HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-15, Page 5s
P0 . /1600,1)09/1600,1)09,�,.ea,pltral �a�a up $�,o ®,000R4serve Fend
1Ct Total Assets : over 44,000,00O
In: orptirated 1855
Head Office '
- i'iontreai
e Has 88 Branches ill Canada; and Agents and Correspondents iu n
all the Principal Cities of the World,
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate
Zurich Branch — J. A. CONST"ANTINE, Mgr.
TO ger`! S I I:ltl1 elle C'iilixli
OF c:a-ea. .� .."()1.
. . t the rpt
1� ii ��r� c
RJ 4 ti � ` elm 1J, . i • i f ws. �t
Bys ;uw ^I on,.
`1'o take trio vote of tla.a'
01 tllO Police 'Village,
entitled to, vote on mcuxe ;
n question to be subnutie,
the Bald rate pavers 1W zl
s1tp ply •of :ries tri« power
I.v itto 1 h•ctue Power Cote
WHEREAS the 1llturicilti;
of tau Cori Oration; of the" lei.
I -ay deems it advi bre to
the ratepayers •;int the•" ab)
Village of T)aellwoocl, ctlltitl^
on honey By -Laws a qm:
whether th; said ratepay.t:s
favor of a supply of elect)
'from aI'11e.Hvdro-E/eet1ro t,
ion of t) )ttirio,
By.La 93y
To take the vote of the rate-payore
of the Police Village of 1)risllwood
"• E'esents for Young and Old entitled to vote on honeyby-laws on
aL ciut tion to be submitted whether
at treasonable .prices the said rate-paayelu are in fever of
a supply of electric power -- frolic the
ll:yclio-Eleetrie Power Cornniiecion of
BP sure and call on
us before buing else -
General Merchant, ' Blake.
'Ttt Want
°T` --E BEST
Call at The' Massey-
Harris Shop..
Our Machines sped
for themselvc es,. .A'
. t ° handle
JasWhyte, Ag 't
WHEREAS tho Municipal Corm -
ell .of the Corp.)xntieb of the '1t:vvn-
shit) of Stephen deems it zidvisable
to plabluit to the rate -payers of the
said Police Village c,f '• Dash cct3,
1. 111:i•i' the follt)v; b ?•
be eubulitt: it tt) the 1 itelaty,.:
'.l attic it al Corporation .if €;'
lalage of 1)ashwoo l t 11t t1
011111oecy By -Laws :
ECT.11.10 POW'!{ I«:}'^
2. T1I'ATthevot•_s�
Ratepayers .;hall be taken
question at the fa/towing •41.
places and by the 1)op11ty 1
Officer and Poll (lurk,
(entitled to vote on looney hq-laws a mentioned, that is to say:
question as to whether the said rate -1 At Zimmer's Han, in t
payers are in favor of a supply of 1 Village of Ditsinvoca, when .
electric power from, The 1Iydro- 4 wit/be „pet at ;) ai. xn: <ar)t1 (
Electric Power Commission of Ont-' 5 p• ni. and that Andrew' Stu
TH1:EREFORE the Council' of the
Corporation of the Township of
Stephen enacts as follows:
1. THAT the following question be
submitted to the rate -payers of the
Municipal Corporacion of the Police
Village of Dashwood untitled to voto
on money By-laws:'
be Deputy Returnin ' oil;
nark Brokeuslure the Poll.0
3, A. true copy of ''this':
shall be published in 1'1113:?
on the day:; • herelilatt i',
viz 1)ee 21st and
on January 4ti1;.19i ' iial`it
this I3p.La v chant bt } t1••ted
liters Hotel, Post Olii(e a iC1
-Edi heifers Store, and Tit Imo
ware Store.. •
ELECTRIC POWER COMMIS- 4, 011 the title day n9'::1 n
SION OF ONTARIO A SLTPPLI: D., 1011, at the Town I trill,
OF ELECTRIC POWER?:" at 01111 a'wlocl. ii1, tilt 1 2:(.rx
2. THATi,ho `nates csf"thtl - •saLit1 Iteev e will, na yr .t:ir 'w `
laLt.1 tv=ei;: Sit R11 ie tnkert lk l 'a�I„ 1111,rilst i 1)11(.1 .at
,.•.waw«.,•:.-.«t,�,µ,awartw*a �n-
cit scion at flit ir)1lovvirit; tlitt.:'iilti ,� �3_
of ow
1)1 e watt by the Deputy r trtroi11-; atria enc perso x t) Ott
officer and' Poll -Clerk hereinafter after 1,l tt to on beilalk t ftlt o� °
motioned, that is to say: At • Ml:ssei'r ell tind `tleeirons tt
Wall in the Police Village of Dash- tht ll(l 11tt alt.li•
wooer when the; poll will be; opened a wl alikc111,1 rill' ttla
, kms•
at,0 a1 111. a1. id , closedat t) p. 111. on i sons ietel* tt t1 i1'1• (1111' Ct.`.;,
(;aC) , , Saturday the 13 th day of •• jewelry' answering of tlie.:said` . q ' �.
