HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-17, Page 6X 3144
scent to the ruins of that his-
, nonument "OM Fort Garry,"
rablo in the early history cf
la's now Western metroaolts
ig erected "The Fort Garry,"
representative of greater Win-
-a. magnificent edifice - to
with the world's finest h.otels,
• lying in its construction the
advanced, scientific and archi-
al ideals. Located in the very
of the city, to which all lines
dic.converge, it is readily ac -
1e to the railroads and elec-
ir lines and within a radius of
minutes' walk will place one
the largest and moat pre -
us of the great stores in the
of the shopping dstrict's, or
is one to reach the great new
Feel station of the Grand
e Fort Garry" to be con-
c bg:tl :.4 -ere d: w,aeie
bis -built of the finest of Oa -
.0 granite and buff lime stone,
e style of the old French
aux of Normandy and rour-
.nd will rear its stately heights
"arteen stories. The building
have approximately three hun-
a.nd fifty sleeping chambers
be richly furnished in fault -
'este. All its bedrooms are to
:{nipped with every approved
•rn appointment. Nothing that
d in any way contribute to the
ort and welfare of its guests
been overlooked in the pre -
tion of the plans and interior
e main entrance of the hotel
1: on Winnipeg's most beautiful
oughfare, "Broadway," and
is upon a spacious and imposing
Tide, which will suggest in its
'ration and refinement the cheer
comfort provided within its
s, and from which one ntay en •
.the spacious dining, tea rooms
50,000,000 Bushels of Gratin Stilt
Untltreshetl iu Northwestt- ;•
A despatch from Winnipeg'says:
Further details of the North•Weet
Grain Dealers' Association, report
on the crop situation tend to make
the outlook not only for this yeit',
but also for next year anything but
bright. The report says that only
70 per cent. of the grain has yet,
been threshed, and about 50,000.000
bushels (estimated) remain in the
stack with no immediate prospect of
seeing a separator. The setting in
of a thaw would almost ruin it, or
at least reduce it several grades:'
The report is not hopeful of the -
grain threshed, saying that 60 per
cent. of it is four or . under. Of the
50,000000 bushelsremaining in the
West, half will be needed for `seed
and feed. The prospect is darken-
ed by the announcement that very
little Pall plowing has been done,
owing to the sudden setting in of
Winter, and that means delay in the
Over Six Thousand Deaths Were
and cafe. The central feature of
the main floor is the circular tea
room of impressive and beautiful
design, unbroken by column, lofty
in heighth, and finely lighted by
broad windows and circular domed
The ball room, banquet hall and
foyer have been located on the sev-
enth floor. These rooms are of the
richest of the public rooms, and
have been so arranged with separ-
ate kitchen service, reception and
dressing rooms, so as to in no way
interfere with the privileges of the
guests of the hotel.. The ball room.
is designed in the Louis Quartorize
period, and will be beyond all ques-
tion one of the most strik'ng of its
kind in Canada.
The building, as a whole, will
form a fine example of what mod-
ern science can do in :Ale elimina-
tion of fire risk. Every .girder, beam
and rafter is to be of non -expansive
steel, every partition of terra cotta,
ever' 'floni ' 'tiitibletlio or be
went, and the stairways of iron. It
is to be absolutely fireproof; and
while every precaution has been
taken to insure absolute protection
to life and property, an equal mea-
sure of attention has been devoted
to its sanitation and the safeguard-
ing of health.
The bathrooms are to be models
of sanitation and simplicity and are
to be equipped with porcelain fit-
tings and finished in exquisite tile
work. They are of comfortable
size, and so placed as to be in direct
communication with every bed-
chamber in the hotel.
There is not to be a dark or unin-
viting chamber in the entire build-
ing, and comfort and spaciousness
have not been sacrificed to secure
a maximum of accommodation.
