HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-10, Page 4tMil CLASS
.i+*3'+•°cd•-1r•C+'!>+.:'•{..1 `y.+d..4•.l..i•.1,+ +++•1'.
1lr, Walter Clark, of °rear
ton, is agent for this district for
E. 17. Smith's :well known . Nur-
sery Stock. At .present Mr.
.t+ Clark has to offer a full line of
VINES, and small fruits, also
Prices and
ien will ill
be furnthad olteerful13,'ndfree
of charge..:Intending parches_ 4.
ere are advised to send in their
theta t
..hila ex
once, r
orders at on , w
full stock of everything on hand.
Agent, Crediton.
, Court Zurich No. 1240
00.12., meets every let and 3rd
Thursday of eaoh month at 8 o'clock p. in.
In the A. 0. U.. W. Hall, 4irsxrlxx, C. R.
A0. Ct-J • Yi' • . Rickbeil Lodge
. 0. s J i No. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month,
at. 8 o'clock, in their Hail, Merner Block.
Tann. WxxwrR ,M. W
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
eto. Ooderioh, Canada W. Proudfoot.
K. C. R. G. Hayti. J. L. Killoran.
CUliill� ,:
a�wNl `
Sales conducted iu all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms
reasonable. Orders loft at this office
will be promptly attended to.
co agent, representing the London
Economical, Waterloo, Monareb, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every
thing in fire insurance.
I EI& ,crud Bridegroom Must
w ,,eti .td' Forced Into
Cradle betrothals are ;still cam-
mon among the .Albanians in, spite
of the, efforts of missionaries to do
away with the custom. As soon as
a child is born .it is promised in
marriage, and should one of the
contracted partiesdie
filment of the contract it is aigain
the parents who decide and enter
into a new engagement, . .
Mohammedan influence ba,s . af-
feetd woman's life to the extent
girls are secluded from the age of
1;{, and even Ohristians do not at-
tend massy since it entails appear-
ance in public. The .betrothal is
as binding as. marriage itself, and
should it be broken swift vengeance
is wreaked on the entice family of
the troth breaker.
The bride is never expected to
have a dowry, but the number and
quality of the objects selinela feria
dilate pf the Royal College of Dental,
Burgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
rento.University, ,:,Painless ext>!s:otlon
of teeth, Plate Work a etpeeiality • At.-
Dominion House, •Zurieh, every Mon-
day. 7-28
Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents tare
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. '
L+ d11J r1,.i R
Licensed Attetioueer for County of
'Huron.- Sales conducted in the most
approved manner. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Dates can be rnado at the
Crediton Star or rat the
Barg tin • Store, Exeter.
matrons watch over ,her see, Are lees'
female -ae uaantanceis�ie3fl ire fore
her, scent + ng eve) + of her
apparel from- head to' Ia?rta. • Then
they sit round her p.n.s. eeaxt'ic!role
to continue the stain in chance.
A wagon carriers the bride's be-
longings, enclosed in
to her future honac, ;At the Same
time a procoseion .leaves, the bride
groom's house .leding al richle.
caparisoned horse •for the; convey
ante of the bride. They ai'e• wel-
eamed at the threshold -served
with. urine and f x•uits, and then the
under eia vellr
hooded mantle,' is pei•sttadcd to ad-
vance to where het ,palfrey awaits:
her. .
She does so with apparentr+ehtet-:
ante, affecting to. be forced by the
matrons who 'support her hider
each arm. Silk draperies, tare .ex-
tended at each side .While she
passes so as to conceal •hpr Move-
ments from the outside crer d until
she is mounted. 'The cortege then'
sets off, the man at the bridle of:
the -white steed atoning :it .each
notable landmark so that the beide
may'salute it for the last title as a
Maid.:. -
When the house Of:,, }lis brrcle
groom is reacben ~her a`aSnily bid
the bride farewell and.. :withdraw,
her trousseau are regulated by an 'after leaving hasten on ,tpile:
unwritten law founded on the cir- of cushions in the 1Jfsf toruli:`. At
the doer; however, 'of her.
