HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-10, Page 8ual�
ig reduction on a
Ladies' Ready
Trimmed Hats
All Hats at X3.00
And Leg,
A Big Stock Wolien Blan-
kets, and Flannellette
Blankets, Ladie's, Gent's and
Children's Sweater Coats.
Your Winter Underwear
will be satisfactory if you kitty it here, where all the
different kinds are shown and a proper fit is assured.
We're glad to show -what we have whether you choose
to buy or not.
Big values in Ladies' New Coats
See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon
attractiveness. The styles are simply grave', you can't help liking
thein. The priees we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the
Conte and see our new stock of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs,
Ladies' Fiu Coats and. Gent's Fur Lined Coats, we have
them all Prices.
Velveteens, Wrapperettes and
we are showing all colors in Velveteens, which are
very fashionable this fall,
Ladies' Neckwear- and Belts
We have everything that is New in Ladies
Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything
that is new and different displayed here. All the
very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up
to date.
Highest prices paid for all
kinds of Farm Produce
Telephone 28
4 Doctors failed. Morristy''s
No. 4 Cured In 60 Days.
Mr. A. J. .Kierstead, Mexico. Maine,'.
tells in a aeries of lettcro hove he We.i4',
"I am terribly afflicted With ]czeTno.'
and can find no cure. 1 have been ad-
vised to write you, because Father Mori
riscy's cures are known in all parts, If
you can help me, for God's sake do $o.
Please reply quick,"
Second letter. "Thanks for your qufok
reply. I have been troubled with
Eczema for 20 years — it is on my face,
neck, arms and hands, and right now
it is one solid sore, I can't :seukn to
get any cure,"
.30 days later: "As you requested me
to let you know how your salve worked,
can say It did more good than the fourF
doctors here who treated, me, My face
and neck—also my arms and hands are
almost well—butI need another box of
July 10th', 1911; "I am delighte4i to.:
tell you that I am entirely cured of>
Eczema, and am more than tthankful.
for your Ointment. It did for me what.
4 doctors here, could not do, and1 can-
not possibly find fitting words or praise
for my relief and cure."
A. J. 1 iea'stead
The above prescription Is not a "Cure:-;
All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr
bIorriscy prescribed it for 44 years, and
it cured thousands after other., Allootoi
Price, 50c. per box at your dealer$
or Father Morriscy Medicine" d.4:;"
Limited, Montreal. :o2
The following is the report of,
S. S. No. 8 Hay, tor -the month of.
Sr IV T. Kuntz, G. Wiegand.
Jr IV O. Trnemner.
Sr III L. Shumacher, C. Kuntz„
H. Shumacher, L. Broderick, E,
Messner, C. Wiegand.
Jr III C. Becker. C. Hartman, N.
Miller. B. Wiegand, E. Klienfeldt,
N. Klienfeldt.
Sr II H. Becker, H. Messner.
Sr Pt II T. Messner, A. Hart-
man, W Ziler, E. Miller, H. True=
inner, V. Becker.
Jr Pt II E. Messner, Elda .Mee,
sner, K. Hartman, E Klienfeldt
Jr Pt I M. Becker, E Broderio la,,
W. Brokenshire, H. Wiegand.
V. Graybiel, Teaober.
The following is the report of
S. S. No. 12 Hay, for .the month
of October. Names . in order of
Jr iV D. Miller, ,;C, 4'f1 -e;.
Sabine, H. Rosa.
Sr III D. Fleischauera
Jr III M. Sehilbe,, L;-Kruege
Sr II L. Pille,. A.-Meidinger.
Jr II T. Steinbach, M. Badour,
N. Gascho, U. Pile, J. Gascho.
Sr Pt II A, Sehilbe, M winner.,
R. Schilbe, O. Fleischauer.'
Jr Pt II 0 Witmer, I. Livingood,
O. Steinbach, L Snrerns.
Sr Pt 1 F. Badour.
Jr Pt I L, Fleisohaner, T. Meld
tiger, J. Masse, B Schoch.
No on roll 34. Average attend.'.
ance 24. M W. Pfaff, Teacher.
