HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-01, Page 8T)ullt' STO E r o uctio on all as Ladies' i .11 .}m ats a $3.0 And Les, A Big Stock Wolien Blan- kets, and Flannellette Blankets, L adie's, Gent's and Children's Sweater Coats. Your winter Underwear will be satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the different kinds are shown and a proper fit is assured. We're glad to show what we have whether you choose to buy or not. Big vas es 7ll.l. Ladies' TN iAr Coats See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon attractiveness. The styles are simply grand, yon can't help liking thele. The prices we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the garments. FURS Collie and see our new stock of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, Ladies' Fur Coats anti. Gent's Fur Lined Coats, we have thele all Prrces. Velveteens, Wrapperettes and Flannelettes we are showing all colors in Velveteens, which are very fashionable this fall, Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is; New in Ladies Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything that is new and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up to date. highest prices paid for all kinds o#' Farm Produce (EiNERAI_, MERCHANT RCIiANT i•trr nle ; Telephone 28 HEAD UA&TE S FO r )„,selebra CRIPPLED RHEU ATS KIDr'OEY IROUB. 1OEYEAQS Morriscy's. NO. 7 C fired ti n Other Doctors unable to help. RANDOLPII, MASS., May 15 1011. "I suffered from Rheumatism fear the last ten years, and at the sugt"es i5ti of afriend I decided to try your No. 7 Tablets. Before 1 had taken -tea dozen 1 could notice a change---nivia I always had a bad gain acres') •,ry kidneys I found to any gre t w e1i-Fit the pain was gone by the time' : -c1 finished the first box. I used sex, of boxes, and my Rheumatism grui1 sty. left me. 1 gave a bort to a •friend to try, and he is getting well very- No. a,ry No. 7 is a Great RornedY, and Wes i = only thing that would ,help me' '.How- ever, before using it I had tried every- thing I ever heard of, 'bottles t everal good doctors, and ail • Wiehout• success. I hope every sufferer will .read of ray. euro, and try No. 7 if the want ruiclr and sure relief." John P. I1aniey, General Merchant Tlie above prescription is not a •"Cure ,,, M1" or so-called patent medicine; Dr.' Morriscy proscribed it for 44i Yea;rs d' it curei thousands after other d,>, i s toile L Price, 50c. per box at your dealers r Father Morrise'y 7siediclnet Oo., L`.iaoii'ed. Montreal. THE 51ADDENING PO1S(.?N. Samuel Delaray, an Inds cit on the Muncey Reserve, is 1yinat death's door at his home, xi' wounds received in a brawl 1>•sre on Tuesday night. tie e11u7',zeki Peter •Seneca with having commit. ted the deed. Posses of polie ' are pursuing Seneca, who up to "be present time has eluded 'tbi•nl. They expect to capture him to.d.ay He will b©..rield pending the i zlt•. come or elara.y's injuries. It is probable that a charge of murder will be laid against him. The row started after the rail, which is always an occasion Of n big time on the reserve Whiskey generally flows rather freely. ltis said, and fights are ,numerous and sometimes deadly. 'Threeroa;,.; years ago, Thomas Noah, got into a fight, with:'`a t iC%SH'y't r,dtred .Pnrititt,m than, tie latter Wes` death. Noah ie at present a. twelve year tern? in •living Acmrding to one story in. circ" ,ion st the reserve, belarai' tour& Seneca were among a number of Indians who had been imbibing freely. A fight started,' and, .it is claimed, Delaray struck Seneba... knocking hini down. The latter jumped tin, and, pulling at knife, attacked Delaray, cutting "him badly The injured man was taken into the house, and for a day or se it did not aryl ear that he was very badly hurt. Yesterday he begun to grow worse, and today it Was stated that the Indian is dying. Ethel M. Williams, Pres. Supt. MONEY IN POULTRY: "It is all right," replied the pledge signer, in unsteady tones. "I don't have to keep that pledge. My wife says she will keep it for rue. That's the kind of a wife to have, old fellow. Let's "have tl, drink !" OA PROFITABLE INVESTMENT An investment that guerontees guod returns is a year's subsorip tion to The "Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal. The Family Hera,'d and Weakly Star for a whole year and the beautiful pioture "Horne Again" all for one dollar is the very best dollar's worth that can be had. The picture 'Home Again" is oertainly a beauty. Such value has never be•, fore been offered in Canada. The. Family Herald and Weekly Star is a most wonderful combination It appeals to all classes. all ages, and brings pleasure and profit to every home it reaches • E. ZELLER SOUTH IIUTRON Respectfully solicits your vote tancl influence at the approach- ing. Provincial Elections. Ourplatform ii Liberal and Prog'lessive, Polling Day 'Dec., 11. • FARM roll. .SALE•. . r ivri l nt •`y:, , ontlf $?;;I tt 7„.,Gt,od frame Neuse, large bank bait, three driving sheds, plenty Of gond water, good fences, partly file dricined, 35 acres good, bush. The soil is clay and sandy loam, 3 acre apple, pear, plum, black ob.erry orchard, 1500 peach trees, 200 bearing, 10 acres berries in .bearing. The farm is in good condition. This farm lies on the shore of Lake Heron near • St. Joseph and is as nicely located as any in the County, For further