The Herald, 1911-10-27, Page 4••••• 11 CLASS CANADI41 0110771T raRsEA7 sTQCX: •••• .."1,••• .•3'satf.,4014 4444+++4,..-tealeietee+++4-tee++4alete:. N. Walter Clark, of Loi is, " agent for. this, aiefeict for, Statii's well known N.,ui- siXY: Stock. At present. Ma, Y4_rIF, lgs, offm; a full hue of' • ilmstgs., rtios, nows, .E. • A/toss and small, fruit% also.4- 4: ORNAMENTALS) RoSES Et* • i):1-'ico-ti axtci ihformattion: will t be fuenlehea cheerbialY, ,tree, •".• 9ft charge. Intending prirenas; 4 era are iti.vised• to seinalth. ttiloixt • °there at ono % while, there is a ▪ fUll: stock of everything on. hand: + WAVTER CLARK Agerl.t,„ CreAtiterp, • 4,..9AG ivi—gg771 () F Court Zurich No, 12.1s,0 •,20• 0 * ' nests every 1st and 3rd Thursday- of each`rrionth at, 8, o'cIoo1 p m, 14, th 0, 15. W. Hall Nikes AR., C. el a ti „ Rickbeil Lodge Ata,Qa..114.Te. No. 3.9$. hi..par,•15 the 4nd and 4th. Friday of eyery month, t. 8.-et'i.leck, in, their Ball, Kerner Block, Flow. WIrrwrat fa eRquorpoT B.Ays & KILLORAN, Barristers, Seheitere, :Notaries Public, et ate, Goderit*, Canada W. Proudfoot, 11 LO. It 0. Hays, J. L. Killorau. .n INE CARD. • • a. S. Pint. L &Pet. Ss Apq-r1.01,1qa.4 xetere Seles-semineted in all parts. 8atis0 faectien. gultiraneed• or 11G. pay. Terme reasunahle. Orders left. at this Mace be„promptly attended to. P itt d. itt, Zeller block. Zurich, Ont. 9,r ', lr . . . DISTRICT. ..rf , Alexander .'.Wintee, a prominent business man -et Seaforth, died sud- denly on .Tueiday last of rheuma- tism of the heart.- Mr. Winter wee in the best of health on. rearing, but shortly afterwardawoke with e -slight ...pain in : the region uf the heart: He : -oht. a.t mice to, coaeult playeician, and. wee advieed that he woald be all right in a day or so. On returning home- he sat down, in a ehair, apparently to rest, when he fell over end expieed Andrew -1V:e1Seeeee,. ef the Bank of Hamilton, of Listo*cl, was clean- ing a revolver whenit aceidentally discharged, and the bullet eeter- ed his leg. The wound was nut, it is thought, as darigeroue one,. OA unless bloodeioieuning develeps young McKeever will be around again all right ehoetly. Anniversary service s were held in Duff's church, MeEillop, on Sun- dae, last, Rev. . L. Small, f Blyth, preached to Neap congregetione, morning and evening. Speciel music was rendered by the church choir and solos were given by Miss Eva Loekhart and Miss Eva Sper- ling. The weather was delightful, allewing large congregations at both diets et worship, and the ser- vices were' 4434- enjOyed by elf. The Eluia. Cheese and, ihitter Manufacturing, Company shipped their make of cheese, for the first, half of September at 14 7-8 cents to Messrs. Lovell and Christmas, Mentee,al. The amount realized' was $4,9a8,74, This is the highest pricedcheese. that has ever been shipped; out, of Perth cettoty. Mee.. George Erwin, uf Hayfield,. shipped- her householdfurniture last week to. Prince Albert, Saelte. •and will herselfleave for that far- away place in a few days,, Mr. Er- win having decided to biotite there. •:! The departure of this esteemed family from our reidat will leave a gap that will be liar& to fill and :le The eontrant fOr i)/9.ft bnildi7C}O.,44 lityiy, ifA: coxi3eARE4e yam xlig, the Masonic TemPlo at Goi,1Pr.1,10'1 . ' ' - soul has been awarded to the Crodor,4,inurnsit uim ta , Planing Mills, and vvork hati .ae• I reedy been oommenced at the-ea/14i. On West street, The contract ciiiNe ei English. Vieitior te Geeleam, ers all' the work in conneetiore wit' ',1 ; . G:ivekelllia.lpap,reSsicnes-ot the ereetion.: which is to be,''cuft t 1 the IltrAilY.,. pleted by the end of July next yea. , The building is to he Haying jleet returned fromthe of red: l'nessP(',, brick, three stpreys. 