HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-17, Page 5s. 4fr • aDetattD(Iif(11)R100DetaGDel, ODC (1D csa auk 1855co Reserve,jt+utld $':.4¢00,000 p 44,000,009 o - floritreal 1 [Tbe 1 es Capital paid up $4,000,000 met Total Assets over Head Office Incorporated a Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate a Zurich Branch - J. A.. CONSTA.NTINE, Mgr. e9 DIAIIIIDGDMIEDGD42111111DOIDGERID4:100DONNOGDGMIIDGDOMIIDGNIIIMalem Here we Aire -7 oar with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Zurich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see. if Y cant suit you. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light prices low as possible. Laundry in Connection W. H. HOFFMAN Tailor - ZURICH ...ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and .wholesomeness: Our aira is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNCiBLUT Sc DEICBERT. Farmet s That Want + THE BEST Call at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines for themselh es. We also handle Olds Gasoline Engine. Jas. Whyte, Ag't spea DIASt+EY-HARRIS CO ralpaOewDa 1 rfi1110GOatlDa, D0lleDa 00r1100001104 1 t Sit up and Take Notice IWe . have on display our New Prints, and Dress Goods. Almost everything you could iwish for in Spri1ag and 11 Summer wear. IAlso our New Wall Papers, of the latest de - designs at popular pric- es. a Call and Inspect 1 Before Purchasing 1 N. N. DOUGLAS1 , I 1 General Merchant, B L A Ii.E. 2 rhaoirwwaaarsaal9r e,.. ....... EXETER Rev. Dr. Gundy of St - Thomas called on friends here on Sunday. Mr. J. A. Gregory of Battleford, Sask., is at present visiting his mother Mrs. Gregory William St. Mr. Mervyn Huston and bride formerly Miss Irene Grey of London, spent the past week with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. H. L'. Huston leaving on Friday for their home in Ashcroft B. C. Mr. Case Howard of the 3iolsnns Bank staff leas been tranfered from Toronto to London, and spent part of last week at his home here. Mr. George Bissett of Winnipeg, was here in attendance at the funeral of his brother the late W. G. Bissett which took place on Saturday last. Mrs. Eekerston of Buffalo, and Miss Westland of Strathroy, attended the funeral of the, late W. G. Bissett. The anniversary services of the Main St Methodist church was held on Sunday lart. Rev. J. E. J. Millyarcl of Ilensall, being the preach- er. •Mr. Millyard delivered two very profitable addresses which were much enjoyed by those present. The clay beingvery stormy there was not su- large crowds in attendance as isnsual on such occasions. The collections were good amounting to $ 3G.00 with niore.to hear frcriu• Miss Carrie. Ayer is v.aiing friends Norwich, Brantford and Guelph • The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Eli Snell in their sad bereavement in the death of their youngest daughter Miss Mary Alberta which occurred on Monday morning last. Miss Snell has been in delicate health for some time past but her death came as a surprise to her many friends who did not feel the THE PERSIANS. Not Ruled by Caste. but Are ,areat. Sticklers For Etiquette. • The pleasures ot the l'erstans are In the main relined. They nave not many kinds of recreation. Conversa- tion is one of their chief enjoyments. .^ Although a large proportion ot'them` t.. can neither read nor write, 1 lhcin, tr we must call them an Intellec`tnai pen, le. . . They are =unit unguitts - dliye nn: tteJiagelifitttrY it iflr+y :ti...e speak several different [align =.g Is not uncommon to tinct a mitts lido scarcely knows his right- band from his left who can speak two or three' languages fluently. To this number .a' man of any etluc•ation whatever would add two or three more. There is no caste among any of the races found to Persia. A son of Maair• i -Din Shan's butter became bis prime minister; a peasant girt once became the first favorite of this same king's re. You, ooking for a erg'.. n 1"iens Furnish= .,fir,...+.:.+...:• -,-H. .,,.., . ww.p.:. s and ciothin. The temperance people of the Prov- ince are again marshalling their forces i for another attack upon the liquor tr'afiic in the Province of Ontario, and present indications point to a large ; -f-i • number of local option contests, vot- ing to take place on next New Year's' Day. Of the 822 municipalities in the Province, 142. are already "dry". Of t1fe,,y 3Cj,„still; amici, !Bence there are 186 .11•`nere local option bylaws] end was so near. She was in her ander,,,, bl'ratiKe she lifted tier well as 53rd year of her age. the fit,;: was pas -fug through her ea - A quiet wedding was solmnized at tire village sae her beauty eppented the home of Councillon Win. Rivers to the t•nyat t:lnl-y, Mrs. Rivers, on Thursday last, But while there Is no caste the Per- andstnns are In some ways great sticklers when their eldest daughter Miss May for etiquette. The ''/4.1 -Sultan, the old - was united in marriage to Mr. David est and most capable son of Nastr-1- Ross, son of the late Hugh Ross of Din. could not succeed