Large closets have been provided in
every bedchamber, and in the
suites there are commodious clothes
presses equipped throughout with
every modern device.
r Max Aitken is reported to be
,''sting a merger of the several
Lawrence power companies into
undyed -million -dollar
•sv. Dr, Workman was awarded
1,llr. Justice Weir $3,500 damages
against the Board of Governors of
the Wesleyan Theological College
for dismissal from his professorship
on alleged grounds bf heterodoxy.
A riveter named Lougheed Was
severely injured at Belleville by
the barrel of an air gun blowing off.
The Lamp That
Saves The Eyes
Children naturally never think of
possible strain on their eyesight when
poring over a fascinating book.,
It is up to you to see they do not ruin
their young eyes these long evenings
by reading under a poor light.', k .
t' The Rayo Lamp is an insurance
against eye troubles, alike for young
and old.
i1r 0i..
�' � . , : _o is 2itow-priced lamp, but it is constructed on the soundest
a. ,. ; price.
-street 'tc.:ptinciples, and there is not better lamp made at any
It is easy on the eye because its light is so soft and white and
widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never flickers,
Easily lighted 'without removing shade or chimney:. easy to clean and rewick.
Solid brass throughout, with handsome nickel finish; also in many other styles and finishes.
' Atk : Der dealer - •, q f to +flow you his lino of Rayo IamP+: or writs for descriptive circular
to any agency of
The Queen City Oil Company, Liolitea
Recorded Last Week.
A despatch from London says;
Latest reports from Bombay tell of
serious plague conditions. The last'
weekly report accounts for 6,667
deaths from the plague throughout
India, 4,700 of which were he the
Presidency of Bombay itself. Re-
ports from all the southern districts
indicate that the plague is increas-
ing rapidly.
As Dangerous as the Tobacco or
Whiskey heart.
"Coffee heart" is common to
many coffee users and is liable to
send the owner to his or her: long
home if the drug is persisted in.. You
can run 30 or 40 yards and find out
if your heart is troubled. A lady'
who was once a victim of the "cof-
fee heart" writes from Oregon:
"I have been a habitual user of
coffee all my life and have suffered
very much in recent years from ail
ments which I became satisfied were`'.
directly due to the poison in the
beverage, such as torpid liver and
indigestion, which in turn made my.
complexion blotchy and muddy.
"Then my heart became affected..
It would beat most1a*'r4-j�id�
lifter I drank my catfeci';+
low normal as the ooffee'effect wore
off. Sometimes my pulse would gc
as high as 137 beats to the miuutet
My family were greatly alarmed at eronereal. Nev. 14. -Oats - Canadian
my condition and at last mothdr western, No. 2, 48 to 48 1-2o, car lots, ex-
spersuaded me to begin the use qf atoms extra No. 1 feed. 471-2 to 48c; No.
Postum. ' 3 C. W., 47 to 471-20; No. 2 local white,
"I gave up coffee entirely and 461.2 to 47o; No. 3 local white. 46 to 46 1-2c;
.15Po11'TS ]?114);11 THE LEAUING
t' vices of. Cattle. Grain, Cheese
and Other Produce at lilome
and Abroad. .
Toronto, Nov, 14. -Flour -Winter wheat,
90 per cent. patents, $3.50, seaboard. nIa.
nitoba -flours-First patents, $5.50; second
patents. $5, and strong bakers', $4.80, on
track, 'Toronto.
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 No>uthern, $1.:
00, Bay ports; No. 2 Northern, 1031-2, and
No. 3, $1.01, Bay ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 white, red and
mixed, new, 87 to 88c, outside.
Peas -(good Milling peas, $1.10, outside.
Oats -Ontario, No. 2 at 44 to 441-2c, out-
side, and No. 3 at 43o; oar lots of No.
2, on traok, Toronto, 471-2 to 480. Western
Canada oats, 46o for No, 2, and
for No. 3, Bay ports.
Barley -No. 3 extra 89 to
feed 'barley, 80c.
Corn -No. 2 old
Bay' ports.
at 44o
900, outside:
Butter -Dairy, choice. in wrappers, 25 to
26o; store lute, 22 to 240; oreamery, 28 to
30e for rolls. 26 to 27e for solids, per lb,
Eggs -Strictly new -laid, 31 to 32c, and
fraeh, 25o per dozen, in case lots.