'The gli0iiro ,fektb.4.4alfde where t renewed' roy ac. , fluor is to be made into tw6'1.415V .,ft.M..batilnee withi, the Ger,1110,11 fight- storea, Half of. the second floor: a.7:' 1 to be, oecupied, by the Me stat :. e119180,113474%olt,Mii'tlyas.ostma.thectaillh , Q'ter! Caeoe, Club and the. ,other hall emayo. it, wee: °flea raoDi„ imnreasett vided inte. suites of offices and:: jani- tnecta tbat the iyeeknee, of the tor's quarters. The third floor...is144334, 14*'aryeyatom. of that eountrye *t() be clevabed' ex'clusivelY to 1'0' Nitiit, humor; lias never beer( pro- sonie purposes, with up-tu-clate: PorlY laid. bare to the British pub- commudatien for both. Mait teed Ii4,. inites, E. E. 1.. in, an E.aglikii. Lodge and Huron Chapter. ;paper. • At, a. /fleeting, held at Toronto; . •One. is, always being toldthat the the, Executive ef the Huron Ofd •Douteeher scrapper, ie the le,et.thinge Boys, the Vice -President, W. w. infighting, that it a 'coupler of: army Wilsen, presided in the- atit,•t3IICtl +611 'corps once got into Brit/aim the Major Beek., who is seriously iti. ,lt• whole, Britilsh• army. could, net die, was decidedto hold the annual. 'iptitp, them, and, eo on. meeting en November n'th, and...t u- ' ontou believe.it ?- have an at-heree in the Tetnple he r•eputation of; tbe German Building in :February. Theenere: army. rests only upon, the, Feaneo- new over 000 members: 1, 'German war, when a leaderless+ hole was oppoeed., by a maehine, but when that. machine ie fiteed with„ intelligent, and ovganize,r on- position3 a. cog may break here or a ;eat- looeen, there,. with the inevit- able result. ° Ear, the German Tammy is a, "nut - .chine man," He haa beeti drilled,, klootoredand l dkegooned, "cribbed, it:aline& and confined." until'. the poor devil can. not eall: his soul his own without the permission of the noncoms,"' wbo frequently, as one :cannot fail to. notice,make tile life 'oft the, recruit averitable hell t on the work. ef unloading. gram ireie fearth. etteee are always cenring to. tate steamer, SeuttiUli Attar°. Ire was. !light of the brutal treatment, of buey finishing up vhe work. in.,ftie the German "tenderfoot?' by, these, hold when sumething went w..4aeg tin- gads- of "noncoms," Only re - with the maclibeery and a -heis-sy pently, a case occurred at a great rail fell striking. Mr. Schad°, • 4rtilit#r*y. hArraeke in the fatherland. where a mere hay was say.a,ged.' with ispur and: whip by 411e of. the glori- fied Jacke•in office. • AN INCIDENT. • The other day 1 took a walk out :to a, eavalry bareackainSontle Ger- many; andwatched a group of pei- 'Vates: tossing off their eteins of: • The charter has, been granted 't4 the Clinton Motor Car Coth.P'wel• aed. the firet meeting. of the Ctitl'e- pany will be• heit at theid - 'Uourge Toronto; lirid:eH :of: next week to 'elect ,clirectoreealite officers and to complete itrraneese Aleuts for getting to workets, eeseis possible, • Citizens of G1oderich, were lien -I. :fled, en Saturday aftertnuoit to Ware of . the sudden, <teeth of- Mr4, Seliade. m ,ferer leader, of, the Tardeltegimeilt baut. Mr. Sehatle VAS- 111 and a eword you. en. 40. anything in the Fatherland, Take the tam - :ens Kepniok ots wherte• csobbler ;held up a ameieieelitee ad i walked ;off with theoaeh, under the very nem of the astute gentlemen who '•falt they dere not resist the•Keiser'S nniferm, That wasa comedye for the.outside world; but a tragedy tor Giarinany-only she dianot recog lief Zeit. jinghim instantiy. DoceaSed, e:ithic.: . . mach regretted. Mr. and Nil's. here from licrliti some tame . ft...o.