The Herald, 1911-10-27, Page 5qD®aDc QDC ?aDt i41012D4310fDCID(11 (iD 43D®av
The Molsons Bank
1 .,
41 Reserve Fund $4600,000 A
• Gipsies paid up $4,6400,000u
n Total Assets over 44,000,000 w
Uead Office - - limit real 1
n vHas 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in rind
all the'Principal Cities of the World.
at all. Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate v
Zurich Branch - J. .. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. 1
Incorporated 1855
For South Huron for Provin-
cial Purposes will be held at
Weclr.esd.ay, Nov.1
At 11 a. in.
For the purpose of selecting a
A. netting will bo held in each sub-
division on Monday, Oct. 80th, at S
p. in for the purpose of ,electing de-
legates to attend the convention.
A Full Representation is Requested
That Want
Call at The Massey -
Harris Shop.
Our Machines spea
for themselves.
We also handle
Olds_ Gasoline
Jas. Whyte, Ag't
WE keep in stock a
" full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but tie best.
We make Olr own
Give us a call.
Here we
Are Aoain
Demise : It i.- our duty this week
to report the death• of 1V Ir. John
English, who through an accident
was unexpectedly called to the
Great Beyond on Monday of last
week, at the age of 47 yerrs.
The deceased was making pre
partitions for threshing and in er•
ecting a scaffold to adjust an
extension to the "blower" the
ladder upon which he was standing
gave way and he fell heavily about
twelve feet on to a box, breaking
several ribs one of which pierced
the lung, After a few weeks, when
the ribs had knit, an abeess formed
and burst thus causing the sudden
He leaves to mourn his loss a
widow (neo llenerietta Howard) a
mother, a sister, and several bro-
thers all of whom have the
sympathy of the coinmunity in this
their sore bereavement.
The remains were taken to
Grand .Bend where after a service,
conducted by Revs. Blatchford,
Carrier and Thompson was held,
they were interred interred in the
family plot.
Mr. John Johnston is gradually
improving so that now he is able
to sit up, We hope to see him
round in his usual health.
Owing to the continued wet
weather and the soft condition of
the fields some farmers had to
mow their buckwheat with the
The farmers are hustling along
with their ploughing and some
have about finished.
with the finest lot of
goods ever shown in
Just received a large
quantity to please any-
body, so drop in and see.
if I cant suit you. Also
carry an immense No. of
samples to choose from,
All kinds of goods for
trousers, dark or light
prices low as possible.
Laundry in Connection
W. H. HO►{i i MAN
Our school was closed on Thiers
day owing the teacher attending
the funeral of his brother
J English of Centralia, who died
from the effects of a fall received
some weeks ago.
IYIr. Wm. Douglas, Anna Pearl,
and his mother Mrs, P. Douglas,
attended the funeral of Mabel
Irwin of Marlette, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sparks at.
tended the funeral of Jas. Sparks
a brother, who died at his home in
Hensall, on Sunday.
Mr C. Haugh and Mrs McDon-
ald were in Kippen on Tuesday,
attending the Sabbath School
Convention held there.
The trustees -have had the school
nicely papered which adds wonder-
fully to its former gloomy appear.
awe. Mr. Chas Witwer did the
Some of the tarmers in this
neighborhood find it difficult to get
long enough spells of dry, weather
to dig their potatoes or pull their
The Councils of Hay and Stanley
aro making quite an improvement
at the corner of our village in the
way of building a fence to serve as
a break in icy weather.
Sterling, Kansas, Oct 13, 1911.
Dean Friends :—Since our last
letter in TEE HERALD, we have
been travelling in a number of
States holding local conventions
and missionary meetings in many
places in company with Rev. and
Mrs. J. E. Ramseyer and Rev.
David 0, Rupp, of Africa, and
The annual convention of the
Christian and Missionary Alliance
at Beulah Park, Cleveland, Ohio,
Aug, 18 to 28, was a great spiritual
feast to many and was crowned ,on
closing day with an offering of
$19,000.00 for missions. We had
the privelege of being there among
the missionary staff for two days.
