HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-11-10, Page 1Vol. XII.
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LO oiuer ”f eathei 1
Is Coming. Are you prepared. Wean. Our store is filled with warmth
producing Clothing. We want you to come in and look over our goods.
We will try to please you.
nrml/Y/Y/iN/ANYYH•HMNJH'11iffYriDliiYf✓1l1MYYYW N.ANf .%///
(Coal or Wood)
V may be had with a steel
warming closet and hot
water reservoir and with
a Iow closet under the
oven for pots, pans and
perfect beauty and has
many a convenience riot.
found on other ranges.
Duplex grate, slid-
ing damper, sect-
ional top.
Ther-PEEI L,C$5:..
will save yoat money.
Call in arid see it.
A modern cast-iron range
THE PEERLESS has all the advantages of a
cast-iron range and none of its disadvantages. In
fact, it should be called a combination range—a
combination of cast-iron and steel.
It has the firm close -fitting parts, the durable ever-
lasting frame and cosy home -like appearance; but—and
here it differs from other cast-iron ranges—it also has a
quick oven—an oven. that heats evenly on every side, top
and bottom -a square oven big enough to cook four pies at
once; and it has a drop -oven door which is not usual on a
cast-iron range.
Get our Stove
Di Booklet
We can outfit you in all your winter clothing. Try us for under 0
wear, wolien wear of all kinds, blankets, mitts etc. etc.
We handle the famous Puritan make of Underwear. A complete
line in Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, all sizes and CS
Sweater Coats 0
We are making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. We are A
showing a large range for inen, women and children. Prices from
50 cents up. If you intend getting one, call early before the best 0
colors are gone.OhAlso a full line of Toques just in.
Ladies' -Coats and Jackets
• Do not buy your new Fall Coat before looking over our stock.
We have jnst received a largo shipment of the latest styles and cloths
Also Fur Lined and Imitation Astrachan
Coats, Fur Collar, etc.
New Fall Dress
We are showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods 0
for Fall and Winter Suity. Our store is noted for its large stock of
all the popular lines in seasonable Dress Goods and we have outdone W
all previous efforts this season in selecting a larger and better stock A
than ever. You are cordially invited to look over our goods, whether
you buy or not.
Fur Coats 0
We are making a special feature of fur goods this season. We 0
have a large stock to choose from. Our prices are right, quality con- 0
Headquarters for all kinds of Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, inn- j9(
tation Astrachan Lined Coats, Leather Coats and Corduroy 'Coats.
We can give you extra values m these. No trouble to show goods.
Hecla Furnaces,
Eavetroughing, Etc.:
0 •
Telephone r,► Z U R C
. 3f 3assi 3cE 3 3 1 :;t 3 i3 A 3Si #�
The Official Organ' of Zug
nd Hay Township
e'aeaearn+e ata : .4s4 s41114s•r1141oe
Mr. Harry Weber of Berlin was i n
town this week visiting his fandily,
Mrs. (Rev.) Whiteside left on Tues-
day morning for home at Kempt-
l.kss Muriel Preeter visited'at.,,. %wood for a few days, • last
Mrs. Joseph Elsenhofer of i -fen
sali,visited at Mr. Henry Volland's'
for a few days, last week.
,Miss Ida Prang of London, arrived -
in town on Tuesday evening, for a
visit with relatives. .
Mr. Joseph Papinean has pur-
chased the property near St.
Joseph. owned by the late^ Mr.
Auction sale of household effects
on Setuaday Nov. 18th at 2 o'clock
Miss Ttate Cook prop. E. Bossenberry
The cows sold here on Saturday
by Mr. E. Bossenberry far Mr.
Odell of Belmont, brought an
average of over $40.00 each.
Ifrs. W. Bsaver of the 14th con.
attended the funeral of her father at
Berlin, on Sunday. She returned on
Tuesday evening.
Mr. Napoleon Lebean has pus
chased a fine 280 acre farmnear, i
Clinton for $12100.00. It is said
to be one of the finest farms in Huron..
The concert which was to have
been held in the Methodist church,
Goshen line Strnley, was called off
owing to the rainy weather on Mon-
day evening.
The services in the Evangelical
church during the winter months
will be held as follows : German
service 10 a. m. Sunday School 2
p. m. and English service 7 p. , m,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bassow .and
son. Harry, :also .ektise llhe o ': ?;
Adams and children, of. the Bron.
son Gine, visited lv,'r Frank
Bassow and daughter Marie iii
Detroit, over Thanksgiving Lae
Mrs. Flaxberd had the
fortune on Saturday evening of
breaking her leg, while returning
from a visit with her daughter,;.
