HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-20, Page 711.099,004 EOR 1 E EAT iiASAVED HERSELF now TO 11E1'lP INA .CONDITION of GOOD HEALTH. Some Assorted Stunts Which IC Ls Said Will Banish Super- fluous Flesh. Physical training to -enable a man to break athletic records or to pro- duce exaggerated muscular de- velopment should have no place in the programme of the average per- son after the age of 25 or 30 years, says a writer in Country Life in America. • The aim from that time should be merely to keep in a con- dition of health and efficiency. First and chiefly there is the fat man i,o be considered. Drugs will not cure, him nor restore his physical and mental efficiency; but one hour of blood circulating exercise every day will secure this desirable re- sult, and it may be taken in the fol- lowing manner : Before getting out of bed in the morning come to a sitting posture, with the kande. at the .sides of the thighs and repeat the exercise until ai, slight feeling of fatigue is felt in the abdominal muscles. .As one be- comes .stronger after a week's prac- tice the same, exercise may be taken with the arms folded across the breast, and finally it can be in- tensified by sitting up with the arms extended behind the head. The movements may be varied by rais- ing the legs to a vertical position and also by drawing the knees as dear the chin as possible. Five minutes ef this work daily WILL DO MUCH GOOD. After getting out of bed all cloth- ing should be removed so that the air coming in through the open windows may stimulate the skin to a healthy action while taking the following exercises. With the hands placed upon the hips or extended horizontally at the sides, turn or twist the body from side to side as far as possible. Next spread the feet, place the tips of the fingers upon the shoulder, bend to the right side, keeping the left leg :straight; touch the floor with the right hand and extend the left hand toward the ceiling and repeat the exercise right and left alternately.. This exercise stirs up the liver. Take the attitude of a, 'boxer and. ,strike out vigorously while holding a pair of light wooden dumbbells or, better, punch` the striking bag far a few minutes. Follow the above exercises with a cool sponge bath and rub dry with a moderate- ly coarse towel. Begin the exercise slowly and gradually increase it un- til it can be taken in ten or fifteen minute doses. THE BREAKFAST. should be light, consisting prin- cipally of fruit, cereals, with skim- med milk, and in some speeial cases where one feels that he must have it a small allowance of lean beef- steak or chops may be eaten. The best drink at all times is water, and coffee should be gradually dropped from the menu. After breakfast a brisk walk of fifteen minutes will clear the brain for the work of the day. Fifteen minutes walk to the place of lunch- eon will give one an appetite for this meal, which should be more generous than the breakfast, cora sisting of almost anything the ap- petite craves excepting starches, •sugars and fats. After a sh.,rt rest and another walk to the office the business of the afterti* in may be taken up. The above light training takes one hour each day, and while it will do much for the average business man in the, way of improved health and strength it is advisable if lie wishes to get the greatest benefit from ex- ercise and to reduce his weight to indulge in some vigorous sweat pro- ducing .exercise three or four times a week. For this purpose tennis, squash racquets, handball or brisk walking after business hours will bring about • THE DESIRED RESULT. After the day's ' exercise a Warm bath followed by a cold shower, or better still a cold plunge, will make one feel like a new man. After a day spent in this manner there is a•great temptation to eat a hearty dinner ante no h>,rm Gael;. Vestafrom such a course.if pastry,: gravies, condiments fat meats and the heavier kinds of fish, such as tsalmon, mackerel, trout and hali- but, are taboo. All kinds of vege- tables may be eaten excepting pota- toes, sweet corn and beets, which should be eaten sparingly if at all. Ales, wines end liquors must be avoided in all training, light or heavy, if the best results are to be obtained. It is best to avoid tobao- co, 'yet a good cigar er pipe after smoke can do little if any harm, YEARS OF PAIN IF SHE RAD USED DODD'S MONEY PILLS FIRST. Mrs. Mcltae suffered for over two years, then two boxes of Dodd's Iiltl.aLey !.'ills 'made a new woman of her. Previl, Gaspe Co,, Que., Oct. 23 (Special)—That she might have es- caped two years and seven months of suffering had she tried Docld's Kidney Pills in the first place is the firm •conviction of Mrs. John Me - Rea,. an old and respected resident of this 'place: And this is the rere son she gives for believing so : "For two years and seven months I was a .sufferer from Kidney Dis- ease brought on by a strain and a cold, My eyes were puffed and swollen, my muscles cramped and I suffered from neuralgia and Rheumatism. My back ached and I had pains in my joints. "For