al A ,wtuY li ABUT• A• 1) 1912 and that Andrew Musser Live i'e"l)cextv(ly�
;shallbe Deputy -returning officer and 5, Oli t ei15t11 tea y i, i )::ne51;k'.
11I•trk 13rokeushire the Poll Clerk. D 1912 at one o ciec7 1), 111. yo. ins
WE keep in stock a
" full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our° own
Give us a call.
1 ti. A. true copy of, this By -craw- t ofce 1n the Village of t'4.•, ,thhnn, the
' Llcil,
x110,11 be published ill The Pioneer -
oil tlin days hereinafter mentioned,
viz: Dec. 21st and 28th 1911 and on
January- 4th, 1012 and as copy of
this Ey-law shall' be posted in Post
Office, Tiernan and . Edighoffer's and
Siebert's store and Zimmer's Hotel.
4. On the 8th day of January A. D.,
1912 at the Town Hall, Crediton. at
one o'clock in the after -noon, the
Reeve will, in writing signed by him
appoint tWO persons to attend at the
final summing tip of the votes by
the clerk of the Township of Stephen
and one person to attend each polling
place on behalf of the person inter-
ested in and desirous of the answer-
ing of• the said question in the
affirmative and'a like number- on
behalf of the persons interested in
and desirous of the answering of the
said question negative respectively.
1-lere we
Are �%oaiU.
with the finest lot of
goods • ever shown in
Just received a large
quantity to please • any-
Z so. dropin and see.
if 1 cant snit yon. Also
iz imi.euse NO, of
carry a
samples to choose from,
All -kinds - of gobds for
trousers, . dark or light
prices low as. possible,
'. (•f the Township(a3 tit:wen is
hereto, apt c,1) R (1 to burn 7,11, 1111111-
ber of vote vr.'11 111 The 41 trroative
and in the negative respet rx' lo.
isIade, passed and enacted this
day of . 1912
5. On the; 15th day January, A. D.
1012 at one o'clock p. m. in his
office irr" the Village of Crediton, the
clerk of the Township. of Stephen is
hereby appointed to sum up— the
ntunber of votes given in the
affirmative and in the negative
Take notice that the aboveis 0. true
copy of • a By -Law ^ passed.' by the
Municipal Connell • of .,the Township
of'Hay on the 15th day of December,
And further takenotice tl a't lit ilia
hour, day and:pi:tee thein t1 lixed for
taking the votes of the elc t t,ti�s, the
Pons will be 1101 a.
First publication, Dec. 21 A, 1),
Ti3vV11 clip C!erk,`
�, e In el.l..„. ro 1 .4 tog.IL 1 b1 hitri.1111-t.'.1'1+w 111 111 -: e;(li ;,; M4; te(1 1Rt ii1:0
ti .11 7
t� at the appoint two Jenson:; to al tt:o i 1?,, ti E i Agent,
`I•. d
,.;:int t6i.' °tc=i:st11;,, to 17111(11 i 1 e
,:the t.Et.., i.% ,.
y filial S1t1111)llri: t
'�� r¢ votes by ill.. fl 1. rt 1
clLl E,lr..lifi t W
clerk of the '1'nvvllsIlip of Stephen n xlrrl `.. , _.. _
lli erieli p stun"
0lit 1)0,I' ('til ^.t) : itt.`.i
( ! :+
)lac , ou ltebelf of, the,1ia11ticin i1lterest-
ed iii mei (L. -irons of the answering
of Ole said qni stion in the affirmative
�iill•lilcts linrultc'l• on behalf of the
wrsons inter(: -ted in and desirous of
he answering of the x1(01 question
,;;ative respectively.
