HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-10, Page 6HE WORLD'S DIRTIEST CITY IRISH CAPITAL WANTS TO EXPAND. D ublitee Progress Held; Beek By Politics—suburbs Escape TD,XeS. "Greater Dublin" is 'blur war=• -cry of a now organization which has been formed recently in the Irish capital for the purpose of bring- ing about the e:onsolidathon of the outlying 'residential suburbs with the city proper. It has the support of many inliuential citizens and its only opgxoslenes ate. those whose financial or political interests would be affected by the change, It is an old bompiaint that Dub- lin is one of the dirtiest and most ilqualid cities in the world. An Irish American who visited the city recently dell of enthusiasm for the land of his fathers went away disgusted. lie declared that he• "had never seen more hopeless, dirty and degraded poverty even fn Naples. He was disposed to blame the Dublin corporation for the condition of affairs which shocked him so, but while the cor- poration is to blame to a certain, extent it is not responsible in the sense that be was disposed to hold lt. TAX RATE IS HIGH. The trouble ie that with the best will in the world the Dublin cor- poration has no money far civic improvements, and especially for providing better housing for the very poor, and it won't have any until the inhabitants of the pros- perous suburbs are made to pay their share. The tax rate is now tar too high and to .make it any higher would be simply to invite disaster. Dublin proper is suffering in two ways. Year's ago her aristo- eraey left her for London, and the fine old houses in the squares which small bear the names of the coat Irish families which occupied em once have been cut up into tenements for slum dwellers The prosperous commercial class have falso left the city. They have been attracted by fresh 'new liouaies, cheaper rents, sand lower taxes in suburbs like Eathmines, Pembroke sncl Bladder* and the houses that they once occupied have also fallen on evil: days, Even the better class artisans are leaving the city tar the new suburbs. Both of the latter classes. however, belong to Dublin, They come into the city every morning to earn their living and they leave it at night. There is no physical division between the sub- urbs and the city and the suburban dwellers really are escaping their responsibility for the sanitation of the city, out of which ,they make their living, and for the housing of the workers without whom their prosperity would not exist. .A.Ia F R AID OF UNIONISTS. Perhaps it is natural that these suburbanities should resist the an- nexationof the suburbs by the city and try to keep their, low taxes as long ,a.s possible, but they -Would hardly prevail- if the political ele- ment did not enter into the caI- tulation, and curiously enough, both nationalists and unionists are united on this one issue. ' The Suburbs are largely unionists in olitics and the city is nationalist, he .Dublin corporation elected as It is by the ,old city area, is over- whelmingly nationalist, and it has the control of a good deal of pat- ronage. Its members are afraid that if Greater Dublin became a .Eget they would be swamped by the Unionist vote of the suburbs. The unionist suburbanities are not so ;Ave i of. this and they fear that if Wes, allowed themselves to be ab- sorbed by the city they would lose their eontrol of their little in- dependent unionist townships. Doth parties are united in the de- sire to hold on to what they have as, in this case, it is hard for pat- riotic .len who desire only the good of Dublin as a whole to make head- way, WISE JOHNNY. Teacher --"Now, Johnny, suppose X should borrow $100 from your fa- ther and should pay him $10 a month for ten months, how niueh would I then owe him?" Johnny—"About $3' interest," MIGHT 'THINK IT. Irate Gentleman (to his gardener), "What do you mean, sir, by,tel- ling people ha the village that I'm i stingy waster 1" Gardener—"No fear o! me aloin' .dislikes o' that, : guv-nor, I anus keeiut My; thoughts to myself." RELIEF IS QUllk; BUT. LURE iS SURE NAPOLEON SPEA.IMS,OP 9 ILLA,NCOU'RT '1VS KIDINI Y !PILLS They aeon ruled` his Kidney .trou- fides, and in six months there is no sign of their coming back.. Sts• Anne des Monts, Gaspe Co., Que., Nov, 6 (Special). --;'It is six months since I was _cured, and .1 have had no return of my trouble," in these words, Napoleon Vaillan- court, a well known resident of this place, gives evidence that Dodd's Kidney Pills not only give quick relief to sufferers from Kidney Dis- ease, but clean that 'disease out, root and branch, and cure it per- maueitly. That,.. Mr. Vailianeourt had Kid- ney` Disease everyone here knows. That he is cured is also established beyond a doubt. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. "My back bothered me, also my heart and my kidneys, and my limbs would cramp," Mr, Vaillancourt states in giving his experience, Now all that is gone and he is a sound, healthy man, Do you won- der that he recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills/ Dodd's Kidney Pills cure quick- ly and permanently because they go right to the root of the trouble. They act directly on the Kidneys. They never fail to cure. S014LE ilUMAN BOATS. When you throw, a pieee of wood into the water and watch how nicely it floats, has it ever occur- red to you to make yourself into a boat, and to go floating about as easily and coolly as a real boat does? This may sound very queer, but to one who has confidence in him- self it is quite practicable, as was proved many years ago by Dr. Bedale, of Manchester. This gentleman, a noted long distance swimmer, was often to be seen floating about the River Mersey for hours at a time. He used to fast- en, a •.strong belt, around his waist,. and attach to it a, light mast and sail, which he would furl or un- furl as he lay comfortably on his back, and no doubt it was very en- joyable. This was carried a step further by another noted swimmer, Captain Royton, who used to think nothing of sailing up and down the English Channel, clad in a dress inflated with air, and with a sail fixed to his feet. Once, indeed he actually crossed the Channel from Dover to Calais, but on this occasion he used a paddle with which to steer him - A Pill That is Prized.—There have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon public at- tention, but none has endured so long or met with so much favor as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills: Wide- spread mise of them has attested their great value, and they need no further advertisement than this. Having firmly established themselves in public esteem, they now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable prepara- tions. Stella—If the third finger is for the wedding ring,which' is for' di- vorce? Bella --The finger of scorn. TRY.IV/URINE EYE REMEDY br Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Ota! Granulated Eyelids. bfurine Doesn't *exert --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, $0a, $1.00, 1durine Fye Salve In A.ebptic Tubes. 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. ',luring) EY° Remedy Co., Chicago. People would never know you had a temper if you didn't lose it oc- casionally. Minard's Liniment Cures. Cargct in Cows. THAT'S WHEN HE STARTED. "Is your' child in bed by eight every evening ?" "Technically, yes, We begin arguing about that time," Do not let a acold settle on your lungs. Resort to 'Sickle's Anti - Consumptive Sirup at the first in- timation of irritation• in the throat and prevent disease' from lodging in the pulmonary orgaiis. Neglect- ed colds: are ,the:' cause of untoldsuffering througbl;rtzi; . the country, all of which could have been pre- vented by the application of this simple but powerful medicine. The price u5. cents. brings it within the reach c,f ell TRH PROFIT IN A Gf)7.i°I", In spite of the electric e't'z, ilio automobile and other mottve ° pow- er, horses have increased in prion commensurate with outer farm ani- mals. Every farmer should have a number of young horses growing and coming eu for Immo use and for sale. A colt can be grown as easily and cheaply as a calf, and at the same time the mare which • mothers it will make a half team for general farm work. The writer has a teapu of young mares of nearly the same size and age. - During this last season ono of them has raised a. colt'ne sr worth at least $75, while the other mare working by her 'side has raised none. The mare with the colt has done exactly the same work asthe• mare which has no colt and mew' at the close of the early summer's work she is in as good corldition as her mate, with both on the fame feed and care. A colt, of course, is some bother and consumes -some feed.