HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-17, Page 4«' I Ur ' ROWN
tilI $;: IL STOOK
'Ratio. Glaris, of Oredi-
ern, ip agent for this distriot for
D. Smith's well known Nur.
zsees Stock. At present Mr.
&:Berk hes to offer a full line of
3 VINES, and small fruits, also
PxPriceses and iatfuri�iat will
be furnished cheerfully, and free
of oharge. Intending ruches-
ei's are advised to send
in their
orders at once, while there is a
full stock of everything on hand. +
bice 3••4••a••l+ •3 3••9••3• ••4••1•fi.•i.•:.d.•h etee.
Agent, Creaiiton.
C�y'y`f �� Gnllrt 7,urieb No, 1240
. Cpm S� a meats every lst and 3rd
frhureday of each month at 8 o'eloek p. m.
in the A. 0. U. W. Hall.
J. J. Mamma, C. R.
..0.1J. . Rickkse3 Lodge
Iv'o. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4.th Friday of every month,
tib 8 o'clock, in their Ball, &lerner Block.
Fast,. WiTwsx ,M. W
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
oto. Goderioh, Canada 'W. Proudfoot.
K„ C. R. 0. Flays, J. L. Killoran.
Bales eoedueted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terme
reasonable. Orders left at this office
will be promptly attended to.
ee ageuL, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Ouardiau. Every
thing iii fire insurance.
Building Homes in New Countries
—The Old Folks Are Left
Scotland is being drained of her
ry n
1 ods a
i 1 n tt �.
life's blood. I'
the Lowlands the e -' ,'etc are be-
ing, left in• loneliness, and by their
hearths.ides they are thinki ig wist-
fully of the bairns who once played
around them. There is silence new
in many Scottish hoaxes. The foot-
steps of the ..young folk no longer
clatter up from the village street
or ,crush the scent out• of.,the pur-
ple heather en the hillsides. The
bairns have grown up into tall men
and women, .and they have listened
to the voice which is calling away
the sturdiest sons and the tallest
lasses of Scotland. They have fol-
lowed the call .and have gone to
build new horses in the Far '`Brest,
while the old folk sit with clasped
hands, hugging remembrance,
which is a cold and ghostly thing.
For hundreds of years Scotland
has sent out her sons in search of
fortune. Too barren is the soil to
nourish those who have ambition.
Never has there been elbow room
enough for Salts who have the
:spirit of adventure. Wherever,
is the old days, there was a crown
to defend, a chivalrous course or a
nation in arms, the ,Scot might be
found' among the been -at -arms or
in the King's bodyguard or by the
side of a man fighting for athrone
and kingdom. They trooped over
the border southward to London,
and in spite of their broad Scots
speech and the trecial hostility of
the English they helped to build up
the trade of the city nd ' t
he em-
pire. They followed the flag and
carried the flag to far colonies, as
pioneers of exploration, as farm-
ers, as backwoodsmen and ranch -
men. In Australia and New Zea-
land and South Africa and Canada
11R, F. A. S.ELLF:ktY, DENTIST, GRA- they kept their Scottish habits and
dilate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto 'University, Paiialess extraction_
of teeth. Plats work a speciality. At
Dominion Uoase„'Zurich, .every Maui,.
t day rw 7-26
brave to bid then' be.stayNett-ho)ries. yEARs AG0 responding teeth of modern man
So Scotland is being dtsiiled of A � ,� � The plates are of scale and made to
its life blood, and (naiads, ,glean es compare the two stes. The' teeth
with wide eaaabracirag arms :the rnen shown ere ; .
whorl she +weeds so ninth, the men . Top . From the upper law; first':
of her future greatness, ;the, men ei ` i 'Molar, second left premolar,
n the second left molar.
who will fill up her gi t•taa 'i-a�l�y of a
loneliness with the intlastra and Bottom.: Lower jaw, second right
the solid eharacte' and the otrorig„ molar,, seeond right incisor, left
brave spirit .of the Seottit;h ee. dsaifiee, first le 1;'prernolar, second'.
