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The Herald, 1911-10-20, Page 8
sciuqesecaspracoamomusweaultrammeasAnowmpeam ` dP•E�r � p� You are cordially invited to see `le leading style's in Fall Millinery. Ve shall endeavor to showall goods e can without any effort to sell and e hope for the attendance of every- 11e. Your Winter Underwear will be -satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the fferent kinds are shown and a proper fit is assured. re're glad. to show what we have whether you choose buy or net. Bid ti�:alnes in Ladies' New Coats See these elegant garments and yon'll realize their uncommon tractiveness. The styles are simply gr:tnrl, you can't help liking aem. The prieeswe ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the a,rments. t FURS Come and see our new stock of E'u7's, Muffs, Muffs, !dies' Fur Coats and. Ckent,';= �' ur Linea Goats, Ave have Vhem all Prices. E• Velveteens, Wrapperettes and Flannelettes t we are showing all colors in Velveteens, which are eery fashionable this fall, Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies Neckwear and Belts, You will find everything ,',that is new and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up to date. meemmOmmeroalrameeenewool000kome 1310 REDUCTION IN ists ighest prices paid for all. kiwis ofart Produce 0 GENERAL MERCI1AI4 urich9 ,Nti, Telephone 28 arto HEADQUARTERS FOR Cele1ra-e Broadway ter] ex led revomtlouist; sur. 6 ert shall he res rel. aiAREET RkIPO1iT—The fol, lowing is the report of Zurich ,r,urket corrected up to 1'hursdvev, barley .. 50 to 52 Bran . 20.00 elnor>s 22.00 '22.00 Outs ,.,. 37 38 W heat ,. 75 76 Five Roses flour.... . 2,80 2 80 tt„rctl Hunsehold'... . 2.80 bore(' family...., 2.8o Hay. .. ., . ..... 6 00 7.00 Dried apples 5 5 ('Inver send . 8,00 9 00 Potatoes .. 25 25 ,aG 16 13ntter 114. 074 ., 16 16 Bogs liveweight., 7,15 Parity, -0d+®*444 v®® 4444- 440-******** EXETER ************* Miss Mabel Bi onk returned home S ittu•day. atter spending a short vaoation visiting iu aidgetown. The anniversary services of the Main tit. Methodist church will be held on the first Sunday in Nov- ember. Mr. Bert Gilles who has spent the summer in Northern ,Ontario has returned borne. lti!)})iiless. Mr. and Mrs. N. Daunoey are ,1;11. :fits. 1•loclgins who. last Spring visiting friends in and around `17as,ioaai in McGillivray to his brother Brussels. REDITON 4*a'?+00.....444©O00400,41+d 0000 A utiniber • of our citizens spent Monday evening •at Exeter, attending the concert given i11 the opera house. ; Ir. Michael Beaver wee in Ceu- ot' Monday repairing the shed near t14e;'stetion, usel by Mr, 'e'ets. Wolfe itis` a shelter for his horses while wait- tingfor trains.• 11:Ir. II, I+sillier last Week installed :tie) new: gasoline lamps; made by th e P:trier Gasoline .Co. Toronto. They give a strong light and always give satisfaction, and 'cost about' one cent a night to ran them:, Our school teachere, Mr. H. Gra- h#Lila, Tinel the Misses Snider, Watson aiatl. Br'owu. •attonded the teachers con - Veritionheld in Exeter on Thursday itiicl Friday of last week. •4The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical chuioh pleasantly surprised Mrs. Mary Smith on Tuesday evening of this•weele, it being her 751,11 birthday. Ail enjoyable evening was spent by all, and many were the good wishes expr- rssed that she would live to enjoy many' More years of health and Rev. A. L. Russell will preactl at both ::ervihes nest Sunday in James St Methodist church. Mr Russell was a former pastor here anct his many -friends will be \V. 11. Hodgins, is now moving unto the farm recently purchased from Mr. t.rtlrer O'Neil near Corbett. :The services in th.1 1'11,'.1) Jist chtir- eh were conducted by Dr. Rouiston pleased to bear him. and Mr. M. J. Soatheott of Exeter. Mrs. B W. (xrigg of Montreal i.s Bpth services were well attended and the guest of Miss McFa11s and Miss M. Grigg Miss Mathews of Toronto, is spenrlin;; a ;few days with "her Oster Mrs. S. Fitton. Mrs. (Dr.) Tyson. of Maryland, Va., has -been called home owing to the Kerions illness of -her mother, Mrs A Rolland. Mr. Frank Taylor of London, spent the forepart of the week with his uncle, Mr. W. G. Bissett. Miss Jennie Hardy, who has spent the past few months in, Man. itobe. and the Northwest returned home, or Saturday last. Miss Mary Grigg spent the past week visiting triends in Seaforth. Mrs D A Anderson of Winni peg, Man , formerly of Exeter, was the guest of Mrs. S. Fitton, daring the past week, .. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 'Verity, of Brantford. were the guests of the former's mother Mrs. R. Pickard, ctu> irg the past week. tae talks given were splendid. Both lfr Rortlston and, Mr. S mthcott gave short -addresses at each of the services: The annual convention of the south Huron Sunday school was held in 'ot1Y village on Wednesday. The 'afternoon session was held in the Methodist church . and the evening session in the Evangelical church. There.was'a good' attendance. Mr. H. Either. clerk of .the Tp. of Stephen, has made his • return to the Department of the Births, Deaths. and Marriages registered with him for the quarter ending Sept. :30th, as follows; grths, 18, 11 males, 7 fens - ales. Deaths, 8, 6 males 2 females. Marriages, 0. 0 / 0 0 • The swell -known Eye Specialist, E. KATZ will once more visit the town of Zurich 004040444d®44�®{00*©o4�A00044m • DASH8S3iEN2 4. 44444444.444444444> 4.444444 Dr. McLuughlin and Mr. Hermtui Zimmer spent Sunday and Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Barney Giui- ningham_ Merton. Master Charles, the little son of Me. and Mrs. "Wm. Snell, is quite ill at present. Miss Neuscllwanger is visiting Mrs, Herman Eidt in Parkhill. Mr. Simpson Ireland of Stratford, was here last week visiting friends and relatives for n• few clays. Mr. E. G. Koehler of the Molsous bank, Loudon, visited in town over Sandny. On Wednesday of last week as Mr. Alonzo Foster was unloading grain nt,t the null, an auto passing frighteu- iidl his li; arses ami they Pali down the platform of the null and in turning to come, up town, throw Mr. Foster out agaiest e. lust, the wagon box. also fell on Trim. Ile. was unconscious when licked up and hitt Bead was badly cut. He is 110W donee nicely. Mr. Hawn Zimmer will hold a shooting mei eh of blew rocks and live birds on the 10111. Mr. (4or,l,ai (;0(47. ni' the Trill 1' back, Alinire, i.s home 011 a three months vacation. Miss Siebert •ld ft for Toronto last week, after a few weeks visit at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eich moved to Forest one day last week. Mr. Eidt has secured a position in the mill there. Mr. H. Gti,entner took thein over in his auto bass. Biliot'isiiess is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chan). berlsin's Tablets are essentially a 'stomach medicine, intended espeoi= ally to act on that organ ; to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigor• ate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually, For sale by all dealers. The junior Adult I3id e Class of the Methodist chinch on Friday evening gave a farewell p in 7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Nicholson in i,rvo(-)1.,f,�r ate �lia Rin , N Alt Dominion House AT THEY ALL SAY What those who know, have to say about the Modern Malleable Iron Range bought -of C.Hartieib Zurich. Geo, Clausius Sain Faust,.. John Campbell Jacob Weiao Christian Meyers John Laport John t$cuthnlore William Stelk Solmon Giugeriehi . Henry Vallancl Sam Hewston E.W. Brokenshire Henry Walper Thomas Turnbull Christian Badour William Denomyy Jacob Hartleib Lonis Rinker Geo. Armstrong We have great faith in the above stove and are willing to stake $100 that there is not another stove made in Canada that will cook and bake with as little fuel as the Modern. —WEDNESDAY --OOT. 18— Will examine Eyes by the New Method that seldom