HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-17, Page 7• 'fiat A s4Iirs FURNACES TILE STRESS AND STRAIN OF THE STOKER'S CALLING. Ile is Subject to Many and Great Dangers on the Huge Battleship. "Full speed' ahead I Shake her up 1" shouts the navigating lieut- enant on the bridge of the battle - Ship. The listener hears the "ding -done of the engine -room telegraph -bell as the indicator is swung over to the extreme point of the dial; the engineer below pulls it huge lever, and opens the throt- Ile-valve to adm4t more steam to the engine, and the vessel 'lashes the eery into an angry foam as its pro- pellers thrust it forward through the waves, says London Answers. That is the outward and visible part of the execution of the order, but deep down in the hull of the ship, perhaps below the water -line, there are souls to whom the com- linawl is quite as significant, and upon whom the officer is dependent for the extra speed ho requires. • Working in white duck trousers,. often stripped to the waist, the a takers perspire freely at they trim the ooal, bank the fires, and gen- erally arrange for the replenishing bf the energy which the opeen grey- hound is expending. THE KING IN THE STOKEHOLD The temperature is high; the Working space is necessarily confin- ed, and the hard, manual labor is intensified by the action of the bending required for the work. Ilse engineers and shipbuilders have carried out their contract, the Artificers have tended and kept very part of the mighty machine in perfect order, but it depends upon the stoking to produce the speed from the vessel which it was intended she should attain. its Majesty ping George popul- arised himself among the stoker ratings of the Service when, on 's trip to Canada, he went be - ow and joined the men making up he fires of . the Indomitable, and there is no doubt that his Majesty realised in practical fashion the \'alue of the work parried on, un- le<een on deck, at all the battle CURED HIS WIFE S0 If TRIED THEM LEON SERC !NT FOUND NEW REALISE( IIT; RIDD'S KIDNEY ' PILLS. Suffered with his Kidneys and was very feeble, but now he is feeling fine. Saint Walburg, Sask., Nov. 13 (Special).—One healthy, happy fam- ily in this neighborhood are always ready to speak a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sergent, and here is the reason in Mr: Sergent's own words: "I suffered with my Kidneys and I was very feeble. My urine was thick and had a brick -dust sedi- ment. As Dodd's Kidney Pills had already cured my wife I bought three boxes. Now my urine is nor- mal and I feel fine." It statements such as these that give Dodd's Kidney Pills their po- pularity. They are no cure-all. They simply cure diseased Kidneys and the ills that come from dis- eased Kidneys. But no matter what neighborhood you visit you find some man or woman who has been sick ani] in pain and has been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. For a, score of years this work has been going on and to -day in every part of Canada Dodd's Kidney Pills are known as the one sure cure for Kidney Disease, Urinary Troubles, Backache, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes and Bright's Disease. MORE TO PICK FROM. TILE TOLL OF THE JUNGLE. Loss of Life by Wild Beasts -in India Caused by floods. India still pays its annual tri- bute of human life to the jungle.; In fact, the number of ,deaths from snake -bite pr the attacks taf wild, animals has steadily increased dur- ing the last three 'years -a fact which the London Times attributes to the great floods. The rising waters have driven the serpents out of the lowlands, up into the vil- lages. and have clllninished, through drowning, the natural food -supply of the larger wild'. beasts. In 1910 fif*,y-five persons were killed by elephants, twenty-five by hyenas, one hundred and nine by bears, three hundred and fifty-one by leopards, three hundred and ninteen by wolves, eight hundred and fifty-three by tigers, and six, hundred and eighty-eight by other' animals, including wild pigs. No less than twenty-two thousand four. hundred and seventy-eight died from the bite of poisonous snakes. The grand total of mortality is twenty-four thousand eight hun dred and seventy-eight During the sameyear ninety- three thousand cattle were v.lso killed by wild beasts or snakes. The losses on the part of the in- habitants of the jungle were nearly but not quite as great as those of their human etnemies and the dom- esticated animals combined, Nine- ty-one thousand one hundred and four snakes and over nineteen thousand wild u•easts of various kinds were killed. The Times also reports that . a great many cases of snake -bite were successfully treated with the Brunton lancet and permange*;ate of potash, but that it is, neverthe- less, impossiole to assert the value "It isn't always the prettiest girl who gets the best husband." "Maybe not, but she has the most chances