„ ANJOIr.g.W.- F. ILO% I-7.11314 rg•ST-Tikkx, Buss .Betiatic uf Barrie, Mrs., 'Beare anti. shine taking uphis resido....eu, ,.,.. ee agent, representinthe Londontie being a daughter uf .1.\tm r. and liere had made any ftiends.. Bis: g, , F,00puntieal,.W.aterloo, AIonareb, Steak"' ndGuardian. Ev•erY, ali.- e Frwin' are also locating at aheeking. death liae east a gleent. alet, Wellington a= . , thing,in tiro insurance. ,Princ,e Ai oert, 'over the town. RR, A S i1t5 DENTIST, GRA,- tluate- of, the, Royal tkoliege. c) Deatal aurgaon!sy TorAnto, also honer ate of, Ilepartment, o Deetistry., route,IJuiversity.To- 'de1eaextraetiO*•tnt, , # P4atew eanfl• At te,arielu, every :0'1%11' 7-21, The. fltneral, of Dr. T. Churchill,. t On Wednesday. affeenuert, 'of' Tast. a, fernier resident of Goderich town- Week the lacasen laanufacthkees ship, took place on Monday fore- cu. was closed Wi accuurite efi tliet :imer, under. a- tree. Along, the road - mien on the avniVal, of the train funeral taking place that aff;ertioon tonne, a jack -booted corporal in all from Lunden. , Interment .weseenedejof. Mies Irene. J aeRS01)., t.11,i; ,the, proud; panoply. of; war.. No - in (..,linton cemetery. Dr. tlitio....4.41g4h. elly, sow: him: The: exproa,,,tion on, e u ere oe.en s: ie vesele eis. :eve weenie eewnuldlave•-fliozen. hale - 'MACHINE. DRILLED. The Xaiser, would, give,. his, right hand to have. artillery,. equate_ that of Great. Britain, as. he once told the late King Edward at re•Royal Military Tournament-, But he tar- get* that you c,an not bredthe dash, what 4)ur: French friends term the "elan," necessary. to a mobile- arm like the artillery under ;a eystene ofeiron where- ne•man i.allowed to think, became, !thinking is,. a crime. unforgiesable. The German oefficer• says. irr effect,. '"Le • Rini; c'est. moi !" "when, . epeak, no . dog hark." The Ger 'man- tars with whom foregather- ed at, Bremen. were: drilled. like. a, lot of soldiers, in, much the same iwar and under the sem& rules- as, are laid down, fe re the, army. There was none • of' that "lissomness" about them which is. the hallmark of the. British sailiee-the supreme 'object seemed tebei. looking &Ville' machine -like. gestures, to crush ;•eyery, trace of indieiduality, out of them. , When Germany fights an sea 'she -wilt pay the. price. of' that. The :Fatherland. reekone that. it takes 'three years to make a cavalryman -mod. two• years• an infantryman.. They are thorough enough, these fellows, however. '1V11:1N GMS11.1A, MB; SMALL POL) ELATION. :Re, Mitinu Vice. Pre.sident, Tells ot Begin - era.' e ears.. Int cAme east !Junta, .was i e . -fro. Aosaillttifl•nv *months ago: suffeeing from. sine eiinig:f.be Some, 7.MTAiZis C0NVF/YAN0E;13.... AND Notary, Publie. De,ads., K..ertgag,est , 'Wills and other Legal DOCUT11011tki, care.. fully andpromptly prepared. Office - ;district. M.rs. Will. aenkine, of God- •erich township is a daughter. ' M.r. J. Hind, superintendent of met with an unfortunate accident, Feral., from. internal, cancer, ne , itoner• to the. noble. warlord, The- ,liage (.4 the Teuton )rbieh boded no expouted. Besides the eorroWie two daughters - unexpectedly. Mr. Hind was (taught. :1•••%"e"offence they might get; anathing up Belle and Mabel -and. line e• .'elirelttle•ottrOod'ivith liis hand cur able disease. His deatli-eteure 'aeneierreeereeet alarm Melees ?it the Sainte waiting • For two. red in the, hospital,. London,. sume better. • . tilliautes herstood.there. One of the Saturday. Deceased will. be remene There paesen away at unfortunates caught sight of. him, beer. Jena moment he had. sprung. Hein:tail's must