Canada already is a tr'artsteaeit"ed left pr•crnol.tr`; and second left
Scotland. It is. the Seell,g:el of apolar.
the stmerican continesit.. . kre' clap The most astonishing thing '.bout
is strewn with Seu, Lisle•; chane- these teeth is their tremendous
names, The pioneers ands ;tiers I rah roots, revealing the great Strength
have given to the niountaia teteses of this primitiveenan s jaw muscles.
the name of Highland glee-. i incl, h 1 It is fear to believe that
in the great farmsteads t. the y his muscular system was in keep -
West, in its great apple t r`a ,.zrds, ing. It will be not..'d that the'
on its city offices, 'rnen ,epe.t.l See the teeth are less share than these of
tongue of Aberdeen cif • €liteaow, . THE MODEii. MAN,
Matt Seems to Rave Been roved
That Island of Jersey.
Io�v 'old isan anyhow'? For
seaturies - no Christian questioned
the biblical dates, which make
uhnen . race near' 5,672 years old
and the world onlya few days
;itis senior. Then science began to
question the authenticity of these
dates and soon decided for itself
that the earth was 'somewhere e
teseen 20,000,000 and • 300;000,000
”likewise- built
rap, a timetable of the coming and
going of species and races uponthis
ancient ••s Here, making man most
model>rn of -all, though probably the
eVo.luted product of aldose species.
• Thee length of tnan s tenure on
the. earth came next to be a matter
for study. • Soon diggers in the
earth began to find skulls and
bones, which, by the aid of geo-
logy, archaeology and paleonto-
logy, were set down as belonging
to•pedples of much earlier than our
histories treat. Soon the scientific
began to epeak of the ncolithi man
of 10,000 or so years ago, says the
Chicago Tribune. At the time this
was considered an extreme age,
was received great skepticism, and
not credited until skulls and bones
said to belong to much elder speci-
mens of the human race were dug
Soon it was generally= recognized
that man probably had been on
earth some 20,000 years. A skull
found in Germany was dated at
40,O0Q years, and for a long time
wits considered
Naturally, much digging in old
piles, canes and ruins resulted. and
the estimated age of the discover-
ies has been growing constantly
of theJ Highlands . and Tsatelands; yet that they were beginning to
They have gone away fr�rrlh • the old 1 b take on the form necessary for
soil, but always these exiles re- , earnivorous feeding. Probably
member the country of their birth v owls old. Seieilce b '1t from this should be read t Fte tdheory
or of their forefathers with. ite Gil.- that this early man was learning to
during love as deep as thee of :the eat more and more meat and that
Irishman for thee Emerald Isle, li 8 his ancestors at even some more
deeper, perhaps, then the l.,nglish remote period had been vegetal. -
colonist for the Mother Country. 1 ians. He had learned the use of
fire ; he had mastered the brute by
making Weapons. He was, in
other words, a man.
If these readings of science are
right; if the estimate of half a
million years is not extreme, what
are we to conclude about the real
antiquity of man? This estimate
moves a lean who knew the arts of
firing and cooking food and mak-
ing weapons back into the .early
pleistocene, When, in the old geo-
logies, nothing but the earlier
fortes of higher menials were credit-
ed with existence. If the man of
this period knew how to make fire
and send an arrow on its journey,
how long ago must it have been
that man was a genuine, cowering
primitive, eating roots and berries
and slowly lifting himself froria
the terror of the greater brutes by
dint of his better mind?
Only a few years ago We believed
that arrows and st-one weapozis
were the creatures of the last few
thousands of years. We thought
that cooked food was a compara-
tively modern idea. Possibly some
of us believed that Prometheus
really had filched fire from heaven
for us some 3,000 or. 4,000 years
But no' A blunt -toothed savage,
dwelling in a cave and hibernating
in the winter like a great, sluggish
bear, burned his. wood and made
his weapons• and cooked his food
half a nn),Ilic,n years. dewn the baste
ref the' tvrannou s 'past. Sic ,transit
e•a �T �I
The. Race Originated ret 'Northern
That interesting race,: the Maori,
has not always lived ixt Nett Zeta,.
land. There is, says ii waiter in
Forest and Stream, excellertt e vid-
cpee in their Own hiatorieal'and
genealogical records to .show that
they came there from '_other mid -
Pacific islands about tile titelfth
century. -
The Polynesian race; of ztla eb the
Maoris, Hawaiians, Sram`oan ', and
some ether islanders are br ail, hes,
has been traced back tot ak l.rerlx-
able origin in northern Lid`aa acid
it is in no degree relate.cl ttv ;he.
negroid races of Australia.tef
the "black" islands 'of the .l:a'l5re.
