HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-10, Page 7FRENCH ARMY'S FOURTH ARM A BOTHER'S PRAISE
MI and Usefulness of French
Aviators Shown at Autumn
Capt. von Pustau, a retired Ger-
man naval officer who now devotes
his time to army aviation, has
made a report on what he saw dur-
ing the French army'e autumn
manoeuvres in the eastern depart-
ments, which he was specially au-
thorized to follow on behalf of the
German \Jar Department. The
French newepapere give long quota-
tions from Capt. von Pustau'e re-
port. His summing up runs
"These manoeuvres have proved
that the fourth French arm exists
in fact and not only in name, that
it is capable of rendering very
great services to troops on the
same side and constitutes an in-
estimable danger for the enemy.
In Germany we are very far from
anything of the kind and it will
Seed a great effort of most serious
tvork and a great outlay of money
before we can think of endowing
our staff with aviators.".
Mrs, B. S. Bakes
etville, N. S., w
gait Merger-
; `ee'.a; . mother
would recomine4forher •haby^fdny
medicine of whstl She, was. not' :ab-
solutele sure. .t ." Valtee life ;ie too
precious. A as` always
pleased to reeerrenend " tci;'other
mothers something;,?/14 11 been
valuable in restoring tlxe 10 1th of
her own child. That cps whet I can
highly recommend Bi ki °s°iiwn Tab-
lets. They cured my 'baby who was
suffering from constipation and I
feel that I cannot praise them
enough. I would advise all mo-
thers with sickly babies to give
them a trial, well knowing what
the result will he." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a hex from The
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
He describes the duties assigned
to the aviation corps, "which they
brilliantly carried out,," aa being
of three kinds. First, to recon-
noitre the positions and movements
of the enemy; second, to establish
and maintain the connection be-
tween troops of the same side;
third, to support the artillery by
observing the effects of its fire and
by signalling to it the exact posi-
tions of hostile batteries.
"Without entering in detail, into.
the prowesses accomplished by
each . aviator," ho says, "it is suf-
ficient to point out that in each of
these three eases they rendered
considerable services, services
which' no one elsecould have-rend-
ave-rend-ered, and that with a very strong
wind" blowing which would have
prevented any kind of dirigible
from going out"
Capt. von Pustau dwells upon
Ole crushing superiority of French
onoplanes and biplanes over those
ha use in the German army and
Siescribes the arrangements for
Transporting and housing the ap
paratuses as something unknown
etc his side.
"If the results of these experi-
ments," he (says, "justify the -hopes
that have been founded on them,
we need no longer indulge in illu-
sions but must confess that the
brilliant and well thought out or-
ganization of French aeronautics
constitutes a
Too Speculative for Those of Small Capital
Depending on Their income -Many, Coed
Features, However, for These Wlio Use
Care—Not Readily Saleable•--lticomo Usu-
ally Small.
The artieles contributed by '°Znvestt'sr"
are for the sole purpose of guiding pros•
pective investors, and, if perosible of say.:
tug them from losing money through
impartialanding in and re iablo characters of the
information may be relied upon. The
writer of these articles and the publisher
of this paper have no interests to serve
in commotion with this matter other than
those of the reader.
When cutting bread and butter
very thin, dip the knife occasion-
ally in very hot water.
An old fowl should he skinned be-
fore cooking, either for boiling or
When choosing beef press it with
the thumb, and if it rises quickly,
it is of good quality.
Washing lilies which are not in
constant u ueswvill crack unless some
water is kePt them.
An onion for soup should be stuck
with six cloves and added after the
soup has been skimmed.
Wooden spoons and pastry boards
will repay 'a good scrubbing with
sand in preference to soap.
. "Combs should not be washed.
Clean them by passing a piece of
soft rag between the teeth.
Only have just what saucepans
are in constant use—otherwise,
some are certain to be left to rust.
Ginger poultices are as efficacious
as mustard and will not blister.
They should be made in the same
When hanging out clothes, hang
skirts by the bands, night-dresses
by the shoulders, and stockings by
the toes.
A nourishing dish may be made
from cooked meat by stewing it
very slowly in good gravy for an
hour or an hour and a half.
T Clean Carpets. A correspon-
dent tells that she keeps her car-
pets clean and fresh -looking by
wiping them over with a cloth wrung
out in ammonia and water once a
month., after sweeping.
