HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-15, Page 4giving you two wt t'k$ trial, fair :,425. •Ind
Our Stock of Furniture is _wine over. Mune.
always complete. here eentn' will Mr. (lorcltiu (tocfz of Sarnia was
find :all the lotestde.sign._ iu b an it home for his Xmas holidays.
at sera =Warble: pewee, Mr. Archie Routledge who has been
\\ e havt, the Telephone Office in in Saskatchewan this last year is
our store with 100 connections, and if home.
::and Mrs, Ed. S'<v ::der of Ngw
burg spent- a £taw ;days at tile:
p of the lattee's parent, Mt I1
tbeii er
essrs \Villiam and d Fred Fahrner
[toward City. Michigan, returned.
heir borne on Thursday last, after
iding a few weeks, visiting friends
l'!Ie Township nomination on
'day was largely attended. Mr.
Lamont who held the position
reeve for' the past 14 years, *Wi-
ll t
ith-tat to break, declined to be a can
date:' M. Lamont has had only
o opponents in all that time,
Ime•:wben Mr.0 Greb opposed
lire and several ; years ago when
Wendel Smith was defeated by
iar, The new candidates are as
iaiows s . for reeve—Mr. Louis
1Wieiseh and Mr Henry Neeb,
;rtbth in the council this year ; fur.
tsra:"xuoillors—Messrs, Wm. .Bat th. r,
Oonsit, Ed. Daters, R ger
.orthcott, Conrad Schilbe, and
di`lrederiok Willert Messrs 0oesit
anti Willert were councillors in
4111.,; the others being new- aspir-
ants Mr Win: Jarrett another
nominee decided not to run at pre.
i.••mt. 'At the Village nomination.
1.1e1c1. in the evening the present
,BoardMessrs. A - Heideman, Ford
esa and E Zeller were re eleoted
dye acclamation. The Township
eieetion promises to be an exciting
ine:and the result will be awaited
ith interest
Does it Pa
Tailor _ Made? of . Ourse,
Certainly, Why?
Because they look Smarter.
Because they wear longer
Because they fit better.
Because they hold shape longer.
Because they are far, far cheaper in the long run, Try it and see, �V11
to get good, clothes made. Let us make you one of our
$15 Suit Specials fot the Xmas Trade.
Holtzrnann, Your Tailor. For the Man who Car;
It'IorcJ llllt Tai
�1— YJ�'i�C •-'�i
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land
1.13.4n i. Lain
Ni' person who is the sole head of a.
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a ouaarter;-section of avail-
able Dominion land inManitoba, Saslt
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sut•Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and
lid • tion of alae land in eta; o thr
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his howe,tead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
A very pretty wedding took brother or sister
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs In certain districts homesteader in
Andrew Reid, when their eldest (rood standing gray pre-empt a cluarter-see-
darzxghter Annie Was united in near- tion c ongsiclo his hams- read. Price „•3.00
per t acre. Doric.—Nfiu t reside Six months
r;ianei to Mr Thos. Robinson of the each of six 3 earn from date of honentead
f4eshen Line, The ceremony was entry (inaludint; tine taaare re,Eluued to earn
performed by the Rev. T. Snowden homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
re' i ted by the Rev. R. Mnrray of extra.
Chicago, uncle of the bride To the
A homesteader who has exlr.ustetl his
atrufns. of the wedding march play- homestead right and cannot obtain a pre.
ed by Miss Eliza Robinson sister of emptron may tape a purchased homestead
Shegroom, the bridal ist en -of in certain districts. Price 83.00 per acre.
partyDuties—,Must reside six months in each of
tered the parlor. The bride who three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
was'given away by her father look- a house worth *300.00.
4•;d charming in a gown' of etnbroid 'W. til'. CORY,
died maargeussette and .veil. with Deputy of the !Minister of the Interior.
orange blossoms and • carried a N. ]3. --Unauthorized publication of this
bonquet of white carnations. She advertisement will not tie pain tor.
wag eiseisted by her sister Miss"""""
"liargaret Rdxd.as: briddesmaid, and BIA INESS DAA DS.
+P.914:)I1..5 ]ti taitiwir
ars• etre idori is Illy i. a �':af i,.'
' :lbitcl+d
,!�. eryg pp hon ' rrvx t ' ,r)iti
New i iliiai:riiss ? 28 ,
lie. �' !young t)at,il)lt to Crediton on llaau.l:,y
New Raymond $25 last .
