HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-15, Page 1dent
11 kind
tient of
d Bags
lar this
In ever
? if so!
• The Official Organ
';01..X1 I.
rs and
e: ter
s hes
line ' l: -
on seed;.
11 sizes,
(1 Pere,:
�1rS, at11e
The Regal keeps the
floor wa.rm
IT creates continuous currents of warrn air in the room. There.
is a special flue .inside the stove, apart from the fire chamber
and free from gas or smoke. This flue draws in the cold air
from the floor, heats it and passes it out at the top:
in addition to this the REGAL radiates
extra li,eat near the, floor. All the hot
smoke and fumes from the fire pass down
and through a flue under the ash -pit before
they reach the pipes. This keeps
the stove hot a$ the bottom and
helps materially to warm the floor.
The Regal
(with oven)
Is thoroughly Peninsular and
that means that it ishonestly made.
It has proven economical both
in fuel consumed, and in its years
of service.
If you are interested hi heaters or
ranges, get " The Cost". It is a booklet
you should read before you buy.
Ask for ll
D LI •
From now on., until' the end. ofthe year you will
be confronted with the problem of X,znas shopping.
'We can show you. a sue rising atexiiber of useful,
hand,scme things to be 1'iad at prices which are, s
fietto-kx rh . point:•
and looking around, asking the prices ofthose ti-rngs,
you see, and aUowin.A•�us to show you what Mir store
contains, you°will fint'"the giftproblem solvixatx°"
And we want you to. feel, free to do.aiit. elee••next time
you are in town.. • ,
Dress G Gods and Silks
All effects of the past are entirely eclipsed. by the showing we make
in our Dress Goods department. Better quality, greater variety and
better values are present herein larger quantities than ever before.
Table Linens
We take pride in our showing of Table Linens. *We invite coan-
t.ii;arisons in quality ata prices.
Ladies Neckwear
• We are showing the latest and most beautiful lines in Ladies
pi Neckwear that hlIs Lver been shown in Zurich. They are in a class
by themselves and we want you to conte in and see thein.
Winter Caps Mitts
of inter Caps and Mitts and Gloves is immense.
Athar line Men's � 1
A laarger stock than we hair e ever carried and all new goods. We
Fur Elastic Bandor ail that is iii caps to choose
have flit, 1 nr IiaLiadt, I.),a good1
from. From 0c up. Oar st telt of Mitts and Gloves is also complete.
for arms and routsrouwear. We have themfor
:.: Mens Fur Coats
We make a special feature of r `lar Gods. \Vheu yon want
something reliable in a Far Goat, 1:. in'')ine•l Galt, Mud' Mud' et.), we can
satisfy yon. We would sk you t,) call and. S,io our goods b.4.4ra yon
ig hair.
Men's Overcoats
Another special feature of our elr4tlli11g dlt partIli an, 1s our link' of
.\Jells and Boy's Overcoats, We have the latest (.convertible Collar
• )est 011 tilt'. market, Our prices aro as ' Overcoat, which Is one ofthd. 1
low as you buy them in the deity,
Ladies Overcoats
'We a. ,
e take <alde I�Ieasure 111 ialvltln„ dkd, had.ie;, 1;(1 ok oVer onr stock of
Coats. .I: vei'tlling that is i -arm and s yiilial to choose ti )111.
Xmas Groceries
.lame in stock as colnphte line of ft -0:41l Xi rig Gr7c;.seh
es Raisins, Cill'i'liltti, Figs,' Dates ete. The large turnover 1n ollr }$$$
grocery delaartilleilt always enables us to 1`031) aL fresh and. wb l:siolilo
,:`ooh o11 ..alid..
r� lalrgo•s1i. wing of new 1il)i.Uotg;in a all..lakes, colorings. and
Nothing tualtes "a 11ic(ir ' 11th ,iii than a Shandsome handbag, ,t
nitted.oittr, c
,* s
4 Lien, t � i' t - women 11(1
�1 ,('. lli .a I �I) 1 to
rt d, ra'y n ( lrl, t laid. f',,1..t.dl ! ,
c_ri:t at. We ,1,y <,y that only i.11. ts;1 We0,1 aro
ie,ocl..(:(l L1101041 (.,.1 i( i`�1i !t:h 1i 01,n1 1 su1)nly to It
t ,..,
choose) La,"mall iv 11. !:(a..ry,i't , .1'VtCL diDlt,� en , � 11 a.�l .a , >t, . t�7 stay.