,lin! do the County. For farther
information apply on premises,
Daniel Smith,
St Joseph P 0
tts thing- The boy who smacks
d lil>to --over a1he sting of cider ,bas
is feet ttlretidy on the reed lead
ag to a drnniterd'sgrave;
E M. Williams; Pres. Supt.
,g).,,,Frazer Brown visited friends in
Dashwood. on Wednesday lest.
'Miss Chrissie Brown is visiting at
her. home here, for a few days.
11I, Barry Mott and son returned
home after working a few weeks in
the sugar beet factory at Croswill.
Mr. M. Harris left for Woodstock
Thursday 'last, where he has secured
alposition in a wagon factory.
Miss Rose Finkbeiner spent a few
clays of last week with friends' in
sj' peter.
Mr. Wes. Wein left Wednesday
last for Sarnia where he has secured
Mr. C. Kresge, who htis been visit-
ing Mr, -and Mrs. E. Burn left Wed-
nesday•last for his hone in Tavistock,
Mr, Everett Siins who has been
employed oh a farm near 11I1. Cannel
fox the.past few months has returned
to his home south of the village.
The fonr W's inet���at the home of
Miss. Lizzie 'Wolf oi''i Monday eve-
ning and spent a very enjoyable
evening together.
Mr Harry Trick. of Chatham spent a
few. days this week. at his home here
Several subscribers to "The
Family Herald and Weekly Star"
in this disirict have received their
copy of the beautiful premintn
;,picture entitled "Rome Again." A
copy"has also reached this office.
It certainly surpasses any picture
:ever given by that great paper
before, How mach a beautiful
work of art, all ready for framing
ciinbe included with such a great
fatuity paper for the small sum of
one'dollar a year is a mystery.
"The Family Herald and Weekly
•Star" should add thousands of new
sub5oribers this season. They will
'deserve it, for no such value- bas
ever before been given There is a
nig- surprise in store for those who
receive the picture "Home Again-"
ores Township Hay-, County
Oat, •
ood frame benne, large bank
barn, three driving sheds, plenty
of good water, good fences, partly
tile drained, 35 acres good bush.
The; soil; is Olay and sandy loam,
3:'.'acre apple, pear, plum. black
ehierry: ; orohard, 1600 peach trees,
.200 'bearing, 10 acres berries in
bearing: The farm is in good
tiaaditlor. Thisfarm lies on the
shore' of Lake Huron near St.
JOSeph and is as nicely located as
W. C. T. U .
Not long ago a hideous murder
was committed in Ontario by a
man brutalized by an apple cider
drunk. Last May a similar oc-
currence took place in New York
State. The daily prees gave a
graphic pen picture of a devoted
wife done to death by a husband'
to whom she had been married for
forty years, and who did the horri•
ble deed while intoxicated by hard.
cider. He then made repeated "butt.;
baffled attempts to suicide. Thi
man had always been a respected':
member of society and has (ccnpia,
ed. somewhat of an inliuentalr
Cider, almost without exception,.
is an exceedingly filthy drink, its
production being a convenient
method of commercializing • the
leavings of the orchard. Frequent
1•p apples that the swine hale
turned over and rejected are put
into an old reeking cider mill; and=
this promiscuous miss of partial-
rottenness, with accretions of soil
and worms, is reduced to a juice
that in a remarkably short time ie
hard cider ready in not a fe'v cases
to convert an imbiber into a brutal
murderer, The man to whein re-
ference has already been mads
admitted he had drunk deeply Of'
hard cider and affirmed that when
he returned home he was in a surly;:'
murderous mood that irrisistibb
prompted him to kill his wife and
t) commit suioide.
Cider drunkenness is more cora-
mon than is generally supposed.
simply because many do . not:
realize that the cider mill static
to ruin their boys. In rut aft
sections more attention should b
paid to cultivating public sent
rent regarding the (binges
cider drinking. As for sv eet Gide ,.
it is an almost unknown quantity.
unless immediately boi'.ed tied
bottled, In twenty four 1lont.'
cider has already begun to deeo
pose or to ferment, Which ie, t
•'Wben buying fruit and orna•
mental trees, see to it that you buy
of a firm whose trees have the
right sort of roots and have been
handled correctly in the nnrserres.