his father en Winnipeg, and formerly of Exeter. the throne because his mother w 19 The young couple left the same day not of royal birth. Ali soctat frac- for their home in Winnipeg carrying tions, moreover, are attended with Oa with them the hest wishes of a host of friends for a life full of happiness and a pleasant journey through life. Andrew Cruikshanks of Winnipeg, was tried atthe assizes at Goderich last week on a charge of having assaulted Miss Francis Davis of Wingham. Some weeks ago while Miss Davis was walking along the sareet in company with a gentleman friend, Cruikshanks passed them. He turned and hurled a file directly at her head. She escaped with slight injury. The file was thrown with such force that it went through a plate class window, into a drug store. He was remanded until Saturday next for sentence. A BARGAIN INDEED. Two cents a week is exactly what it costs to guarantee you the greatest treat you ever enjoyed. That small amount per week, or one dollas a year will secure you the greatest amount c f newspaper reading to be had on this continent. We refer to The Family t: of Montreal, w.ta Herald and iVeekly, by long odds the~ hest family and farm paper printed. In addition to the paper a insist beautiful. premium pic- ture is included. It is entitled Horne Again," and is well worth the dollar alone. No home in Canada, be it ever so rich or ever so poor, can afford to be without this bargain, most rigid ceremonies. and woe to the person who attempts to overstep the bounds which custom bas prescribed, for his rank, -Mary A. Colquboun Los Angeles "rimes. - - The Message In the Box. On a table in the waiting room ot a specialist is an inlaid box. Chan one opens it -and most visitors to the spe- cialist do -u smaller box is found and one not so large inside that. `,phis continues until finally the fast is reached• a tiny thing with a slip of paper tosil's It. On the paper is a sin- gte word. "curiosity." "1 keep it there to amuse waiting patients," explained the specialist. "if there was only one who went through the scale of boxes he ,,might feel sore about it, but he or she leaves the box closed tor the next comer. and when there are quite a Yew in the. waiting room it gets to be a pretty good joke, and 1 can hear laughter as, the latest arrival, gets stung, 1 picked the box up on a trip. to tndla-. nd hap- pened to leave it In the waiting room one day. Now it stays there' all the tinge." --New York Sun, Peg Tankards. The peggingor marking of drinking cups was introduced by St. Dunstan to check the intemperate habits of the times by preventing oneman front taking a larger draft than his coin-. panions. But the device proved the means of increasing the evil it was Intended to remedy, for, refining upon St Du t % lar the most absteml l whether they could R til at Bawden's Old Stand and get a discount of 33 1-8 per cent while the stock lasts. Must all be sold in four weeks more. Everything a nrau or boy wants will be found here. $2.00 Hats for $1.25 Winter caps worth 75c for 50c Sweater Coats, Men's $1.50 Boys' 75c. Self opening umbrellas at 79 each • Underwear, Gloves, Mits, Ties, Scarfs, Pajamas, at the Exeter Bargain Store Dashwoo failed to carry in the voting of 1910 or 1911, and where, therefore, it will be impossible for contests to be broil- I ght on in January next. There are only 244 municipalities under licence in which campaigns are possible.I 'Voting will take place in about one- third of these. It will be seen there- fore, that, although the number •of contests is not as large as in some; previous years, the proportion of con- ' tests to the places open for attack is greater than ever. "1 do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whoop. j ins cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." writes Mrs. Francis; Turpin, „function City, Ore. This remedy is also nnsurpassed for' colds and croup. For sale by all; dealers. yott can got for Half Price, Dress "riiiimings, Lace, Ribbons, Child- ren's Hose, Spices etc, Lots of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes etc. • ri ;,Cut, out this advertisment and bring`itto tits and we will allow five cents for it on a purchase of one ,of our stores. either Over .„ c'toll ar Or ovt, at Bawden's Old Stand urn' ure.b Bargains ;for CO fro ii re'Olte irti t 1 Sewing Machines for'the next The Singer $30 New Williams $2 New Raymond $2 The IMPROVED MODEL that the T. Eaton Co. sell for we will deliver the same m giving yon two weeks trial, for Our Stock of Furnit always complete. Here yol find all the latestdesigns in Ftil at reasonable prices. We have the Telephone Oft our store with 400 connections, you call us up or write us, we the rest. P. McISA.c Furniture and Under =raNO *ONI ar-y a i �ttttF•!. w,r.r. ,,p r NO A oost ON IOP a. . ,r1�a1. 