It's the Red Blood Corpuscles that
Proper Food 'Makes.
If furthermore our neighbors con-
tinuo to progress at the same rate
as in 1910-11, and if they maintain
their advance on us, I do not
hesitate to proclaim that in the
!next war this inferiority will lead
us straight to a catastrophe."
The report has naturally received
a ready welcome in Franco, where
t is contrasted with the Emperor
ilhiam•'s speech of a year ago in
whicn he declared that the French
yould find grave disappointment
with aerial locomotion, adding,
"As for myself I am decided as to
their worth and if I adopt them in
the arniy it will only, be to satisfy
public opinion."
Prince Henry of Prussia is said
to be a convert to the adoption of
aeroplanes and a disbelief in dirig-
ible • balloons, and it is_ said, al-
though the statement has been
:denied as to the exact sum, that
he has advised the Emperor to
iipend 30,000,000 marks, or $7,500,-
000, on aeroplanes and their acces-
series during the coming year.
Nott to real estate mortgages, probably,
tate itself forms the best known
medium of investment in Canada. While'
mortgages aro never purchased for their
speculative possibilities—es was noted in
a recent issue, they lack this feature al-
together—real estate is, unfortunately,
too often bought for no other 'purpose
than the hope of making a quick profit.
Of course. land may be purchased on the
outskirts of growing cities with a reason
able prospect of making a profit; but real
estate so purchased eau no longer claim
the title of investment; it is a pure spoon.
Litton. although often a reasonably safe
Land purchased for investment must bo
land capable of returning an income to
the purchaser over and above a moder-
ato allowance for repairs, renewals and
contingencies. Such land must, therefore.
be capable of produoing crops, or must
have buildings erected on it which are
sufficiently desirable to bo rented at a
rate which produces the return above
Now. such investment has not only rev,
sonable safety, but—in Canada—great
prospecte of appreciating in value. But,
just as in the case of mortgages, the put,
chervil' must use great care to choose a
place that is growing and has good pros-
pects of continuing to grow.
It seems supertluoue to discuss this form
of investment at great length, as prac-
raytically everyone has at one time so In.
vested; perhaps for the sake of the ren.
tal, or perhaps to obtain a farm or house
for his own use. People who buy pro=
pertles to use invest for the reason that,
while it does not return a regular income,
it saves a regular expenditure, which
amount to the same thing. Few people
realize, however, that, as a rule. real es-
tate investments return a very small net
revenue. Few large properties return
more than 5 per cent.—and pralably leen-
on the investment when all proper allow-
ances are deducted from gross income. In,
Toronto at present there is a dearth &.t
medium -Priced houses for rent. As a re-
sult rentals aro not only high but consti-
tute a largo return on tho original cost.
But there is 'always the chance that new
building will cause the supply to exceed
the demand and rentals will fall as a
Many people, too, reckon their rate of
income from a real estate investment on
the amount invested. It is a better me•
thod. and will save many false impres-
sions, if the returns are figured on the
market price. If, despite large advances
in the price of real estate, the.return on
the value of a property is reasonably
good, when reckoned on the market price,
there is no occasion to disturb the invest-
ment. If, on the other hand, the return
is too low to give a reasonable return,
sell the property and reinvest.
Granting that care is exercised, land,
producing a regular revenue, is fairly
safe, both in regard to principal and in-
terest; it stands a fair chanoo of appreci-
ating in value; the market price is stable;
but the rate of income is often small,
when proper reductions aro Made for re-
pairs, renewals, maintenance, etc; and fin-
ally, laud is not readily saleable in the
lienee that a good bond is. No ono who
has limited means can afford to invest
iu real estate for the last two reasons.
Moreover, many of the drawbacks attach -
cd to mortgage investments exist also
in the case of real estate.
An Ohio woman says Grape -Nuts
food gave her good red blood and
restored the roses of youth to a
complexion that had been muddy
and blotchy. She says
"For 10 years I had stomach
trouble which produced a breaking
out on my face. The doctors gave
it a long Latin name, but their me-
dicines failed to cure it. Along
with this I had frequent headaches,
nervousness and usually pain in my
stomach after meals.
"I got disgusted with the drugs,
stopped them and coffee off short,
and quit eating everything but
fruit and Grape -Nuts, with Postum
for my table beverage.