Our meetings at Swanton Pettis.
ville and Arohbold, Ohio , were
seasons of much blessing. Also an
illustrated lecture on India in the
Methodist church at Stryker. Ohio,
was appreciated by the French
friends of that place. At the form-
er planes mentioned people are
Y L, ,r[o
mostly Germans. t`teal cane a week we watched Aviator Rodgers, the
of meetings in Detroit oet Ore we 1:•rast tar coast t eoa:it flier. an 1
wen t to Indianar, Oar first place l'urpin in heir Ilig'it.e at the ins
was at Berne -Swiss Germans-, element exhibition. There was as
bea.atifnl town for tine houses, great show of ever aa. million
Farmers, here have gotten rials bs dollars worth of till manner ot
growing corn, besides there are agricultural implements,
many oil wells in this di,tr•i.ot,1 Peoria with suburbs has a pop -
some farmers have made as high! illation of 100,000 the city has
as ten hundred dollars a month oast many distilleries and breweriers ;
of their oil wells Tlie Arnerican tii•i whiskey output is about 100,000
Mennonites are building au itn gallons a day. Uncle Sarn's Govern
mense church which will cost nment gets about $100,000.00 per
about $75000.00 before it is ogu dujr by .,revenue taxes, ,no wonder
pleted. exp abounds here. The
Next came Linn (.rove chu . y' dorce rccorcl'for Sept, alone ° was`
the country, 11, true missionar';q K 11;0 senses in Peoria court house.
church. The yoi,ng people acne rrne seventy churches of the city
have taken upon themselves the
support of a missionary in China..
Three days here, the last was
missionary day and a noble offer-
ing of a thousand and thirty
dollars was given in cash and
pled ;es. Needless til say that the - ea -
Lord is richly blessing this church
and that young people are yielding W. C. T. U
their lives for God's service. The
Pastor 6 .1 Grabill and his wife DROP BY DROP.
are erLr•ue,t workers for the dark
regions of the world. • A settlement worker came in
Then to Ft. Wayne, Ind., pope contact with a girl, who had eyid
ulation 70,000 a beautiful city for ently been well brought up and
homes, hospitals and educational. carefully guarded in her early
institutions. It was here -Sammy- youth, but who was fast deteriora.
Morris" the African Kru boy at- ting in character. The settlement
tended Taylor University when a resident was possessed of a• certain
wonderful revival broke out among magnetism and lead the ring of
the students through the ministry true sympathy in her voice, and
of tbie boy saved from the wildest found no difficulty in capturing the
heathendom. Sammy is dead and girl's heart, and she soon discover -
buried in the large cemetery gnu ed unmistakable signs that intemp-
Taylor University is moved to 'evince had been the Cause of the
Uplands, Iud. Our convention here young woman's downward coorse.
was held at the Bible Training But how she could have started in
school, a handsome building in a this descent was the question.
beautiful hickory ouk grove on the So intense was the settlement
south side of the city. A good, worker on helping the young
company of students and friends 'woman to re ascend the ladder of
from the city made up our audien- 'virtue and selt respect, that she
ees. Sept 23 we left Ft. Wayne. persuaded her to come to her room
for Morton, Groveland and Peoria, one evening.
