HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-12-01, Page 1Tb.e Official CrgAn of Zur
day Township.
J'01 XI1,
The Regal keeps the
fk r warm
jT creates continuous currents of warm air in the room. There
is a special flue inside the stove, apart from the fire chamber
and free from gas or smoke; This flue draws in the cold air
from the floor, heats it and passes it out at the top.
In addition to this the REGAL radiates
extra heat near the floor. All the hot
smoke and fumes from the fire pass down
and through a flue under the ash pitbefore
they reach the pipes. This keeps
the stove hot at the bottom and
helps materially to warm the floor.
The Regial
(with oven)
Is thoroughly Peninsular and
that means that it ishonestlymade,
It has proven economical both
in fuel consumed, and in its years JR
of service.
Just received a oar of corn. L,
Jeffrey, •
Miss Lydia Brown has arrived
home after a short stay at -London.,
Mr. 13. Eilber, M. P. P., of
Crediton, was a, visitor in town on
Mr. and Mrs John Hofnran and
children and Mrs Bail of Dash-
wood, visited Mrs. Gertrude Reiss,'
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beaker of
Dashwood, were visitors at the
home of Mr. J, Preeter,. on
Mr. Willie Willertand sister
Miss Linda of Dashwood, visaed at
the home of Mr. J. Preeter, on
It will be to your own:interesiln la
buying a homemade nutter "` or (la
buggy. Support your town and At
buy from F. Hess &Son;
Mr. Wm. Gaffes, our highly es-
teemed thresher of this vicinity,
finished up his seasons work at
Reeve. Lamont's last week.
Ilr. and Mrs. Harry Holtzman
and children also Mrs. Steaoy, of
Dashwood visited at the home of
Mr. J, Preeter, on Sunday.
We have not sold our carriage
business to L. Prang, we still keep
a big stook of cotters eta., on
hand, all ourown make. Come
and inspect them prices rights. F,
Hess sr Son.
Quarterly and communion ser -
met will
er-vioetswill be held in the Evangelical
church 14th Con., next Sunday.
Rev. J. G. Litt, P. E. of Berlin,'
will officiate.
A number of the,. 3•iia'1 :'t ddfel
lows attended the;/ flensall lodge
meeting last Friddy night, wher.
so�' R" 'x `;.i
tree, ;eke till Christmas.
hopping earlv.'
7a—e—Good young well bred.
loam inileh cow. J. Preeterr,.
r: t emont has a telephone
nd is trying hard to get it
its. before winter sets in.
ltd 'airs. Jacobe of the 14th
o expected home from the
veeek, after an extended
ennie Ladies quartette are
pert of the program to be
io ;fowl .supper at• Varna on
tar Ilopp will buy pigeons
nday Dec. 4, for which he
highest prices. All
aro to be received by
es Aid in connection with
e : Lutheran Church will
monthly meeting on Tues-
th of December at 3 p. rv.
quested to attend.
If you are interested in heaters or fti
ranges, get " The Cost". Itis a booklet
you should read before you buy.
Ask for it
oM. now an, until the,end of tli yeas yoga. ; .will.
�.... ._ . ..
-.'Mrs. P. Witwer and son
have moved to Exeter,
bey will make their future
The many; friends ;of Mr,
S. Witwee are sorry to see
nyebut wish them every
in.their future home.
preparations are being
ox the banquet to be given
,Lad?es and Mens Adult
+glasses of the Evangelical
on „' Thursday 7.$0 p. rn,
"fa-. Litt, J. G. Grenzebach
Brown aro the prinoipal
,s q ,the evening.
our feet etre wet and cold,
ii,body chilled through and
trom exposure, take a big
(Mambo . in's Cough Re.
t in hot water
nd you are
off a severe
a-cm.e things t6 be 3ac1'at
to `fit in with your ideas on:' this point. By coaling
andloold•ng around, as -!;,,g the prices of those things
you see; and allowing us to show you what our store
contains, you Will find the gift problem solving itself.
And we want you to feel free to do this the next time
you are in town,
Dress Goods and Silks
All effects of the past are entirely eclipsed by the showing we make §
in our Dross Goods department. Better quality, greater variety and gi
better values are present herein larger quantities than ever before.
Table Linens
We take pride in our showing of Table Linens. We invite corn-
parisons in quality -and prices.
. Ladies Neckwear
We are showing the latest and most beautiful lines in Ladies
Neckwear that lits ever been shown iu Zurich. They are in a , class
by themselves and we want you to come in and sec thein.