Mrs. Henry Howald. She madb. a
mis-step in some way, with the
above unfortunate result. She will
be laid up for some weeks.
"1 do not believe there is any
other medicine se good for whoop
ing cough as Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis
Turpin, Junction City, Ore. This
remedy is also unsurpassed for
colds and croup. For sale by all
dealers. m
The Dominion financial stateent
for October shows a revenue during the
month of $12,221,658 27, as against
$9,606,192 95 in October last year.
The ordinary expenditure for the
month was $4,864,903 11 as compared
with $6,099,436 99 in the same
month of '1910. The revenue for the
seven months is .i76,291,178 04:, as j
comparedwith '65,814,886 28 in
the same period of last year,while the
expenditure for the seven months has
been $40,298,859 13 against $41,-
208,109 65. The capital expenditure
for the nionth was $2,561,812 80,
against $3,549,278 93, and it is
worthy of note that there were no
payments on account of bounties.
For the seven months the capital
expenditure has been `'14,889,889 48,
as,pgalust ,$15,978,4'15 24.
,4The announcement of Canada's
victory over. the United States in the
contest for the prize offered by Sir
Thomas O'Shaughnessy, president of
the Canadian Pacific Railway, for the
best wheat, spring or summer, grown
on the continent Of America, was shade
Saturday at the land show in MadisonSquare Gardens New York. The
committee of the award, compcsed of
C. G. Williams' of the Ohio Exper-
iment Station; Prof. Alfred Atkinson,
Montreal Agricultural College, and
Prof. Walliam Jardine, of the Kansas
State Agriculture College, concurred
in the office ststentent that Canada
raises the best wheat in the world.
The. winner of the world- beating
wheat was Seager Wheeler, ofRoathan
Smite Canada. He received u prig,
of $1,000 in geld. Another C611 ad
inn, W.I. Glass, of MacLeod, Alberta
way` lire til t ro at%
NOV. 10, 69I1.
John and Miss Mary Gall.
as turned home last Thursday,
Pending a week in Mitchell.
,am pleased to recommend
berlain's Cough Remedy as
est thing I know of and safest
d It for coughs, colds and bron-
,trouble," writes Mrs. L. B.
of Denver, Colo. "We have
repeatedly and it has never
o give relief." For sale by
un Mrs. Ed Warm enter-
a:.nutnber of their -friends
ttesday evening. The evening
Spent in music, songs. eta.,
speech by. Reeve Lamont
.was well rendered. After
ioyrxtent all sat down to a.
upper which they most
7 enjoyed, All went home
sd with the evening's fun.
t Sabbath will be Field Day
r'on County, in the interest of
mper'anoe cause, under the
a o . ces,;of the Dominion Alliance.
every pn'pit will be
an o led. The Rev. J. • Lyman
CO , , � n B. A.. of Toronto will
pr le in the Evangelical church
at :' . m, A cordial welcome to all.
inberlain's Stomach and Liv-
er ;. p. blets do not sicken or gripe,
an a�,; may be taken with perfeot
sa �a by the most delicate woman
or. 'e youngest child. The old
feeble will also find them a
suitable rel for aiding
an , trengtbening ik weakened
di tion and ger % 7� ;slating the
ba =ls. For sale r7 •-aill'tlealers.
Y. 1?. A. service last week
e Evangelical church was very
eating, it being the monthly
ess and literary meeting.
At r the bnsiness was transacted
th `onvenor of the Literary De.
• I�e€t.. Mr. H. Pfile took
oh .::'_e of the meeting. Miss Pearl
• read a very instructive paper
on-' 'eter the Apostle of the Lord,
n;, the pastor made a few general
on, Thanksgiving.. and
rt •?i�?Y p sew �+ . e • .
he 'kennel ib�le ;society of
Zu lob Blanch, toes held in the
Flu ngelioal cknrch', last Sunday
ev=ning. ' Pev,' Mr. Maass. Pastor
of the Lutheran church, President
of. the society opened the meeting.
with r:.avotional exercises. After a
ifew gi -neral remarks by the Pres -
oh the Bible. Rev. G. F.
Bros; ' Pastor of the Evangelical
'ahurfir.; delivered an interesting
addre ioa "The work of the Bible
Socia and its relation to the
•Mfssi easy efforts of the church-
es." f'he business of the society
was P, len transacted. H. `Well
Sec. 1 efts. of the society and D. S
Faust` Depositor. gave their annual
zeport. The election of officers for
telae ensuing year resulted as
fellows.: Rev. G. F. Brown Pres-
idet0, Rev !Mr. Maass Vice Pres,
B 'Well Seo Tress, D S Faust
The I,hr•chaser of a fairly large order
fronit a, /real house last week asked for
a year's• ,,ledit on the purchase, and
his `r: guest was "0, X. 'd" by the
storele 0aer- On reading the note,
tha''p . r'haser said,"Whv, you ate
chargi :ane 6 per cent interest on
the dee: " "Certainly," replied the
tnerchat. , t1aai s what I have to pay,"
"Why," the purchaser. "I'll
draw v check. My money is
only:g t 3• per cent at the bank."