Trace., of its visits to ' the: as est
coast cif the Auierican• dont1 "nt
have been found, and Charles ol-
son, of \Vhakarevvareeit, an r.t.rtu-
logist and philologist' of rare".;lt-
able attainments, who spent at greater.
in searching the globe for o pia , es It seemed the limit had been
reached less than a year ago when
British' scientists announced the
discovery of a skull and other hones
of the origin and wanderings' +,f
the Maoris, deeler'es that lies +ts
found in the Smithsonian Iix�t tit
Scottish speech and Scuttis"' char- tion evidence thee point" to tl ,'1 wh lse owner must have walked the
acter, and scattered the Empire penetration even to the l ia'';,• earth 100,000 years ago. Strange
with their homesteads, and waiter it Mountain. regio of to say, this dieclara.tion was recall,-
-'t 1 it homesteads, and watered b race 'that icopled this e. < with : 1 •s"disbelief '` •h-
1t•itl the1, 1h ane. the }. 1 t } �.,1 th ..t'� than the orig.
rad lstiff ned .',tis ;tt,- »<,0,040 10
backbi;:�ifMJl:rb litiC�s::st E` H e t t ,,0,0
� •a
x✓ 4
b ac klIottt"_„..., '„ a.
-'Vi .ra+^ W .
'Gt, ^
t• �- ni . - t tt er last lit a�ndt -
T.. i3o:tiii..,e�I'i; ” . emrgry�taora: ts�'1•t��„ -. r . '' .. .,,, ..•- �;'lit "'�fr��4k; c,kl' 11c° a cr tlt-e
. 3'baske tors,a•nd''hadl .,ahle'd t9 r'.
A, 71�Gl,.Lit., CQIh`�)a'S'ANC'Elt ASD a new tale. It goes to the y _• .1 fi0:0Ot1'•yt!n.i. .girl meal, ettri},es the
Notary 'Public.' Deeds,, Mortgages, unfolding of the modern world. in their canoes centnriet,"ei ,:re.tbh announcement front -'the island of
Wills and other Legal 1'.rocuniente ogre first European crossed the t:ta" till,. 'Jersey that part of a skull, some
One of the first Maori Panties : to. teeth, some arrow heads, and
reach New Zealand Was tete l,raw a., other implements have lately been
Yet the tale now has reached a new
and startling •chapter. For dur-
ing the past few years this tide of
fully and promptly prepared. Office --
Zeller block, Zurich, Out.
�, emigration from Scotland ltas' One of the clans or tribes takes its
B.W.F. I�Ia=�-�' L��� � swelled anti btuadc.ue d Into a great, %
name from that craft, and ire-
intsting, impetuous ta)1'1'ent. The S sate in oral history the nione� ot
t,ieensec1 Auctivarebr for County of Sone of Scotland are leaving their ; the captain and .erect The At alta;
.Theron. Sales conducted in the most native soil not singly, but in bat- i is the :Mayflower of Ma tri, history.
tpproved manner'. Satisfaction guar- talions• The new census returns; the descendants of the peoi�le who
ppreveal a desolatetl country with' contitnted her crew and peeseng
Urcd t, StarDtatus can be made at the deserted villages and abandaned • errs are the blur bloods of the ,aace.