Winter Caps Mitts
Char line of Mens Winter Caps and Mitts and Gloves is immense.
1 A. larger stock than we have ever carried end all new goods, We
have the Fur Band, Elastic Band or all that is good ib cape to choose
From; from. Fro50e up. Our stock of Mitts and Gloves is also complete.
We have them for dress and rough wear.
Mens Fur Coats
We make a special feature of Fur (icods. When you want'
something reliable in a Far Coat, Fur-Lined.Coat, Muff ete, we tau
• satisfy you. We would ask you to call and see our gaols be'for ,you
Men's Overcoats
Another special feature of our clothing department is Our line of
Meri'e and. Boy's Overcoats, We have the latest Convertible Collar
Overcoat, which is ono of the best on the market. Our prices are as
low as you buy them it the city.
Ladies Overcoats
We take pleasure in inviting the ladios•to look.cver. • our stock -of
Coats. I verthing that iswarnl and stylish to ehoose from;
• Xmas Groceries •
we have in stock a complete lint of fresh XMAS CroeCries Buell
as Currants, Figs,.Dates, etc. The large - turnover in otu
grocery department always enables us t, )ce:p n fresh•and wholesome
stook on head.
A. largo showing of -new Handlings in ;,11 ishaines, colorings.- and
Nothing othing innkos a lacer Xmas gilt than handsome handbag.
Knitted Goods
('err,,' a th)ln-pict,' lino fa' wiin r 110,:e u lermien; women And
children: . 1 e -rimy ,e,s that only the bet makers, 'i'e,a,v' are
stocked by us. In .knitted cape" we :tem) afar al.aitncbsnt eel to
eliOO &e•frO1ll. Those are srvlc cable goods and. are siert' to st.ty.
ilecla Furnaces,
avetroughi n a', Etc.
Mr J. J. Mutter M, Pal aria
home from Ottawa last Saturd
but returned to the oapital again
on Monday to attend t9 his session- *y01.1
al duties, , Ifck
Mr. and Mrs J. Innes and diaugh-
ter, of Moorefield, are visiting,
their son, Mr. G. limes, of town,
prior to leaving for Moose:law,
Sask., where they will make their
future home.
NO 18
The New Fall Models in Men's and Women's Shoes are now ready face
inspection. We carry a. full range of: . .
Men's and Women's Fine Shoes and Rubbers.
Men, Women and Boy's Ey erday Shoes.
Men's and Women's Felt Shoes of all description.
Men's Leather Boots and Rubber Boots.
Men's and Boy's Rubbers and Socks.
We carry an extra good range of Children's Shoes and Rubberrs.
ion is extended to you.
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in, exchange
I vitafr
The New Flour, Feed
and Grocery Store
I have renewed my Stock of Groceries and Stook Food. No stale
Groceries. I am here to stay, A car of Feed Corn on hand.
All kinds of itfill Feed and Feed Flour on hand. All FIour guarantee
any of my Flour bakes bread without mixing 'withothers.
Potatoes and Buck Wheat Wanted.
1�� A11 kinds of Hides bought.
Tho quxtra oo .- go text
of the:l'ess the dangerfii' in • pneu-
mania and other serious diseases
Mr 13 W L Hall, of Waverly, Va.,
says : `'I firmly believe Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy to be absoiu•
tely the best preparation on the
market for colds. I have recom-
mended it to my friends and they
all agree with me." For sale by All
That, as a issue of a certificate to
the Farmers' Bank had not been legal
under the conditions of the bank act,
there had therefore never really been
any such bank in existanee, was one
of the strong points of the delegation
some 40 strong, and composed of rep-
resentatives of the shareholders and
depositors frons the different branches
of the defunct banking institution,
which Friday morning waited on and
was promised consideration by the
Premier Borden. For the depositors,
reimbursement in full of their losses,
and for the shareholders freedom
from their double liability were asked
When you have a cold get, a bet
tie of Chamberlain's Congo Re -
mc ci_v. It will soon fix yon up all
right and will ward off any tend
ency toward pneumonia. This
remedy contains no opium. or other
nem Ale and may be given as con
fidently to a baby as to en adult.
Sold by All Dealers.
Every family has need of a good,
reliable liniment. For sprains.
bruises, soreness of the muscles
and rheutnatio pains there is none
better than Chamberlain's. Sold
by All Dealers.
A public meeting will be held in
the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday
evening Nov. 4th, for the purpose
of organizing a debating soeiety.