Deep ref the foregoing will re-
veal a Al to the bright reader.
Th.e from the conflagration of
I{'rida.. 1,ondon will run close to
x;800. `i, probably a trifle more.
Accor, ,g to the latest figures, the
stock= n the stores of J. H. Chapman
and. a, T. F. Kingsmill and Co.,
\Vi& c Mara and Co. and Brewster's
Paine (foods Store a complete loss
Purer :I's hardware, Roome, Corbett
and +. were almost completely de•
sero , were valued at $575,000,
whit! 'I. J. Young and Co., Gray and
Park r, and IL Ashplant and Sons ell
sure ud loss froin smoke and water,
whit r would.roach $25,000 more, in
all/. '00,000. The burning of the
store . is a serious business. The
ase anent for these amounting to
$107, .`,")00, including the land. This
ie tar, their selling value by a very
eaeai deal, as property in this locality
is no very valuable. The majority
of it l;ustors place the real value of
thr} ,ores alone without the land at
$2&) ;000, and as they are :a total loss,
o7 p ,tetically so, this would bring , the
Fota't!i Inst of tho Fire to $800,000,
Nem Pall Sees
The New Fall Models in Men's and Won;sn's Shoes are now reader for
your inspection.
:Children's Fine Shoes
LaWe carry a full line of the Weston
Shoes, the best The best Children's
Shoe on the market. These Weston
Shoe are• solid throughout and , no
other shoe can equal them for wear.
Men & Boys' Everyday Slices
We have a full line of Split Leath-
er Calf, Grain and Kip.
Ladie's Shoes
There ace the New: High Toe*
Short Vamps in Patent Leathers mit
Gun Metals.
Gentlemen's Shoes
The new High Toes in Patent Lea-.
ther, Gun Metals and Dongola Kid.
These are the leaders.
Boots, Rubbers and Felts bought of the best Manufacturers in Canada.
Brind your feet and get them Fitted.
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
The: New Flour, Feed
and Grocery Store
Flax Meal, Flax Seed, Oil Cake, Biddy's Creams.
Equivalent Stock Food, Barley an Wheat chop. Y can
supply any quantity of Mill Feed oil, one Day's Notice. -
Buckwheat and Potatoes Wanted.
Terms—flour, cash or grain taken in exchange.
Inepeetor Tom visited the • Zurich]
sehool-,an•Wei esday, and ist' f lezfeed
with the work of the teaching staff.
There is little danger from a cold
or from an attack of the grip ex-
cept when followed by pneumonia,
and this never happens when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
used. This remedy has won its
great reputation and extensive sale
by its remarkable cures of colds
and grip and can be relied upon
with implicit confidence. For sale
by all dealers.
"Home Again," is the title`of
one of the most beautiful pictures
ever seen in this country. It is an
inspiration of love and affection—
s picture that will be like a, mem-
ber of the family. This delightful
picture, size 22 x 29 inches, all
ready for framing, is given ab.
solutely free to all who subscribe
to the Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal this season. The
year's subscription, including the
picture is only one dollar. The
picture alone could not be bought
for the money and every one
knows what a magnificent paper
the Family Herald and Weekly
Star is. All Canada is proud of
that great weekly. The publishers
deserve the immense circulation
the paper enoyl.
Try our 75.t Alarm Cloak. You
take no chances. Wo absolut-
ely gnarantee them 2 years
The Best Luminous Alarm Cheek
and spasmodic repeater, $1.26..
and $2.00, None Better.
Musical Alarms, with antoz atie,
ice, The best made — $2,115.
jeweller, - ZURICH
Our New Fall Shoes
`'7',`4 cordially invite the ladies to our grand display of Fall Shoes. WO
are showing a large range in Gums Metal, Vici Kid and Patent Leather, wi be
Velvet Tops, made on the:Newe'ork puff lasts, the very latest„
Gentlemen's Shoes
We are outfitters for Men's:Fine Shoes. Colne in ands see the neer Past;
in Men's Fall Shoes.
Mr. Farmer come in and let us talk to you about Water Proof Shoes 'ffs
the wet weather.
Repairing Done Neatly and Promptly.
. We are headquarters for
A Trunk or a Suit Case
Butter . and Eggs Taken in E .c1i't nge,
9 Z r
The Home of Good Shoes