HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-17, Page 3111 IIVIIiII IIIIIIIIIII IIII111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 111111111111 IIIIp111gIIIIgIiIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIII11IIlUIIIIImffiIUIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIuI011millllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll111111 IIII 11111 tom = 'At ;,i `A I11111111111111111m111111ffllHt 111111111IIiIllhI JImIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIm11111111111111111111111111111111�111II1111III1I111111111111111IIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111; To busy man time is money. Why waste it? The old way of shaving is slow. It's unsafcl, too -you play gash yourface any day. Besides saving tune, the GILLETTE SAFETYRAZOR saves your face. With it you can shave as fast as you like -no cuts -no scratches. Ark your dealer to show you the GILLET'T'E. If he has not the goods or our catalogue, write us. We will see that you. are supplied. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, Office and Factory, 63 St. Alexand er St., Montreal. NO STROPPING NO HONING {; to ih il- il- in )11 as in g, iso h lg is 30, Ip - est ore Len si- Ase god on ere ted Lncl tad ght. eel; dip. stir adi- not [41fl the/ rl1.3�. in I'; 11111111111111iI111111111N91111U11I11H1111111I1111111I1111O 311 The GILLETTE Standard Set: triple silver - plated razor end 1 doz. blades, 5. zeos. '^WN TH%" 0 OVER '1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111. AK8ll3 SAFE INVESTMENTS SOME FEATURES OF INVESTING IN Ml3NICiPAL BONDS. Safety of This Form of Security, Deserv- tdiy Popular In Canada, is very High Class -Danger only in Communities Where Population is Decreasing -Legal Investigation Necessary, But This Al- ways Done by Purchasing Bond Houso- Western°school Issues are Safe. The articles contributed by "Investor" are tor the sote puri,use of guiding pros- pective investors, and, if possible of say. ing them from losing money through placing it in "wild -cat" nterprises. The Impartial and reliable character of the information may be relied upon. The Writer of these articles and the publisher of this paper have no interests to servo in connection with this matter other than those of the reader. By those who value safety above all other investment qualities, Canadian municipal bonds are veld in very (and deservedly) high esteo:,:. In all the history of Canada there have peon so fow oases or repudiation of utu;nclpal obligations that. thitr danger.-a•1tt:.ys present in the -ease of United 'States cities -may be en- tirely "ignored. The great, safety of municipal bonds n atuslly resulted in these returning email yield. 'and so we have the se. Verities of the Oils* of Toronto selling to yield the investor Iess than four per cent. 4b, price well above 'that at which New York city bonds Se11. A municipal bozld, .however, aannot be purchased with safety by one entirely un- aotivainted with the bond business. Tho primary investigation into 'an issuti of any municipality is, of course, to see whether or not the town or city has power to issue such bonds, and then it is necessary to determine whether all the necessary legal formulae have been fol- lowed in passing the necessary by-laws, eto. These investigations arc usually car - tied on on behalf of the purchasers by a lawyer skilled in this sort of work, and are a very necessary feature in order to prevent loss; for wore the boucle issued illegally it is quite possible that by the time they were due the mistake would have beau discovered and then it would be illegal for the municipality to redeem them. Of course. in most instances. the necessary legal machinery would be op - orated to overcome this difficulty, but it relight happen that in some cases the citizens would he glad of an excuse for not paying the bill. Bence. the care al- ways exercised. It is for this . reason that in all circular advertisemonts of municipal bonds you will note, under each issue advertised. the words. "Legal opinion of a Lawyer," which means that tho said lawyer has passed on the legality of the issue. Municipal bonds are secured by the. taxable property in the munieipalitY - they are, in fact, an indirect first lien upon such property. The interest and final repayment is met out of taxes, and the obligation of the municipal bond is legally enforcible before all other mort- gages or other liens. It is this that makes rho bond so safe, for it is only in the ease of the utter destruction of a muni- cipality, or its diminution in population to a vanishing point. that there is danger of loss. The only recent oases of this sort occurred when. Campbellton, N. B., and Cochrane, Ont., were wiped out by fire, But the respeetive Provincial Governments stepped 'in and • prevented lees" l;q:the bond holders by guaranteeing the interest for w 'suffioieut ,'tube to "'liable these 1,Q'i urs to get o�i their fest •. ncd more. •. Tho c i'o stela..