1 *War )•liksexmbio, -Vogt +11 - ,ism, Do you own "PARKYTE"" or a you a Slave to i health A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strd !kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative of epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the' round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed ins any part of home; cost less than a Cent a day', and lasts a lifetime: Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Sipecifre the most Prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities, Over 1ii,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than year. Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada. by aw e;n s S Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Matt. �. ' The' Exeter Bargain Store y p � ns an n i :Branches --Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and N ane( 1. ous were required to drink precisely ea►vers and is sold. by to a peg or pin, wv a er. eB soberly take such a quantityof liquor Exeter A ' eornot, Zurich, o r W .4 011111111111111E11111111 111111110111111111111111 111111111111111110111111 MIN 1111 111111111111111111111 :. 4^- ,; "1.----i, - -� ^`v 1 r r . Why don't some Why don't they keep Because they contain branny particles, too inferior portions of 111t,ie lime pieces of the Which act on one another—that's flours too the oily good much much wheat germ. behave? ? of of — the the may whir At ,�,; > 'N., } , f r 1itfg t?' µ .- ----- �`'-.. f,, ` .. , <4 ID ,co.. ' ,1*�� �h�,�.• Fier tvasd 'I�°fes - '`�, `{v 1,\114 ;1 ` N ; �{'• I ' a ` ' ,`` t�� / W L.� r „AP some flours "work" in FIVE ROSES is the Manitoba spring wheat Free from branny particles Twill keep sound, and necessary. Keep it in a dry place, you 'find it even healthier, fresher, drier than the Buy lots of FIVE ROSES. It keeps. the purest berries. sweet and day sack. and when you extract such longer sounder, bought needed of like. than it. 13 11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 �; i IF o.40q I 1111111111101111111111111111 I D . mii II 11011111111111111111111111111 17 I111iu fi11931 114 i ' D .400, � I/ IIU Illll z�; l�Ill�l•iiidlililfiill�IIuIIIIml�liilfl���llmli[�1= N I, �;�I""':11141H1 11 �III IiI�IIiII�i IUll([�i�Illll�IgIIIUliglllull � i .1605 i l� e! 111111111111111111111 II 1 1111 :„It Jl I 1 1111 111111111111 Illi 11" 111111 MIMI II ill I t 11 l r - }J LAKE O� f.lE MOOD& MILLING COMPANY• Li,.lr o MOn TNEAL d `•� THE PERSIANS. Not Ruled by Caste. but Are ,areat. Sticklers For Etiquette. • The pleasures ot the l'erstans are In the main relined. They nave not many kinds of recreation. Conversa- tion is one of their chief enjoyments. .^ Although a large proportion ot'them` t.. can neither read nor write, 1 lhcin, tr we must call them an Intellec`tnai pen, le. . . They are =unit unguitts - dliye nn: tteJiagelifitttrY it iflr+y :ti...e speak several different [align =.g Is not uncommon to tinct a mitts lido scarcely knows his right- band from his left who can speak two or three' languages fluently. To this number .a' man of any etluc•ation whatever would add two or three more. There is no caste among any of the races found to Persia. A son of Maair• i -Din Shan's butter became bis prime minister; a peasant girt once became the first favorite of this same king's re. You, ooking for a erg'.. n 1"iens Furnish= .,fir,...+.:.+...:• -,-H. .,,.., . ww.p.:. s and ciothin. The temperance people of the Prov- ince are again marshalling their forces i for another attack upon the liquor tr'afiic in the Province of Ontario, and present indications point to a large ; -f-i • number of local option contests, vot- ing to take place on next New Year's' Day. Of the 822 municipalities in the Province, 142. are already "dry". Of t1fe,,y 3Cj,„still; amici, !Bence there are 186 .11•`nere local option bylaws] end was so near. She was in her ander,,,, bl'ratiKe she lifted tier well as 53rd year of her age. the fit,;: was pas -fug through her ea - A quiet wedding was solmnized at tire village sae her beauty eppented the home of Councillon Win. Rivers to the t•nyat t:lnl-y, Mrs. Rivers, on Thursday last, But while there Is no caste the Per- andstnns are In some ways great sticklers when their eldest daughter Miss May for etiquette. The ''/4.1 -Sultan, the old - was united in marriage to Mr. David est and most capable son of Nastr-1- Ross, son of the late Hugh Ross of Din. could not succeed his father en Winnipeg, and formerly of Exeter. the throne because his mother w 19 The young couple left the same day not of royal birth. Ali soctat frac- for their home in Winnipeg carrying tions, moreover, are attended with Oa with them the hest wishes of a host of friends for a life full of happiness and a pleasant journey through life. Andrew Cruikshanks of Winnipeg, was tried atthe assizes at Goderich last week on a charge of having assaulted Miss Francis Davis of Wingham. Some weeks ago while Miss Davis was walking along the sareet in company with a gentleman friend, Cruikshanks passed them. He turned and hurled a file directly at her head. She escaped with slight injury. The file was thrown with such force that it went through a plate class window, into a drug store. He was remanded until Saturday