fails, Mr. Katz took a new course in New York since his last visit to town,' and guarantees to restore all refraction cross. relieve epi? strain, headache, aye; si,]at trouble, when other opticians fail. peciat Cale Taken of Children's Eyes Glasses supplied at a Low Price T 100 GIRLS WANTIe'D. $5 per week to start with for girls eighteen and over. Apply at once, D. S. PERRIN & CO. _C,in ited, London, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A full stock. of all kinds of ITU to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price TLLr PHONE 3 J, ZURICH HURON'S LM ??EST COMBINATION fITORE iii the estate of 13hristopher Fisher, hate, of the 'Township of 1Iay. in the Coilnty of Huron, Decease]. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R, S, 0. 1897, Chap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate di1 the said Christopher Fisher, who. diecl .on, or about the 20th :lay of December A. 1). 1901, to send by post prepaid, or "deliver to •1oh.n Fisher, at 11o1sa11 1'.O.one of, the- executors of the said estate on or be- fore Friday the 20th of October, 1911, their •narnes and addresses, With full particulars of their claims, in writing, and the nature Al' the securities, if any, helot by them duly verified by statutory declaration, Atid take noeiee that after the i'saict data tin: c:xeuuaurs proceddl t d`stdieute the assets of the said decoaeei ,cd none; the parties entitled: thereto, having zegn'rd ,only to the (lysins of which they, shall then have received notice, and the h�1zecutors wit[ not ,a liable Sable for. the said r stets er any part; thereof to any person er persons of whosee'.nim notice shall not have been received by them at the date of 7uc'r dittr•ihnttlon Dzted at Zurich, this 'lith day of Sept�lnbor, A, D. 1911. • er01TN As ma, 1"fiXe. tbl's. 1V1 i0zrn IL KA rsiictlit ) ar eist F Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price PHONE -9 ALBFIFISC = ZURICH RU &. OASCHO Take Pleasure in Announcing • that on Saturday, Ste -...23rd and. Monday, Sept. '25, They are having their Fall Millinery Openings. MISS GICIiERT who has been in charge of this Millinery' department for the last couple of years. will again be with us, and we will be pleased to have you come in and look over our stock. We cordially invite you to visit our show room, Ladies' Fall Dress Goods 'We have a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods in all the latest shades. Anything in the line of Tress Goods can be shown here. Prices from 25c to $1.40. Flannelette and Blankets We have the largest range of Flannelettes ever shown in this store, light or dark in color, also carry all the different sizes of Flannelette and Woolen Blankets, Sweater Coats Our Sweater Coats just arrived last week and you ladies who want a nice Sweater Coat,, come early and we are sure we can please you. The men and boys Sweater Coats are also very fashionable. Fresh Groceries always kept on. hand Oat Meal 20c a .package or 3 for 55c Produce taken in Exchange. TERTAM NO Prompt Service Moderate rharaes Wr. i39OF1$fil.G`ti Zurich; - Ontario 1 NOTICE I hereby request i;hai all neeoutile Owing. Cabana's Ba l q l> 1rdI and Tik YardB, be paid 011 01 before Oct lot, 6-:3 Wet. Mteet cit, Min L;' i. plLESget;Date t?dllet' Itol preSf - »'s Magic Ointment. forging Place. The following are some of our linei3: we keep in stook Plows & Repairs Percival No. 10-13, Fleury'e No. 21, Cockshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson all kinds, Land Rollers. We have not sold out Our Implement Business yet We are still ahead at the Old Implements & Repairs Binders, .111 overs, Cultivators (best made) Iioe Drills, Disc Har. rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seed Drills for all seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray. ers best in the market, Gar- den Cultivators, Lon- don's Stay, Tracke, London's Barn Fixtures, BUgghs.., Wagons A11 our own =lie. F. UE33 3 tri: ZURICH