-•9atety, the Cdna- r' fc1+e as g dian municipal bond -that is legally ie. sued, and, of course, for a proper pur- poso, stands in an exceptionally high plane, provided, of course, it is not is- sued by a community that is rapidly de- clining in population or -as in the case of a mining town -one iu which this may occur at any time. In the case of some western rural coin. munities and growing towns and villages there is a strong tendency to over -esti. mate the town's future, so that there is possible a danger of over -valuing the pro- perty of the town, and so "boosting" the assessment- Moreover, many of these towns are in the mining camp stage -in danger of being vacated by the popula- tion if something more promising turns up .777..777777. ,.r; , ‘ 1 ,.In •4..` - D'estiim,ni1 ll •raseualts: .� `� ' 4.i-rs., `) 111\ �, 'i 1� I n• Alis iP '� G\ - .�- r/1a� 4 �1,`- '' � k7 4lim , r 1 ii•b ,y�.�t«4►: f� .. f ,, f-�''�� `i� a ..f* '•'.' _nessef ' ,I Essential , •, � I" t - fig t Col.,fort g+�g+p�i�tt��l t ' R'x j EC lit R O t j fix S7,14 ()USELESS 7 `ic, EiTE: CF 0,,'� 1°. ,Y. r{ `�� . �n I. , ;..4' fortaWle in your sgo1 The . Perfection quickly. h is filling --no more no pipes, no wires, The heater • hisyear's 't' tn•mmin s • light and "g , g easily cleaned. Automatic The Warmth is essential to con- fort. As you grow older, it is hardly less essential to health. Get a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, and you keep warm and corn.. dome, no matter what the weather without. gives a strong, widespread heat, and gives it t, always ready for use and burns nine hours on a single ft trouble than a lamp. It can be carried anywhere; no flues; no smoke, odor or dirt. that gives connpleto satisfaction.. JS: Perfection is finished in either blue enamel or lain viae! : nickel •� `; p ental, •yet strong. and durable as can be made. AU parts Itr ornamental; -locking flame spreader prevents smoking.. $l; Deaticrsover/where ; or write es any agency of � Queen City Oil Company, Limited :,� fi: ,.,`-�.._rt,mvGWwhY d!{7AkY+:tW4MWe ..0 x ..hr •..... •.i \...1,...lar:.ti , —.•.�sa...3+n....s. m-,_.� .lsewhere: Those issues, However, are mall and seldom handled iiy reputable vend dealers, as bond dealers are very jealous of their reputations. In the case of Western Canadian school listriets the security is in no such pos- sible danger, The security is farm land and the issue, ,like all municipal issues, is limited to a small proportion of the value of the taxable property. Ill the .ase of the school district bonds the limit of taxation is usually but a few tieuts' au acre. (Next week Investor will deal with other features of municipal bonds.) BEWARE OF BLOOD -POISON Zatn=Buk Is A, Sure Cure. Mr. Jas. Davey, of 786 Ellice ,A:ventte, Winnipeg, says :--"A few months since I was cured if a poi- soned finger through the timely use of Zara-Buk. "I cut a deep gash across the knuckle on the first finger of my' right hand in opening a lobster can. I suffered at the time with the sane- ness and pain, but had no idea it would become a serious wound. However, in about two days my whole hand and arm to the •elbo'ty became inflamed, and the finger was much discolored, showing aligns of blood -poisoning. "I then decided to start the Zam- Buk treatment, and having first bathed the cut, I applied the heal- ing balm. It soothed the pain al- most instantly. "In a week's time, through per- severance with Zarin-Buk, a eom- plete cure was brought about." Zam-Buk is just as good for ec- zema, ulcers, scalp sores, abscesses, piles, ringworm, boils, varicose ul- cers, running sores, cold sores, chapped hands, etc. Use it, too, for cuts, burns, bruises and all skin injuries. Zaln-Buk Soap should be used in conjunction to the balm for washing wound% and sore places. Excellent to for baby's bath. All druggists and stores sell Zama Buk at 50c. box and Zam-Buk Soap at n5c. tablet. Post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Toronto. 