�IMPROVED tl l 'n �+
`.iia .,d 1 T.T. R I.ii :it?. Chester Geiser of :)xlvin�.y,)i i
- that the ':1'..I ton (�.. sell for S').e- ' li ri"}' a>ver Xltaaa5,
. 'we will deliver iiit ..:t'i e, machine, ,el, Wilbur ('ralb it wlu, i,.tttc
�o t o lei' to
Sewing %whine~, laoth )text lel Ida• a \W'i11a:'rt of Toronto was
The Singer $30
II Uxieutbcx":,auuto took a load of
in * I,it. lite a, C`ullcgo at (leilliatin
doh. call ue up or write tts, we will do Misse• s Sol
the rest. "s oma end EMMA Tien=
of London are spending their Xmas
P. 1V:t.cIS..�.AC holidays with their brother, Mr. I.
Furniture and Undertaing °Cienxan.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. G.Lovie
Was scene the of a very pretty wed-
ding on 'Wednesday December 20th
at 10.30 a. in. when their eldest
daughter Flossie Mae was united in
Mr. Wesley Geiser of Centralia is
home for Xmas.
Miss Graham left last Friday for
her home hi Goder•ioh.
Miss Martha Oestreicher who hos
been attending,North Western College
Naperville, is spending her holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
marriage to Mr. Alex. J. Hotson of Mr. 1?. Case of Sarnia is spending
Greenway. The ceremoney was his Xmas holidays at his home.
performed by Rev. 1). D. Thompson Mr•. J. Graybeil of Zurich was
in the presence of a large number home over Xmas.
of friends and relatives. The bridal hiss 1+'aunie Preeter of Znrieh
party stood beneath an arch of ever- spent )Was day with friends.
greens. The bride was given away by A number of young people took in
her father and was hancdsornely dressed the ente. tamment at Zurich.
in a gown of embrordered net with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert and
brietal veil and carried a bociuet of family spent Xmas day in Crediton.
'white ehrysantheunis and ferns, while
Mr, Milfrid 1V1clane of Exeter was
her cousin Miss Mary Lovie acted as home over Xmas.
bridesmaid hnd wore a pretty dress of
cream silk trimmed with overlace
and. oarriecd a bocltiet of pi& k astors.
The Groom was supported: by Mr.
Chas, tit;'xegor, little Miss' Hazel ofi,xeter spent their holidays with
sister of the bide acted es ring bearer, a their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
was dr essedin finest white einbror'deryT ' Gosstnan.
and carried a basket of flowers, while! llr. Willinm . Cross nail of Grand
Miss Millie Sherritt played the tked-; !semi was home forXinas.
Miss. Maud xlartleib of Exeter is
home for Xmas.
Miss Lizzie and Mildred Hartleib
ding nmrr.I'r, after. which all_ ',enured
to ;lig dining soon which was taste-
frill` arranged with e arc t ;r eons . 7*
Lollies where all partook lot tlt
ding (limier The Brides
eta„ was of blue broad c
�il�.sxtrf4',41Ci h`r.t t{S n7
\Vin. Willert and Alex Zim-
the ha)litlwss in Buffalo.
a'r of the staff of the
,pent the holidays at
1 ;<1 .wII. His father
tnrnid. with him
t '+plt a t+I
clay r•.itli friende iii I1o.ehiv,For1,
Mrs. Berney .Tlrown ,3r
pa cyst nt on the sick
lfr. Homy t M atigns r,fa ;.alt
spent tht holiday at hi bun
114x bride and groom ]ed the way
-grot)Lri. was ably sup -
ed. .by his brother Mr Will
iu,on After the ceremony
t4 the dining room, where e sutnl%
teee dinner was served to about
vonty guests . The-,groonx's gift
bride was a beautiful fur -lined
1 e at, a a.aod', to the bridesmaid. maid •.
Rey Mise �ns n ) Htt
�.. 'Robinson 1
', i,
a c i 11
and 1
l etit: a few c aye I:tet Week ek "El ,r), )11 f signer' pins The bride received
a many l eitutiful and. to-oful prrsFuts'
M. n.nad :ills.-''.a•1"4.1",e testifying to the esteem in which
San rat •i h c' a t lit °) held.
a, a< <) t fiI t ds in, .)• hittMoth bride and _nom are
Rev. lIr. P. Bones, is spentirn tl:re The.. }nappy couple will take up
holidays at his home;here. their abode on the groom's farm,
Mr. Elinor Gower'.Spent the boll- Goshen Line.
days at his home on the rGoshen Line.
Mr.. Boy Hill of Cheatham spent a
few days a at his home here. .
Mr. Howard �Ioadd isspending tre
holidays at his homes here. '
Mr. Dave Wein of London, spent
Xmas with his mother Mrs. L. Wein
Messrs Prank and Claris.
beiner spent the holiday at thoir resp-
ective homes. rI.
Mr. R. Graham, manager of ,the
Bank of Commerce: spent a ; few days
at his home at Hamilton.
Miss Lily Metz of London, ., spent
Xnias at the horn of her parents; fr.
and Mrs. I� .Metz.