- The same is true in growing any domestic animals. But with. a . little 'pati- ence in the handling of the .mare and foal, a mare doing general farm St=ork, should raise two colts every three years and do about as well as with none. The colt will represent at least 100 per cent. pro - 'A friend is one who not only izlls a. want, but wants to fill it. In fact, so little extra care and feed aro required that the young animal can be. grown without notic- ing the feed it consumes. • FOR HOUSEHOLD ACCIDENTS Zant-Butt is so Very 'Creole'. Read how beneficial it proved here! Mrs. H. Sawyer, of Keene, Ont., writes :—"My husband is engaged on a farm, and one day, while chop- ping wood, the top of the axe broke and fell upon his foot, cutting a nasty gaeh. The wound was so bad that we first thought we'slzould have to get a doctor, but we finally de- cided to use lam-Buk. "Well,. the Zara-Buk treatment proved a great success. It not only eased the pain, but it ,pkevennpd any: iniiammatiaf:; and right front' i"r tw applying Zam-Burr, the eut sbogart to heal. It is now co:p10ely' healed' and my husband says he will nevoz be without a box of Zara -Bek in the house." Over and over again lam -lank has been proved to be the worker's best remedy. As soon as applied to a cut, a burn, a. scald, or any skin injury, it relieves the painand it sets up healing. It also prevents blood -poisoning or inflammation It is a sure cure, too, for eczema, piles, ulcers, old wounds, bad leg, ringworm, scalp sores, festering, running sores, eruptions, cold sores, chapped hands, etc. Its absolute purity, also, makes it the ideal balm for babies. All druggists and stores sell Zam- Buk at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re- ceipt of price. Refuse substitutes. Mrs..Coogh,n---An' the little thing: is the image• of his father. Mrs. Slattery—Yis, bet I don't moind that to much so 'long as he Tapes hilthy, If one be troubled with eorns and warts; he will find in Holloway's' Corn Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. fit on the money and labo invest ed in it, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds; &c, Introduce common sense into : a love affair, and it will lose its fla- vor. Tightness across the chest moans a cold on the lungs, That's the danger signal. Cure that gold with Hamlin's Wizard Oil before it runs into Consumption or Pneumonia..,, ORIGIN OF LACE MAKING. A romantic legend is still cur- rent among the peasants of Europe concerning the origin of lace, As the story goes, u, lover who could offer his betrothed no costly gift one day brought to her a leaf which he had plucked in the, forest. She accepted it as a true token of love and preserved it with. care. In time the lover went away , . d the wars perhaps— and never 're- turned. The maiden prized stlei leaf then as a sacred treasure,,aid. when she found only the delzteste' veining left of her keepsake she took needle and thread and trieti'to'' copy the fairlylike web. And thus:' Wise made the drat bit of real "AOC. 11 711DS iso 510 Dy,' Res, that ANYONE eon use, I dyed ALL those !NEMER!' lams kith the SAME ave. I used Os' EAN and SIMPLE to Use. O dranco ref oalaq the 'LIMON/I'D/7e for the Genes no* sloe. to Cereis. colors ernee STORY booklet II T..3ohneon-Ricnerdcan Co.. booklet Dtt,orrcef. SO THERE YOU ARE. She --If a man loves his wife as much as she loves him, he will stop wasting his money on cigars if she asks him- HoYes, but if his wife loves him as much as she ought to love a man who loves her enough to stop it if she asks hint, she won't ask him. Pills That Have Benefited Thou- sands.—Known far and near as a sure remedy in the treatment of in- digestion and all derangements of the stomach, liver and kidneys, Parznelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. Innum- erable testimonials can be produced to establish the truth of this asser- tion. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they aro prescribed, HOW SHE KNEW. He—"You refuse me, then. Oh, well, there are others t" She—"I know there are, I no- ceptei one of them this afternoon." A druggist can obtain an imitation of MIN.ARD"i3 LINIM T from a 'Parente house 'at a very low price, and have it labeled his owu product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one ice have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to intro- duce. dsk for MINABb'8 and you will got it. Love may be blind, but a woman is seldom blind to her own charms. Minaret's Liniment Cures Distemper, LIGHTNING'S QUEER WAYS. As everyone .knows, . it is clangor- ous to stand near .a tree during a thunderstorm, but, if anyone is so foolish as to do it, ho will do well to learn against the tree. If ho ;does this, .the