4 TESTED RECIPES. Minced Turkey in Potato Cups. - Mince fine some slices of cold roast turkey, add•a little dressing to°give flavor and moisten with gravy, Pre-, pare somenicei easonec rel •'he .,pets:tee.. et., foral"t the.centers with a. spoon. Fa 1 Wit turkey mixture and set in even till heated through. Garnish with pars- ley and serve with giblet loaf. Cranberry Pie -Mix well together two level tablespoonfuls of corn- 'istarch, one cupful of sugar, a pinch of salt, moisten with a little. cold water and cook five minutes. Add one-half cupful of raisins, seeded and chopped, and one and a half' cupfuls of chopped cranberries. Simmer for fifteen minutes, pour into a baked crust, cover with the white of an egg beaten stiff with one tablespoonful of sugar, and brown lightly in the oven. This pie has the flavor of cherries. Fig and Prune Pudding.-One- NEURALGIA udding.One- %dal thea. mini; .leaves which have been waelied, dried, aril chopped line, ' Strain when eat, keeping the juice that runs through first separ- ate' eparate' from that which is pressed through, as the first juice makes the clearer jolly Measure the juice and add equal parts of sugar in the proportion stated; boil to the jelly state. A: -short tilne before it is done add the lemon juice and color paste, Quince and Apple Jolly. -Cut the apple til large pieces, the quince very. small, as it tales longer cook ing' than the apple if otherwise pre- pared. 0. ok with a little water un- til soft. Strain, add ecl•la' pri,por- t4ons of sugar and cook tc the jelly state•, skimming frequently. Tl'x7NGS WORTH KNOWING. If. your iron sticks rub it o'l brown paper which has been previously rubbed with yellow soap. Your ,starch will not stick if you stir it with a wax caudle directly it is Made. It, will be economy to fini:itl your sheets, with the same width !ism at each end. By so doing they can he used either side up and gain much wear. .Wife*.blacking a kitchen range mix the' blacklead with vinegar; if you want it to have a really g loci polish, Select lamp wicks which are soft and loosely woven. Soak themin vinegar, and dry in a cool oven be- fore° using. When boiling rice add lemon juice to the water to make the grains white,.and prevent them -sticking to- gether, Finely chopped cabbage scatter• ed over carpets before sweeping is a wonderful cleanser, and to :,e pre- ferred to tea leaves. Slices of cold pork, seasoned with pepper and salt, fried on both sides, and. served with apple sauce, will hake a tasty dish. To clean a'straw hat is not a dif- ficult` matter.. Mix a teaspoonful of powdered sulphur with the juice of a. lemon. Brush the mixture well into the hat, then rinse under the tap and set in the air to dry. SICKLY BABIES CRY HEALTHY BABIES SMILE Baby's cry indicates distress -his s1?'e health and contentment. The el maybe sure there never was who cried for the fun,of it. a d cisvim' art le .•. s . cul ress y rt. ought en by a dis- c,,, e . ' ,,.:..idition of the stomach pr bi>*els that can change this. So, rnotliems, to keep your baby happy Srtu4, moist keep him well -Baby's Own Tablets will do thiea. Concern- ing them Mrs. Chas. Potvin, Causa- patcia, N. S., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have proved an excellent remedy for my baby. I had been using syrups, but they failed to help hint and he cried constantly. The Tablets cured him and now he is a fat, healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' )Medicine Co., Brockville, Olt, fourth pound of well washed dried figs chopped fine, one dozen cooked prunes drained from their syrup and stones removed, the rind and juice of one lemon or one tart orange. one-quarter of a grated nutmeg, one-quarter pound of suet (chopped fine), one-half teaspoonful of salt, one cupful of brown sugar, two cupfuls of bread crumbs, one tablespoonful of flour, two eggs.: Steam three hours in a well grease. ed, tightly covered mold: Serve with whipped eream sweetened and flavored with vanilla, I)ecorate the pudding with a few cooked prunes. Dip half lumps of sugar in brandy -one for each guest -arrange on top of pudding, and light just befor e placing on table. Let each guest - - choose one and make a