* they �� Ito' care.
to impress on the mete_. .
tow family that terrible ereprrsals
will follow any `ill treatment of her,
other day of the week. any neglect of her legitimate :wantfs.
PRESENTS FOR THE BRIDE. TheI. veil snow lifted from :her
face, and the briclegroord,s rela-
Some days before the wedding tives crowd around to see tier, sing -
day the bridegroom sends presents ing• at the same time.
to the bride, consisting of a helman How beautiful is the bride, God
or diadem, a piece of cloth cover- blecss her !
ed with pearls, spangles and coral
beads; boots and slippers of yellow
leather embroidered in gold and
boxes of • sweetmeats: These pres-
ents, called the clulti, ,are carried
in state by two members of the
young man's family, .who are re-
ceivecl with much solemnity by the
heads of the bride's family.
The stunt is placed on a table in
the best room and all gather round
it to admire and say the words is performed in the nuptial ch fain-
"Per heir I" (Good luck). The en- or where the hrxdeg boin is intro-
voys are then invited to sit and deiced by force, for it is th ;proper
partake of coffee, 'liqueurs and i thing on both :sides to affect relttet-
ante as,•Lhe,eruclttl• moment draws
various sweets, while their hosts re-
main standing' and preserve • a near Then .tlie7 bride la a lite) if
eat: The r eii e c,oirsesi)E•s,•to' well the
silence indaga• ire of resp
t • .ars3
' �:znat side �t�u
most rigorous prakiterl�t~Ss preVttiis � .;, -,..
t l+sat. +sd utrttil the pekoes repeats ' Ills clue
on bath sic'Ces''throttghout the v
'end topics of usual interest are
avoided as out of place.
The bride has, of course, given
no sign of her existence and issuers
from her retreat to view the dunti
only when the envoys are well de-
parted. On Friday the matrons shyness, for he has never been • in
'of her acquaintance come to assist such close peeximity to teneei whir
at her preparations, and besides re- except his brother seta sister;*,uaxtil
rising her trousseau they occupy this moment, but by the 'tianeathe.
e > priest addresses bice his moral
courage has returned and Za„a.ns-.
vers boldly "Yes." Eiterithing
promised in this ceremony „S nfktith-
fully kept, and an Albanian as
the bride, troves hnnoefgrth `unoon-
trolled -4 d attends mass regularly..
biivol'ee is ,of -totalise unknown tot.
the Catholic .Albanian, but' thor
leoharnmadan Albanian may re -
merry on the day foliowin his di-
vorce, but a woman i,s olid ed to
wait four months and 'a half before
entering again on matrimony.
Christain principles, however,
have penetrated . here, and poly-
gamy is rare, it being judged
,shameful for a Mohammedan Al-
banian. to keep more than one wife
at a. time.
What . Has Been ,A.ocoutplfshed
Since the Year 1891.
ciinrstanees of her class. Monday
is the special day..set.aside for wed-'
dings, and only on very rare' oc-
casions are they celebrated on any
C, Eirrx� R & SON
Conveyancers, Insurance Agents
Telephone ---•Unice is, House ib,
nee+++., .1.,;:+r+•r.r r lee .-.+•t++•t'°4. 4+
for quite
' ilized
. civilized 1• a have been
a long time; and. 'if .you asked a
middle-aged man if things.. -are
Much further on now than +they.
were twenty years ago, he would
probably say, "Not a 'bit. Oh—
well, there's` the aeroplane, of
course ! And the. motor -car is
pretty new, toe. But 1 don't think
there's much difference."
Yet that is only because new
things come one by one and we get
'Used to thein. If we'were all slxd-
denly transplanted badk to 1891,
we should find 'that an astonishing
number of things in daily use now
were quite unknown then. In fact,
the world would seem full of gaps.
The aeroplane, it is true,'. is the.
most startling novelty. Twenty
years " 'ago flight on a machine
heavier than air was looked on
much as perpetual motion is, or
the philosopher's ' stone --a vain
dream. It is difficult for the
hundreds of thousands who so re-
cently„ saw more than twenty air-
men start confidently on. a thous-
and -mile reel, that twenty, ten or
even eight Sears ago not a man in
the world had ever flown a yard.