Cheese -Large, 15c; twins at 15 1-4o per
spies -Winter stock. $3 to $4 per barrel.
axle -Small lots of hand-picked, $2.-
25 ,o . $2.30 per bushel.
Haney -Extracted, in tins.
lb. ,Combs, $2.50 to $2.75.
Baled hay -No. 1 at $15 to $16, on track,
and inferior at $12 to $14.
Baled straw -87. on track, Toronto.
Potatoes -Car lots, in bags, $1 to $1.05,
and out o£ store, $1.20.
Poultry -Wholesale prices of dressed
poultry: -Chickens. 11 to 12o per ib.; hens,
10 to lie; ducks. 10 to 120; turkeys, 19 to
21o. Live poultry, about 2o lower than
the above.
10 to ilo per
Ba-ank'long clear, 12 to 121.2c per lb.,
in a'se':lots.' Pork,'short out, 322.50; do.,'
rne3, 19.50 to. $20. hams. medium to
1ig;t 16 to 161,•2n; do.. heavy, 14 to 141-2e
4 to ,11c; breakfast bacon. 15 to
W t2lys 111.4
absolutely, and made Postum my
sole table beverage. This was ' 6
months ago, and all my ills, the in-
digestion, inactive Inver and rickety
heart action, have passed away. and
any complexion has become clear
and natural. The improvement set
in very soon after 1 made the
change, just as soon as the coffee
poison had time to work out of my
"My husband has also been
greatly benefited by the use of Pos-
tum, and we find that a simple
breakfast with Postum, is as satisfy-
ing and more strengthening than
the old heavier meal we used to.
have with coffee."
Name given by Postum Co., Bat-
tle Creek, Mich.
"There's a reason," and it is ex-
plained in the little book, "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new one
appears from time to time. They' are
genuine, true and fug of human Interest.
Payment by Federal -Government
Will Increase Next Year.
A. despatch froze. Toronto says:
Ontario's subsidy from the Federel
Govornment will be increased by.
$270,000 as a result of the growth of
population shown bythe recent cen-
sus. As the population now exceeds
2,500,000, however, the rate of pay -
men t
ay-ment will be reduced from 80 cents
to 60 cents a head. Until 1907 the;
subsidy was paid at the rate of 80
cents a head on the basis o•f the po-
pulation in 1861. At the Previte.,
cial Conference of 1907, however,'`.
it was arranged that the subsidy'
should always be calculated upon
the population as indicated by the;
last previous census. Until the;
present it has been paid bn they;
number of people in Ontario in 1001;
The increased subsidy will be pais'
for the first time next year.
A Michigan Central special trairf�
ran 211 miles from Welland tis.
Windsor, in 172;✓ minutes.
The King and Queee left P1,
mouth on Saturday. efteinoon f•
the Dunbar at Delhi. .
No. 4 local white, 451.2 to 46c. Plour -
Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts,
$5.60; seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat pat-
ents, :> 84.75 to $5; strong bakers', $4.90;
straight .rollers. $4.25 to $4.40; in bags,
$1.95 to $2.05. Rolled oats -Per barrel,
$5.25; bag of 90 lbs., $2.50. Feed barley -
Car lots, ex -store, 82c. Corn -American
No. 3 yellow, 813.4 to 82c. Millfeed-Bran,
Ontario, $23 to $24; Manitoba, $23; mid-
dlings, Ontario, $27 to $28; shorts, Mani-
toba, $25; mouillie, $26 to 832. Eggs -Se -
looted, 261-2 to 280; fresh, 32 to 34c; 110. 1
stook, 221-2 to 24c. Cheese -Westerns, 14
tt! 14.1-4c; Eaeterne, 13 5-8 to 13 7.80. Butter
- thoicest, 27 to 271-40; seconds, 261.4 to
Minneapolis; Nov. 14.-Close-•Wheat-De-
lakes:a Bad Cough Vanish
Quickly -or k alley Back
The Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy
You Ever. Used. Family Supply for
b0o. Saves You $2.