Ill We are in the great western • "What was the beginning of it
corn country now where the rich all, Alice?" she questioned earn -
farmers dwell, land is from $200.00 estly. •
to $350 00 per acre and people, '`Just something that was Called
follow plan of the west. "To buy a medicine," replied Alice, as the
more land, to raise more corn, to tears began to fall.
feed more hogs and to buy more "Ordered by a doctor?"
land etc." "No a little girl friend was talc -
Oct 1 to 8. Convention at Mt. ing it I" she answered. it seemed to
Olive church in the city of Peoria. do her so much good, and 1 was
Pastor S. D Burkey has a:great feeling worn oat from my office
work here and a noble band ot work, so I thought I would try it,
workers who stand with him in the too. 1 bought at bottle at the gro.
work '1 he congregation is paying cery from a very reliable men. It
for their near cement church build- was a malt preparation, my friend
ing yet they crowned the conven• . said, not malted milk. although I
tion, which was so full of all thought it might bo of the same
manner of spiritual blessing with nature. When I reached horns with
an offering of five hundred ands it, I read on the label : 'Only five
twenty dollars for missions. Here per cent alcohol:' Then 1 made
we had the pleasant surprise of eorne careful calculations, and de•
meeting with Dr. Wm B. Eicher, 'aided that would only be a few
my father's Cousin, and another drops to a. tablespoonful, which I
old friend who spent a few weeks supposed was the dose, On taking
at our home at Zurich about! out the cork, I noticed brown froth
twenty years ago, Mr, N. G. Wag spurting from the hole I had made
ler real estate agent, who spewed with the oorkscrew. I noticed too,
us great kindness in giving us the that a wineglass full three or four
use of his comfortable touring bar
so we could easily get about and do
up the city. With much interest
will find plenty of work. A night
and a day of travel brought us
over Missouri state into Kansas to
Sterling. With Christian greeting
For Christ's kingdom in India.
Yours, 0. Eicher .
ti day was the specified quantity to
take. 1 took it as directed, and it
did make me feel better, or at least
1 fancied it Hid When the bottle
was oml tv. 1 bought another, and •
there another and an It her, for 1
began to miss it when I lett it nIt
even for a day. Then oro night I i
happened to sheet a titan ,
that 1 walked with on pandasys ; be!
persuaded me at di rifler tune to
tan something stronger, and he
said better," uriuture Sto
Hero the poor girl broke down
and sobbed as if her heart would
break, crying, -•If 1 could only got
back my ofd self, what wouldn't I; Bargains for
60 D
;eve." y4 71
Liniment and bound on over
affected parts is superior to a l
ter and Costs only one tenth
much. For sale by All Dealers
ner new triend tried' to comfort
her, assuring. her it was. not too
late. and that the Heavenly Father
would help her to oy.ercome the
appetite which had mustered her,
provided she tried to help herself.
"You can't go back as you be•
gen, Alice, drop by drop. You
pins* determinedly refuse anything
of an ulcohr,lie nature, even if it i
labelled •only five per cent ' b'iy
physician will help you with a
harmless tonic, and with good food
and a change -with (rod's blessing -
you will be your old self again!"
E. M 'Williams. Pres. Supt.
Miss Rose Steck of the 14th
brought a wild raspberry stalk to
our office recently, which had a
number of ripe berries attached.
The best plaster. A piece of flan-
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
We are offering Big Bargains
Sewing Machines for the next 60
The Singer $30
New Williams $28
New Raymond $25
that the T. Eaton Co. sell for $2
we will deliver the same mach
giving you two weeks trial, for $2
Our Stock of Furniture
always complete. Here you
find all the latestdesigns in Furth
at reasonable prices.
We have the Telephone Office
our store with 400 connections, an
you call us up or write us, we will
the rest.
Furniture and Undertai
Do you 01111 a
' PI1tKYTL" or a c
you t Slave to in
A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strong
kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative agail
epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the y
Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of yo
home; cost less than a Cent a day, and lasts a lifetime.
Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Specified
the most Prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than a 01
Ask your dealer for prices.
The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by
Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Man.
Branches—Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and \ ancouv
and is sold by
I-lartleib, Zurich, Ont
;4' = . 1
"i ►'(r
(' �'' "\i\l
1"Uniformity is a big word, Bud."'
'spect Ws because it mem a'
lot, Rose."
Steady -Regular --Dependable Quality,
there's the FIVE ROES idea.
