HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-27, Page 8,l bUtr . , W tl t@1_,lB°K,li 1"4%. k..i WIL- iwo " OPEN SOFIE BAFFLE BAFFLES Doorril 1 25 You are cordially invited to see the leading styles in Fall Millinery. %Te shall endeavor to show all goods we can without any effort to sell and we hope for the attendance of every- one. Your Winter Underwear will be satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the lifferent kinds are shown and a proper fit is assured. ,VTe're glad to show what we have whether you choose o buy or not. Big values in Ladies' New Coats See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon .tractiveness. The styles are simply grand, you can't help liking tem. The priees we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the rments. FURS Corrie and. see our new stock of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, adies' Fur Goats and. Gent's Fur Lined. Coats, we have iein all Prices. Velveteens, Wrapperettes and Flannelettes we are showing all colors iii Velveteens, which are .ery* fashionable this fall. Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything :hat is new and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up to date. BIG REDUCTION IN aists Highest prices paid t€>sr all kinds of Farm Produce GENERAL MERCHANT r Wit. i c,v a wLyn Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR Celebrated roaoway Cid 1N6 ° Morriscy's No. 4 Eczema Ointment Healed Like Magic.' N 111Yi`K ! t,Y l yr/g d i1 X nom�if ti '1MI •s'rr ik Rev. Robert Hicks occugied his own pulpit on Sunday at both services. ;1r1 the evening bo gave an interesting .iticcount of the Ecumenical Confer- ence which was held in Toronto during the past two weeks, Nauwigewauk," N.15,, Oct. 3, 1.011' "I can gladly recommend dear Dr. ' or riscy's Eczema Ointment bemuse it cur, t+. me of a sore which I had en myczar f<'i over 8 years. I did everything to Lcuv. it cured, and had the most skillful doccur>., treating it, but it would not heal up. l went under treatment with Father 11Moe- riscy's Ointment, and in a short while i was cured. That was 3 years ago, and 1, am sure the cure is permanent. When I think how quickly No. 4Eczema Ointment cured me it seems wonderful indeed,' because you know I doctored with several skilled physicians who could not lielp rte. You surely must have a big demand fo-' this wonderful Salve. My only regret i., that I did not use it at first, as it wodld have saved me over 8 years of pain, to sat, nothing of an unsightly ear and expensive,, doctor bills." John Ryan. Theabove prescription is not a "Cure - All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr.`Mor�;' riscy prescribed it for 44 years, and, it cured thousands after other doctorsfaiied, Price, 50c. per box at your dealers, Or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited, Montreal. 20o • oskommeis CARD OF TH.A NI3.S I the undersigned, desire hereby to return my sincere thanks to all the neighbours and friends who so heart- ily gave their assistance and symp- athy during the illness and since the death of my husband. Mrs. English. s......p`.......9.►.......oso • fish �i1� 3CD i ............a..a.........Q Mr. P Morseao and pole ga.ng.in. tend to have about 30 miles of line ready by Saturday and the wire men are following They expect to have 100 new phones oonneeted by Nov 15th. , Mrs. Wm Kleinstiver and fam- ily are visiting at Grand Bend, this week. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and family visited. at Crediton, en Thursday. Mr. John Hall of London, visited friends here, on Wednesday la to Mrs Robert Nichol of Sick : ,` is in town attending the funerel of her mother, the late Mrs. Hartleib. Messrs Lee Hoffman and Charles Eilber of Zurich, called on friends here, on Thursday. Mr. H. Guentber, our liveryman went to Lucan on Tuesday to meet a party with another large motor bus for his livery. The new, bus has cross seats and will seat from 80 to 35. Misses Leila Siebert., Lettie Gue. nther, Vera Siebert and Euleen Guenther visited friends at Zurich, on Sunday. Messrs Norman Kellerman and Milton Ehlers visited at Mr.. Kaercher's 14th Con , on Sunday: --a------ Biliousness is due to a, disordered condition of the stomach. Cham- berlain's Tablets are essentially, a. stomach medicine, intended especi. ally to act on that organ ; to cleanse it, strengthen it. tone and invigor- ate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually, For sale by all dealers. Mr. E. C. McMurray of London, is renewing acquaintances in the village this week. Mr. McMurray leaves for Winnipeg on Wednesday of next week, Where lie intends making his future home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. • Taylor of Washington D. C. who have been vis- iting relatives in the Village for the past two weeks returned to their home on Tuesday last. On Monday a bee was -held in con- iieotion with the new Evangelical church shed. The approach at the east door was filled in with earth and other work necessary was done. This is now one of the finest church sheds in Ontario, Word was received Wednesday morning of the death of Rev. S. F. Brown, in Regina, Sask. on Tuesday of this week of typhoid fever. Rev. Mr. Brown was well known here and is it brother of AIr. Barney Brown just south of the village. Mr. Fred Kerr attended the shoot- ing,imateh held in Dashwood on Thur - clay last and slid some excellent shoot- ing Fred was up against some of the crack shots from Clinton, Win.