In 1891 not only was the picture -
palace unknown, but the cinema-
tograph itself was in a very feeble
Who ate bananas twenty years
ago? Very few. Most of our
popular fruits we have had with
us for centuries. The banana is a
The coming of the motor has •f i secret will defy
made big -changes. There were one,
or; two motors in '91, painfully rical organs consists of two pairs ----
crawling and clattering and rest- }of "longitudinal organs located be- One of Italy's Most Intim in
frig about the roads, _but the mota'r twe_en the -skin and the -muscles of , Ursine r. --
as a thing 'of daily life, was un- ••
4 , ,61. the caudal-regioe They 'consist of• manufacture of olive oil
r C1re •tai and the iliot•
cil ,•,40 11 su lied by inure th zit The e e
Her eyebrows are arehe�tl..,,as the
rainbow, and her -eyes 'are like
cups, God bless herr
Her mouth is a little golden hex,
and her lips are cherries; God
bless her'.
Her Askin is like milk, and her shape
is graceful as the_cypress tree,
God bless her •,
tion for the :third. titue, when the
matron behind her lays her hand
on the bride's treed and inclines it.
downward in token �ofa.equisecen•ce..
The bridegroom keeps 'hits 'face
averted from the bride : through
OK .THE11t..IEN-
HI °b�'["A REAM.
No Uh4 � Discovered How
t .. rodueed
The ]13P11 ex Is �'
k -
.e.By 'Tent. . ..
Of all the, wonders which perplex
the wise men of"the world the
origin of the mysterious electric
current is the: greatest. Second
says only to this baffling a y
:Electrical News -Bulletin, are' the.
marvelous and astonishing living
• ho
S w
'i fl le
ei'ies of certain bats
have the magical power of produc-
ing -
their own electricity
and in quantities large enough to
make thein dangerous customers to
meet. These animated live wires
in the' shape of fishes inhabit var-
ious parts of the seven seas, and,
although scientists have studied
them assiduously for years .and
years, their secrets are still hidden
in the microscopic . cells . of their
electrical .organs.
themselves with her person. Thi 3
bathe and massage her, wash and
plait her hair and -tint her eye-
brows and eyelashes in deepest
black- During these operations
she is forbidden to speak or resist 1 a rule never transgresses ;tris iner-
in any way, awell bred girl being riage vow.
expected to lend herself passively More •than half the year, •he .its
to all that is.required of her, away:fighting, too bust in tlis con -
On the eve of the momentous day genial sport to find .time for,'paying'`
she is dressed in all her finery •and court to the fair sex, and his lawful
the entire neighborhood flocks to wife owns all his allegiance.: When
survey and criticise those who had the religious cerernony is efinished
oharge of her toilet. Whatever her feasting begins, the men being. but
personal defects, says the Queen, 1 to table in one room, th idemen
she herself is admired as in another. Delwin is ;; apt up
till mid night, the sexes indulging
BEAUTIFUL AND GOOD; • ' in it apart, for any fusioal', is eon.
but comments en the manner of her sidered unseemly' and opposed to
custom. The
adlustm;ent are freely pronounced; dung pair,•j;a•l.e . no.
part i
and the responsible matrons have n 'the festivities, being tele-
stand by 'impassively and hear gated, to their private apartment.
themselves blamed. During the first week of luta wife-
Her father and brat;herst are now hood the new spouse is obliged 4:6
admitted to behold her, and to recieve visitors, that is to be present
these she kneels, asking pardon for . while they talk among themselves,
any past neglect of her duty or any for she "stands erect in her wedding
offence she xnay have given. Sobs clothes, taking no pact in the tori,
and expressions of affection are versation, and replying only by an.
never attains huge xoprertionsi sro
current is ` never 4 tngerons to
a Bang exce t st4e a,iiMals.
While. all tense flab mentioned
above are capable of producing
eleotrioity' for hunting and dual,-
eive tuposros net tare of them utUi-
zea the current for electric ligthing,
And yet, strange as it may seet
there are plenty of Bailee who de
use elieetrioity produced by theret'
selves for this very �aur�ose. 4
Not until recently has any ata
temnjst been made to fnweetigit, t'
lifo of the deeper parte of .the
ocean. But the trawls d drag
nets suspended Aa mile .under the
water, where it is•iteo0saorily total
datiktteea, ' all the time >: a
multitude of small rhes, each
equipped with.