charge goes in at his shoulder, burning , it, and then passes down the skin along the middle of his back. Arrived at the legs, it may run along one or both. It will seriously burn' the knees and other prominent parts, get out through the, stockings, or 'bore a hole through the boots, or destroy the boots altogether.' But if he stands near a tree or wall with- out being in contract, the stream of lightning may jump to the head bones, and cause instant death. If it doesn't do this, it will probably burn the . hair and travel over the skin of the head, going gown the front of the body, or getting inside it, and doing terrible damage. Lawyer for 'Defendant—Now, sir, you say that my client disappeared' in the darkness after knocking you down. What time of night was this? Complainant, ---I can't, say exactly. Your client had my watch, in L atIPPiliS OF' What Caused the' Muffled Sounfl in. znfiid' e, airience of the Llhiz' ;esq xg we ll•,11ustccated in a smuggling atOrcl;,ch 1 beard from an imperials nati :itime. cusoms of- ficial at'one' 'of ths."barriers"-• on the upper ;pmgkis'i:says a writer in the Wide World 'Magazine, The incident'•°scurred several years ago itt an attempt: to avoid duty, on small amount of Szeclluan opium that was headed for Shanghai. "An important 'article of down river trade," said the °facial in question, "is the little belled and spangled cap Worn by the 'Chinese children from. 2 to 6 years of age. In passing anumber of boxes of these itt the spring of 1906 I chanc- ed to notice that the tinkle from the little bell in the centre of the cap I was examining was rather muffled. "Forcing it open, purely out of curiosity, I was astonished to find a tiny pellet of opium, hardly a quarter of an inch in diameter, which had been substituted for the clapper. Of course we had to search the whole lot, and our ag- gregate haul from about 6,000 saps —a couple of days work for us---' was leas than ten pounds of opium. Shilohb C QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS. CURS, COLDS. HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CMTS HAD TIRED OF IT. Bates—"Are you taking anything for your hay fever?" Yates—"Yes, I am taking physical culture to wallop tbo man who of- fers free advice." Protect the child from the ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stand and remedy, and years of use have enhanced its reputation. Most people can have a lot of nice things said about them—by dying. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A roan who looks Iike a sinner to other men may look like a saint to some woman. A Prime Dressing for Wounds.— In some factories and workshops carbolic acid is kept for use in cau- terizing wounds and cuts sustained by the workzn,en. "Far better to keep on hand a bottle of Dr, Thomas' Eelcctric Oil, It is just as quick in action and does not scar the akin or burn the flesh. There is no other Oil that has its ourativc qualities. THE ETERNAL QUESTION. Willie ---"Pa t" Pa --"Yes.:, Willie "Teacher says we're here to help others," Pa—"Of course we are.'? %Villie—``Well, what are the,. others hero for?" Used in Canada for over ' half a century —used in every corner of the world where people suffer firma Constipation and it resulting troubles— ". Dr roub es -- A s MoJL st's Indian Roof Pills, stand higher in public estiznation than any others, and their ever- increasing sales prove their merit. Physicians prescribe thorn. 25c. a box. d Trappers, Hunters and Dealer -a in any kind of Raw hers. OM,not *flor'i to (lis• pose of their' celiac (tons w i th o u t first obtaining our quo- tations which- we cheerfully furnish inion request 'Iva a ocl 11xe in the following :« RIGHT i}i t,C r"..LIDERAL ASSORTMENT.And rem1ttance"'terrreatied sante dela good', received sszpplroes s,nd mail charges on ail shipments ptid,by Xie, •h., shiptaont toe lame or•too sail.:.lashada's Largest Fur Oper. miter; "Thenars 16 Reas+,ri,t Your bgalnos:f and eet'respandeoce nol,citod. DEPT. r. Jraf i'1.4rtl flan" :T IRO '" R WFURS 17'.°12 WitITE POR PRE:at LTST W. G, Goffi'stt, i?t'Itiia Ont. ED. 7 SSU IS 45=--I BANKS and INSUR : CE'' COMPANIES .BUY BONDS rig Oneyerygood reason wizyyou should consider seriously a Bond investment is this; Canadian. chartered Banks, Insurance Com ponies; and alt 'financial izistitu- 'tions which continually have funds• to, invest and are hi the best position to know•'safe and profitable investments, are Large, purchasers of bonds. ei Much of the money You deposit hi Banks, Trust Companies. and Insurance, is invested in bonds, at a considerably higher rate of interest than you receive. • IT We want to get in touch with theft who from time to time have money to invest, whether in large (warned sums. 