The ladies' are'cordially invited. to
be present. .
Mr E. Zeller the coming M P. P.
of Sonth Huron is busy eanvassing
the various districts. May he be
given a royal welcome—as he 'not
only represents a great party but,.a
great Leader.
Municipal noininations will be held
this year on Friday 'Dec. 22nd. e
Christmas falls on Monday. The eleo-
times will be held the firet Monday in
January, which is Now Year's Day.,
Flax inill for sale.—Mill haS e31
in ta
bout 'hesita'tion)-
acher—`°Well Johnny
?" Johnny—"Why, when
your arm, you couldn't
"for two months,"
been troubled with con-
stipa for two years and tried
all of e best physicians in Bristol
they could do nothing
for, me,;:''.writes Thos E Williams,
illidelkeboro. Ky. i'Two packages
of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Lifer Tablets cured me." Sold by
•All Dealers.
held from his late residence, St. Marys
on Tuesday to St. Marys cemetery
and was very largely attended. Mr.
Herldrie was one of the best known
horsemen in the district and died at
bis 'hone un Sunday after a brief ill-
ness: He was 58 yrs. old and is sur-
vived by his wife. •
The evening service in St. Peter's
Lutheran Chnrch will be conducted
in English. The subject of meditat-
ion will be the Advent of the King
pminised by tire prophet. A hearty
invitation is eztencled to all.
The 1r,: A. service in the Ev-
angeliCalcritiroh last week, was a
greet sneeess, under the leadership
Of MISS Laura Geiger, it being tbe
monthly inissionary meeting, Miss
the latest impvoved machinery and is pa3t 'gt yin g
. Ortwein, the leader and the
short addresses in
in good running order. The property :the iletereet of the missionary
rcuse, etort devotional meet
.xng was also held in which a tium•
'bop df.the members participated.
"'Seeprid hand dry good store
has !ken opened out nexti door to
11;tfroltig office. Anybody wish
cloiling for the winter, will do
well to call on the proprietors Mr,
You.Wiil find hoth gentlemen very
oblip,irip:, and courteous, If they
nue. the im,ieess prosperous, Mutz
will -fa.ka.an interest in the busi-
ness:also. Give them a call,
Win:T:11am, is collecting evidencl• again,
shippus with of View to briughig
of cruelty. •It is allows', that a num-
ber tr':, dealers have lawn filling. tin
SO fill of birds to ci cid coli •
particularly aIfter they an
ti'ii;;(oars a.1 caller big crates pile(
tftri them. It is statod that tIn
consists about 2.acres, on which there
is a good dWelling and barn. Apply
to Wuerth Haist 83 Co. Crediton P. 0.
Estray Steeree-Strayed from the
premises.of the undersigned lot 11
eon. 18 Stephen about two weeks ago
a red and white steer rising three
years old with split at bottom of right
ear and clip out of top of the left
Finder kindly notify Owner Lorne
Sullivan, Centralia P.0,
' Mr. George Bedford was a pleasant
caller in our village on Friday of last
iweek. Mr, Bedford who is, working
with the Goodison 'Thresher Co.. of
A, I Sarnia spent a few Menthe in the
1,d. i West last fall lc oking after a thiesh-
le,i ing math, In sOseribing for the
41 . Star, he said, ``Mtiet have. the news
fume the old town".
The loeal grain. elevate)! at Go -der-.
ich is heginning to till up so rapidly
that it is keeping the railways ' busy
N to handle all the erein Seven I 'e
N's boats, all due in the next few days,
I el ell e ie. Tile , railway mai pan les
ar3 raehinee cars here to hamlie the
Telephone 9
.r. G,it',.
Try our 75 -bent Alarm Clock. Yott
take no chances. We absoln.te
ely guarantee them 2 years
The Best Luminous Alarm Clock
and spasmodic repeater, $1.25,
and $2.00, None I3etter.
Miasioal Alarms, with automatt
r New Fall Biaoes
We cordially invite the ladies to onr grand display. of Fall Shoes.
.-Lre ehowing a large ra age in arm Total, Vivi Kid and Patont Loather, Iv.
Velvet Tops, made on the NealYork puff lasts, the vary latest,
Gentlemen's Shoes
Mr. Farmer come in and let: us ta'k to you &atilt Wat.a. Proof Shaw
the tfot weather.
A runk or a Suit Ci‘ se
Buttor and Eggs Taken in Exchange,
The Hwre Goo