•Qxeclitorl or at Btargain
{ parishes. Even in the towns the W'ithout compass er knowledge, of
I3argaiti Store, Exeter. artisans are leaving their factories l astronomy, how did these -iltardy
-"4.4 .,„.-.. and besieging the emigration offices ` sailors find their way across : the
i4'4 t �•��"�4 , c`•t td • t' `"�'�'t•'�•t'"� for cheap pas'a;es to Canada. vast waste of water: in Seteels
-t ., & ,, fashioned from the hallrTwed •tnitnks
�t� l i> '�SON CANADA GETS 1;,Ui J .1 YI:;�It.: ,,f trees? That is a gnvstien that
There are amazing figures which has puzzled and amazed all who
' will strike eltarp' arrows into tlhe' have. sought to learn the origin• of
hearts of Scotsmen who have pride the Maorie, and who have dtraped
lin their eountr;y'•s history had a, therir course front India and. the
I love for its soil. In. ten years a; Malay Archipelago througla. Poltr-•
quarter of a million people hace i nesia to New Zealand. Trtuda;'their
canoes were stanch 'and eentverthy
craft, some ef them eighty tie, one•
hundred feet in •length; a,td t•Wo of
them, lashed together in the ntitri-
ner of a catamaran, could weather
the fiercest storrils'of - the a Indiar2
Conveyancers, Insurance Agents
'rdllephonc•--Office le, house 1b.
**4.444-+-;,+++++++44.+++++.1“ -•F,.1•
ri been drained from a population of
five millions. Canada alone ab -
.sorbs Scotsmen at the rate of 17,-
i 000 a year, and this year will see
a large increase above this figure.
{ EEast Lothian, the most
;yen in
as o len, e
prosperous and fertile province in Ocean and early pieiv-isser4
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land I hentland there axe cieel eases in cie t long voyages. It is l,fle xvat tls,tt tlth'
Regulations. I population in half the towns and 11Ian1'ia provisinne'd •thenr '41'111.48
with . tuber l 1 z t�ktt~.
11 I l barren districts chiefly a It c 1 resembling -mate
r n”
' person who is the sole head o. al
,,N% '1 r1•
depopulation ulatro
family, or any male aver 18 years old, p F
vi ages. n more
Iar n •. ' ' s street• notal', which they lrroglht
c n has been more swift to et,vv Zealand, and that. #hire• Clu-
msy floniesteed a onarter-eectton of avail f aud more tragic. It is true 'to say i rigid' stater in bamboo loge that
sable Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask. :that only the old people and the in -were laid in the bottom cif the;
atehewan or Alberta. The applicant must I firm and the very poor have been canoe and thus servedtt,o as'lxallase
impose in person at the Dominion Lands left behind in villages tvltirlt tell
Agency or club -Agency for the district. I But how did they find .tlseir .way.
Entry by proxy may be matte at any twenty years ago were full of busy and what definite ptir•11ose did then
aggency, on certafrt conditions, by father, ' life and lusty manhood.,
have when they put to sea and
mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister of The voice of the, Canadian ad- pushed hardily into the vast an -
intending homesteader, vertiser ealls loudly in the ears of 'mown
Duties. --Six months' resieleene upon and
onitivatiou of the land in each of three
''ofrrs. A homesteader may live withinFnine
milds of his homestead on a farm of at leash
80 acres solely .owned and occupied by him
er by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing tray lyre-ompt a quarter•see•
Oen alongside his homestead. ''rice 53.00
per acre. Duties --Most reside six months
In each of six years from date of homestead
entry (ineludingthe time rrquired to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader who has exbatrsted bis
homestead right and cannot obtain a pre.
dtmptIon may take as purchased homestead
Price In certain districts. 1 rice X3,00 per acire.
Duties. -.Must reside six months hi each of
three years, cutttw'nte fifty acres Anel treat
a house worth 5:100.00.
W. 'tit'. i7.OILY,
1)ei,uty of the Minister of the Interior.
N. 13.---Yllin,uthoriied publication of this
Advorlirninout will not 00 pain tor.
Scottish people
where, pasting
pictures of the
every hoarding
dtig up there, and that they seen
much earlier and cruder than any
heretofore discovered. Students
who have examined the relics and
the soil in which they were found
have estimated the period at which
this man lived at about 500,000
years ago.