"The headaches, stomach trouble
and nervous weakness disappeared
almost like magic, which showed
that when the cause was removed
and good food and drink used na-
ture was ready to help.
"My blood eves purified and my
complexion' ljecame like a young
girl's, while my weight was increas-
ed from 90 to 1`?0 pounds in a few
months—good, solid, firm flesh,
where it usocl to be soft and flabby.
"I 'recommended Grape -Nuts and
Postum to one of my friends, who
was afflicted as I had been. She
followed my advice, and in a short
time was restored- to . complete
health, and in about 8 months her
weight increased from 100 to 148
"Our dootor, observing the effect
of Grape -Nuts and Postum in our
cases, declared, the other day, that
he would hereafter prescribe these
food products for gastritis." Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Since little Paul wrote his com-
position on snow, his mother hopes
that he may be a poet.
"I don't really know what snow
as," he began, "but I think it may
be air with clothes on."
Put a strong glass on 'the label and examine itclosely every time.
Ajways look for the name " G li ett'S."
Like all good articles, which are extensively advertised, Gsillett's Lye
is frequently and very closely imitated. In some instances the imitators
+have actually copied directions and other printed matter from our
label word for word. Be wise, and refuse to purchase imitation
'articles, for they are never satisfactory.
Gettig'g ti; Ly
and decline to accept anything that looks to be an imitation or
that is represented to be "just as good"
or "better," or "the same thing." In our
experience of over fifty years in business
we have never known of an imitation
article that has been a success, for imita-
tors are not reliable people. At the best
the "just as good" kinds are only trashy
imitations, so decline them with thanks
every time.
Baked potatoes are much nicer if ,
they are first polled for ten min-'
Utes. Drain thoroughly, and then
put in the Oven.
Clothes lines should be brought
indoors when the clothes are dry.
Dry them and put away till re-
quired again.
A mirror should never . be hung ,
where the direct rays of the sun
can come to it, or the glass will
soon be spotted.
Clean windows with newspaper
slightly moistened with methylated
spirit, and you will be surprised
with the result.
Before washing flannels shake
them well to get rid of any dust
that may be in them. Shake again
before hanging out to dry.
When grease is spilled on the
floor pour cold water on it at once.
The water will harden it, so that it
can be scraped off with a knife. .
Coal ash is a fine polisher for
the bright parts of the range. Dip
a Bret i•ag into the fine ash, and rub
'yell,, and a fine polish wi11 be the
resu t
Lace. curtains should soak for two
hours before washing in cold water
•apparatus. There is an electric
ed spit for roasting fowls ,and great
joints, and even a little automatic
mayonnaise tosser. In each
apartment is a clever arrangement
of shelves and drawers. Some of
the shelves swing around like a
dentist's cabinet, holding needed
utensils Little drawers, all label-
ed carefully, pop open at the
touch, holding sugar and spice,
and ether nice things.
Swinging from the walls are
hundreds of cooking utensils, pots
and pans galore, no . two alike,.
many of them the invention of the
chef who rules the Clark kitchens.
An inventory of all these things,
as well as of all other supplies, is
kept by "the chef of the domestic
The pantries off the kitchens are
electric contrivances which are
really weircd. A little electric
railway brings in supplies from the
storerooms; china, silver, and cut
glass are cleaned and polished by
electricity, fowls are singed by it,
even coal and ashes are dumped by
its means.
Sixty tons of ice are frozen at
one time in the ice vaults; there
to which a little borax has been
added. They are much easier to
wash after, and it rids them of the
Of ,smoke.
Port Dufferin, N. S.
"1 was troubled with Kidney Disease for
aevexal years. My back was weak. I had
terrible headaches, and was so restless
that I could not sleep at night. At last
ii frioud told me about air; Pills. I, at
once, got 'a box and after taking them,
I felt battier -after three boxes 1 was
cured. "BTIIEL BALCO9f.BE."
nicker—They say a criminal al- head the i;tti.e hooka "The Road
w .ys returns to the scene of his l to Wellville," in pkgs. "There e a
Booker—Well, ib isn't every one Ever road the above lotted A new one
'who can come back. genuine, true, and full of appears from time to tlttun "'Thor aro
li'iiinan Interest.