No bad dreams bakeday eves -- the
morning batch "flat" instead of "up."
r Faa�o ,.-1
t (.,<•'
4 s
a ''
/ " ° k .
alp `f
So very exasperating, you know, to get less
loaves this week than last from the same
FIVE ROSES is the sure flour ---reliable,
you see.
No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pies, or
Bake things always up to the rntark of your happy
Four times Uniform --Strength, Color, Flavor, too, Caryl r
FIVE ROSES—trouble.proof flour.
Use FIVE ROSES always. to
i rlifl
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��11iilnll r
�w u � ii
y 4av
� ;�!h'6,/ 4
, '1.
.M1ray :4�
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®x,"`k� •
dIW .'
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!:;, wa
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1811 11
MI Oil z
i i,
� Mil
1 1i
F`ru a
.. tie
Y L, ,r[o
mostly Germans. t`teal cane a week we watched Aviator Rodgers, the
of meetings in Detroit oet Ore we 1:•rast tar coast t eoa:it flier. an 1
wen t to Indianar, Oar first place l'urpin in heir Ilig'it.e at the ins
was at Berne -Swiss Germans-, element exhibition. There was as
bea.atifnl town for tine houses, great show of ever aa. million
Farmers, here have gotten rials bs dollars worth of till manner ot
growing corn, besides there are agricultural implements,
many oil wells in this di,tr•i.ot,1 Peoria with suburbs has a pop -
some farmers have made as high! illation of 100,000 the city has
as ten hundred dollars a month oast many distilleries and breweriers ;
of their oil wells Tlie Arnerican tii•i whiskey output is about 100,000
Mennonites are building au itn gallons a day. Uncle Sarn's Govern
mense church which will cost nment gets about $100,000.00 per
about $75000.00 before it is ogu dujr by .,revenue taxes, ,no wonder
pleted. exp abounds here. The
Next came Linn (.rove chu . y' dorce rccorcl'for Sept, alone ° was`
the country, 11, true missionar';q K 11;0 senses in Peoria court house.
church. The yoi,ng people acne rrne seventy churches of the city
have taken upon themselves the
support of a missionary in China..
Three days here, the last was
missionary day and a noble offer-
ing of a thousand and thirty
dollars was given in cash and
pled ;es. Needless til say that the - ea -
Lord is richly blessing this church
and that young people are yielding W. C. T. U
their lives for God's service. The
Pastor 6 .1 Grabill and his wife DROP BY DROP.
are erLr•ue,t workers for the dark
regions of the world. • A settlement worker came in
Then to Ft. Wayne, Ind., pope contact with a girl, who had eyid
ulation 70,000 a beautiful city for ently been well brought up and
homes, hospitals and educational. carefully guarded in her early
institutions. It was here -Sammy- youth, but who was fast deteriora.
Morris" the African Kru boy at- ting in character. The settlement
tended Taylor University when a resident was possessed of a• certain
wonderful revival broke out among magnetism and lead the ring of
the students through the ministry true sympathy in her voice, and
of tbie boy saved from the wildest found no difficulty in capturing the
heathendom. Sammy is dead and girl's heart, and she soon discover -
buried in the large cemetery gnu ed unmistakable signs that intemp-
Taylor University is moved to 'evince had been the Cause of the
Uplands, Iud. Our convention here young woman's downward coorse.
was held at the Bible Training But how she could have started in
school, a handsome building in a this descent was the question.
beautiful hickory ouk grove on the So intense was the settlement
south side of the city. A good, worker on helping the young
company of students and friends 'woman to re ascend the ladder of
from the city made up our audien- 'virtue and selt respect, that she
ees. Sept 23 we left Ft. Wayne. persuaded her to come to her room
for Morton, Groveland and Peoria, one evening.