In the. cliffs of La C't tte, Saint
Brelade's bay, Jersey, was found
the primitive eave dwelling which
'sheltered this ancient man. The
excavations were conducted by the
Societe Jersaise, a scientific and
lnstnrieal seeiety. 5o that the pos-
sibility of fraud or mistake seems
remote. The most primitive sort
of flint in'truments and chippings
was found ill profusion and they
-are without exception Mousterian.
From the nature, of the human re-
mains, the character of the soil and
rack covering the ancient habitat
it is believed that he by far ante-
dated any of the fossil remains of
peen yet dug up. The cliffs at the
point are about 200 feet high and
covered with bowlders of cunsid-
enable size. The point of land it-
self' is cleft by a ravine with al-
most vertical walls, and it was in
also sides +'if this gorge that the cave
was found, With its mouth .some 60
feet above mean tide level.
Before the eecavat'ions began the
rave teaks almost filled with lateral
drift ef clay and smaller bowlders.
From the nature of the remains and
their surroundings the.. scientific
parties Which have visited the spot
have assigned the Memo Brelad-
cnsis, to the earlier plei•stocene
• He goes every- A very interesting 'dem, is: ad -
his richly colored vanced by'B•ichard Henry., the got'
Golden \crest upon eminent caretaker on lltsoluti+eta,
He plucks the Island. a recently estahiislhod 'bird
artisan by the sleeve, and says,
"Canada and : a ., rich life are
waiting for you,'y He leans over
the gate of the peasant -farmer and
says, "Why scratch and serape at
barren soil? Come away to the fat
lands of the Far West,"
sanctuary in the' Pacifi.e Ike be-
lieves that the seal frshety, which period. When most of the rubble
in ancient times extended; all aver had been removed. from the floor
the South Pacific, led tllests ;Daly=
nesian mariners from island ,to isl-
and, from breeching -phaco' o breed-
ing -plane, till the flyingt ea,It,r41.14
the .steadily blowing. ta`ad'Cewnfds
carried it tribe of them; to' „Neth,
Zealand, in which ,'xiletteneit:., land
they settled, thrived a,1tdl nwtil.tirll•
The ttheety ii hl4ustiblea. Qti it is
AO a .
a n � o .s 5
based pain 'eon n
known to have existed i t ehe pest.
a:nd supplies an intellfgil l .motive
for migratiotil:.. across ;b ,+ , gr•e,ttt;;
13y 3 ening• and active and ambiti-
ous men these flaming pictures, this
incessant voice, cannot be
They gaze across the .purple moor,
and give a heavy sigh, for they are
loath to leave old Scotland; but
olio :day they waik round to the
shipping office, and at last they say
good bye to the another vt ho ie toe
ete arli1' •)
HAT- ' - PAY •A 5
Boos'. EnsoN$ KILLED, ()vow
.27,000' 11341SURI »...
Heavy Deral3 '':will the Cost of Teo'
fi Mach Speed—Better'
Laws Needed.
We take pride in the wealth of our.
natural resources, our general dss-.
enterprise 4
o est. the
'vel m
la s.
'people, and the extent of *ix
rosperity. We boast of our time
saving methods, rapidity of a'' tions. •
and- of our American hustle, Bays
the Monetary Times We Weems)
John Bull plodding along, slowly,
apparently doing business an double
the time it takes us to do it. gins.
short, we are speedier and we aro
proud to be first-class exponents of
that North American art, hustle.
What price do we pay for the boastt4
Hare, at a glance is a section of
the bill of cost.
In four years Milled by : Steam
railways, 2,049 pereons ; electric
railways, 301; industrial accidents,
5,296; fires, 9,072; total, 8,'73.8.
Injured by steam railways, 7,344;
electric railways, 8,296; industrial
accidents, 10,444; fires (estimated)
1,908; total 27,992.
In the past four years there have
been killed an injured in Canada
45,428 persons on our railways,• by
industrial accidents, and by fires.
This is at the rate of 11,357 per an-
num. In other words, every day
during that period six persons have
been killed and 19 inured, about
one killed or injured cv'r, hour of
the tvrenty-four, This appalling
record too, applies to only the few
cases mentioned.