osleetned and: re - r Wills feet, the. beer 'going, the spouted residents, in, tact pciistin „„, jalecs,. ]parks. me. deceased „-y, and bis comrades drop - the Rose Taylur Company, Exeter. has been a lung and patient stif,. Ding, everything in their hurry to.de on Friday last. They were tillgagotl :,aurporal said'somethingin the lang his, death was nut in the leaStA imoving a heavy log past the corner bered by many in the burru"ding. resale:nue on Satureay feet ere,: Or 41' he was-swallbwing glaaa • of 13. W. E. E XE T E Licensed. luctieueer for County et! • Huron. Salee conibuited. iu, theenoet y approved manner. Satisfaction.g3.1.11P. tc. anieed. Dates can he mado at the Credit= Star or at- the Bargaiu Store, Exeter. 1 • +++++++egeee-aeieeieeeee-a++.14.4.4-e I ou ef VT. rtILBER a...(-101\7 -Ty -I, id er Conveyancers, Insurance Agents ri MONEY TO- LOA_N • Telephone----011ice is, Howe lb. • ta .or ir .1,c1 )11 )ul lin let >45 wa wh th Shot it 414 eli of 6 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest rAtia 1.oguletion4. „TIT porion• who is, the sole head, of a ,Earcilv or any nrale over 18.. yeara:old, may nomestescl s onarter-sootion of avail able Dominion ism). in Manitoba, Sask. stoliewan, or- Alberts,. Tim applicant, mush ftppeer hipper:um at. the Dotninion• Lands Agency or: linb-Agenoy for the diatiricb. Entry by proxymar bo made ab any agency, an certain conditions, by father, mother,. son, &meter, brother or 9ister of intending homesteader. Putieso-Six raontitsl residence upon and oultivaden of the land in molt of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead oma farm of at least 80 acres solely owned. mnt (moo plodby him or II:wills, nwther„ son, daughter, IFotliOr or sister, oe,rtslo, 11‘ift4lotv,s, honiosteaclor la too4 stia,:n4,1rig way pro,ompt,s, (winter-sea- 6ion alongside' hie home...Shea& Prim), $3.00. por sore, Duttos-Kunt.reside eix• months in eseli of, six years from,Mtute of hornesfeett entry (including. the Limerotparect to. earn Immooppatt pateat).anfl,cultixate.fifty. acres extra, A homesteader who has oxlisAurted• bIs homestead right, and' cannot. obtain: Iv pre. ernplion may take a purchased, homestead. hi oertain. districts, Pr1oee.3.00., per tore. Detles-.-Must reside.six tonnthe,In each of three years, alto/ate fifty acres and erect `st a house worth $300.00. et W. W. C',ORY, 0: *Deno ty. of tbelliniater *friths Interior. 11.-11nruithorixed.publicatioreot this edvertimement will not ne pato, ton, 10 ,f a building, and the horse etarting , 1 1 . a :good to the roysterers. For that between the., log. and the building, James.. --Aq'., to six months in jail: .. , . So much for the spirit of the. Ger, with the result that him leg was badly bruieed end his left hand The Grand Trunk station, non- :man army. skinned to the bines. The injury. etructed three years ago, and ;114.. The. German army is the happy besides behig very painful, will. lay .gareied as one.of; the hantleemestenn. -hunting gErvoeug.,1,tuati,esSnomenialinDeurnoor: him off work 21,31' SUMO time. tile line, was complete4:. destroyed:, Pra0Y- Mr. and Mrs, .k. R. Angle leave by fire, which eeoenencaLet, ewe: :many. knows it. The finest uncon, Exeter this week fur Duuville, t e cheek Friday morning:, •Thee fire, ''?"•ic.'" PmPargandisits of Socialism in. at, e.. ffi where Mr. Angle will go into part. -was. discuvened, after it wad secured: ti country are thocer and: la sweepieg. atart,,‘ and.it.waa.iyavo.a,.. Inon.00m, classee., and it is nu. won- nership with hie biesther in the glee „ • . .t , • eible eave a• eat& of. it The 'fine 'den' that'. the rneu' caPilY to bus voiceof. tho Socialist, charmer town he, has had, ehaege Of the I brigade great. wurk' . 