'41'ou have never used anything which
takes hold of a bad Dough and conquers it
so quickly as Pinex Cough Syrup. Gives
almost instant relief and usually stops the
most obstinate, deep-seated Dough in 34
hours. Guaranteed to give prompt and
positive results even in croup and whoop-
ingg cough.
Ylnex isa special and highly conoen-
trated compound of Norway White Pine
extract, rich in guaiacol and other healing
pine elements, A 60 -cent bottlo makes 16
ounces-afamily supply -of the best cough
remedy. that money can buy, at a saving of
$2 Simply Mix with home-made sugar
syrup or strained honey, in a 16 -oz. bottle,
and 1t is ready for use. Rosily prepared in
5 minutes• --directions in package.
Children like Pines Cough Syrup -it
tastes good, and is a prompt, safe remedy
for old or young. Stimulates the appetite
and i$ slightly laxative -both good fea-
tures. A bandy household medicine for
hoarseness, isthme, 'bronchitis, etc. and
unusually effective for incipient iuxt
troubles. Used in more homes in the Uff.
S. and Canada than any other cough
'(sines has often been imitated, but never
successfully, for nothing else will produce
the same results. The genuine is guaran-
teed to give absolute sa lsfaetlon or money
refunded. Certilleate of guarantee is
wrapped ' in each package. .Your druggist
has Pinex or`%vill ggladly et It for you. If
The 13neas �ta, Toronto, Oct.
comber, $1.03 1-8; May, $1.083-4; July,
$1.09; each, No. 1 hard, $1.045.8; No. 1
Northern, $1.041.8; No. 2 Northern, $1.-
01 1-8
1..011.8 to $1.02 1-8; No. 3 wheat, 961.8 to
99 1-8e. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 73c. Oats -
No. 3 white, 45 to 46c. Rye -No. 2, 85c.
Brass -$22 to $22.25. Flour -First patents,
$5 to $5.30; second patents. $4.60 to $4.90;
first clears, $3,50 to $3.85; second clears,
32.40 to $2.80.
Buffalo, Nov. 14, -Spring wheat -No. 1
Northern, carloads, store, $1.083.4; Win-
ter, No. 2 red, 98c; No. 3 red, 96c; No. 2
white, 99c. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 74c; No.
4 yellow, 72c, all on track, through billed.
Oats -No, 2 white. 50 3.4o; No. 3 white,
501-2e; No. 4 whito, 491-4o. Barley-3Ialt-
ing, 31,16 to $1.25.
Montreal, Nov. 14, -Choice steers sold •a.t
3.4a per lb.,; good at $5.50" to $5.60,. fairly
vod at' $5.25 to $5.40;, fair at $4.90 to $5.-
10, and the lower grades : at from: 34- to
$4.75 per cwt. Cows brought from $3.25
to $5, and bulls from $3 to $5 per cwt.
Lambs at $5 to $5.35 per cwt. There was
no change in sheep, the offerings being
small, and sales were made at $3 to $3.'75
per cwt. The market for calves was also
weaker, with sales at from $3 to $10
each, as to size and quality. The mar-
ket for hogs was weaker. and prices
ruled 35 to 40c per cwt. lower.
Toronto, Nov. 14. -Choice heavy cattle
for butcher or export purposes sold from
$6 to $6.26, while good medium cattle
brought from $5.35 to $5.90. Common to
medium mixed cattle' ranged from $4.50
t.� $5.25. Export bulls were firm at $3 to
$5.50. with butcher bulls equally strong
from $2.80 to $5.50. Fat cows brougtt
from $4.75 to $5.50, and lighter sows from
$3. to $4.50. Cannel's were a better sole at
$2 to $2.75. There was also a d el de-
mand for heavy feeders, whie sold 1-trcrg
at $4.50 to $5.25. Choice stockers were a
good sale at $4.25 to $4.75. Lambs and
sheep were practically unchanged. Hogs
were 15 to 25o higher at $6.25 to 85 75,
Caltatdiau Pacific Railway: May
Take Over Government Lands.