The New Girl—"An' may me iii- Ethel—Bella, told °rne that ysau told
tended visit nee every Sunday after- her that secret I told you not to
noon. ma'am7" tell her..
Mistress—"Who is your intended, Madge—She's a ,!.ear thing! •'l.
Delia2" told her not to tell. yoxx ..
The New Girl ---"I don't know Ethel—Well 1 7;' told her 1
yet, ma'am. I'm a stranger in •woldn't tell you she tolyl me—so
town." don't tell her 1 did.
pastry mixer, an electrically turn -
Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to
try. Theta get the regular size boxes at
your dealer's, or direct from us -50o. a hex,
6 for 52.50. Money refunded if Gin fills
fail to cure. National Drug Chemical
Co. of Canada. Limited, Dept, bT. L..
Toronto. •
::Mrs. Knowail (reprovingly)—Mrs.
Nag tela me to -day that her hus-
band always keeps her photograph
on his office desk.
Mr. I(`nowall--I suppose that ex-
plains why he's always late getting
home to dinner.
Clara --"He says he thinks I
the nicest •girl in -town. Shall I as
him to call i"
Sarah—"No, dear ; let him keg
on thinking so."
William A. Clark's Palate, Fifth
Avenue, New York.
The "kitchen wonderful" in the
costliest palace in America is now
ready to produce food for its mil-
lion.l,xre owner, his wife and his
Much has been written of the
vast mansion built by ex -Senator
Williams A, Clark of Montana on
Fifth -ave.; New York, at a cost of
$5,00,000—a . flamboyant monstro-
sity of 'art, or an architectural gem
-depending on how you look at it,
But little has been told of the
kitchen --for it is only just complet-
ed. It is a laboratory of gleaming'
white, where housekeeping becomes
a wonderful mechanical game.
Over it all presides the young wife
who once knew direst poverty.
Every foot sof space, even on the
ceiling, is tiled in spotless white.
The working tables are white en-
ameled, with either glass or marble
tops. The rest of the kitchen fur-
niture is also of washable white en-
Thogreat culinary apartment is
cut irtto a series of six alcoves.
Each tedc oven e has
or electrical
are automatic dumb waiters, which
may be set like a clock to stop at
a certain floor or room, and an air •
plant furnishes perfectly fumigat-
ed and lifegiving air to every part
of the mansion.
Besides the kitchen wonderful
there are five kitchens attached to
separate suites in the house. There
is a beautiful nursery kitchen in
which trained nurses prepare food
for the two little girls of the house.
Another is part of the "quarantine
suite," supplied with all the appara-
tus for cooking for the sick.
"Seven years ago I landed in this
town with only $1, .but that dollar
gave mo my start."
"You must have invested it very
"I did. I telegraphed home for
The wise youth enters upon a ca-
reer by hustling for a job.
hiiiL G
November 15, 10 and 17
In the New Foreatore Hall, 22 COP/age se., near
Von4georcharde AT14oO
Praetioal Addresses on Apple and 1 each Urcha'rding,
Leasing Packing, etc.
In the St. Leawrre9,000 Coxes or Apples oea'djaptay. ytPa to YtSEh. Over
+wu:4lVdlw�(-,plan.M��4;'At t.� l4/', 1di• 0.0�f W IW
11u -co aiac f l�cy , w
25c. a Box at your druggist's. •....�
will make life comfortable fer you again.
They relieve the worst headache its 30 $ninutes or less.
National Dro;s aril Chemical Coiripaiiir of Canada, 1,7u'dtdil,
{ az
the New Hoye
• You want the best when starting in the new home. Above
all, you want that home to be snug and waren and comfortable.
You are sure 'Of warmth and comfort with a Perfection
Smokeless Oil Heater.
The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made.
It is a sort of portable fireplace.
! It is ready night and day. Just strike a match and light
the wick. The Perfections is all aglow in a minute. •
The Perfection Oil Heater does not smell nor smoke ---a patent
automatic device prevents that. It can be carried easily from room to
roam and is er ually suitable for any room in the house. Handsomely
finished, with xiiclsci tt"immings; drums of either turquoise -blue enamel
or plain Steels v A4 your dealer to thew von a Pafection
SmokckeiOil Heater, or -write for aeacrs Live
circular direct to asy agency of
The (been City 011 Costively, l.1niiteil
q a t=1:5=5-