`LTfC G ,
Without this light, of oonrseT they,
would be unable to see 'at all, at
that great depth, where the elm -
light can never penetrate, Toe
meta . bring . • up • a host Of thete
;math Ashes, and in 'nearly ev4?
aaae they are equipped with tom,
befghtest eyes and little individ l'
lanterns to light their way along
the dark pathways of the deep.
No man knows just how the
Foremost .,among • these . piscat- electricity 'for this light is predate -
oriel dynanio.s is +the electric e but it is there neverthelea :
of the brackish wna,e;rs of South The deep se& fish are' of ' many
America.. This eel..aS not unlike . strange shapes, and, • in mast of
the common t gro eel familiar to them the lamps are suspended at
everyone. It grows to the feat, ton -
the ends of long feelers and can be,
fishing length of six and seven feet, turned . on • or off... • at will, Pre-
repbut the average sl)ecimens of this
mutably when the fish ;wants togo!
species are about four feet long. on a visit or a hunt for food -he ju
This eel is nothing more than a tarns, on his lamp and starts out;
fish• in an extended and elongated 'Alien he wants to rest he see
form which possesses a powerful some secluded corner in the roc
electric battery' near 'the tail, with and turns out the light,:elcopiiii
which it stuns its prey and drives in comfort and safety until he
away its natural enemies.
Indeed,.liar rr, again.
few denizens of the deep would care There are many other anima
to enperienee a second encounter i�isects zed bugs • which can pr
with an electric eel. When , wets" duce more or leas electricity, b
tacked it merely claps its live -wire ,in such feeble and limited amoun
caudal appendage against its •
that they are hardly worth ale
enemy and presses the 'button. In- florin in this ,article, Of tours
neously the.victim gets a everyone is familiar_with the co
powerful shock of electricity which mon lightning bug, which'can pro
is strong enough to knock a man duce a brilliant glow of heatle
down. light at will.
if yen. pease; the c
you. You will find that the elect- OLIVE OIL initi�STfl .
e +e •.re =e`ixttioni' ed -the 'ttraille cells, p tin or -the must importaazt. Slant
hue' It ,61 e - `
e0Q "rex ve3: .The .del can discharge , ' I d par
of wit
cine : ` °%so iriyrLads' of,
i: hay_
1 n animal tracts of southern Italy, and
h to k l
some'"itnel,'' growlers" that` throng-
ed' London's streets twenty years
agti are represented by a.fewling-
ering relics.
Th the same period wireless tele-
graphy has sprung into existence
and spread to the ends of the
earth. The tactics shown in the he is readyfor the next vzetin).
next.naval war will be very differ- tient have been' successfully in
ent from those possible in 1891. This eel is very goad to eat, but dated in the foreign markets.
"Wireless" has ti'ibled the Navy's no one car�es;to take them off the The area in olives itt Apulia
mobility. The Navy would be very hook so the common way to t;atrli estimated at about 520,000 act
sorry to have tit) clock put back.
In twenty years we have absorb-
ed many a new idea and institu-
tion. low did poor .1891 get on
without them?
current enou,g 1 a ctrlarly' in `rhe region.kns wn
of considerable size, and can easily
knock down'. a man or ''`a horse-. Apulia., o#.which Pari is.theport
After :a, le*, consecutive shocks the export. *nifty years ago the gr
battery , is e.hasted, and the' eel . er part of the crop consisted
has to retire to a nearby mud bank
; cnmmon oil; .now nearly the wh
to rest su that' he can 'generate -a ' can be used for edible purpose
new supplyIn an. hour a two • . the quality obtained is no`t,infer
•to other well-known Italian
them is to drive horses into the -Withan average production
bayous where they are known to be about 601,000 tains of oil.' The ex
plentiful. .. The eels attack .. the• quantity produced • during' 1910
horses and quickly exhaust their net yet known, but 40,000 tons
batteries;' 'When they are power- ' be taken as a 'fair estimate. C
less to do any further electrocution i sidering the partial failure 'of
they are speared . bythe natives. crops ha Calabria and -Sieh}
Not infrequently- horses are host in the peer yields in Tuscany, the ]
this manner of fishing. , • ' crop in Apulia may- be regarded
Russian Explores 1,000 rules of 1 Now, the eels As not the only.fish fairly satisfactory.