next for sentence. A BARGAIN INDEED. Two cents a week is exactly what it costs to guarantee you the greatest treat you ever enjoyed. That small amount per week, or one dollas a year will secure you the greatest amount c f newspaper reading to be had on this continent. We refer to The Family t: of Montreal, w.ta Herald and iVeekly, by long odds the~ hest family and farm paper printed. In addition to the paper a insist beautiful. premium pic- ture is included. It is entitled Horne Again," and is well worth the dollar alone. No home in Canada, be it ever so rich or ever so poor, can afford to be without this bargain, most rigid ceremonies. and woe to the person who attempts to overstep the bounds which custom bas prescribed, for his rank, -Mary A. Colquboun Los Angeles "rimes. - - The Message In the Box. On a table in the waiting room ot a specialist is an inlaid box. Chan one opens it -and most visitors to the spe- cialist do -u smaller box is found and one not so large inside that. `,phis continues until finally the fast is reached• a tiny thing with a slip of paper tosil's It. On the paper is a sin- gte word. "curiosity." "1 keep it there to amuse waiting patients," explained the specialist. "if there was only one who went through the scale of boxes he ,,might feel sore about it, but he or she leaves the box closed tor the next comer. and when there are quite a Yew in the. waiting room it gets to be a pretty good joke, and 1 can hear laughter as, the latest arrival, gets stung, 1 picked the box up on a trip. to tndla-. nd hap- pened to leave it In the waiting room one day. Now it stays there' all the tinge." --New York Sun, Peg Tankards. The peggingor marking of drinking cups was introduced by St. Dunstan to check the intemperate habits of the times by preventing oneman front taking a larger draft than his coin-. panions. But the device proved the means of increasing the evil it was Intended to remedy, for, refining upon St Du t % lar the most absteml l whether they could R til at Bawden's Old Stand and get a discount of 33 1-8 per cent while the stock lasts. Must all be sold in four weeks more. Everything a nrau or boy wants will be found here. $2.00 Hats for $1.25 Winter caps worth 75c for 50c Sweater Coats, Men's $1.50 Boys' 75c. Self opening umbrellas at 79 each • Underwear, Gloves, Mits, Ties, Scarfs, Pajamas, at the Exeter Bargain Store Dashwoo failed to carry in the voting of 1910 or 1911, and where, therefore, it will be impossible for contests to be broil- I ght on in January next. There are only 244 municipalities under licence in which campaigns are possible.I 'Voting will take place in about one- third of these. It will be seen there- fore, that, although the number •of contests is not as large as in some; previous years, the proportion of con- ' tests to the places open for attack is greater than ever. "1 do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whoop. j ins cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." writes Mrs. Francis; Turpin, „function City, Ore. This remedy is also nnsurpassed for' colds and croup. For sale by all; dealers. yott can got for Half Price, Dress "riiiimings, Lace, Ribbons, Child- ren's Hose, Spices etc, Lots of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes etc. • ri ;,Cut, out this advertisment and bring`itto tits and we will allow five cents for it on a purchase of one ,of our stores. either Over .„ c'toll ar Or ovt, at Bawden's Old Stand urn' ure.b Bargains ;for CO fro ii re'Olte irti t 1 Sewing Machines for'the next The Singer $30 New Williams $2 New Raymond $2 The IMPROVED MODEL that the T. Eaton Co. sell for we will deliver the same m giving yon two weeks trial, for Our Stock of Furnit always complete. Here yol find all the latestdesigns in Ftil at reasonable prices. We have the Telephone Oft our store with 400 connections, you call us up or write us, we the rest. P. McISA.c Furniture and Under =raNO *ONI ar-y a i �ttttF•!. w,r.r. ,,p r NO A oost ON IOP a. . ,r1�a1. 1 *War )•liksexmbio, -Vogt +11 - ,ism, Do you own "PARKYTE"" or a you a Slave to i health A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strd !kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative of epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the' round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed ins any part of home; cost less than a Cent a day', and lasts a lifetime: Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Sipecifre the most Prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities, Over 1ii,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than year. Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada. by aw e;n s S Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Matt. �. ' The' Exeter Bargain Store y p � ns an n i :Branches --Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and N ane( 1. ous were required to drink precisely ea►vers and is sold. by to a peg or pin, wv a er. eB soberly take such a quantityof liquor Exeter A ' eornot, Zurich, o