information apply on prc%inises, Daniel Smith, St. Joseph P. 0 The Editor of the Canadian Pont try Review, the people's •potfillar poultry paper, tells us that`, this paper has been greatly enlarged and is filled with all 'that pains to poultry, both froth a prkotics:I and a fancy standpoint. Prof. A. G Gilbert, Manager •Do. minion Government Poultry Peres, Ottawa. is still in, charge fif the Practical Poulty Department •Rev. ,I N Williams, one of Enlitnd's rneet noted experts, writes inter estingly each month o1i-ppi,ultry doings in the Old Land Mr ;ill. 5. Babcock. Providence. R.,1 is . an- other prominent writer aarid, Breed er on this paper's regular staff, and there are dozens of -Others.. Ed% phase of poultry breeding, poultry exhibiting, eto . is fully .ebvered" and the pages of the Review are replete with half tone rehrodlio tions from life of"famous :17irds, plans of up to date houses, tit?"pails etc. The subscription : •iti{a -is • Aft; cents per year, but readers cis' this paper can have it at three 1 r firs fbi $1 00, and sample will he kc,l)K,; free on application to Laniadi tax i'..itiitry Review, 184 Adelaide Stre't . '`eek. Toronto Ont. • 4. THE HIND OF WIFE 1.O IIAV:1l. 'A man who had-bea.li , ltTgins too heavily wus six the pledge: "You must let me haveu 1 the wife; "1 Will keep it f So the pledge was handed the wife'N przetody The it kt dhu'v the drinking again es frci•1y 'i?t ytiv is thio ?" A, -ked it "Yob .si,..y.ed the W. y andr,o„., a: ti said to s;s • WH onawonnie HEY LL SAY What those who know, have to say about the Modern Malleable Iron Range bought of C. Hartioib Zurich. Geo, Clausius Sala Faust John Campbell Jacob Weide Christian Meyers TREES THAT WILL GROW. When buying fruit and orna- mental trees, see to it that you bay of a- firm whose trees have • the right sort of roots and have been handled correctly in the nurseries. Our trees will grow ; there is a retie= Take an Agency; send for terms. Outfit free. Thos. W. Bowman ss Son Co. Ltd, Ridgeville Ont, l!. To the Pubic in General and our Ctistoiners in Parti culai s Take notice, that we have disposed of tho Implement Branch and our good will to lIi Louis Prang of this village, la connection herewith we cleg; to express our heartiest thanks tD ;tll who have so generously supported iti thi;, line of business. We wish to inform the users of cutt- ers, Fleiglus. Buggies, Wagons etc. that we still continue the manufacture of these lines and in buying home ninnnfoc tared goods you are support- ing your home town and•t-our own in- terests. • Look tut our stock and get our pricesbefpre you buy, Repairing done in all •Branches of our business. Illi,' cul mss s Sod. 'John Laport John i'Tcutllnlore William Stelk Solman Gingericli Henry Velland Sam llewstop E.W.B,rokons1iire Henry waiver T]iolliaus Turnbull Christian Badoui' William Denory Jacob Hartieih Lonis Rinker Geo. Armstrong We have great faith in the above stove and are willing to stake $ 100 that there is not another stove made in. Canada that will cook and bake with as little fuel as the Modern. • A full stock of all kinds of AEL : to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run, Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price PHONE 3 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COM !NATION ';;TORE C Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price F 0.KALBJL1US0R , ZURICH PHONE 19 = = Now is the Tinie You d roaid T ir of your new Fall Clothes Dress Goods We give particular. attention to our dress goods and suiting. These are the best we, have had for a long time and still we are adding daily, prices are low and quality very best. Come in and see our goods before you be)•. Men's Suits We have reduced our Men's Suits to cost and if you reed something cheap and good you can get it here. Soft Hats Men's soft felt I•iats regular price from 1.00 to 2.50 now for 25c. U Underwear All kinds of Ladle's and hen's Underwear can be shown here, fleeced lined, wool or natural wool, all kinds and prices range from 50c to .$8.50 A snit. Ladle's Hand Bags & Belts Just received a large assortment of Ladies velvet and Leather Hand Bags and colored elastic Belts. Coats Ladle's Coats are very popular•this • year. Our stock is larger then - ever before. 1)o you want a coat? if so! come here. PHONE 17 emziongssinonmkailiantlginalrASROD t i I'.lt E T A Prompt Service Moderate rharares omeararma4L NM. H..,6-1 ' 1 1A ,1 q ■ fi 1,. ,. Zurich- - Ontario VOTI(r I hereby 1.; luas;, that all! iec+i ll.ts owing at.. Clb.tnals Brick and. '!. le Yarils, be pail en ,or before Oct 1st. (il,PLS WANTED. o 1>, , \co k to . ,, rt with for ei(1110511. 4 nil oiler. ) c ' ,„tN A': oar , 1 , . 7.I?1_ or,, ( O.l .0'43 y,'tt. i1lll r;l lt; '1.111,lr., r. tzt- get itlalate till from Dry t9's Nast Ointments ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ oil o sat , i•+++++ e•+++++ ., ++4••. r • Bought out F. HESS & SO lrprementa and Repairs an moved them to my shop Pulper knives, straw knives,, oxte1 sign laudti•t, step ladders, g.alranire troug is, . c titters ' Mclaughlins be; luake, buggies, I)eer'ing,,rtachiny r pairs, blacksinith repairing, onion see ers, and garden tools, piping all,.i e corn shelleis, plows Hairy and Pori ival and all kihds of plow repairs, ai gree ne ,'ropes till sii'o , barrow barn scales. --)-far) Louis =RICH b1i4•l;in.a ice. x4.+.