21.1. nenabe.r of tr.eiglie.ear!, freight department at the depot. ear of potatues, n tile Mi'. The barn ef M. Thus, Horn, lot • trafiknearby, was partially curlew -1r 4/')U" r.'burnc' 011 Weelned'itlY led, and miveralt trucks, on the ,plat, night, was totally destroyed by. firee linen were deetreyed: traliegpre together with the contents, inelud- 1fon a gan firm, lost s Mp I a vaue d g a rIiiantxt3r t hay, fin ileirsente l'at $4,0a, Itis said that, hie, etqk 1 o'cluck, butat thaelinie eels be- yond. control: 1 n an'C Irj g13 611 I Y r-Je °.f the fir" ' the sato in. the ()Moe lin:I.-been. 1 etc. The fire was disepvered about ; •fie t coin lel destreyet There were ruirrare thee: was a mystery. The eente.nts were , blown, but this was denie&-0,a* insured: fon $500. and: the barn fur i the tire started is a mystery. There ' , ,,. $1,000: lwes no fire in, the statien - et.,..,..the• Mr. Cbas. Lindenfeldtewho for fi,:t time; and, evervthing indieetes: that,. unmber of years has been head .,Lhe ere was, 4) f inewienary eri.4.0e, elerk in Ivir. J. A.. Stewart's 'th''''-', 'No trains wore through atter the re- HIT,xeter, has resigned the position, witiar BM= train, due in EXeter tik and will move with his family short- ly to Zurich: where ho will have, Mr. S. (1 Lamporte a former,iner- !charge 'f )Jr.•J. J. Ntenwr '' store. -chant of• Clandebege and Illflerforie , has madea deel, with, Me:-,Ieltif, ,e.e......„.„---- . . .Campbell of Farquhar, by whielr-lte •WEE. es.' 'Y'EmtlEr. takes over the general stem', beeii. 'Er'lc.•".. ness at Farquhar, antlilrrieLstii, ..(%, bell betomes owner or hot Iii Simeoe street, Exetee.. Mr. Lam, , pert. takes possession this week, and' Mr. Campbell -will •return, 'farming.: TnApe.lvtAntiei pssiens COPYY41014T.Sx840. niona,doutting asketoh anasieriOntionisaY • anima! eScertaln our opinion tree whether .arr 14.0338tAtta prottnbly untentuble,, Oorarnunists. Worts strictly oonstiontrat. HANDBoult:on Patents • Setlt• free, ObleSt agency or sesurinytpatputin, • Patents taken. through Munn & Co. roce/Pg • Erp ecta notitc, tritlxotd, °barge, In the ; Cltittit illateriCatt . , ,a iiandecuudy 11133134.MM, Nreemy, Largest. etre at any, scientific, Journal. TerIn0. tor canada, sa.1.6 a year, postage. Prepaid. Sold by nibtugysilcalerin . IIIINN.;&.004,..3619r°adWaYt New York, 011100,aaltif kuin:3.% Martin, Lumby of Lobo •Weed! P3' Lorulow last week and, got ap.bigtjagt ;on. Foe safety, he gave $50.en4rae :gold: watch: end: ehain te Coeueliue, Ifleteherthe colored bootblack; at the City Betel, to keep. When: Martin sobered up he wanted hie cash andwateh, but the- new dee 'ale& all knowledge oft the transac- tion, Fletcher,' was arrested and found guilty by P. M. Judd ertint- den: ;whentheyhave daily beffne theie le3.:ee:a rigisi. caste, systenethat wonld nott•diGeredite a nation: of. Br abmin 0, ; Fore makeno mistake,about, it, !...there: are only two classes iki. the 'Fatherland -the military and tho 'other, To belong to a military family isthe supreme honor-te 'have a- son or a, father inthe.army .is better than, virtue, and more honored than even leches, them- selves.. ning . of System: A buey man is Mr. William Wainwright, vice-president and comptroller of the Ura,nd Think Railway, but occasionally he finds Aime. to give a, picture of extily railway life in Montreal andt the country 'generally. . "There had; been, originally. the • 'St, Lawrence: and, Champlainroad,. whichwae: conamenoecU Peng. befere :the. Grand, Trunk, and was,iii.facte .the only bit of line he Canadte at tlie time, believe," said' Mr. Wainwright. "This, ren, from :Mbntreall tu L'achinei.and connect,' edthere at Catighnamagae. it. I re- asolleet right, when the, passengers ;were taken.