wish. The lump of sugar burning longest will indicate SucCetS. Stuffed Beef Heart --In these days of high priced meats one can make many savory dishes of inexpensive hits. Take a beef heart, clean it carefully, fill with a dressing made as for chicken or turkey. Use an equal amount of mashed potatoes; and bread crumbs, seasoned with sage, summer savory, pepper, and salt, and moistened --ith beef drip- pings or butter, and add one or two chopped onions. Fasten together with skewers or twine, steam four hours and bake one hour and a half,' basting well. Make a thickened gravy of the drippings, - NEURALGIA CURED. This Painful Trouble is Due to Poverty of Blood. Neuralgia is one of the.. most painful maladies that afflicts hu- manity. The trouble is venally seat- ed in the face and head, following the course of some nerve, but it at-' tacks other parts of the system as well. It is characterized by acute pains, sl i1'• ' df+os steady, at others spasmodfc''anti darting, headaches and a feeling as though the forehead was a band of iron. Medical au- thorities agree that neuralgia is a cry of the nerves for better food, and that if the blood is purified and enriched the trouble will dis- appear., This is the reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure even the most severe cases of neuralgia They actually make -new, rich blood which feeds the tired, starved nerves and thus cure the trouble, at the same time leaving the saffer- er in better health in every way than was formerly enjoyed. In proof we give the ease of Mr. G. Brooks, ,of Aurora, Ont., who says : "About two ,years ago, while work- ing in Collingwood I was attacked with neuralgia, which became so bad that I was frequently unable to go to work. The pain would start over my right eye and would then spread to the whole face and caused me the greatest agony. I was under the care of a good doc- tor, but his treatment did not do more than give me temporary relief, and I was therefore an almost con- stant sufferer. Acting on the ad- vice of my wife I final]-• decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and I am profoundly thank- ful that I did so, as in the course of a few weeks I began to improve, and after a further use of the Pills the trouble disappeared and I have not since had any trace of it. I may also add that while taking the. Pills my weight increased by nine pounds, which shows that the Pills are a body builder as well as a nerve restorer." • Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Sem from The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Grated cheese is more digestible than plain cheese, moreover; it makes .a prettier dish. Serve a ariiallilisli of it kettle- 'Cheese course and see how it will be hpprreciated. Save the water': that meat, fish, haricot beans, or rice have bt•ee boiled in. It contains nourishment, and is an excellent ronn.lat'.on for soups. Dusting, or rather good dusting, is an art' A slightly moistened duster in the left hand and a dry duster in the right, if well used, will collect the dust, and leave a perfectly clean surface. Imitation Frosted Glass -Mix Ep- som salts with a weak solution of gum, and apply with a rag. Or mix putty with linseed oil till of the consistency of thin, create, and paint it on the glass. tioessweeesea 1 ?EhL11- sr SOIIOOLROOM VENTILATION. . In an address delivered Dot long ago, the health commissioner of Chip sago, speaking en the subject of ventilation in schools, said that al- though good vetxtilatiou is import.. ant for every one at every age, I is never so necessary as during Ile school years. AH through these years the body is growing and maturing rapidly, and physical habits are being estab- lished. Since whatever material is formed in this time will have to do duty throughout the years of adult life, it is a bad time to makee ma- terial that is below the standard. The human body may be ccmpar- ed to a garment. I't will stand a great deal of rough wear and tear if it is made of good material; but if it is made of shoddy, it will grow shabby and wear out quickly, no matter how well it is cared for, That Ls why the care of children in their early years is so important -it is the time to make material that will stand the wear and tear of later life. Children who in the school years are subjected .to avoidable strain do not always show the ef- fect immediately; but