Gentlemen ;— I take this oppor
trinity of extending sincere thanks
to any many friendsin both parties,
for the splendid support given me
in.:the recent election. Thotigh not
eleoted-as your representative, yet
the•large vote polled in my favor,
shows that I have received the
united support of the Liberals and
a goodsupport from the Con.
servatives. I entered the contest
on very short notice, was a
stranger to a great many of the
electors, and Yaad to combat a
strongly entrenched party It is
Mr. August Huhn of Dunntaille, very gratifying to have been able
spent the holiday at his home relic, to make at least some impression
on the large adverse majority in
the Riding of South Huron as at
present constituted. Should I
again be called upon to be a candi
date in this splendid Riding, 1 will
tinter. the next contest with a
feeling of confidence that I know
was Iaeking in the hearts of my
friends, during the recent short
and untimely campaign. I made
many warm -:friends during the
Mrs. 11. "4 int of Detroit; is campaign, who I. feel certain will.
again. (should the occasion arise)
Ing her father Mr. Chas. ' wolf; extend their hearty support. 1
afew weeks. tried to be fair to my opponents,
Mr. ffrry Trick; of• Stra ifoi"d and fair to my friends, and, with
spent Xrattet and .very few exceptions, 1 have, been
Mrs:. c. Tri treated. ta'a1'rly and honorably.
Under the ' new `reader of the
Mt. S.is Liberal part*.' I will expect the
spending a Mr, strong 'and progressive po]ioy of
and 'Mrs. W. the pe,opie to be developed for the
god of the people of the Province.
Mr. and. r ;
and in fen; retsrs from now, when
Saline lei' ' f the nex al is made_. to the
Weeks with ere to; than:til; C poliov'
T. Fain wtil fyxg y' ertcle)r50d
Mr.a; ttC1neat i r t4O Year
Mrs. Helir and son lion of Saline
Mich,, are spending a week at { the
home of Mrs. T. Fabrner.
Mr. and Mrs- E. Lillow of Hamilton,
are spending the holidays at' the
letters' parents Mr: and Mrs, 0, Trick.
Mrs. E. Roder of Saline Mich.,
is spending a fete weeks; With " her
parent Mrs. T. T'abrner.
sit -
Meat M
We keep , stock a frill
line of.frti a u eats, etc.
etc. Oui 311ts are not
ed for their tendornes(
and wholesoinness. Onr
aim is to keep nothing
but the best. We make
our. sausage.
Give us a call.
Flour iL
14[antifRa,ct1?rer of all oracle,.
Boller Flour.
We also sell tln
Five Roses Flour
Gristing and C_ liopping pi
ptly donne
Sales conducted in all parts.-Satis-
action guaranteed or no .pay . ,.,Terms
easonable, Orders Icaua this office
trill he proruptly attended to.
cc agent, representing the Loudon,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
. r,
ard. '!Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fare insurance.
�j Court Zurich No. 1240
Cir or •1•' • meets every 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m.
in the A. O. U. W. Hall.
J. J. hiERNni&, C. R.
AA !1 TT W Rickbeil Lodge
, • VI • No. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of ' every month
at 8 o'clock, in their Bali, Mercier Block.
FRED. WirwxR ,I'd. W
Of of
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot.
IC. C. R. 0. Have. 3. L. Killoran,
dilate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraetion
of teeth. Platework a speeiality. At
Dominion House,, Zurich, every .Mon-
day. 7-26
Notary Public. De e as , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
and 0:llo
done at ? cents a beet
When buying fruit and orna,
mental trees, see to it that you buy
of a firm whose trees have the
right sort of roots and have been
handled correctly in the nurseries.
Our trees will grow; there is a.
Take an agency; send for .terms.
Outfit free
Thos. W. Bowman & Son
Co, Ltd, .tie;$,teewi tle Ont
'Tutt are not .expierir?menting. on
ourself: wlieza won take .0lraatnber
1piti' C),ongli I riincdy 1't'rr a cold as
that nrepnrntirati has won •itw great
reputation and Ee•:wteni4Iv," salt) by
its rounarkatble.cures•:for colds, and,
can always ' c edmain.- It
Z• stricia
At our Store you will find
things suitable 'for Gifts. Coi
and inspect our stock. We le
big stook and our prices are
Gold and Silver Watches—in
Swiss and Waltham Move
Solid Gold Finder Rims,
Hand Painted China.
Silverware—in all styles.
Cut Glass—in any pattern.
Watch' and Jewelry ]Repairing
kinds attended to at
Come inspect our stock
er you buy or ziot, . .
A call!! soli�ltc �.
1. .
Sunday—Preaaehing at -10:80
Sabbath School 2.80.
Prayer meeting, Thursday 7.4
Ebenezer; Sunday -Sunda,,
I''reaeliing 2.45.
Everybody Welcome.
E, BURN', Pastor.
Stti tcda3r SeviCo:
10.00 a. m. German preac
7 p. in..1 English preaching.
1,;10 p.