- to, St. Jaime on.the, way to the States. • HON. JAS: FERRIER.. , "That bite of Inc,. which had the :distinction of' opening upthe- rail- way business ins theleomittione had ' among its sponsors,, the lion ,dames _harrier. When. tlie, Gland Trunk was organized,. it took .over this piece of line, andinearnerated atwith its newly plannedsystem, which veaa nathraliy slow. in de- veloping, as the, country. was. young :aud, pepulittion, ' "Pt is sometimes said; that the first manager ut the Graud Trunk was Mr. Br -edges. This is not eor- reete There was a successien. of niana.,0.ers. before. Mr. Brydges took hold. There was Mr. Bidder first,. who, when tie carne out reduced wages by about 10 .0r, 16' peieeent. ; than there. were Me. Beall, and .after him, Mr. Walter Shanley, the well known civil' engineer." MANAGERS, eie'iNDICAP BED, NOTHING IS LEFT TO CHANCE. It was Bismarck's boast that on the, word "Go:' being litelied over the wires, everything in the German army: was read Y fienn a gunto a button. But yam oan have system ithout initiative -you can have maehinentenwithoun powers of thought -and that is what, Germany has elenel And! do not forget, that, in spite. ef, Colonel Claedke7e recent declara- tion that Germany can send. the .coleesaltotal• uf be200,000 soldiers and, sailors inte Reticule it would not ibe possible: ftee her to keep a fourels, 'of them- theme for auylengthef, time. Also, that if wax should ever breakout between this country and •Germany, the, Fatherland, will, have .tri• reckon. with the vast amount of disaffection which, undoubtedly. ex, iets Ur, the' "German 'army. • A:, "Senr oft. paid soldiers liae its dteatimeks.. biltrnan for man, . thalc, it. at. he doubted that theBritieh Tummy has greater, pow- ers. Of initiative than his German. ineothere and 1, know, from a recent, conversation Y. ith 41+ distinguished. ;German genoral;. who recently 'eels Britain, that there exists, within, :the German army itself: a strong difference or opinion upon, the con, tintation uf the present machine systems . But we shall eec,. wha,t, we shall. see. CLOSE': CALL. ; When staying, in- the Marquliardle ;Hotel ii Strattgart, 1 lost -my way. iin the building,' and opentrig, 5011>0 folding:doors found that 1 had in- vaded the sacred precincts of Ger- man officialdom,tor before, mewere, some- of the Kaiser's most distill,- niehd officets, who were om man, eeeuvres, Therewas a hypuotie. 1gle•re abouttheireyes, a certain in, ideseeibahle, stiffening ofevery in- dtvidtial fibre of' their bodies, ar ceilingwards, of :their.inotietaches a la, Kaiser, which elifbemed me that 1' had committed! hinlavdontahlei sin. Visiones ;liaatedi througb re,* mind of the um- !fieelittnate eiviliare who. had had -hia head, cut int two, by ille•-; sword of ene• ;off his Impeaehl! Maieet.,e's. beeztee be net White him. womptly, 4,4030; of' the &salvia:to.; byottleev4qmon. inoftn Bive eivine, but, to:teem:401y, nothing - :happened; titd li exeeuted a atra.- 'tegie movement to the rear before. 'being tranefimeell The fact °tithe matter is, that um- ; "der, theglamor of a brass button. • • • THE DAN OF THE CARVER. Suiting the Slicingto the Import. aim of the Guest, Carving was 4..ace e seriouathing. Tha eixteenth uenVory caner was a 'professional. He had to make. the .julnt, lit the guest. The size uf inc eticee Was the thing. Then, hehad. 