A despatch from Ottawa says :
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
' party has opened negotiations with
the Mines Branch of the Govern-
ment to purchase its entire peat
plant at Alfred, Ontario. The com-
pany desires to continue the indus-
try on commercial lines, and supply
the City of Montreal in particular
with peat fuel. It regards the suc-
cuss of the Government experiments
as incontrovertible proof that peat
production in Canada has now be-
come a commercial enterprise of
much importance.
Whitefish May .be Caught in Lake
Erie 1)uring:November'..
HAPPENINGS 1711031 A1,1. OYER,.
Canada, the Empire and the %V'i}r9
is Gcucr'al Before Your
It was 62 degrees above zero 111.
• Toronto and `20 below in Calgary bat
I:, • play.
11 red Graham was sentenced uli
St, Thomas to ton years in th
penitentiary for picking poc'kote,
Another C.P.R. steamer', the
Princess Sophia, has been launched
at Paisley •
Tho .King and Queen douarts.'
from England ';n . Saturday for. the
Durbar at Delhi.
The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour has
resigned the leadership of the
Unionist party in the British
House of Commons
The British Premier, Mr,
A.squith, was present at the annual
Lord Mayor's banquet, and meds
an important pronouncement 00
foreign affairs,
A despatch from 'Ottawa says:
An order -in -Council has been pass-
ed abolishing the •close season for
whitefish during the month of I' o-
vember in the waters'of. Lake lerie
off the counties of Norfolk and El-
Mot, send to , , gin.
A fierce street fight betweez
Arabs and Italians in Tuuis result•
cd in many deaths,
The Turks and Arabs made a de
tcrmined but unsuccessful aasauli
on the Italian lines at Tripoli or
Much Wheat and Flax in Fields Yet
A despatch from Minot, N.D.,
says : Threshing in North-western
North Dakota, where thousands 01
acres of flax and wheat lie in th
fields unthreshed, is at a standstill
as the result of the heavy fall of
snow, The thermometer on Friday
morning registered 9 degrees belom
zero, which is said to be a nem
record for this time of the year it
the State.
Direct Steamship Lino and Trait(
Agonts Promised.
A despatch from Montreal says,
George F. Johnston, who has boot
working to arouse the Oanadiar
manufacturers to go after the trod(
of South America, is back from Oti
tawa with the assurance from tht
Minister of Trade and Commeret
that, if the merchants show that
they are after the trade, he wit
provide a direct South Americas
steamship service, and will appoint
a trade commissioner in each o
the South American countries.
The Empress of Britain Collide
With a Steamer.
A despatch from Liverpool says
The Canadian Pacific Steamshil
Company's steamer Empress o
Britain arrived here on Friday al
ternoon after being in collisioi
with a local steamer off Calf of Mau
a small island in the Irish Sea neat
the southwest extremity of the Isis
of Man, on Friday morning. Thi
liner sustained very little damage
but the .other vessel was less fortu
nate and put into harbor in the Isla
of Man in a waterlogged condition
Stun of $60,000 Already Collected
in MontreaI.
A despatch from. Montreal, saysi
At a meeting of the Board on Con
trot on Thursday afternoon, a let
ter was read from Sir Thomas .>
Shaughnessy, chairman of the com.
mittee, which is collecting funds fot,
the erection of a monument t.
King Edward XII., stating that'
$60,000 had already been collected
and suggesting a civic grant of
$5,000. The board recommended '
such a :grant.
There is More honey in It Than ill
A despatch from Winnipeg save ( '
A serious shortage of milk exists ,
about the city. The Health ants
Food Department is advising farm;
ors that they can make more'mane7;
out of milk than 'they can out of
A merger hes teen formed on 'Odd
natal -el gas companies of woo 010
On tario.