years after, when they display small power of recuperation, little resistance to disease, and great susceptibility to fatigue, they are paying for the in- justice to which they were subjected 'in the past. It has been scientifically proved that children do no do well in badly ventilated schoolrooms. They ars likely to be pale, nervous, and sub- ject to headache ; they catch cold. easily, and take little interest in their studies. After the windows have been opened, and the temper- ature has been lowered, and the air made fresh and moist, the same chil- dren, in the same room, with the same teacher, will be aifferent creatures ; not only healthier and freer from colds and headaches, but more alert, interested. and ready for their lessons. The reports from the schools where this particular experiment has been matte and the results care- fully noted, declare that the change in. the meatal capacity and -the pow- er of the. lxild3� a to , a ll selves was more marked than the physical change for the better, al- though that, too, was' great. The health commissioner divides the harm clone by poor ventilation into two kinds -the quick -acting ons air -borne infections, and the slow - acting or air -caused conditions. Among the former he places influ- enza, colds, cerebrospinal meningi- tis, and various infections, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Among the latter he places drowsiness, mental slowness, headache, lassitude, muscular flab - bines, anemia, chorea and irrita,• bility.-Youth's Companion. APPLE JELLY. Apple and Mint Jelly. T�eg pounds of ,`greening"- apples, green color paste, two bunches of garden mint, one-half cup sugar to each cup of .juice, juice of -one lemon.. .Cut. the apples in small pieces and add KEEP YOUR STOCK WELL AND THRIVING ALL WINTER Wilda •`AWTERNAT1ONAt STOCK FOOD" - The best known andmost reliable Stock rood on the market. Partners, Stockmen and Breeders all use it and praise it because itgtves anintals•ncw strength and endurance— purifies the blood -improves their appearance -and at the same time, saves cora and oats, and only costs you 3 FEEDS Pox. ONE CEIV'A' • Porale by' beaters everywttera, and the price will be refunded if it don't save you money. Write for copy of our ''33,000 Stock Rook" -the most 1relpfi(1Boot ever publighedfor the f=armer awl Stockman. Sent free..., *NtelitSAi'IOiIAI, STOCK 1E00iI CO., LIMITED. - TOlt6NTp Here is What One Stock kaiser Says bALSovin.LB, gar. Tho Intelnattonal. Stork L'ood Cr., Toronto, ant. Mao and enclosed postal notes for 615.e0, th' amount of my n000ant. ilereo found nutornational Stook rood ct G5,jlout for nay ho,•scs and cuttto,`Alid. pigs. It has given mr.e ovt; 6atfsatetlon, and r would nota .riihont It. Assoon as my proaeth •- ,f ,:apply is finished I shall send a Author on,or. (:ipnedl J V. s; t.,•;*,•:a50.. 7777. COLD CURES. Boil two ounces of flaxseed in one quart of water. Strain and add two ounces of rock candy, one-half pint of honey, juice of three lemons, let all boil well. Let cool and bottle. Dose: A wineglass full before meals and at bed time. The hotter you take it the better. Children will readily take this, as it is pleasant tasting and certainly is an excel- lent remedy. For colds en the chest, if lard is 'spread on a layer of cotton batting and thickly sprinkled with grated nutmg, then laid a.cress the chest, it will quickly loosen the cold. Also as the cold gots better pick off the cotton little by little, and there • is no sudden ol'.ange from warmth to cold, as when a piece of flannel is used. • UNUSUAL RECII'T';5 Butter Scotch ,lI'ie,--lilelt thor- oughly together two cupfuls of light brown sugar and one large table- spoonful of butter, -to this add one cupful hot water or milk and yolks of two or three eggs, four table -.t' spoonfuls of hour and a;" pinch of salt. Beat the whites of the eggs' with a little powdered sugar and spread over the tops. To Crystalize Grapes. ---Take one- half cup of sugar and one-fourth cup of hot water •and boil slowly un- til syrup is nearly evaporated,. then carefull•l9 di' the bunch of grapes P lute itt, 1'911 them 3n coarse grants- fated s'ag te', and set them on a but- tered paper to dry. -Grape Fruit Salad. e4emove the pulp of as grapefruit, lay it •on lst- tuce., add a few malaga grapes which have been seeded and a, few Eng- lish walnuts, and serve with lnayon-, 107