If Statiatio
could be obtained of all fatalities
and injuries in the Dominion, the
bill of cost would have a still more
serious appearance.
Many, if not the majority ` of
these accidents, can be traced to
earelesr~ness or eelflshncss. The
desire to achieve big results in
the shortest possible time at the ex -
perm of efficiency is a nationial
trait which the country May well
take immediate ste pe to obliterate
The evil of, , dollar and; dividend
Great Britain Is the Chief l9faret
For Russian Trade.
Some idea of the magnitude of
the egg trade in Russia can be ob-
tained from the exports, which in
1910 amounted to $32,799,835, the
number of eggs sent out of the
country totalling 2.998,000,000, as
compared with 2,845.000,000, valued
at 532,039,180. in 1909.
Great Britain was the largest
purchaser, taking during the year
eggs worth $13,098,010 ; Germany
$3,380,210; Austria-Hungary, $5,-
868,425 ; Denmark, $402.215; other
countries, $4,050,475. The average
price at Riga, the principal egg
market, was $11.13 a thousand. It
is believed that 5100,000,000 is a
kw estimate of the value of eggs
produced annually in Russia;
some go so far as to double those
figures, but there aw, no official
data upon which to base an esti-
Poultry raising is an important
industry in Ireland. In the year
1909, in addition to the home con-
sumption, $4,171,933 worth of poul-
try and 513,933,864 worth of eggs
were exported, and the industry is
believed to be increasing.
In many localities where the soil
is too poor for crops farmers have
found that the return from poul-
try raising has amply made up for Man- a fellow is afraid to pro-
pose to a girl for fear Mt»O melt.
say yes.
iti the forward end of the cave a
hearth was found, containing a
small amount of wood ashes. In
corner was found a mass of
brine Nand teeth, including the re-
mains of reindeer, woolly rhino-
ceros, and several other animals,
What the further excavations of the
cave will show is not easy to fore,
nresenting these facts ithotlt
this. most ancient of men, there Are
,glycal: two plate. showing teet7'a of
the Homo Breladensis foetid among
the : !semen remains, and the eor-
hunting, rn arnicas tsf' deetritetron
iti inti wake til �a mextare to +f ineal: 0
pragrttss arid: credit.
The .writer'heard; rail :'�e"rtr£!?lla.
admit tFhat' a certain strrue'tur
wiaioh had heel" criticized . "might
fall in three!: years' time, . with pose,R
sibly serious loss of life., Railroad
contractor's were laying new steal
recently at a record-breaking pace,
while a big crack in the concrete
abutment of a bridge was allowed
to wait, deepite the fact that work
trains used the bridge daily. Care-
lessness with live wires, reekleso
driving of automobiles ---in a thous-
and ways we violate the first prin-
ciples of a civilized community.
The reasons for the existence of
such conditions are due largely to
tiveindividual, corporate and legisla-
tive carelessness. We need, better
laws for the protection of life and
property, and the strict enforce-
ment of such laws. If the Imperial
Board of Trade, for instance, hat
to deal with the question of our
railroad fatalities, as they do in
Great Britain, their action for re-
form would be drastic enough to
startle us in no sliglff, degree. We
can therefore afford to emulate
John Bull in his thoroughness of
work and his regard .for life. Ulti-
mately his results are better, safer
and more durable than ousts,
American hustle takes the vitality
net of °"^ 'en and in • more
seteS than Ocie. 1Wl
the lack of productive sail, and r
they are turning their attention
more and more to this industry.
England is the chief market, and
transportation facilities to that
country are such that quick. and
cheap deliveries can be made..
According to the latest available
statistics there are 20,412,257 'dom-
estic fowls in Japan, valued at
54,145,171. The number of eggs
produced is given at 63,760,000
dozers. valued at $7,159,310. Jap-
an, however, cannot supply its own
demand for eggs, importations in
1910 amounting to 11,535,153 pounds
valued at 5767,912, almost entirely
from China.
'Now, '' enid. the warden to' the
forger, who had just arrived at the
orison,orison,r-r tvc I1 set you to work.What ciin yes do. hent'!
"Well, if you'll give Inc a week's
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