient. Solei by druggists and dealers everywhere. For liberal sem • le PUO -VE TALKS MADE CLEARER Danish Bank Manager ;Lias Trans znitter Warmed., A simple way of making ` teles phone conversations more audible has. been invented .by. Herr Peter- son, a bank manager of Nykjobing Denmark. On the principle the sound is more readily transmitted through rarefied nir he has con structed an apparatus to warm the transmitter, whereby the air in it becomes thinner and the sound. is intensified, Prof. Hannover o the Danish Government teleph testing .station, who has made ex tensive experiments with 'Peter- son's apparatus, says in his report that the increase of sound obtained is remarkable. Telephone con"ver- sations between Copenhagen and. Nykjobing, a distance of some 75 miles, could be clearly followed some distance away from the in- strument. The inventor has ea - plied for patents in different coun- tries. v HEALS THELiJIT('s& ;� STOPS COUOOS YItICE. 25 CE t C5. During last year Groat D:l?«y< betheat frons. Switzintefill �qL; cwt. of condemned milk, valued :2648,012. No one nee& endure bhe weer ainl'r of corns with Holloway's' Cobs ±010 Cure athand to remove them., • aVP FIRST COUSINS. Offspring of Their Marrrate Aze Liable to' De Deaf `Mutes. The seriousness of the risk ,giro by first cousins who marry is ;em- phasized by Miss Ethel Eldertc i,'a co-worker with Professor Karl Pearson at the Galton Laboratory for National t'ugenics, London. thatversity. Marriages between near'. kin, suc;i as uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, or grandparent and grandchild, are forbidden mainly on the principle of resemblance. Miss Elderton therefore determined to see whether cousins are as much alike as any of these pairs of re- latives. She studied the cases of no fewer than 6,000 pairs of -cousins, with a view to endeavor- ing to measure the degree 'of re- semblance in health, intelligence, success, temper, and temperament. The oonelusion she came to was this—that the general resemblance between cousins is about half that between brother and sister, and practically the same as that ,shown by statistics of uncles and nieces and of aunts and nephews. "If the undesirability of marriage within certain degrees is founded on the -closeness of resemblance," says Miss Elderton, "the law which forbids the marriage of uncle and aunt with niece and nephew should also restrict the marriage of first cousin." The offspring of cousin marriages appear to be particularly liable to deaf mutes. "There seems little doubt," continues. Miss Elderton, "that if there is any deaf-mutism in a stock a cou in marriage, even when both parties are free from the disease, is most dangerous to the effsprin'g.r r PRACTI,OAL ADVICE. "Speaking of etiquette; ''did you send the dollar for those advertised instructions on 'What to do at table?, r r eyes." "Alid what did you get?" "A slip with ;one word a printed o it : 'Eat 1" -•s 4u4,i Y • enetra'e. .e su. d edy relief. Ti;tisy xt;anestianlie ,41�' t inimeht sinks tereare i'nh d e amG��8, Ol ,,,,Ia, groundsea.aar .sayilig that its is magical,' it'x s. differom pines only t that 'the Ieaves grow the scales of the cones round, and thin. dnt Cures Colds, &c. te;I`gl 4and are s9000t rn arii',s Liril ' E d ' `Iakipping.• � angerous erre "Rot for ±1 gaped •bein ; "ills 'of Aiia;ed Value.—Parme- le< s Vegetable Ikills are the result of areful study of the pioperties of er: Iain roots and herbs, and the ae- ti,,n of such as Sedatives and laxa- tn .s on thedigestive apparatus. T' success the compounders have met, with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nizs.d..for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Theirexcellence was re- cognised froth the first and they grew in.ore popular daily. EPTIONS. to rope is always a else for the health." men who have es- nged." NOT 1CIS LUCK. "Aha 1" and he laughed fiendish- ly as he read from the morning paper: - "The burglar shot the man,whose life .liras saved by the bullet strik- inr eseabiat a button of his clothes." "Well," snapped his wife, "what of that?" "What oft 1" said he, as he felt his collarEoing upsteadily to the •aape`of his neck; "oh, nothing. exe lit that the button must have bete on l" • X was cured of Rheumatic Gout 1?S' 7rfnNAltD'S LINIMENT. KING. .Halifax. ANDREW I :was cured of Acute Bronchitis by 1111 eeita'S LINIMENT. LT. -COI,. C. CREWE TREAD. Sussex. T was cured of ,Acute Itheumati.stu-i 3 MINARD'S LINIMENT.. Markham, Ont. 0. 5, BILLING. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. SERIOUS PART BEGINS. Jack—"Well, old man, she has accepted me and named the day. That's a load off ray'eheart." Married friend—"les; now the load is on your shoulders." As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate chiles without fear of injury to the constitution. SUSPICIOUS. John—So you paid a visit to your rieh uncle, Jake, and he seemed glad to see you • Jake --Yes. I'm almost afraid the old cuss has lost his money. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. A HARD J013. "What is Billy }Iardatit doing these days?" asked Smithers. "Oh, he's working his son's way through college," said Little Binks. You are not treating yourself or your family fairly if you don't keep Hamlins Wizaed Oil in the house. It's the best substitute for a family doctor and a mighty good friend in case of emergency. FACT AND FANCY. There is that h the .0PECI LISTS ADVICE FRE. Consult ), us 44 regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinds. Truss fitted by mail. Bend measure. nien., _Glasses fitted by age. Write today soldin Sass n thin first-class for,:drug g st�.er,& to Dr. Hellman. Collingwood. OnL DELHI TANNERY- CUSTOM ROBE and Fur tanning. Cattle and Ilorse Hides make best Robes and Coats when Properly tanned. Send them to me and have them dressed right. You will be well satisfied. B. P. Bell, Delhi, Ont. 11 Fn Ship your Skunk, ?alas ]t r a t, Cutin, Fat:. Mink, Weasel and any other Furs you have, to u3. Highest Irket and your mon- ey promptly, WAGNER, BRASIER & CO., 86 Front tit East, TORONTO. r GIVE YOUR BUSH A CHANCE AND MAKE MONEY WITH IT. You would not think of cutting down your hay or grain with hand scythes. and you should not use old pots and Pans, Install a 'Champion" and make more and better syrup with less time and fuel. More revenue at a reduced cost. Why not try this? We have one that will just suit you. You are sure to win. Write for free booklet. THE GRIMM MFG. CO., LIMITED, 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que.