i l l rx� o f+4 i, � t� !i
a' aepe,xa is mr roe,
Mr. Wellington Jphn5to a
troit, is visiting at his home`
this week;, •
.Miss Eleanor flartloib of Tdr
visited her parents, Mr. and'
C Flartleib, over Sunday,
Mr. Marshall Zeller of Merl'
visiting his parents over the*
d tys,
Mr. John and Miss Mary Gall
visited friends in Blyth•;:
The Rennie Ladies ` Qua
were in Lucan, onOhristmas
assisting in the progranim Df.
Methodist .church at' that pt.,aace
Mr. Wilford L Brown:<of
to was visiting with his par
Rev. and Mrs. G. F. •Browx,.:,
the Xmas holidays.
Miss ' 1'Ielma Sipple of.
anct the MissesEl]a and Flora
of btratforde vieited relatives h
over Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ta`viot
Exeter, were visitors at
latter's parents, Mr, _ and Mrs.
Rupp, over Sunday:
Mr. W. g: Moise of Luckn
formerly on the staff of the
sons Bank here. was a Obristn
visitor in town.
Mr. Edwin Koehler -of :Watery
and Miss Ada Koehler of. Tbron
visited their parents, over the
days: .
Services in the Eva
church next Sanely, morniti ,
begin at 9.45, andin the eveni
7 o'clock.
Mr. Alvin Surerus of the T
to University is spending his
days under the parental ire
Mr- and.. Mrs. Surerus,, Bro.
Mr . Roy`Geigef passed his 11
School Exams with honors,•,.
engeged to teach. rhe public
at. the 14 ,Ta, during .the
Miss et.
]7aa.Yadi ..,
ca#tt'ittreas holidays
sister Mrs. Elmore Thiel.
The re organizations of '>;
Schools of the Zurich and 14,rr
Evangelical churolles, .ural. }till'n
place next Sunday, foren oi'G. a
afteonoon respectively.eeiq
Read the London Daily
tiler, the Best Metropolitan .lam wi
in Western'Ontarie: ContaiX,s'h
est market quotations and a.11l to
z :. .
oral and local news worth.printbi
,Every family has need of
reliable liniment. ent. F or 'spra>b>:r:le,'
bruises, soreness of the'- muscle z
and rheumatic pains there is anbrU .
batter than Chamberlain's. Sdid
by All Dealers. •
The Xmas entertainni'ent at "Ale
14 Con., nn Sunday,evening dre a ar
crowded house All the plea gad"in^
tints in the prc' raTnrn pia*'cc,. tli11ir
part well, and all went; home seals
fled having 5 ent a,'uln51
and enjoyable evening.
The hallooed of the Silyd�tt'1 y:1
Wheat an;l Biscuit C
onnny, itta,,�sa
the unepiaes ot the Ladies Ait'nf
the Evurigelioal ebrrroh:. will 1. e
given in t'heTown "Raoll, nn 1en...ii•
n"axt. It will be one of. t11ai 1 t,F is
banquets of the, season, l)r)i't hw.
get the elate.—Along side of die' ei:
repent taenia provided, a spl'oi 114'•
pr.o°raarn will also be render.ef .
' I ilia been troubled wit', cora;,
etination for two years and a e•+1
all of the best physiciaansin 1'irt; clot
k s
r ,
'CEan andb €' itl don t
n t +1 u
they y
for tale" writes Thos E. 'oil! 1 1,
Niid(lleboro. Rv "Tufo pt1c t a t
of Chamberlain's Stomach,. 111(1
Diver Tablets cured ale " S'',1,1 1;
All Dealers.
. )nor -77.,..„rAtlif,r for "kindness:
Zurich, Dec. �2sth, 1911.
')ear brother :racist:
'Any word we can use will but
}oi rly express the gladness which
et'have in coining to your home
i�re .Xmas evening,
'die the members of the Adult
3ible class take thisopportunity cf
huttking you for the energy and
mfl:agging interest yea have ever
shown in discharging'your duty as
We desire to convey to you in
I,eorxls tunglh a planner our apprecia
Igen , of "the many •obligations we
owe to you for the untiring in-
terest and ability.yoa have extend-
ed for the benefit of the elites.
