The Herald, 1911-12-01, Page 6CROLN FOR THE DDE AR ENGLISH DIADEM. WAS NOT '.A.KEN TO INDIA. Remarkable Gifts . Conveyed by the/ Royal : Pair to Indian mak:" ' Potentates. The King's crown for the durbar has been specially made, as it was decided that the crown of England aauld not be taken out of the coun- try, No such r'e'striction appL:.Is to the Queen's crown, which was mase for her coronation, and in front of which blazes the Kohinoor, the great Indian diamond supposed to bring good fortune if worn by a woman. The Queen will wear given more magnificent jewels at Delhi than at Westminster, and a new ornament she is to wear is a lotus flower of diamonds. Her dress will be the white and gold ,mbpoidered robe worn at the coro- nation. The lists of presents which the Ring and Queen are taking out for Indian notables is a truly extra- ordinary one and runs into a very big sum of phoney, all of which is being paid out of the private purses mf the monarchs. GRIPPE LEHH IN A CH�I - EMED INVALID TEN TONS OF PUDDING. Among thein are as many as one thousand plum puddings made in the Buckingham Palace kitchens, The mixing of these seasonable dainties was a task of great mag- nitude, for the smallest of the one thousand is •as large as a' good size football. The ingredients weighed about ten tons, and scores of servants were employed for ;weeks in weighing and apportion- iing them. Gallons of the finest cognac and vintage sherry from the Xing's cellars went into the mam- moth bowls to enrich the puddings. In order that the pudding might Buffer no damage in transit the Queen herself saw to it that they Were taken from the basins from they were boiled, placed in grease- proof paper bags with an outer cov- ering of linen, the latter sealed with the royal cipher, and then packed inwooden boxes. To each pud- ding is attached a slip bearing printed instructions as to the com- pletion of the cooking. Besides 'the •puddings the King aq.d Queen are taking out for the . Iresistm.as tables cif muss of their , ,-.:<�..:i t • Intrsubjects a �+lrge• zitmhereof rich plum cakes, York hams and Stilt ee cheeses. Then there are rang of English linen, piles of Buckinghamshire, honiton and point leces, illustrated books, fancy Ieather goods, silverware of all lards, British silks and velvets, pictures end phetogr•aphs and a grees>,t veriety of other article*, while there is quite a menagerie of puppies, kittens and canaries. FOR INDIA'S WOMEN. Queen Mary, moreover, em- ployed a large number of painters of miniatures to reproduce favorite IC a les of herself which the King possesses, and these are to be pres- ented to favored Indian subjects. For the great ladies of India, the Queen has had copies made of more than a hundreddred {f her fans, many df which are composed of exquisite lace mounted on ivory, tortoise - .shell or enamel s ticks, Then there are numerous parasols made of rare lace and Mild painted silk, with •straight handles, like those favored by the Queen, and made of gold, inlaid ivory and tortoise- shell colored jade or quartz. The twenty-four silver: trumpets to be used by the state trumpeters who will herald the durbar pro- clamation of the King -Emperor with a fanfare will be decorated with square banners of costly em- broidery specially manufactured in Delhi, There is on. board the Medina an escort elf Life Guards and a large body of Royal Marine Artillery, and the Medina is being followed part of her voyage by an escort of cruiser`. BUT HE .FOUND CU1tE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Quebec Postmaster wag confined to bed when he stetted to use Doild's Kidney Pills—They .oured Zinn. Tippins, Pontiac Co., Que., Nov. 27 (Slrnial),—Postmaster F, Tip - pins, of this place, who for three years has been more or less of an Invalid, and who for some time was confined to his bed, is up and around again, a healthy and hearty .Man. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. "After recovering from an attack of Grippe," the Postmaster says in telling the story of his cure. "I took a pain in my back and I suf- fered for nearly three years, final- ly getting so bad that I was con- fined to my bed. "Ono day I told my wife to go, and get me some Dodd's Kidney Pills, as that would be the last me- dicine I would try. After using about hall the box I began to feel better, so I kept on taking them. When I had taken two boxes I was able to get up, and ten boxes cured me completely." The principal danger of Grippe is the after effects. The way to guard against this is to strengthen the Kidneys so they can strain all the dregs of the disease out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills are always the last medicine enyoae takes for Kidney Disease. It al- ways cures and no other medicine is needed. LONDON'S; STRED'.i>� Polished Surface of rl`.be irlillfares Show Great •Garin• After ar spelt 9f dry wi ache tthee streets in London; England, paved with wood and asphett,' become. polished to a very high degree, and the sheen upon Victoria, street and Piccadilly, and ; some• other, roads, is so reinarltable.tllat. at night they 'shine almost like ice in the glare of the lamps, writes Lord 1VI•ontague in London U. If an unused seetionebe observ- ed over which moters d6.;not run, no plush will be seene but in the middle of the street the surface, though curiously enough, not slip- pery in its dry state, ies polished like the floor of a, ball seom,e- the natural effect, when one comes. to think of it, of rubber and steel in juxtaposition, and thelight , but continual slipping of wheels over a surface of hardwood. One effect of this polish is to make: it impos- sible for any light or loose mat- ter to rest upon it when there is any wind at all. The centre of the streets has become marvellously clean, and all the horse refuse is blown into the gutters near the pavement,, which, being often flushed with a trickle of water, collects most • .of this light and dangerous detritus which. would otherwise be blown farther afield. I have often written of the Ebony Way down the Champs Elysees in Paris. We ;have now in London many ebony ve ys, but not being given as a natic tea uo much overlubrication as ow Gal= lie neighbors. our roads4 are not as black; owing to driap''ig oil on the surface. The surface of our streets is beeorning mo -re like polished ivory than polishdu ebony. The effect of the Road Via•'';., d and its grants is already to he :reh all over England in regard , the making of main reads dust':. ss. ' e r:" 9 if >14 NOTHING ELSE TO DO. Cityman—'rI' suppose you farm- ers have an easy time in winter'?" Farmer—"Oh, yes; we usually lays abed till 5 o'clock in th' fore- noon, an' knocks off . ter th' day by 8 o'clock in th' afteruoon 1" .ri A WARNING. "Why, Mandy," said old Meramy- Dinah, "what's dies I hvah about yo' marrvin' dat good-fur-nuthin' Sam Joh•ising " a' a s, Mammy, I suttingly am," said 2.- a.ndv, blushing a rich •ochre. "Why. dat .min's de nateraleat- born flirt dere ever was on di; veare eclrth, chile," said Mammy. "Why, dey done flashed hint f'm de barber shop' eaa_ ze ehbery time lie lok in de klass he'd wink at hinesenl.". r A ..Power of Its Own. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has a subtle power of its own that other oils cannot pretend to, though there are many pretenders. All who have used it know this and keep it b them as the most valuabic liniment available. Its uses are innumer- able and for many year's it has i,een prized as the leading liniment for man and beast. AWFUL THOUGHT. Neil—"Won't it be grand when women can vote?" Belle—'`But suppose election should come on a day when you have a fitting at your deessmak- er'8,,, DEPENDS ON WHERE HE IS • "How old would you say she is?" "To her face or behind her Mick?" "Quick, Dusty 1 . Como away from sat bar'1 l" " Wet's de mat- ter?" "De cider in it's workin'." "The birthstone is supposed to control our destinies, Now, what is your . birthstone F" "Judging from eay life experience ,1 am in- +r olined to believe it is a brickbat." ,Ill). 7 most Often what appear to be the trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many ate disposed to regard a cold as a slight thing deserving of little een- sicleratia)n, and this neglect often results in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with Bickl•e's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recog- nized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. There are eighty thousand kinds of beetles. Minard's Liniment Cures-Garget In Cows, HEARTLESS. Cholly, --"Miss Jones, life with- out yon would be, for me, a de- sert. What is your answer V' Ethel—"Buy a camel!" Oats contain a larger flesh and bone forming than any other cereal. amount of substances c,,utol:LY S T OP3 ctotSO -03, 000GS COLDS, NEALE+ Tiff THROAT Al' -'O LUNQ0.. 