'to know Ius. guests and' cut ae coidingly. A lord; for, inetance, at the table, and a pike was dished up v,11,:le. :Smaller fry, andthe pike, came on ThC same procedure witn: pig. The rank- of the dames de - meted whether it ghutild appear at table. in -gold leaf: or naked, whole ea sliced. With bread; too, there :wa a difference, says the London Uhnoeicle.. kew erthree days oId b akedt tira41 'at: the discretion of the, carver as. he sized up the visitors. And as theapportioning of, the tidbits, according, to precedence there, was: no:, end. The old' time carver in 'factwas born, and then. made, • The eighteenth. oenturY, was. day •pt the- carving master. He itaught t hostesses the art. Lady. -Mary Montagu, for instance, took three lessons a week "that she ;might be perfect on her 'father's 'publie viralen, 44. order, to per- lama her funetions withoutinter- :ruptioxis, she was feniced to eat ber own; dinner alone, an, hour or two, ;beforehand'," • The hostess, carv.eal while the hoot ,.,"puelied the bottle.' She: did ' more. She Urged theguests.: to.. 'eat inpre arid more,. and woe to her it she negleeteda peat'. The. diner who was, fereedi, to help hini- estifi to 04 slice& ot knytJiing? nOarlY choked'. The'se, dirters ot the eigh- akoealth, eontagY bud: )0,,tillg; Pr.e:se041. And the, licnitesi. we.1.4.01401 fhel entb of the feaste' "The early nianager:s were not abeolute power t" • "Aes, ante thee.- was- the.. trouble.. ..C4.1.cy • wore. permitted: no, -.initiative 'by the board, which- met in, Lon - 'don. The early managers could :mit. order, a,•dozein lead pencils :without consulting!. London, where- as-1dr. Hays, exerts, plenary power. on, the- epot,. carrying out, the faro, iindbrtaltrage actopti»g• the. •famee-..• nig; pulley neceesary: for. tile axig— emty, and: then :asks, the. boardl itt ;Londen, to foot the billse ". "Thesyeteur,.grew, too,. though the (dd. iron. rails. ant•the: is by gauge, would, now. bela.ughow at. ,J.,hey„ wer,e, no laughing,. matt -.1 'the early sizttiea, tor,. it you, were ..travelling, thento any eatente ten 'to one the, train w.oult1 leac, the :rails. several- times before you ,reached, your destination. COUNTRY GREW: , e • "The country WaS 3.•Outial we had not get unr populeeron, 1,44 jw,6 have• it new. It NVIIS #ttle under- stood LL themother country and -although. fareeeing. Mem heal faith ins the ultamate. ,cievelopmente that faith was not gOl.e.rah• - "But when. the Grand Trunk be- came solidly organized under. Sir eldwaral, atkine, as, president, . with Mr. Bredgesas, g,oneral Man- ager, asweb, as director, theface of things was, changed: The, work .et extension, began. Ontario: mas mamt inc 'wee, ex- ' tended. Traffic grew. The. road 'bectonea large factor in, the„ de- velopment of the country. Popula- tion began. to graw. .The peeple began_ to apprecate, the, benetit of n„ system wiulth, wa opening hp. :the country and providing means fur freight transportation. • "Ma. Brydgee eanto teem, the -•G'reitt Western, -to the. Gaand Trunk. He was au, able mare. but -.fettered, by extea,neutis, autheeity. 'Under hisadministratien, how • - ever; tilesystem grew imel. Was greatly extended."' :Wainwright. referreeli. gpAer4,1. - • In the early days to. which, Mr.. manager of the Grand; TnaqX same inaccessible to the. general. public. ,SilLee then tbings. are diffieeent• CRIPPLES BIG SWIM.. Vvralter 1.franeis. the% werldf'a crip- :pie, athletic. charinpio_fu ,ef liewport,, •Eng:, swam bele Newbatidge .to 'Revepeet-a, clAtane.,.e., of *wen. '..T1'61.41.4-44.4'rotreAtho!'rol:r.r.'a;111'911104, 4ae,s .xld reaahed Newport Beidge. 'RA was. 400.10, 'liken. 141,4va1i 'Newlac0 ba hArpazottA,fj401eited •SPeOliafera. 130.01424 144ng -Orono. svirinhor, az. %how.% Iv: his etliiica?,:abyrO4Is '11!et- vete,. 1 .•• ""7".7.777-77771:44,9,