Our trees will grow ; there is a
Take an sgeney; send for terms.
Outfit free.
Thos. W. Bowman & Son
Co. Ltd, Ridgeville Ont,
The undersigned on behalf of the
surviving Trustees of the Regular
;Baftist Church of the Township of
Hay will offer for sale by public
auction at the Dentition Hotel in the
Village of Zurich on
2 p, in., the residence and property
on the South. side of the Zurich road
better known as the Baptist Church
property. The property consists of
two lots on which are a good frame
House with first-class cellar and cist-
ern; also a good stable and shed, the
brickchurch, building 50 by 30 al.cl,
an excellent garden of small fruits.
This is` one of the most desirable
residence locations in Zurich.
Terms of Sale. --Ten per cent. cash
Thfld balance within thirty days. For
further particula. s apply to Ed. Boss-
cnberry, Auctionccr.
( 1a,dran & Stanbnry, Exeter & Hen-
atl. Soh's. for said Trustees.
per week to start with for
girls, eighteen end over.
T y at once, D S. PI';Rinx. & CO,
i>srtod, London, On atria.'
What f, vwho know, " have to say about the Modern
Malleable Z1olalige bought of C. Hartleib Zurich,
Geo, Clausius
Sam Faust
John Campbell
Jacob Weido
Christian Meyers
John Laport
John Scuth>.nore
William Stell:
Sohnon Gingericli
Hoary Valiant'
Sam Hewston
E.W. Brokenshire
Henry 'Wolper
Thomas Turnbull
Christian Badour
William Denomy
Jacob Hartleib
Louis Rinker.
Geo, Armstrong
r We have great. faith in the above stove and are willing
,a istave $100 that there is not another stave made, in Canada
fit will cook and bake with as little fuel as the Modern.
A full stock of all kinds of
to choose 'from •at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run.
. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash . Price
e. I-� LIQ 7,v IC �HR 3
Gar Be.st
Just to hand. - Bring in
your orders. Close price
174 C. K I B1t11L.�y:11ISCH
ptio E 19 = ZURICI-I
Now is the Time You
Ladies Should Think
Of your new Fall Clothes
Dress Goods
We give particular attention to oar
dress goods and suiting. These are
the best we have had for a, long time
and still we are adding daily, prices
are low and quality very best. Conte
in and see our goods before you buy.
Men's Suits
We have reduced our Men's Suite-
uitsto cost and if you need something cheap
and good you can get it here.
Soft Hats
Men's soft felt Hats regular price
from 1.00 to 2.50 now for 25c.
All kinds of Ladle's and Men's
Underwear can be shown here, fleeced
lined, wool or natural wool, all kinds
and prices range from 50c ,to $3,50
a suit.
Ladie's Hand Bags & Belts
Just received a Large assortment of
Lediefi velvet and Leather Hand Bags
and criloi'ed elastic Belts. •
Ladle's Coats' are' very popular this
year. Our stock is larger then ever
before. Do you want a coat? if sot
Come here.
PHONI31 17
Prompt Service
Moderate charges
Zurich. — Ontario
u t rcJ C€l
1 heroby regnest ac
tint all counts
owing at Cabanas Brick and. Tile
Yards',. be paid nu of before Oct. 1st.
6-3iana tr
W from
TIL S► Or.et$ 's Mattaiate e Ointment.
tWe have not
sold out our
• Business yet
We are still
forging ahead at the Old
The following are some of our lines
we keep in stock
Plows & Repairs
Percival No. 10-13, Fleury's
No. 21, Cockshutt all kinds, Wilk-
inson all kinds, Land Rollers.
Implements & Repairs
Binders, Blowers, Cultivators
(best made) Hoe Drills, Disc Har-
rows (best madel
Eureka Onion Seed Drills for all
seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray-
ers best in the market, Gar-
den Cultivators,. Lon-
don's Hay Tracks,
London's Barn
Buggies) Carriage;,
All our own make,