HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-01, Page 5Meal ,ge. •nutiis Thaw aster 1�to meg ,kme; ins o th tad 1.ac Firm rite run mea ribu so': 4b ser the o tk mu a to Dthi All. ple kher fa® tglis ng one& tr Lexi ngli ru me t tiro a rive hl e. me T .r t fo ner is a s rest 9 IX rene wo aloe b it I osi I IC t c1c 1> a. peol vs af< all lay ev to f .t ne dV in nn w• u .11 led Lid t c�h .igh nig en2 crux ]tit re th Df dei Ce ern >re tern CSC. wA abC ?t{D0111111111).QD 0401) Q9C gpK CIAi Gra !The MolsoiIs.Bank'! Incorporated 3.855 !a Capital paid up $4,000,000 a Reserve Fund $4600,000 g Total Assets over 44,000,000 Head Office Clontreal 1 g Has 83 Branches in Canada; and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. A SAVINGS BANK . DEPARTMENT o at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate 8 Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. 8 0 DalidIDGDMIND6D611111DCUDGIIIIIIDCOICIDG211/106DGIMEDDGIIIIIMIDGIMED430 a CHRISTMAS FRESENTS Presents for Yonng and Old ..at Reasonable prices Be sure and call on us before btiiing else- where. R. N. DOUGLAS General 1Vlerchant, Blake. Farmets That Want THE BEST Call at The Massey- .d.arris Shop. Our Machines spea for themseles.. We also handle OIds (y aso.ii:iie Engi ne. Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS CO ...ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best.. We make oftr own sausages. Give us a call. YUNCiBLUT BEICHERT. Here we :Are Aoain with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Zurich. , Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so droll in and see. if I cant suit you. Also carry an immense No, of samples to choose from, All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light prices low as possible, Laundry in Coinfection rY or noir ZURICH EXETER Mr. Simon Campbell is ill at home having had a slight paralytic stroke last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller after a pleasant visit with relatives here left for their home in Edmonton. Miss Fannie Bowden left on Tues- day iporning for an extended visit to England, expecting to visit in Aus- tralia and other colonies ere she re- turn. Mr. T. H. McCallum is in London this week on business. Mrs. Statham of Acton is Visiting her father Mr. J. N. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan of Lucan spent Sunday at his home here. Meeting of the H uron County Council. The council of the corporation of the county of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the town of Goder- ich, on Tuesday the 6th day of Dec- ember next, at 3 o'clock. Parties having accounts against the county should place same with the clerk be- fore this date. W. Lane, clerk. Dated, November 20th,1911. • DASHWOOD Mr. Harry Kraft and. sister Susie were in Exeter oil \ion(,-,aYlast. Mi-. •Norisiau Keneri.0 fili'"71iie fidia his little black horse.. Miss Richardson was on the sick list for a few days. Mr. Gordon Goetz was in Exeter on Saturday last. Miss Jessie Baker of Goclerich is visiting at her home here. Miss Ella Williams of Crediton visited friends in town last week. Mr. Wesley Geiser of Centralis was home over Sunday. Miss Susie Rader was in Exeter on Monday last. Mr. Graybiel of Zurich was home over Sunday. Mr. E. Brokenshire was in Exeter Monday on business. Mrs. F. Dearing and son Nelson where out of town visitors last week. Miss Nora Siebert is recovering from a slight attack of La Grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman and family spent Sunday in Zurich, Mrs. Stacy visited her brother Mr. J. Preeter of Zurich over Sunday. Mr. Doan of Parkhill, spent Sun- day as theguest of Miss Emma Colfas. Miss Ida Goetz left Saturday for Sarina where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble. Mr. Wm. Elsie has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Geo. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and family visited friends in Zurich over Sunday. Miss Bertha Brenner has returned from a few weeks visit in Stratford and Drumbo, Miss Mabel Elsie of Grand Bend spent Sunday with her brother Will- iam Elsie. A. number of young people enjoyed a Glance last Friday evening, at the home of Mr. John Holds. The little boys and girls of Dash- wood had better be very good, as it is conning near Ohristmas, and Santa Clause's Fairies are around at night peeping in the windows. The Misses Mildred Brown of Cred- iton and Clara Sipes of Platteville who are attending Clinton IV[odel school spent Sunday with Miss Vera Siebert. . . • Mies N. Graham, teacher of one of the primary rooms, was conned to the hoose one day this week through a slight' attack of la grippe. Mr. Milton Oestrcicher had charge of tin loon';. MT.CARMEL. Mr. John J. Donohue and daughter of Sarina, attended the golden -wed ding of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carey, Golden Wedding,—On Thursday morning, 9th, the R. C. Church of our Ladythe scene of Mt. Carmelwas s n e of a pleasant occasion, it being the Goth anniversary of the marriage of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Care. Mass wag celebrated by Rev. Fr. Poster. assisted by Fr. Kelly of London, and