The Xmas entertainment' 4:1'
Evangelical church last . '', day'
1 night was one cif tile 1114besf,) ,
and the best one given i11 rid illy
years. tile incl r) s. iC4i0r
of the weather is the aaftl'rr(ar,i1,
cansed tetany to remain tit; 1L .aaia ;,
yot a large tonnla + s'e1rtltic'4i ^ "3
ling tile ('11111".'
altten tilTt.]l to
thy yet 111,181:
r(,apt'of illi4 e
i)) *li, . well
Our obligations to yon as teaoher
we can only acknowledge. never
repl4te-and we hope and trust that
the evereling Providence has in
-tore for you a degree of prosperity
and happiness that shall fully
coniectreats yen for all your in-
tereet a.nd"axity in connection with
the Adult I3ible, class
As an exriression of high esteem
and respect entertained for you by
the members of the claws and as a
token of affection for you, IVO beg
yon' to aaceepi this gift. May you
long liveto enjoy' its ease and some•
tjar.0a wl)11e taking your ease your
Os! tight may divert hack to the
pleasant aattsrnlon we have sweet
together in the eless ronin of this
Sunday Mier...
Our mirayor is 11141:• (.tail luau
nl are you for rdaaliiy grt,r'~ f
active Christian wnik and that
yo11 Allay abide in melee and safety
under the divine pr tteetion until
Li int, 5115(10(5 of time ore lost in the
brie hear sight of Eternal alar.
;earned in behalf of the brother-
lebod Bible 0141.85.
T. L. Williams See. Treas.
Or 14AL11
half of let t`r Don 2
I). 1, 11" ri oetifitinin„fi Kia
')d land ail 1",lenireil, most
lOn it is i 411 built
1t1. a. 1 :(,dt
,1 r i,iii`
Ills,€e,o p�!le')1
('050)'4 jft.,•.
,11;iate or a
peen k tlie^k
loin's Oongh Remedy to. be absolu
telt'' the best. preparation on the
market for colds, I have reconn
mended it to my friends and they
ail agree with nee." For sale bee A11
Mr. D. 8 Faust replye'd�in Inc
appropriate manner and asked the
Adult class vreleorue and was
really surprised for the nice token
in the form of a large book and
secretary combined cabinet and
said he always enjoyed the .Bible
class as he has a warm feeling for
every scholar thaat has attended
his class and tried. his best as we,1
as he understood to teach the class
so they would be Spiritually el-
evated and wishing for every one
to continue in the good work in
bible studies and sincerely wish
that everyone of his scholars may
prosper to the efforts and prosper
in the world. Re said that re
members his clase before the
throne of God and when our earth.
1v cAr ar14doneth
all meet in the
heavenly home The hour was
passed in singing and closed by
prayer by the brother. The nine
gathering was closed by singing
the Doxology
Dr. d', L. Wilson's nevorat)ts are
in the hands of The 1VIolsins.Rank.
All parties indebted to 11101 will
please call and arrange payment
We are prepared to
Supply Your Holiday Wa
The finest selection of Ladies"
Gents Lungs ever shown and at pr
tha.ttlei'S competition,
terekets, Searf Dials, Liliks,Neck
Watches, , C:locld,l'aney trood.s,R:ins
floods, I'`.te.
How About a Violin
Evtrythil:;g (ittaa.i'anteed.
jeweller, - ZU .U.
OW Fall Shoe
We cordially invite the 18 h4 t our „rand (1i pleas of Fall Shoes.
are showing a large rangy in Gan M0;al, '1 ici Kid and Patent Le ther
Velvet Tops, Made O11 he New s)l f 1, ti .e r, e • latest,
t 1 t e t a 1 t., the �,1� 1<1..a,t,
Gentlemen's Shoes
Wo aro oaitfitters fur Men's Filo. Shoe:=. ('1)111:' in and see the i1
in Men's Fail Shoes.
Mr. F;a.rnta.ar cornu in and lot us ta'k 1<) you ILl+..1:1 tc I Proof S
the wet weather. y T
] ie,-)�.t�.:�l Done ; T ;n.a., tb' Mad Promptly.:
C ta.r
0'.5:`li 11? �.:.:• 1'
•c �. cv -'vat_