two years I was under the doctor's care, but he never seem- ed to do me any lasting good. Two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me." To save yourself suffering cure your Kidneys at the first sign of trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure cure. NOT COMPLAINING. "Horse sick?" asked the man in the buggy. "Yep," replied the man with a spring -wagon. "Hard luck, ain't it !" "Oh, I dunno. It's getting so medicine is cheaper than hay 1" Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tonsilitie begin with sure throat. How much better to cure a sore throat in a day or two than to be in bed for weeks with Diphtheria. Just keep Hamlin's Wizard Oil in the house. Laughter at the family table beats all the dyspepsia tablets in the world as a promoter`of diges- tion. A Remedy: for Earache. -To have the earache is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it, considering it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil offers a simple rem- edy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated cotton and placed in the ear will work wonders in re- lieving pain. "My husband has never spoken across word to me." "You lucky woman ! How long have you been married V' "Nearly two weeks!" Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. —Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- come chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to com- bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful always. There is plenty., of room at the top. This is due to the feet -that most people want to get in on the ground floor. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto, UNCLE JERRY. "Far as I am concerned," said Uncle Jerry Peebles, "you girls can go around with your arms baro clear up to the vaccination mark— if that's where the mark is nowa- days—but' if you've got arms that look like Esau's, as -some of 'em do, you ort to wear long sleeves for your own sakes." ED. 7 ISSUE 42-11 AN I>MPROVSEDsPILLOW. When Beds Were at a Premium a An Irish hotel. Sleeping on amat under ' the. moon in ';a cannibal country is a pale' actventure compared with lodge in an old-time Irish inn at the height of the'tourist.season. A certain blaster of the Galway Hunt, says a contributor to C.ornhill, ar- rived at a small inn where all the beds were already taken, A•kitchen table was requisitioned,; a heterogeneous collection of bed- clothes 'was arranged upon it,--inte the exact nature of winch it was perhaps not well to inquire too, closely, as it seemed to be compos ed of contributions from the ward- robes of the hotel help,—and thq sportsman turned in. The pillow was an odd -shaped substance, emitting a faint and strangely familiar odor; but the Master, .of the Galway Blazers was. too weary to concern himself over sueh trifles, and lie slept as soundly on his nia,keshifb couch as if it :bad been a canopied bed of state. He was awakened in the morning by a gentle fumbling at the wrap- pings beside his head, and started' up to see a gleaming knife suspend- ed above his head. "I'm sorry to be disturbin' ye, sir," said an apologetic voice, "but sure th' house was out iv pillows intirely, an' we put th' side iv bacon undher y'r honor's head. I was just conthrivin' to get a few rashers off for th' quality's break- fast without disturbin' ye, whin y'r honor woke up." a• ri" ,n TMRa .{Te Lamp Company, Dept. 125, Montreal, Can.,, are giv- ing away absolutely lti'RRE • one asrLA.D1N MANTLE LAMP in each community to introduce this won- derful lamp. It burns coal oil, and, is revolutionizing lighting every- where; is odorless, safe, economi cal ; needed in every home. Don't fail to send them your name and address. GOOD REASON. Howell—"How well you look!" Powell --"Yes; I haven't bad my vacation yet." A Sensible Merchant Bear Island, Aug. aft,' 19U3y Minard's Liniment Co.,. Limited. Dear Sirs,—Your traveller is here to -clay and we are getting a large, quantity -of your MINARD'S LINIMENT, We find it the best Liniment on the markct,,;ivaking no exception. We have been in business 13 years and bavo handled all Binds, but have dropped them all but yours; tbat sells itself; the others have to he pushed to got rid of. W. A. HAGERMAN. Mrs. Finefeather—Are yctu taking your husband abroad :this year? Mrs. Bonton—No. I decided last year when he insisted upon speak- ing of the Venetian gondolas as ca- nal, boats that the real charm of Europe is lost upon him. Recognized as the leading speci- fic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved aboon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails. First Diner --How do you know whether that is chicken er veal, you are eating?, Second Diner—I don't, All I know is that it's chicken I'm paying for. Minard's Liniment RelieVos Neuralgia, A NEW INVENTION. • The attention of our readers is called to an advertisement, in an- other column, of the Aladdin Mantle Lamp, which burns ordin- ary coal oil and gives a more bril- liant light than either gas or elec- tricity. It is another triumph for. modern inventive