Nova Lnntbla'a Shores. • Ito be safeguarded h ' ..powerful The] quality dill not prove ea
Russia's ..latest Governmentally;! electric- batteries, .There is the factory in 'all districts, partieu
has torpedo r•ay, .0r° skate, which looks ly in the lower levele,- and al
equipped exploring expedition
achieved considerable scientific and :like a three -cornered kite with a the seacoast, where a large
practical results by the 1x50 of long tail, equally. danirer•ous • to- was affee'ted by worms. The qu
rubber glove _ Cities exported `to the
'motor"boats. Thd ebief ship of the handle . witholAt•
edition the Princess Olga, has `There are also several •quite unrelati countries during 1910 were as
ex p ed fishes which vSsesS the extra- lows in tons France, 1,691; G
just returned to Archangel firm
Nova Zembla. .She Brings .stews odinary proper`tj�w� :if': eeminunieat- Britain, 810: Austria -Hung
that Prof. IZuussanciff; the geologist ing an electric ellechr to animals 61?i; United ,Stases, 403; 'Ouzo
cr �z of the -expedition; tnad.e a trip se with which they come in contact-, 21a;Portugal, lee; Egypt, 155;
1.� ;fir
a motor 'boat 'from Belusky Bey in all cases the electrical urgers ' Argentina, .100.
through the Kara Strait - to the are modifications of muscular tis- An extensive branch of
Dara Sea, and reached AIatotsch- sires looking like a mass of closelyolive-oil industry is the me nefaet
kin Strait, in Nova Zombie, and packed prisms, each divided into a of sulphur oil (soap stock), w1
thence went an to the ice sea . series of compartments' filled with I is produced by special treatin
He covered over. 1,500 versts, or a 1 elatinou:; substance • The, with carbon bisulphide ;of
1 the th whole is' like a •"ansa;" rir olive refuse, tem:
ateheaan or Alberta The applicant must p y GROUP tJI O
Synopsis of Canau{an Northwest Lan'
ANY person who is the sole head of a
family, or any rustle over 18 years old,
may hotneateau a ouarter-section of avail
able Dominion land in .klaoitoba, Sask.
the rel and there is an exchange INCLINATION OF THC.'HLAR
appear in person] at the Dominion Lands.of onKdearments between her and
about 1,000 mi es, on a sou ern,
:avid south-east 'coast of Nova V T,I .STC I'11.1,5. ing in the crusher after retie e
b ] who salute her, The 11 taZe
ble., and mapped fair. 500 axtraetioras if oil. Several la
or proxy
may for ad district. any each member ofej her taanw. Tin n isfull of 'gentle, undbtru.sive versts or 333 miles. ' r, was Tho electric ray has its hatteries soap -stock factories are in o+
xntry by proxy alas, be made at, feastinn and retorting no>v b'egini3 band t , etion. and the ua.ntity P, rnt
' conditions, h • 'father, i. r, r attentions to Ins wife, but t.is.not-much drift - ice on the sent est,, located.ne.ar: the heath and:supplied t q
agency, on certain b earnest and the guests depart nl3
KaraSea was cent etele with energy from large nerves from Bari during 1910 amounted
• be seen much ttr, ether and- ie free o i .
when the night is far spent The • good form in Albania for thein to but the a e
intending homesteader` bride retires catty in order
]no.ther, son, daughter, brother or sister of
proceeding "frog] -the brain. It is 6,0?5 tons.
an ugly custotntr and can give as.