Fr. O'Neil of Parkhill. Mr. Carey was married tot the age of 27 years and Mrs. Carey at 19 years. Their union was blessed with a family of eleven children five boys and six girls and eleven grandchildren. .Mr. and Mrs, Carey are hale and hearty and as smart as most people much younger. in years. SHIPKA T ie )[etlanilist church areholding. their annual Xmas tree entertainment on Doc. 21st.. 1911; coxae and be jolly' with us. 1l Ir. Owen Gieger of Hensel! and` Mr.Peter Famont of Zurich called at .Sweitzer's home last Saturday: Messrs Garfield FiukUeiner and William Schroeder returned home from the West. Mr. Simon Sweitzer of Centralia was at his home one day last week.. The M. E. Church is holding its Missionary services each Sunday. The following Sunday Rev. Jackson of Parkhill will preach. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweitzer are moving into their home this week. Miss Eliza Baynham left for Alsia Craig where she will visit for a short time. George Baynham, E. Gainer, and E. Pickering were to a concert at Parkhill one night last week. GRAND BEND Mrs. Frank Gerinotte returned from Port Stanley on Friday, acconi- pauied by her daughter Laura, wbo has been visiting friends in London for some time. Emery Carriere left for Toronto on Tuesday, to resume his duties ...after spending some time with his pare- here ky, tis 44 ;.�nG .ydy .� .. •. D:Lv dL` ' $ai graved 'h Monday from Lucan where been employed for some tirile. Mr. Edmund Zeller of Zurich was . through our town on Tuesday, looking up votes. No person will make a misT. take by voting for Mr. Zeller. Mr. Sid ]3ossenberry of Parkhill visited his brother Bruce on, Saturday. There are a good many roots still in the ground in this section yet. W. J. Holt has moved back to town. Don't send to Toronto for any of your Xmas goods, but come to Grand Bend, we have two of the best general stores in Western Ontario, bar none. The phones are all in working order some great talking going on in Grand Bend. aShWOOCI. M°NEY Money! Money! Money! pry rn, rt j -ti -r re,t,=;rya,,Toil and save Hustle day and night And scrimp and shave And scheme with all our might.. Pennies grow to dollars Very soon, we find, But by tend by We have to die And leave it all behind; ains for 60 Days are offering Big Bargains in Seri 1g Machines fertile next 60 'days The Singer $30 Ne'ir Williams $28 aNe:t,i'. Raymond $25 The IMPROVED MODEL No, 144 that :the T. Eaton Co. sell for $25.46 we wih .deliver the same machine, gi,iiiig you two weeks trial, for $25. ;.nr Stock of Furniture is al vii,'irs cornpleto. Isere you will fiat. =tib' the latest designs in Furniture at reasonable prices. !save rhe Telephone Office in ori. Store with 400 connections, and if you eiill us up or write us, we will do I the rest. . McISAAC l `urnrfure and Undertaing STANLEY TOWNSHIP, The nice weather has spoiled the sleighing and brought the wheels Mit again. .1i-, D. Tough who purchased a Iu tion al gasoline engine some tis' ago is. making a great success °VIP chopper. Mr. Tough bukiibree clava in the week that he ebb .for outsiders. I' H. Talbot has also purchase eel#i:reer gasoline engine and is usfg it for running bis clover huller, thresh beans and chopping. r Thomas Snowden has bought a,T,a.rge.number of steers from J. F. A1rews of Goderieh Earl Delgaty has returned fiai the Wast, last week. CENTT IA Mr. Sid Andrews has nearly , com- pleted the kitchen to the rear of his house which adds greatly to the app- earance of the place. Mrs. J. English has moved into town in Dr. Orme residence. Mrs. Anderson is building a fine; stable which adds greatly to the app- earance of the place. Mr. W. Widmeyer our popular butter maker has returned home after. a week's visit in and around. Ayton. Mr. Jas. Godsave visited! in Lucaii last Sunday. Mrs. R. McFalles left for London last Saturday after spending a few months in and around the burg. The Parsons Davis Co. are kept busy these days with the poultry, business, large quantities going to St. Marys cold storage. The M. E. Sunday school is kelt basy training and practicing for the Xmas intertainment which is to be held on the 22nd. of Dec. Blair and Elliot have the contract for loading the sugar beets about 600 tons. Messrs Boyce and Simpson called on Mr. W. Hodgins one day'' last week. Miss McLeod of London, left last week for a few days visit in Exeter. • BORN MELzazr•-.-At Bronson Line Hay, on Nov. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Alfred Meliok, a son, Ttni malt --At Parr Lino Stanley, on Nov 25th, to 111v. and Mrs Webster e—rier .a son cir To Sell at ].AWDBN3S Old Stand Exeter Lota of goods left yet and all at big ' redneticnns. Buy your Xmas presents for men and boys now. Fancy Mufflers 25c to $1.00. Neckties 25c ones for 15c. Neckti.;ess',50c ones for 35c. $1.25 Gloves for 85c. 0..50 Gloves for $1.00. Mens Toe Rubbers at 50c, Mens Fleece Lined Shirts 3 for $1.00. 3 'Linen Collars for 25c. 75c Caps for 50c. .