genius that must be seen to be fully appreciated. DENMARK'S HARVEST. According to all reports, the hare vest in 1911 in Denmark will surpass' all records since 1868. Not in 43 years have weather, labor and other conditions proven so auspicious to the farmer, and hereafter when the agriculturist wishes to point to an ideal harvest, he will refer to 1911. There is only one discordant note, that of the turnip and grass grow- ers, who have suffered on account of the long drought. It was fear- ed that labor would be scarce, Lit the employment agencies did their work so well that no shortage was felt and, with the exception ef the large farms, harvest was `completed within three weeks. And the more you are willing to. do for your friends the less time you, will.have to do things for your- ee .. •. is a E 'YE 411nf ANYONE eel) u50 1 dyed ALL these . f \DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods ^ uith the �11sedAlr�E pye•'. CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of using the WRONG Dye forthe Goode one has to color. All colors from your Druggist or Dealer. FREE Color Card and STORY Booklet 10, The Johnson.Richardeon Go., Limited, Montreal, gaam,e.ww. 16011 lie m NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER ,Iembor Standard Stook and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited. I33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. "All men are born free and equal," said the philosopher. "I know," said the matter-of-fact person. "But some of 'ern get mar- ried afterwards." Revive the Jaded Condition. — When energy flags and the cares ef business become irksome ; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general 4lepression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They' will regulate the action of ade- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. PERFECT AFTER il[ARRIAGE. Mrs.. Jawback—John, you're a perfect fool! vIr, Jawback—I knew something like that would happen when mar - ria • Made you' and me one. Some persons have periodical at- tacks o'. Canadian cholera, dysee- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great precautions to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the -best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. LAST YEAR'S OVERCOAT. Once more I sadly take it down, And musingly I gaze upon it, I choke my pride, and then decide 'Twill do with a. new collar en it. TRY IVIUtiorsNE EYE REMEDY be Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Wed GranulatedEyelids, Murine Doesn't thwart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, hoe, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in !septic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, Timber is becoming scarce, but the family tree continues to flour- ish, Minaret's Liniment Cures Dandruff. PLAUSABLE THEORY. "It's the honest men in this world who need watching." "How's that?" "Oh, the dishonest one will cheat you, anyhow, whether you watch them or not." Johnny—"Mamma, I wish I had a little sister." . Mamma—' `Why do you wish that, dear?" Johnny 'Cause •I'm tired of teasin' the IIU.I`lTING CANNIBALS» Uuiverfiity INIietlition Will Visit a South Sen Island. An expedition has set out from Oxford University with its objective a cannibal isle in the South seas, where it expects to spend a year in. studying the habits of the na- tives. The party of scientists is headed by David Jenness, the anthropo- logicalexpert of Balliol college. The explorers will locate on Good- enough Isand, which is situated in the extreme southeasterly corner of British New Guinea. Little is known of the interior of this island, but it has been asserted that can- nibalism is practiced there on an extensive scale. Occasionally a government official pays a visit to the isle, but, being unwilling to provide the natives with a, banquet, wisely confines his investigations to the coast line. For this reason the interior remains unexplored. One or two attempts have been made to map the in- land, but the explorers have never returned. Goodenough Island, which is of volcanic formation, is believed to be the highest island of its size in the world. It is 40 miles long and 30 miles across, and its highest mountain extends 5,000 feet above sea level. d! Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing unes apply Holloway's Cern Cure and get relief. A man doesn't have to know much to know how little he knows. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Oen be done perfectly by our lrrencb process. Try it. British American Dyeing Co. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. a CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 choioo positions filled in past Four Years. Scute others ,lust filled; I: B. BA.vN, from Newfoundland, planed with Sask. Mining Co., Moose Jaw, as Steno. FERN :men. Steno.. Peabody Overall Co., Windsor. E. C. nonisSON Bkkpr. with Bell Furniture Cu., Southampton, Out, F�.OSSIE ANDERSON, Steno. and likk r, Can. wolverine Co., Chatham, MILDItEED AND. ERSON, Steno. with Po Laval Separator Co., Winnipo It. .r. SCOTT, teacher, with Drake College,Newark, N. J. The salaries of tlfe throe shown ast week average over 3700 per -annum. The salaries of the six here shown average clone to (70J. Our students are prepared fur the big positions whore the big pay Is offered. I'1 PAYS TO AT rtND THEBEST: Catalogue 33 tells of the work at Chatham. Catalogue 34 tolls of our home courses. Addross, D. McLACaILAN t. CO., C. B. College. Chathatn. Ont. " LUX w SNE" Of DR. PROSSE, Paris, France Gives Back the natural oolor to grey heir without any dye, and makes it grow, and We Caen Prove It, not only by testi- monials of un- known persons, se is so often soon In advertisements, but by an experiment on your own bead of hair. Let us give you absolutely free ono treatment of', " L.UXURINEI ", only for the sake of proving to yob what it can do on your own hair, and what !thea done on thousands of others. All there is to do to get the treatment Is—Sond us the cost of mailing and packing, which is 10 oto, with your address, and we will send you one right away. Write today, address DR. PROSSE, Dept, 2, Montreal net frog Sa `Hole .. to Deet. Cott GOr1Auu Ifi 1,4 tsi autres HOME COURSE good Weekly incomes Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment Diplomas Granted ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCtF-NCE 358 Queen St. West Toronto, Canada 4,,. AcDO SEND FDR PARTICULARS diaoUT THE LS Hpig": 1ST MAS YOU CAN MAKE 15 CENTS ON EACH C0?t' YOU SELL ADDRESS, w: e C ti E ESeTl'Pit sea, LOBE ECURIT IN BUYING q Bonds are the safest invest- ment a person can make because they are secured by first mort- gage on the whole assets of the Corporation issuing then. J ]3oncls are the best investment a person can make because no other investment oferinlr, the same security pays as high a rate of interest. g Bonds offered by us are thor, oughly investigated as to their safety before being offered to our clients. 191 Write us to -day for literature on Bond Investments and a list of those we recommend. SECURITIES ITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Manager MONTREAL-QUEBEC-HALIFAX-LONDON(EN FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. TP you want to self a farm, cons K me. TF you want to buy a farm. cons JL me. 1 HAVE some of the best Fruit, Sto II Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontar and prices right. W1-1 r. DAWSON, Ninety Gelber H�YY Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. N1+;MPLOY ED MEN OR WOMEN, kJ you wish to make Five Dollars d for balance of year? If so, consult J. Nichols (so., Limited, Toronto. y��r •) DAY SAL.11tY AND UP—AL. Hit "'s eommeidsp n --'for local represen rives; immediately; permanent Poitou experience unncco:ssary; rapid advan ment; spare timo accepted. bicho Limited, Publishers, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. — A LINE I•' 1� every home. Write us for our cba isst of agonte supplies. We have t greatest agency proposition in Cana today. No outlay necessar9. Apply C. 1. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. HAY and FARM SCALES, Wilco Scale -,Works, 9 Esplanade, Teton {;1 AWMILL MACHINERY, PORT.AB 1J or heavy Lathe Mills, Shingle 311 Engines and trotters, DLitt Supplies. E. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., W Street, OrilIia, Ontario. y EARN THE BARBER TRADE RIGH' JL.1 'rile Meter Barber College is the sinal college; founded in 183; gradua are now successful barbers all over t world; you get expert instruction • 0 cant. urnni•tooe write for ratalon Molc•r Barber College, 221 Queen La: Toronto. cANCEii,, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. I ternal and external. cured witho' pain by our home treatment. Write before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical G. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. `. TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson `) Scale Works-, 9 Esplanade, Toront A GENTS WANTED. -- A STUDY 0 .a. other Agency propositions convince us that hone can equal ours. You will a wars regret it if you don't apply for par tieulars to Travellers' Dept., 228 Albert St Ottawa. SPECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consul no in regard to any disease. Lowes prices in drugs of all kind rrusses fitted by mail. Send measure ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -da, for anything sold in frst•class drul stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood, Ont When buying your Piano insist on havin. an OTTO 1G L" Piano Action Prepare yourselves for the cold. weather. We are offering for a few weeks only Ladies' Muskrat Lined Coats $50 Gent's Muskrat Lined Coats $51 The ladies lining is 38 inches longi, and trimmed with Genuine Alaska{ Sable Collar and Lapels. The Gents coats are trimmed witb1 Otter or Persian Lamb Collars. Upon receipt of the money we wilt ship to any part of Canada. If not satisfactory return at oar expense. Coats made to your own measure;‘ meats, same price. A. J. ALEXANDOR 5OK-6OG St. Paul St., Montreal Boar in ttAnd that you are dealln