n1uch. trouble as the elettrie eel;
a. than getting a hock from a
targe specimen will rememberr it
for a long time, if it doesn't kill
Iiim outright.' Even the little rays
can give a shock when mole -sited in
any tray. The .electric ray is a
meltnb` ':, of the skato family, and
in iine4ai9tce can produce more or
less elettrieitY; .but the ray is the
otrly• €sne,,?sca ieh is dangerous :to
.� ate
. o
.n+..�htan 'tiFfire is. tkac ele+rtr•1c
:from the.bile, which carries -aro n
si; p ut'erfu,b etoria e • battery con-
i next to %
s ,rax
11 c, a '��its skin ti
.oe�led . xl 1 ,�
*Paifiitt34*., lyJ "atm bettors, is a layer
ver -
or • blanket srf • electrir, cells .eo
u r-
most of • tlte, body.. . The our -
tont eaet he �dix elarzra;ed at will, and
to pre- !r , 1 if l f C f 't
ihlc 1
years. A homesteader mxay live -within nine day,
))ntaor • -Sax munthi, rosidoure upon and wishes to exchange x ttoi.d
cultivation of the land in, each of three pare for the fatigues of the next throughout the day he must; hate. IST( ICTAG
miles of his homestead ane farm of e,t least At. .6 o'clock in the morning the
recourse to 'a i atcgeni� as ifThis Manager z)£ Shorty—r'Weil, what's
80 acres solely ownod and oecupiett by him bridegroom's house is invaded by were a elancdestane lc ver: tTae matter now, John ?"
or by his father, mother, aeon, daughter, by his friends each bringing a state of things lasts fora :year, tui
brother certain districts a. h6tnesteae,et shape of provisions of coffee ` and more. prolonged than_` in other coons
good standing n•ay pre-empt a r riarter•sec- a p , tries where the - wooing ieced;es
. tion alongside his h rcnestead. ?rico .$3.00 sugar. The brides presents con- , g p
or acro. 1)utios--Must reside six months sist of .silk handkerchiefs and pieces rather than follows i;iar risge. ,
in each of six year's fromdate of homestead 'of•: gold. Thelatter are added to ;C'ifteen days -after the 'wedding.
entry (inetucling the time required to earn ttie� :tiollitr of coiirs worn by Alban- an Albanian bride is conducted to
homestead patent) and cultivate Fifty acres
A homesteader who has exhausted Ida.
homestead right and cannot obtalu are.
emotion tna take a purchased hoinettpead'.
In certain dustriet;s. Prieto $9,00. •poi sere.
luties..-.a•Cust reside six months is irs{aoh rat
three years, oultIvete fifty acres and ; erect
a house worth x;100.0(t •
W. W. •fit . f•• ,OCi;Y,
l)e utv of the 3finietet''off tha /aerie?...
N. ft-.-• h,aiithorlsed: uhlirlati f t1
lair wonlen and girls and constitut-
ing teir chief ornarnent and bank-
inq aca;Utrtat ,A
With a'llher finery and sometimes
that ,..l�•gtf'elatives piled on her
the Isy`t e Mande like' an'irlol' in a
a.. Ir: + room. Her hands
e rues cif t c
ora her crest, her
atee npon
east clnwia her breath is re -
her former home, where ' .elle re-
mains an entire week. At the
•' to
i l] fi
irati n f' that, t ale her, p o of e
comes again to fetch her, ' It is the
prosier thing for her to ,:�lao
gret and reluctance is lIefore and
to betray sorrow at tIl feesh sep-
A .
ar. icr from her�' ;:
z z f o n :Lrl
l� .
a.. .
Arrived once more at 1?er n titi
v far as oswibr+, ssrlcl ihr. home, she puts off the yellow shoes
t•i)ed a, a p.
advertiser ezct will notj num.., -whole effect 4 rt „r
Propene Man • •---- "Everything
wrong. The crocodile says, he'll
leave if you don't pay him his last
week's salary ; the heareled woman
-wants a plug of tobacco. and he's
angry beeai.use. T ']won't lend him a
dime' to get it with: and the fasting
girl says she'd rather starve 'thein,
eat the steak the butcher has s.ent.",
Lady- (to loafer.who.has asked;oar+
money)—• -"You'll only dritk• it, T
suppose, instead of'tttking it. home
r tvifk..
to your •.
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