$2.00 Hats for $1.25. Umdrellas 79c. Sweaters $1.25, Overcoats and Suits at 1/3 off the regular price. We can't tell you of all the cheap goods, Come and share in our profit sharing sale, awden's Old Stand The Exeter Bargain Store B,W.F.Beavers Money! Money! Money! Dollars aro the prize. Each reriresnts A hundred cents. And oft a hundred lies, Thousands grow to millicns; Just when they grow dear We go away.-- The way—The millions stay— We leave the money here. Money! Money! Money! Harden soul and heart; Get the due That is for you. And get more than your part. Friendship, love or duty? Drop them, one and all, But later on When you are gone There'll be a tearless pall. Money! Money! Money! Who invented it? Sorry jest Seen at its best Somber form of wit. Dollars—dollars—dollars— They have this distress: Their only worth Is on this earth— Shrouds are poeketless, CREDITOR Mr. Frank Triebner spent Sunday with friends north of the village. Miss L. Snider spent Saturday visiting friends in Dashwood. Miss J. McNabb spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jones. The four \V's spent a very pleasant' evening at the home of Miss Clara Fahrner. Miss Mildred Brown and Miss Clara Sibes were visiting friends in Dashwood 0n Sunday last. Rev.. -E. Earn left for Elmira on 140401,440, to preach .a se anon in the interest'of the youiig peiople.• Mr. Alex. Bogen of Widder was visiting friends on the GoshenLine on Sunday last. Miss Minnie Motz, who has been working in Detroit for a number of years, returned home last week, where she will remain sometime. Mr. Jacob Brown of Znrieh, was the guest of Mr. B. Brown, Sr. on Thursday last. The Mrs, Nichol Beaver and Paul Schenk were visiting with friends in Dashwood on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider of Drysdale were pleasant callers of their daughter Miss L. Snider of this village. Mr. Aaron Brown of Bleinhem spent Sunday in town with his broth- er Mr. Sam Brown. Mr. W. Schoeder of Shipka who has been in the West for the last few months returned home last week. Mr, Alf. Clark and family of Aisle, Craig were the guests of his brother Mr. F. Clarke over Sunday. Mr. G. Boltzmann, agent of the Fire Insurance Company of Zurich, was in town on business, a few days last week, The teachers of the Ewaugelica Sunday y h cul bel! t ei i week! meeting at the home of'. Mr. Daniel Oestreicher on Friday last, Miss Reba Kinzie, who is attending . the !Model School at Clinton spent a few daysof last geek at her home here. The Ladies Aid net at the home of Mrs. Augnst Ewald on Thursday afternoon to hold their monthly/reed- ing. . Mr. Conrad Voelker, who has been working. at Point Edward for the last few weeks returned home on Thurs- day last. Miss Adeliene Fiukbeiner Who has been visiting her sister for a few weeks returned home on Wednesday last. Rev.: John Kennedy B. D. of Aisle' Craig will preach missionary services in the Methodist church on Sunday next. Miss Carrie Kuhn, who has been working in ono of the millinery dep- artments at Toronto has returne home on' Monday last. Miss Mildred Brown of Credito and Miss Clara Sibes of Plattsvill_ who are attending Model school a� Clinton spent a few days at the horn of the formers parents. Our sleighing of the past wee could not stand the waren sun of Sun day and as a result. the bells an. sleighs have to be put away for time. There strayed on the premises o the undersigned a steer, rising 3 yea old. Owner can claim animal b proving ownership and paying expen ses. John Sherritt, A hockey meeting was held in th bankers' rooms on Friday last for th- purpose of organizing a hockey team for the coming season. The meeting was well attended by some of the bus- iness men of the town and also by a great number of players and enthu - iasts and we will undoubtely have good, fast and clean sport for the.com- ing season. The meeting opened. with Mr.'Grahaiii acting as chairman` and Mr. F. Irish, secretary. The officers that were elected are as follows; Honary President; H. Either, Pres- ident; C. Zwicker, Secretary -Treas- urer; F. Irish, Manager; Mr. Graham, Assistant Manager; Ev. Fahrner;. Captain; F Irish. The executive committee consists of the officers in- clnding three more, namely: P. 3. Wickwire, F. Brown, R. Sheardown. The regular meeting of the Stephen'. Council will be held on Saturday of this week, December, 2nd instead of Monday Dec. 4th which is Nominat- ion day. Missionary Sunday was observed in the Evangelical Sunday School on Sunday last and a very suitable prog- ramme was given, consisting of add- resses, singing and special music. Mr. C. Dinney who has been in the West for a few months returned home on Monday last. Do you own a "PARKYTL" or are y:.0 a Slave to 11! health. A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the stronges kind of insurance against the germs of disease, It is a preventative agains epidemies and contagion in the Summer,' and an absolute necessity the;, yea round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of you home; cost less than a Ceuta day, and lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Specified b the most Prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than a on year. Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Man. Branches—Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Van.co v and is sold by r rich O