to." A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is asimple cure within the reach of all in Sickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup, an old-time and widely recognized remedy, which, if resorted to at the ineeption of a cold will .invariably give relief, praddieee and man )euvr.es, anti' by overcoming the trouble, , QUALIFICATIONS AND PAY. guard the system from any serious Stokers AO not join the Services consequences. Price 25' cents, at all dealers. as boys, like sea :lon ; they are r$ Bruited between the ages of 18 and 23 years (25 in special cases) from able-bodied men who can pass the physical tests and stanctards. They sign ion for either a period of twelve years as "continuous" stokers, or as "special service" stokers for five years with the active fleet and seven with the Royal Fleet Reserve. They are not required to be trained men, as the work requiring extra skill is performed by artific- ers, but they are sent to an estab- lishment such as the Victory, at Portsmouth, to be taught their duties. They receive a free kit on entry, and no eharge is made for rations. Their pay rises from us. lid. per week to ass. ed., the latter being the amount which can be earned by chief petty officer stokers. Man who show special intelligence cr mechanical ability are giventhe bpportun ity of becoming "mech- anicians, which branch of the Service opens up for them amore promising career. Those chosen are given a short course of special instruction, and after passing an examination are able to earn from 31s. Gd. to 45s. Gd. per week, Extra pay can also be earned when serving in torpedo -boats or in the tropics, and there aro oppor- tunities of adding to the amount by. becomingengineers' writers or yeoman of stores. THE WELL-TRAINED MAN. , As in other branches, the stokers get extra allowances for good con- duct; so that they can obtain a ,goon remuneration for their ser- viaos, with the promise of a pen- -don upon leaving. The duties are undoubtedly ardu- ous and dangerous, lout there is . usually a good, steady influx of desirable recruits willing to under- take then], and many who aro to - doe tending boilers and engines in Civil establishments learned their tasks in the first iastanee in, the loyal • Navy in their early days, upon 'which they look back with ?side, se.a ly employers in our cities allow a marked preference for ex - 'members of the Service, knowing that the sense of discipline has been firmly grafted in anyone who �lltfs served „ therein. The Navy Emplo'ment'Agelicy finds positions for hundreds of men annually„ while teeny Government posts . are reserved for ex -naval stokers. and f3eamen. THE OTHER. "Is the doctor in?" "No, sir, but won't you please come in? He'll be right back. He's gone to see his other patient." TRY 13AUNiNE EYE REMEDY? eels Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes lbswdGranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Belart--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $L00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. A MATTER OF HABIT. He (nervously)—"What will your father say when I tell hire we're engaged 1" She --"He'll be delighted, dear. He always has been." These Pills Cure R,heumatism,— To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parrnelee's Vege- table Pius is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulat- ing the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the admixture of the uric acid and blood that causes this painful disor- der, They mast be taken accord- ing to directions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. LOOKING AHEAD. "If we quarrel like this now, what will we do after marriage?" "Well, if you think I'm going to rush blindly into marriage without finding out who's boss, you're mis- taken." ell, Well! dyed ALL these \DIFFEREIt1T KINDS �-- of Goods with the SAME Dye. i used oLEAr4 and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of using the WRONG Dye for the Goods one has to color. All colors from your Druggist or Dealer. FRCS. Color Card and STORY Booklet 10, The ,Ioltnson-ltiehssrdsun Co., Limited, Montreal, A TWO DAYS AFFAIR. "Where were you day before yes- terday 1" "I was helping my wife to ]Wove." "And yesterday?" "Had the doctor helping me to." Trial is Inexpensive.—To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parme lee's Vegetable Pills is recommen- ded, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The trial will be inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this excel- lent medicine, So effective is their action. that many cures eau cer- tainly be traced -to their use where othei: pills have proved ineffective. Soule lucky men find it as difficult to h'orrow as they do to pay back. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper, Mary—Mrs. Talkem detainee me kr fifteen minutes at the telephone just as I was starting out. Alice— What did she want? Mary—She didn't say. •-•.The Chicago Fire could have been prevented with one paid of water, but the water was not lesedv,_ Beep t bottle of Hamlin r'd 011 handy and prDvcr t' the ry •pains of inflammation. kiinard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --I have used MIN•ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my faintly for years, and for the every day ills awl accidents of life I consider it has no equal. 1 would not start on a voyage witlru,. it, if it cost Ca APT a.F a. DE/NUBBIN, aeES3 tE 1 , WRY PREN•CR ARE POLITEST Acquire Their . Good Breeding] From Earliest Childhood. The reason that the French peo- ple enjoy the well earned reputa- tion of being tne politest people in the world is incense "la politesse," or good breeding, isen accomplishment they alwaysac- quire at home and in' childhood. A Frenchman, his wife, and a couple of children will observe all the most exquisite soeial amenities in the pr • y of their own home, and the e presents air the social a vantages they require, A French bey of even the humblest parentage does not wait to go out in the world to learn how to offer a woman a chair, give an elderly gentleman his arm, invite you to dine, or dis- cover is -cover the topics of conversatinn that engage your interest. He bas lived from his babyhood in an atmosphere of family deference and cheerful unselfish considera- tion, and he is charmingly polite by precept and example wherever he may find himself. this"'tr'eetin'egt,'" x' knows whetuer fl11—or even,„, large number—of the eases treated were caused by the bites of ,really venomous snakes. Muscular Rheumatism Subsided. —When one is a sufferer froni ntusa cular rheiimatisin'he cannot do bet- ter than to have the region rubbed with Dr. Thomas' 1telectrie Oil. There is no oil that so speedily shows its effect in stlbduing Wain. Let the rubbing be brisk and an- tinue until ease is secured. Tier is more virtue in a bottle of it t 'au can be fully estimated. The wheel of fortune has turned, many a man's head. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ac. KNIGHTHOOD FOR WOMEN It is not at all well known this knighthood has constantly been conferred upon women, says the London Graphic. Many English ladies received the accolade, and many more were members of such knightly orders as the Garter: and St. John. When Mary Chol;inon- deley, "the .bold lady of Cheshire," was knighted by Elizabeth for`: "her valiant address" on the Queen irk- ing command at the threatened in-• vasion by Spain, did she know s,:let a whole city of Spanish women, gallant women of Tortesa, had b. t ri knighted for saving that city front the Moors? Mary and Elizain h had both boon knighted at St ex:" coronation; but by the time Ares:, the second Mary, and Victoriji, °ended the throne it had peen ieuite forgotten that according to Engli.th law and use a woman who filled a man's office acquired all its privi- leges and was immune from ,none of its duties BE KNEW HER "John, do you love your little wife I" "Yes." "Do you love me very much?" 011, yes." "Will you always love me?" "Yes—say, wo- man, what have you gone and order- ed sent home now 1" SAM' THING EXACTLY. Mrs. Guggenheim-]':lorawants one ,of those new sheath gowns.. Mr. Guggenheim -e -Like the ono you showed me in the picture? Mrs, Guggenheim --Yes. Mr. Guggenheim• --Tell her to crawl into an umbrella. cover. Idinard's Llniront cures Mplttherte.1 • .GERITMAN SAVANT ON SLEEP. New distinetions between sleep and the stupor induced by narcotics *ere given by. Professor Max Ver - Worn, the envneat physiologist of the Universit_ti of Bonn, Germany, at a recent address at the New York Academy. Professor Ver - worn spike 4 -,if narcotics as making tissues and cells incapable of carry- ing o:,.ygen. In sleep, he said, re- storation of the worn tissues oc- curs and fatigue is dispelled by the beneficent action of oxygen. Draw- ing• illustrations from a wide and varied knowledge of his subject, Professor Verworn gave a scholar- ly demonstration of his theories. IAo19 Xtr QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLCS,. HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS NOT MUCH OF A SHOW. "Did you enjoy the play?" "Not much. The leading lady only changed her gown three times." Nearly all children are subject to worms, and many are born with them. Spare them • suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, the best remedy of tile kind that can be had. The ring of friendship is less ex- pensive than an engagement ring_. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. It takes a clever child to refrain from saying cute things. Shines Stoves So They Slay Shined "Black Knight" is a joy to every woman who takes pride in her home. it enables her to have the stoves always clean, freshly polished and brilliantly black. "".Black 11nigbt" is ready to use -•-easily applied -and a few rubs brings a mirror-like polish. "Black .]isight" does away with all the hard work and dirty work of starve pelisliing, If your dealer should not have "Mack Knight", we will send you A large can, postpaid, for toe. • 'he IMF.. Dailey Co.Limited, neav1ZLiON, out. 24 ewe of the famous ''2 Th 1" Shoe Nils . IS A FIRST : i ,"ri l A bond is a .first mortise split up into denon}inagons one hundred dollars and upwart .. Bonds are a cou1paratiteiv modern form of investme:l?' Previously a corpora doe of ]tri der -taking desiring to.raise moo,: against their assetS55 %f 11 : ? to place it in one or several lar mortgagee m. ?°Nov'adays un issue. of be is made instead, Q Ponds are a cd,ivekcnt f of mortgage, are" those b which we offer are thoroo ) investigated, to determine tr• the payment ' of interest 1. principal is absolutely assure']. ti We have literature more ful3y, ti`• scribing, bonds in general as well r spect5c Issues, which we will be glace t send upon application. Send for it. TIP YAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED DANK OF MONTREAL I3UILDIN YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO MM. WHITE a Maresca^ MONTREAL: QUEBEC -HALIFAX -LONDON] FARMS FOR RENT AND SAL ASK DAWSON, HE .KNOWS TF you want to sell a farm. me, 1.F you want to buy a. farm, me. y 1iAV1 some of the best Erna., J. Grain or Dairy ['arms in and prices right. jay W. DAWSON, Ninety e Street, Toronto, ACENlS WANTED AGENTS WANTED. A LIi every home. re rete us for ou t.a� ut ageets supplies. iv It; grcatl•at agency proposition. in to -stay. :.o outlay necoasarY. A C. 1. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa. [,ELY WAN I ED. ALESMI?N- $50 PER WEEK a iJ ul.. nand Egg -]seater. clam harms tor. money • to:mut d if au Why suffer from corns when they toryrci, ot'olictte .>tt'g. t,otuoany, can be painlessly rooted out by us ing Holloway's Corn Cure. mtscrLLANe=ct:,s, OBSERVATIONS ON THE ROAD "Doesn't it make you envious -o see all those people speeding by in their motor cars?" "Not me," replied the village -blaekslta' en,,,ef tBn.in..V.•ni;., en e. they. envy me. I'M right here at home,. and they don't know for sure whe- ther they'll ever get home or not." Send for free sample to Dept. W. :.., National Drug ant' Chemical Co., Toronto. The Soul of a Plano istho Action. Insist on tho "OTTO HIGEL" Piano ACticsrit H. 11. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stock and ;.Lining lixchang:' LISTED STOMAS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited. 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO BROWN'S TREES" 1,11,&Y and FAULL SUd.LH;t9. _ LLAA Seale 1P arks, 9 Esptanade. �+ aWMILL MAGiiIilERY, PO PJ or heavy Latae MILLS, Shulgi r.ugines ;Ina Boilers, Mill Supylt L. Lou g luanutacturing Go.. Ltd btreet, Griffin, Ontario. 1 A,rt r.1L, '1'UMURB, Luau's, et j l terual and tlxtccnal, cured ceti Ity otlf ' itvtf )" Lr t2,4t 'r r' --1 before too late, Dr. %/It. ee Med Limited. Collingwood. Ont, r± 1021 SUALE, GUARANTEED. ES Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, II ty i;LHI TANNERY—CUHTO L AJ► ]teed Fur tanning. (Tittle an xi.,o s make beat hours ane Clout properly tanned. Bend teem Del 1 hire them dressed right. You well sauened. E. E. hell, Dotni, LEARN THE BARBER TRADE R The Meier burner Cotloge 1s g...al college, founded in lhle; gr are now succei,sLU1 barbers all ati world; You get expert ulatruotion; of Practice. _ r. rite or catalogue. Barber College, 221 .ween l;aso. Tor A GENTS WANTED. -- A S3'U y other Agency propositions 001 us that none can ctlual ours. You ways regret it it you don t apply ticulare to Travellers' Dept., 'cztt Alb Ottawa. PECIALISTS ADVICE If REE. us in regard to any disease. vicesprices in drugs of alt fitted by mail. Send m ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write for anything Fold in first-class stores to Dr. Belizean. Callingwoo FEATHER DVEI Cleaning and Curling and Ane Gloms e Thele can bo sent by post, le por 01 The hest place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYE!. MONT1ULtL. "lee.e TUE' WRITE FOR I'RICis LIST W. G. Goffatt•, Oril3ica, �x •ss,�zu 1 ulleetore and shippers will find it to adrantagn to got sten names en our ma BA. This insures prompt receipt of our. tatiwls and general information, which n ready about tho nth of November. You 01 ante of fair and Iitlolai treatment when ship yourcotloctions to Wagner Brasier a5 Front St. East, Toronto Ont. E ED To Color Gray Hair Make It Grow,. tiles s gee, ,BROWI IM NURSERIES, WELLAN D COMITY, ONT. t, LARGEST GROWERS O NURSERY STOCK IN ' CANADA. Notb,ng So Niel As a B0a Head of N Lot 115 4OR L txu'Nitte, , (Wily to pre you that it. gray hair makes it•. stops l tp trxtioves ruff and the hail' of man or woman or cltil+I, and beautifullylossy. You haat!to send us your address, with 1.411 stn for mailing and packing, and will You anywhere our tree;tmeltt. at on expense. Write today. .4dtixoss itl4. PROSSE, Dept.. '2, 2111 Co'mnISsIenel'9 St,, Montrae