HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-17, Page 8uallty I E reduction on all adies' 1k3ad htuiie1 ts All ats at 3.00 And Leg tA Big Stook 'None -4 Blan- ,,s, and Flannellette 3nkets, Ladle's, Gent's and ildren's Sweater Coats. ts a ff Your Winter Underwear uill be satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the tkinds are shown and aproper fit is assured. te glad to show what we have whether you choose • ,• Or not. . ig -values in Ladies' New Coats these elvt-tea ;:?_•ar tenth and ...yon.'11 realize ..their - mecca -am on (i,veness.' The. styles are siimPly gran', you .help • :liking The priees We 6A do not begin to ten the true worth of the • its. a 2oine and see our new stock of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, es' Fur Coats and Geirt's Fur Lined Coats, we have all Prices. apperettes and Nelveteens Wr Flannelettes FURS d N -e are showing all colors in Velveteens, which are fashionable this fall, 'Ladits' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in. Ladies rK wear and Belts. You will iind everything is new and different displayed here. All the cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up time. iollest prices paid for all kinds of Farrn Produce • 1 OENER'L 111-3R,C1ANT rie 9 (ant* ri Telephone 28 7.11.421.1•11MAIMMOSSIMIIMMISITC.111M116.11.111.14.A.IMMOOMMICM11.11/111IIMMO111614216=i01,...6,710,1761=1.16.1. HEA C)QUA RTE Of' 5* FOR Celebrated oroat way 1 4 KHLUM ATI SM :1 annual Xmas festival on Xmas night. An Oratovio Cantata entitled Shiloh in which Over 70 •voices are already UUNE SAYR being' trained. f n absence •of the pastor ROY. 9 „„ E.1.1131nicia Ni410 will eemdact quarterly meeting services at Rodney. G. K. .1),ow,, will occupy the pulpit in. the morniag and Rev. Yelland of Exeter, Morriscy's No. 7 and Lini'" the evening in the Evan. church. ment Cured his Knee. "Feels good as new." W. E. MacNiven of Toronto, sent at by the treiniaion Allianee,preach- temnerance termon in the Evan - St._ John, N.T3.; April 12, Mt. ell arch Stunlay night last,which "I am glad to report that my kno to led to' was is .1 with rapt attcntion by completely cured of Rheurnatisni--tharlts., _ vlience and many were the com- b:, Father Morriscy's No.. 7 Rh eumittirs: aa. :Ante heard on all sides, Ho is a very & Kidney Tablets, as they 'alottrice a- re- speaker, and his sermon left a sponsible for my cure. I .was u a. number of years, and tried everything 1g�od imaessioa on the audience, heard of, and needless to say, spent quite: — a sum of money without any results. 1 have no further trouble now, and my knee feels as good as new, I was personally acquainted with the late Father Morrisey and know his remedios are good. 4nyono, suffering from Rheumatism and- Kidney trouble should by all means try No. 7 Tablets, as 1 canprAhreercctiulilyn.LN reuconi, mend them." m his 1101130. Provincial Detective, St. John, N. 13„ r n is not a "Cr e-: Rey. Mr. Grenzebach returned The above prescriptio In pue from Walkerton last Thursday. D.A.SEENVOOD Vera Siebert visited in ..Zurich oe Wednesday last. Jr and Mrs. William Weld spent 'Sunday with friends. • Mr. john Graybeil spent Sunday All " or so-called patent medicine.. Morriscy prescribed it for 44 years ardit I ':.:11,11,r.Frealfallett of Exeter called ce red thousands after other doctors f;tilled, len etendsin tOW11 Friday last. rice,. 50c. per box at your dealers, or Mv,A. Miller left for London 011 Father Morriscy Medicine Co., LiMited„.[ 'Monday last, Intreal. 300. 1 Jr.Jas. Grieadeft last week on a OREDITON OitSalit trip through _Michigan. • , Rev. E. Burn °faceted at a funeral in Shakespeare on Saturday. The Misses Carrie Weiu and Della Schwartz left for Detroit ou Wedees- day last. Miss Beta Rienzi°, who is attending the 'Model School at Clinton, spent' Saturday last at her home here. The four W's niet at the home of Miss Tillie Wein on Monday last and spent a very pleasnt evening. Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston of Harbor Springs Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Lewis for a few weeks. With the •return of winter o#, genial stage driver Oscar, has returned and it seems natural to hear his warn- ing cry "Board" Word was received on Tuesday of the death of 'Mrs. Dan Truemner bf near I)asbwood, and daughter of Mrs. Tacob Finkbeiner of our Mr. Harry Trick, who has been visiting under the parental. reef for feta day, has agart ,• rettirii0 Chatham., Mr. W. W. Kerr of Wiachelsin still confined to the house throaghill- ness and at time , of writing is in critical condition. Mr. Henry Billie'. and Mr. Paul Shenck who have been on a three weeks deer hunt, return...id borne on. Friday lest, bringing with them three, good sized deer. Mr. Clarence Holtzmaun on Thar- clay of last week, while assisting Young ]lros. in roofing a shed for Mr. Wm. Kestle, accidently fell from a ladder and landed en his head severly injuring his eye and receiving other injuries and as a result is laid off work for a few days. Ebenezer congregation was favored for their ThanksgiVing Anneversary They had good weather, good crowds., a good preacher and a good choir. Rev. G. J. Kerr of Liman, gave them excellent sermons which were highly appreciated. The Crediton choir rendered very choice anthems. Total receipts $132.00. Then on Monday Evening Rev. Mr, Millyard. of Heim% gavo his entertaining Stereoption talk Ten Nights in a Bat-Romn and TIM Shamrock, Rose and Thistle. The weather was not so kind but a fair crowd enjoyed a first class program. Receipts *10.00. Mr. Chris. Eilber was visiting with friends in town an Sunday last. • The Rev. Mr. Yelland of Exeter will preach in the Evangelical Church on Sunday evening next. . The Revs. R. Hicks and E. Burn attended a meeting of the Ministrial Association held in Exeter On Monday. Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner of Buffalo is visiting at the home of her parents Mr.. and Mrs. Mathew INkbii11.01;. Finkbeiner met with a Soliotte accident just before coining horde by falling down stairs and injuring her .knee. Those who had. the oppodunity and were brave enough ta fade the storm and attended the services in the Methodist church lug SiindaY night were well paid for their ant. Rev. E. D. Silcox of Torento,'gaVe"a • splendid address on the attitude' o the church and comaninitY towards licensed saloons. He' ate sang Iwo solos, Come again Mr. Silcox," The Sunday school of Zion VIVan.} church, bore decided to celebrai their Mr. Steer of the Molsons Bank, •,weei he -Exeter ,Ilonday. Mist Beaver from the 14th con. visited friends in town on Sunday. C. Fritz end Mrs. W. Fritz called on friends in town last There - da. • Ars. Ratteubury of Brucefield, is visiting her daughter Mrs. R. T. Dun- itses riereher and Beaver from the kith con. visited. frienils in town over Siinday. Ed. Stire, who has spent the •sammer near Slupka, has returned darne. for thewinter. ' 31.1..z and Mrs. Edward Stelek of Blake, visited en Thursday with Mr. e:nd Mrs. Phillop Fassold. 'inuaber of our young men have opened up a Club room for the Winter. • . FARM FOR SALE ney, County se:. large bank barb, three driving sheds, plenty of good water, good fences, partly tile drbeel) 35 acres "Rood bush. The eon is clay and sandy loam, 3 acre apple, pear, plum, black cherry orchard, 1100 pench trees, e00. bearipg, 10 acres berries in bearing. The farm is in good eondittor. This farm hes on the shore of Lake Huron near St. Joseph and is as nicely located as env in the County. For further information apply en premises, Daniel Sni , St. Joseph P. 0 TREES TEAT WILL GROW. W.eien, buying fruit and orna- mental trees. see to it that yon buy of it Ifirtll whose trees have the rigeksort of roots and have been handled oorrectly Jn the nurseries, Onr trees will grow ; there is a rea sQn Take an e,geney ; send for terms. Outfit free. • Thos. W. Bowtnan & Son