'if Literature giving full description of Bond investment will be sent on request. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION Llutreo BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING . YONCE AND QUEEN STS. • •TORONTO • R. M. WHITE , Manager MAN TRZAL-gUErQCti! AtApAX-LONOON(XN Ci, j V►. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 cholas positions filled In past Four Years. Some others lust filled; I, 73. DA`7N, from Newfoundland, placed with Sask. Milling Co., Moose Jaw, as Steno, FERN SMI'i'II. steno., Peabody Overall Co„ Windsor, R. C, ROBINSON Bkkpc, with Belt Furniture Co„ Southampton, Ont. I+LO-sIIC ANDERSON, Spaao. and Okkr, Can. Wolverton Co., Chatham. MILDItED.lNpD- RESOY, :hecto„ with De Laval ,-.operator Co., Winnipeg, it. J. SCOTT. teacher, with Drake college, Newark, N. J. The salaries of the three shown last week average over $700 per minim, She salaries of the six here shown average'close to $70.,. Our etudeutt aro prepared for the big pcsitions.where the big pay is offered, IT PAYS TO A1'TIEND'railt 11i(ST, Catalogue SS tolls of the work at Chatham. Catalogue Si tells of our hums courses. Address. D. McI,A.CIiLs ds CO., C. B. college, Chatham, Ont. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASIC DAWSON,, HE KNOWS. ifF you want- to eeii a farm, consuls ' you want t6 buy a farm, cou8nit IRAVE some of the best Fruit. Stich, loran or Dairy .earcus in Ontario, end prices right. RA W. DAWSOr , Ninety Cot/write XI. Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. DAY SALARY AND UP—ALSO rod eomneiss,on--tor local reprueouta- Laiea; lnline(tiately; porinutont pos;L,Uli; e>i'0r1o1.1o0 ullneoessary; rapid auruner. weu4; spare auto accepted. Naiutils, idolise, knAtisuers. Tex -onto. (Jaw XS WANTED. — A LINE run �t every home. }trite up tor our Glome �v,H... of agents »upptioe. WO clave toe greatest agency proposition iu Uauaoa,. w'.uayi i.0 outlay, nrcovsury. Appty 4. d. t;o,. 451 Albert t,t...t/ttuwa. miSSELLANEODS. HAY' arid .k'Aittrz St;ALNS. Wilson's* Scats Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. . •L w EULd MACHINERY, PORTA:Slag, or Ioavy Laurie ,MiUis, S}itugre Maw.+..slues- anti' hinters, atilt bhppttes. 'rima 0. Long Manufacturing Co.,.LtU., VI net Street, uriiaui, Ontario. ai.attmd, iiii.tUitS, WIMPS, etc. ln. vernal and external, cured withoui ,. ...,t uy our nouns treatment. Write us beture too late, Ur. kreitivau Eieuicai So,. Limited, ColliUgwood, Ont. / • lulu bL&ui. tit/ Ait.l,�t1'k:L•'D. Wilson's .D Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. /11.WEN'I'Y TO rxr7.'Y. nAItuEaS ADVICE, Used. for in Toronto papers alone al- most eery day; let us t<nun, you barber Pratte; expert instruction; GOntuant prac- tice; tools free. write for catalogue. bleier barber College. 221 Queen Nast, $'orofito. . AA GLNT.f WANTED. — A STUDY OIC .0 atner Agency propositions convinces us that none ran equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don't apply for par- tioulars to Travellers' slept„ iEtl ,Albert St., Ottawa. G ti PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult, us in regard' to.•any disease. Lowest l., men In (Amiga of all amen. rrussos fitted by mail, Send measure. tnent. Glasses fitted by ago. Write today for ahyt'hiug• Bold jn, first-class drug stores to Dr. Bellutan, Collingwood, Ont. ...•.,,.mode,, f ollectors and shipppore will fintf 1t to their. advantage' to got their names on our inattiug list, Thle insures prouupt receipt of our quo. tabuns Thad general Information, whloh will bo, ready about the lath of November. You ,contra euro of fair and liberal treatment uhou you ship yourcollocttone to Wagner, Ertaior, ACo. eapront;St East, Toronto, Dot. IL H. NIGHTINGALE' STOCK IBROKIER` 1?fomberStandard Stook and Mining itrebange IISTED STOCKS,CARtilCO ON MARGIN Correspondencei .clued; 33 MELINDA:ST., TORONTO CLEANINGLADIES' WAL.ICISO OR Oi TINR SUITS. Cin he done perfectly la our Primo), process. "cry it, r t sia Afatierio3fl Dyaing ea. rn u. O,iuw;i and Qa^.i)e , El Ina bit rnA int Imo me thy. Ge tiol pox 44 the in 1 it i gre: sire esti stn i sny Acer tvor befc our lo 1 )lril of uoii Df 1 sand twe thin obs by tier the eac fici, COD whi Cr win I,11 vn 3nt", 'SPE (sic br g CO Q ti 1tt tb h ire