5. On the 15th day of January, A. D.
1012 at one: o'clock p. in. in his office
iii the -the Village of Crediton, the
;el0x'i of. the Township of Stephen is
-Leby appointed to sunt up the nuni-
ber',of votes given in the affirmative
and in the negative respectively.
Maxie, Passed and enacted
this . day of 1912.
Made, passed and enacted
this day of 1912.
.. ... Clerk
Council Chamber, Dec, I6tll; 7.1)11,
Take notice that the _above is a
true copy of a By-law passed by the
11Iunieipal Connell of the Township
of Stephen on the pith day of
December, A. D. 1911.
And further take notice that at
the hour, day and place therein
fixed. for taking the votes of the
electors, the bolls will be held.
t•)nr :vt •rr t't:ntc•,l111 the Ntw:y.111er, do Son know 1V11010our be
Z'ortisil'1g is i ;•,at. '.' •
Take notice that the above is a
true copy' of a By -Law passed by the
Municipal` Council of the Township
of Stephen on the 15th day of Dec-
ember, A. D. 1911. -
And further take notice that at the
hour, day and place therein fixed for
taking the votes of the electors, the
polls will be held
First Publication: Dec. 21st. A. 1).
Township Clerk.
ouneil' Chamber, Dec. 15th. 191T.
hi The Store
'r11is telling you abort things is all right maybe, but it isn't half a
facttlry las < ringing ing yo 1;ace to flaw with your requirelaents.
Showing, lowin=g you 11 our favorite method there is no talk that y all be
„ ,.
cont)t'lling 111, t1i.�?g:)ou c theinyelve . here. is the best of ' 1 it suture.
best, 1)1x1••ctolttl }t llr.' comes from a knowledge of what is what in Ft
and the way our stoek stands to -day. T'i'e can truthfully say that
asked anybody to vieW an assortment that is quite as worthy. • You
vita. d.
R(smizer we have vacated tho 'Opera bloca and are now oecupyi
Large Store Opposite the Commercial Hotel where wehave plenty ofa
carry a large stitch of all kinds of Furniture and Undertaking Supplie
PHONE 62: Sunday or Night Calls Attended t
Parietal -;,..)ireotor
I . \\T. P.rBi1 .VERS
Licensed Auctioneer for County of
Huron. Sales anducted in the most
icor. Satiefaetion guar.
s 61111)0 triode at the
tar or at the
Bargain Store, Exeter.
•Insurance Agents
0.. LOAN
Oapvfatati 11
i l nybne Sending to eketoh altd doal:l`
'. o,,1cita]t-aeeertaan our °pinto*: ee d;
t8Vobttan %probably pDatenta1i8, C
trona atrlotly cOnO,IentIRI. 11ANO BOOK
cont free.
Oldest soot Tor s.a .uslb
' i11
ratonte t,t1rO,)llt Munn do
ops tti ndtiod,'Wlelibut charge, in th
b handA•' illustrated lverl.ly
ulattbn aaieutt,)o 9ournal.;
tnttda, 5•' ear, ltoett4110 Prone
It Is Up
To protect your family from the ravages of disease and int
the rigors of winter; to make your home the abode of Health and
;statistics tell us tiolt there were over 250.000 deaths in No
last year from fever and Pneumonia; Over 90 per cent. of these
traceable to out -door closets, and all were the result, of insanitary
Are you going to allow this terrible death rate to continu
Wiry not intima Health by installing a "PARKYTE
Ab olntely Sanitary. and Odorless oarries the udorsenlen
cians and Health Officials, and our own Iron el " 'a »tee, 1
expensive water—system: no plumbing. no sewage etlzra>ta11ed
of your home tho cost of �a fevv nnnmos of your .rogue time; 1aa
aan(1, ene;t 107. (1(811 a CENT a dey. o otYir
' P.i111 �'Plil" Chemical has been prover : by J3aete1 1 Y
most �:)vv(.rPat17)i infeLtalrt, Deodorant and Germicide, know
the Ill 1 ww r v, CLOSET -� A.N1TA)tY �1UkMICA1� C,LOSi 1 is
° Zurich, Ont.
101' argument will .1* 3