- ham, Brussels and Woodstock and won frist place breaking 30 out of 40 'birds. On Sunday morning last Rev E. Burn, pastor of the Evangelical chur- ch, preached a special sermon to the old people. There was a very large audience considering the inclemency of the weather. The sermon was an `inspiration to all present. ` Rev. Burn chose his text from Zechariah 14-7; "At evening time it shall'be light." A short after meeting was held in which many of the fathers and mothers in Israel gave their experience. Messrs H. Eilber, M. P. P. and Paul Shenck, left this Friday for a 'dear hunt in the old hunting ground at Loring, Parry Sound district. Miss Lillie Haist who' has been visiting friends and i elatives in Pigeon and other points in Michigan returned home on Friday of last week. TheLadies Aid of Zion Evangelical ut h .are giving a, Thanksgiving aininent next Monday night in t e church. The ,Sunday School Convection composed of the Township of Stephen and Osborne and the village of Exeter, convened in our village Wednesday last. The,F afternoon session was held in the Methodist church and the evening session in the Evangelical church. - There was a good represent- ation of delegates from the various schools. The addresses proved very profitable, the main speakers were 14. S. H. Glassford provincial presi- dent of the Ontario Sunday School Association and Rev Mr. Snell of Kirkton. The male chorus of the Evangelical Sunday School occupied the ehoir gallery and rendered several fine selections, at the close of the -reorganized session the townships were reorganized J. H. Holtzman Supt. of the Evangelical Sunday School was elected president and Miss V. Banes secretary. 40 *3 04> .(+000.9.......0® Oi i • CREDITON ..440.499..0.•O.....A0...06!` Mr. Geo. Clarke last week brought us in a sample of some of the apples from his orchard. One, a Wolf River, measured 18 inches, and a Pumpkin Sweet measured 14 inches. Both were perfect apples. Who calx, beat this? Rev. John Kennedy, B. D., of Alsia Craig, will preach in the Methodist Church next Sabbath. Morning. In the evening the pastor Rev. Robt. Birks will occupy his; own pulpit. The Junior Y. P. A. of the Fvan: gelical church has been reorganized; with the following result. Pastor,: Rev. Burn, Supt. Mrs. J. H. Holtz:: man, pres. M. Brown, vice pros. E.' Keinzle, sec. L. Brown, vice see. L. Burn, treas. E. Gaiser, cor, sec, L; Iloltzmann, organist, L. Finkbeiner; asst. V. Gaiser, lib. M. Lawson, A. Holtzrann, L. Brown. The meetings are held every Sunday afternoon at 1, two o'clock, Mr. Moses Amoy had a very suer- ess£ul auction sale on Saturday 1'astt Everything brought good prices with the eveeption of the implements which went fairly well. )11.1.1211tOWIAISELSIAATA0- AMMO Y.ES! EYES! ! The well-known Eye Speoialist, E. KATZ will once more visit the town of Zurich At Dominion :• •: Howse -WEDNESDAY—OCT. 18— Will examine Eyes by the New Method that seldom fails. Mr. Katz took a new course in New York since his last visit to town, and guarantees to restore .all refraction Cross, relieve eye strain. headache, eye- sight trouble, when other optieib,ns fail. Special Care Taken of Children's Eyes Glosses supplied at a Low Prioe .. KATZ 1OOt IRLS per week to start with ', girls eighteen and over. Apply at once, D. S. PERIi11 & 00, Limited, L,ndon, Ontario. WANTED. or • A. - ... .^- WHAT THEY ALL SAY What those who know, have to say about the Modern Malleable Iron Range bought of C. Hartloib Zurich. Geo, Olausius Sam Faust John Campbell Jacob Weido Christian Meyers John Laport John Seuthmore William Stelk Solnaon Gingericli Henry Valland Sam Hewstou E.W. Brokenshire Henry Wolper Thomas Turnbull Christian Badour William Denomy Jacob Hartleib Lonis Rinker Geo. Armstrong We have great faith in the above stove and are willing to stake $100 that there is not another stove made in Canada that will cook and bake with as little fuel as the Modern. A full stock of all kinds of FURNITURE to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price e.zUR� H HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Gar Best Shing1s. PHONE Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price 9 KALBFLEIK a = = ZURICH Now is: the Time You Ladies Should Think of your new Fall Clothes Dress Goods We -give particular attention to our dress goods and suiting. These are the best we have had for along time and still we are adding daily, prices are low and quality very best. Come in and see our goods before you buy. Men's Suits We have reduced our Men's Suits to cost and. if you need something cheap and good you can get it here. Underwear Ali kinds of Ladle's and Men's Underwear can be shown here, fleeced lined, wool or natural wool, all kinds and prices range from 50e to $3.50 a suit. Ladie's Hand Bags & Belts Just received a large assortment of Ladies velvet and Leather Hand. Bags and colored elastic Belts. Coats Soft Hats Ladie's Coats are very popular this ever Men's soft felt Hats regular price before. Ouream is yo uk wantrmorcoat?n if sol from 1.00 to 2.50 now for 25c. come here. RUBY PHON 1♦ 17 de 0 ASCIIO FaissmniniESAMESMISSOISSIMSSIENBt UNTERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rh.arges Ws H. OFFM � Zurich; – Ontario NOTICE I hereby roquest that all accom:.ts owing at Cabana's Brick and Tile Yards, be paid on or before Oct. 1st. 6-8 \V1i.' 1VIILLELt, Mian i. €. r PILESget tf; :mute rdter FI'om Dr., fu's Mak Ointlalent. NO! forging ahead at the Old Place. The following are some of our lines we keep in stook We have not sold out our implement Business yet We are still Plows & Repairs Percival No. 10-13, .h'leury'e, No. 21, Cookshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson all kinds, Land Rollers. Implements & Repair's. Binders, Mowers, Cultivate/Ill (best made) Hoe Drills, Disc Har- rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seed Drills for all seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray. ers best rn the market, Gar- den Cultivators, Lon- don's Hay 't'racks, London's Barn Flixtures. Buggis% Carriages; Wagons All our own make. F HESS k.' SON ZURICH