Co, Ltd, .Ridgevillo Ont„ 2111116a1=11•DiP967091.1 )0T/ON SALE okT,HOtISE ANI) PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF ZULICH The raidersie;ned. on behalf of the surf Trustees of the Regular Baitist Church of the Township Of Hay Will offer for sale by public anAion at the Dominpn Hotel in the Village of Zurich on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. at 2,p„rn., the residence end property on the South side of the Zuricli road better known as the Baptist Church property. The property consists of *lots on. which are a good frame 1) se with first-class cellar and cist- te also a good, stable and shed, the 140.ek ehureb, building 50 by 80 aLd akeXcellent garden of small fruits. TVie is One of • the most desirable r,Aidenee locations m Zurich. SaIe—iTen per cent. cash balance within thirty day. For particuhus apply to El Boos - c6; terry, Auctioneer. ddiduton & Stan'iury, Exeter &Hen. pairs, for sit's' Trustees. rA GIRLS WANTED, $5 per week to start with for girls eighteen and over. Apply, at once, D. S. PERRIN (35 CO. #nitea, London, Ontario. 11, A THEY ALL t„. What those who know, have to say about the Modern. Malleable Iron Range bought of C. Hartleib Zurich, Geo, Clausins • Sem Faust .1 John Campbell • Jacob Weiclo Christian Meyers John Laport John Scutinnore Stelk Solinon Gingerich Henry Valliant Sam Howtton, E.W. 13rokenshire Henry Wolper Thomas Turnbull Christian Badour William Denomy Jacob Hartleib Loins Rinker Geo. Armstrong We have great faith in the above stove and are willing to stake $100 that there is not another stove made in Canada that will cook and bake with as little fuel as the Modern. 1,191.13.134131114119W • • • If MI A full stock of all kinds of to choose from al- prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run, Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price IL 113,PHONE 3 ZURLCH F1URON'S LARCEST COMBINATION 'WORE r ...:••••••11.101.1•••••••••••••, t e Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price PHONE 19 (41:5 zuRicti ALBFL • Now is the Time You Ladies • Should Think of your new Fall: Clot ‘e Dress Goods We' give particular attention to our dress goods and suiting. These are the best we have had for a long Wee and still we aro adding daily, prices are low and quality very best. Come in and see our goods before you bay. , Men's Suits We have reduced our Men's Suits to cost and if you need something cheap and good you can get it here. Soft Hats M»n's soft felt Hats regular price from 1.00 to MO now for 25e. RUBY Underwear--.. All kinds of Ladle's and Men's Underwear can be shown here, fleeced lined, wool or natural wool, all kinds and prices range from 50e to $3.50 a suit. Ladie's Had Bags & Belts just received a large assortment of Ladies velvet and Leather Hand Bags • and colored elastic Belts. Coats Ladie's Coats are very popular this year. Our stack is larger then ever before. Do you want a coat? if so! come here. PHONT 17 Ale OASC1-10 ' NV -4-7k - 1111MWIfet.-06 Prompt Service Moderate rharges N. HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario .4551IP ' ' ' $.:. V401-111, '. • 11.04V-tiMSMA Mar=11KKCIAS NOTICE I hereby re(jutit that all2 accountF owing nt Calmint's Brick and Yards, be paid on or before Oct. 6-8 "WM. MALTA:3i Mana;q0,. ES ]Tae L PI s Ma1c (Thibault. IWe have not 0 BUSilaess yet . sold out our ,..Implement We are still forging ahead at the Old Place. The following are some of our lines we keep in stock . Plows & Repairs Percival No. Io -13, Flenrv's No, 21, Cooksbutt all kinds, Viiilk. bison all kinds, Land Rollers. implements & Repairs, BInders, 'Mowers, Cultivators (best made) Fins Drills,, Disc Har. rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seed Drills for all seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray.. ers best in the market, Oar. den Cultivators, Lon. don's Hay rracks, Loadon's Barn Fixtures • Buggies, CarriPges, Wagons All our own r ate. FS SS SON ZURICU