Ill We are in the great western • "What was the beginning of it
corn country now where the rich all, Alice?" she questioned earn -
farmers dwell, land is from $200.00 estly. •
to $350 00 per acre and people, '`Just something that was Called
follow plan of the west. "To buy a medicine," replied Alice, as the
more land, to raise more corn, to tears began to fall.
feed more hogs and to buy more "Ordered by a doctor?"
land etc." "No a little girl friend was talc -
Oct 1 to 8. Convention at Mt. ing it I" she answered. it seemed to
Olive church in the city of Peoria. do her so much good, and 1 was
Pastor S. D Burkey has a:great feeling worn oat from my office
work here and a noble band ot work, so I thought I would try it,
workers who stand with him in the too. 1 bought at bottle at the gro.
work '1 he congregation is paying cery from a very reliable men. It
for their near cement church build- was a malt preparation, my friend
ing yet they crowned the conven• . said, not malted milk. although I
tion, which was so full of all thought it might bo of the same
manner of spiritual blessing with nature. When I reached horns with
an offering of five hundred ands it, I read on the label : 'Only five
twenty dollars for missions. Here per cent alcohol:' Then 1 made
we had the pleasant surprise of eorne careful calculations, and de•
meeting with Dr. Wm B. Eicher, 'aided that would only be a few
my father's Cousin, and another drops to a. tablespoonful, which I
old friend who spent a few weeks supposed was the dose, On taking
at our home at Zurich about! out the cork, I noticed brown froth
twenty years ago, Mr, N. G. Wag spurting from the hole I had made
ler real estate agent, who spewed with the oorkscrew. I noticed too,
us great kindness in giving us the that a wineglass full three or four
use of his comfortable touring bar
so we could easily get about and do
up the city. With much interest
will find plenty of work. A night
and a day of travel brought us
over Missouri state into Kansas to
Sterling. With Christian greeting
For Christ's kingdom in India.
Yours, 0. Eicher .
ti day was the specified quantity to
take. 1 took it as directed, and it
did make me feel better, or at least
1 fancied it Hid When the bottle
was oml tv. 1 bought another, and •
there another and an It her, for 1
began to miss it when I lett it nIt
even for a day. Then oro night I i
happened to sheet a titan ,
that 1 walked with on pandasys ; be!
persuaded me at di rifler tune to
tan something stronger, and he
said better," uriuture Sto
Hero the poor girl broke down
and sobbed as if her heart would
break, crying, -•If 1 could only got
back my ofd self, what wouldn't I; Bargains for
60 D
;eve." y4 71
Liniment and bound on over
affected parts is superior to a l
ter and Costs only one tenth
much. For sale by All Dealers
ner new triend tried' to comfort
her, assuring. her it was. not too
late. and that the Heavenly Father
would help her to oy.ercome the
appetite which had mustered her,
provided she tried to help herself.
"You can't go back as you be•
gen, Alice, drop by drop. You
pins* determinedly refuse anything
of an ulcohr,lie nature, even if it i
labelled •only five per cent ' b'iy
physician will help you with a
harmless tonic, and with good food
and a change -with (rod's blessing -
you will be your old self again!"
E. M 'Williams. Pres. Supt.
Miss Rose Steck of the 14th
brought a wild raspberry stalk to
our office recently, which had a
number of ripe berries attached.
The best plaster. A piece of flan-
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
We are offering Big Bargains
Sewing Machines for the next 60
The Singer $30
New Williams $28
New Raymond $25
that the T. Eaton Co. sell for $2
we will deliver the same mach
giving you two weeks trial, for $2
Our Stock of Furniture
always complete. Here you
find all the latestdesigns in Furth
at reasonable prices.
We have the Telephone Office
our store with 400 connections, an
you call us up or write us, we will
the rest.
Furniture and Undertai
Do you 01111 a
' PI1tKYTL" or a c
you t Slave to in
A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strong
kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative agail
epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the y
Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of yo
home; cost less than a Cent a day, and lasts a lifetime.
Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Specified
the most Prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than a 01
Ask your dealer for prices.
The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by
Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Man.
Branches—Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and \ ancouv
and is sold by
I-lartleib, Zurich, Ont