2S GENTS A FULL REPORT. One day an 8 -year-old' girl, who had been taught to report her mis- deeds promptly, sought kis, mother with an aspect of grief noting great penitence. "I broke a brick place," the youn'g,afrer . e between soba, " that bra, - rieet'," :.ani1,.r,,. �. how ,obi earth, ellildl rl "I was pounding watch ?" A WARNING TO MOTHERS No mother can expect her little one to escape all the ills of child-. hood, but every Inothei• 'who accepts fair warning as to the treatment 'of these little ills can save 'her baby Bache suffering. Thousands of mo- thers ofyoung children keep Baby's Own Tablets in . the hon seal 1 mo- thers should do so. The 'Tablets are a, never,failing euro for all the. minor ills of babyhood and. child, hood, They can . be given with, per- fect safety—they always do good; never harm. Constipation, indige- tion, colic, simple fevers,. colds, eta, all rapidly disappear 'under treatment with the Tablets. The Tablets are sold by naedi,.ine deal- ers or by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr., Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. • SURPRISE 'EM. `#He makes a fine appearance." "Yes. You'd never guess he'd come to borrow money until- he makes the touch." .A. Simple and Cheap Medicine. - A simple, cheap and effective me- dicine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are simple, they are cheap, they can be got anywhere, and their be- neficial action will prove their re- commendation. They are the me- dicine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving them a trial. GOOD. "He has a good wife, hasn't he?" "I should say so. Fie can always borrow money from her when he goes broke himself." a" fire- sincd, d re - THE RISE IN TEA One of our repoltt4r.4 has i'iter- :•iewed Mr a4TeIv ile, ,..ho elhYcf rep- resentative of Thomas :1'. Lipton for. Canada and the United States, =alio, when asked for•..'he eause of the increase in price of tee., said: :,The day of good tea at a cheap price has passed by, mere particu- larly of British -grows teas, their increasing popularity Ma created a greater demand than the supply. Russia and Australia are "buying tremendously of these instead of Chinas, the consumption in Great Britain is larger than es'ir, the L :;hutting out of over 1 , million. pounds of colored China r feet tea by the United States, t';.a larger use of tea due to high coffee prices, the growth of rubber` in'.Ceylon,• the shortage in tho Japan crop this year and the labor problem in tea growing countries, all the t factors account for the much higher pri- mary markets, and the present re- volution in China inay mean smaller Chinese crops next year. It . either means lower quality at the tiame prices or the same quality at high- er prices, and our experie'iiee shown the public prefer the letter.. The future indications aro ;for still higher prices. Even with the ad- vance ial price, tea will `atilt be by far the cheapest popular heverage.70 WEALTH IN GERMAN. PEAT. It is proposed to utilize, the Im- mense peat deposits in northwest Germany by bringing a ,Large part of the bogs under cultivation and coavertineh the peat into "'lief, to be employed in the development of electrical energy torar ricultural purposes, as well as fol supplying light. and power to e.n nm ael' . of towns situated within a radius of fifty miles. A network of 'canals is to be formed to drain the 'ground; It is estimated that the gas pro- duced frointhe peat wills fll,rnish work to the amount of (WO horse- power hours . for each ton and a large quantity of. ammonia will be recovered. Old Maid -But why should a great strong man like vr,l 1>t,"loaned begging? Wayfarer—Dear lady, it is the only profession I know in which :t gentleman ea; address a beautiful woman without an intro- duction." ISSUE 48-11 Minard's Liniment Co.'Limited Gentierncr,, -Last winter t received eived great bo^.efit from the nee of MINA111)'ri LIN2- •,etENT in a severe attank of LaQrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in I,a-' of inflammation. Yours, W. A. EUTCHINSON. QbITT into i :eon THEM Tall • Miss—"Are the . Young- homes going to take a big house?" Little Maiden -"Just a five room house for themselves and a ware•• house for their wedding presents." Away With Depression and Mel- ancboly.—These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom they visit. The surest and speediest way to combat them is with Pernie:lce's Vegetable fills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach and bring relief. They have proved their usefulness in thousands of eases and will continue to give re- lief to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. • 'Ninety per cent. of the cycles im- :ported into Japan are supplied by British manufacturers. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper*, PAY BETTER INTERES' ON YOUR 'MONEY J In point of security and interest return, the small investor in•bondsis.ontile.same footing as the institution or individual withthousands or tens of thousands to invest. 91 Until Bonds in their present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to find an investment, safe, easily convertable into cash, and simple •inform, and yielding as high as 6 per cent interest. 02i Itisamatter of importance to you to know thatwe generally have on hand bonds in denominations of $zoo and upwards, paying interest of from 4e4 to 6•per cent. q These are seasoned securities, bonds that have demonstrate- their ability to pay interest and principal., J If you have any money, no matter what the amount, earning less than dila you should ask us how to re -invest it in a way to afford better interest with as good, or better security. SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING - - YONGE AND QUEEN' STREET R. M. WHITE .TORONTO Manager MONTREAL-OUEBEC-SALIFAX-OrrAW LONDON ENG.) PERSONAL. Cholly—"Howmuch chloroform will ib take to kill a puppy?" Druggist—"Tut, tut 1 Stop smok- ing cigarettes and you'll think bet- ter of it." FREE TO BOYS Splendid Magic Lantern (with twelve =Tides); Steam Engine (nearly one foot high); with whistle, fly wheel and every. thing complete for running; Guaranteed "Starr"' double -ender Hockey Skates; or guaranteed Watch free to any boy. Send in your name and we will send you 3o sets of Sarnia views and Christmas post cards to sell at io cents a set. When sold send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. We prepay all charges. Address, IIOMER- WARREN CO., Dept. 29, • Toronto. HAD GOOD CAUSE. "He never seemed to have any friends." "Yet the heirs seemed unusually mournful." "Well, most of his money went to charity." Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. LEGAL LORE. "As a lawyer, bow,would you advise me to sue fora irl's hand?" "Take the case to court and ask for immediate trial." MEAN THING. He—"I suppose, wifey, you. wouldn't care to go to the theatre in your old dress?" She—"Oli, dear, no. Of course not.', He -"That's what I thought, so' I—" She—"Yes, dear—" He—"So I only bought one tick- et for myself." MU LET Tilir COM ROB YOU OF SLEEP Von probably know All too well how it goes. Just as you doze off, the tickling starts in your throat. A. gentle cough, still asleep. A harder cough, and then another. First thing yon know, you're wide awake, coughing your head off. A few nights of that and you're so worn out and weakened that the cough tastes a tight grip on you. But why endure it ? • Na-Dra-Co Syrup of linseed, Licor— ice: and Chlorodyne will soothe that exasperating tickling, loosen the phlegm and cure the inflammation of the =cons membrane. It not only stops the cough quickly, allowing you to get sound, re- freshing sleep, but it goes to the.root of the trouble and drives out the cold corn- pletely. Children willingly take Na Dzu-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice,and. Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good. Your Druggist has it or eau quickly+get it for yon cit 250, and ,5o0. bottles. ,lite National Drug & Chemical ,Co. of Canada, Limited. x 15 TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY OP Fled, Weak, Weary, 'Watery Eyes p.tpdera.nulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't gnsrt--goof :ea Eye Pain. Druggists: Roll at riae Fye' Remedy, Ltquid,,25e, Sec, SLOB. Marino , Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mali. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. above all the mammals save man himself. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Harduppe—Is Wigway honest? Borrowwell—Well, he came around to my house the other day and stole an umbrella I had borrowed from him. ' You will sneeze; perhaps feel chilly. You think you are catch- ing cold. Don't wait until you know it. Take a dose of Hemline Wizard Oil and you just can't catch - FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE .-? ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS, .. ye you want to sell a • fafefn .' eon's X. me. �"F you want. to buy a farm.,,;' cons ,L me. 1 HAVE some of the best Fruit, St Grain or Dairy Farms in'.Oita and prices right. dr ooml awir ting to sk b , it wn the awir o St y 1 ve e hag n th ago ath Ve ! adah re 1 t nti si, W. DAWSQN, Ninety Cotbo • Street, Toroeto. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED. - A plATE+- P C� every home. Write us for our oh. list or agents supplies. 'IVe have greatest agency proposition in Can to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply C..1. Co., 228 Albert St.. Ottawa. NEL? WANTED.- ALESMEN-$50 PER WELIC SELL L) one hand Egg -Beater. Samato terms 25c. Money refunded if uueatis tory. Collette Mfg, Company, Ooll wood, Ont. A T ONCE—MEN TO LEARN BAR 1�L trade; expert instruction; cone practice; tools tree; always sure emp meat for a barber. Write for oatalo Moser Barber College, 221 Queen L Toronto. I' 0 0 k erei red, 11 Ott ve the s lad 0 in e mi th to f. sti do 0 thi ri hat sot 9 w 011 to I a g t 0 888, re m si dc ut, so 0 gi 11' y e rio th se to MISCELLANEOUS. -1LA AY and FARti SCALES. Wile ..L.L Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toro �i AWMILL MACHINERY, PORTA 1� or heavy Lathe Ilius, Shingle At Engines and Boilers. Mill Supplies.,,, E. Long tstanufacturing Co., Ltd.; Street, Orillia, Ontario. Dam. TANNERY—OUSTOM R Al and Fur tanning. Cattle and II i�. xes make -best Robes and Coats ' e uroperly tanned. bend them to me have them dressed right. You will well satisfied. is. F. bell, Delhi, Ont. ANGER, ''rulioRS, LUMPS, eta 'tj ternai and external, oared with t,uin by our name treatment. Write Limited, i Colliugwood,bOnt. Medical • TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wile -Seale °Works, 9 Esplanade, Toro E�GENTS WANTED. A STUDY Other Ageney propositions con 11 us that none can equal. ours. •You 1 ways regret it if you don "t apply':'for ticulaxre to Travellers' t5eln•c,,' la Ottawa. ". (;.ti PEOIALI,�Ts ADVICE FREE.' ' CGin iJ us in regard to any disease. Lt; prices to drage of moil ki Trusses fitted by mail. Send mens meat. Glasses fitted by age. Write to - tor anything sold to first-class d stores to Dr. Balluian, Collingwond.: CHENILLE CURTAI and all kinds of Horse hangings, also LACE CURTAINS DYED ANO CLEA LIKE NEW, Write to us about' yours. IBRITISNAMERICAN DYEING 00., BoXlSS, Mont CUhen buying your Pian insist on having an t• T " IGEL Piano Action. cold. Quick -spoken Customer— Youm I I r sa®csniRoER keep everything for the piano, biomber standard Stock andllining Each don't you? Salesman—Yes, sir. LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARDI We do, sir. Quick -spoken Custom- ' Correspondence invited. er—Give me an axe . a 33 MELINDA ST., TORON Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children. Strengthen them• by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. Man at birth is the most helpless of all living things. Mlnardrs Liniment Cures Colds, &o. BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES NOW. It is stated that Messrs. Krupp, of Essen, Germany, are now manu- facturin.g a typo of steel for safes which resists the action of quick - cutting drills and breaks the best bits like glass. It is equally proof against the blow -pipe, To cut it in this way a length of time is re- quired not at the disposal of the burglar. To cut a plate 40 min, thick with a blow -pipe it takes .six to fourteen hours, 12,000 litres of. hydrogen and 13,000 of acetylene. This would involve the conveyance of six steel cylinders of compres- sed gas, each weighing 70 kiles., which is presumably beyond 'the resources of the average, burglar at any rate. • • C„AETE AND FIERCE. ' Ie—"What do you women do at you club?" She ---"Talk stbout the faults Of you 'men. . What do you .do at goers?" • He—"Try to forget .the faults elf the women." Twentv'_ first Withrow To Fob. 3. I-ACONIA Now Yo Madeira, Gibraltar. Algeria, MEDITER- Monte Carlo, Maples. Then RANIAN to Sicily, Greece, Turkey, .ninon, Nyria, Palestine, rgy DUNOTTAR CASTLtl,100 A; pica, of sir Henry Lunn. N EUROPEAN to London.. Illuatsateit Pro I. Wtthr,w,n.A., Methodist Room, Tolonte,'Canari,a. , DR. -taxe'Lzsv, STURCE LET External application fol -`r - or beast. Everyone know the wonderful qualities in`'` oil o:1:. the STURGEON sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula •has;i, its best form, For Rheumati Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swvcllb. etc., it cannot be equalled:' Try 'it once and ;you will satisfied. Price 25 cents. • 'B'O'LA DEALER The'' 3rayley Drug Co., .Its Sole Props. St•'John, rw