HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-20, Page 5D01111111D 0 D011111EXID0110001)01111111DCOOD001511D0D011011D43114110111DCIDONIWIts
44 The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
• Capital paid up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $4400,000
O Total. Assets over •44,000,000
2Correspondents in f
� Has 78 Branches in Canada, and Agents and; Ca p
all the Principal Cities of the World. 00
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate d
Head Office Montreal
• Zurich Branch - j. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr.
®Ci10111DdD (DOMED CUD Cli >®nCID aEef DC1DC D 43 DEMO ales
For South Huron for Provin-
cial Purposes will be held at
..- ensall
W ed ,esd y, Nov 1
For the purpose .of selecting a
- Candidate.
A metting will bo held in each sub-
division on Monday, Oct. 50th, at 8
p, in for the purpose of selecting de-
legates to attend the convention.
A Fall Representation is Requested
That Want
Call at The. Massey -
Harris Shop.
Our Machines spea
for themselia es.
We also handle
Gids Gasoline
Jas. Whyte, Ag't
WE keep in stock a
" full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted.
for their tenderness
and h.olesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but toe best.
We make o r own
Give us a call.
Here we
ire Amain
ayfield Fair.
Wednesday last was the second
day of Bayfield Fair, and there was
one of the largest crowes present
on the grounds that has been seen
for many years.
The gate receipts alone will run I
nearly $300. The Clinton Citizens' 1
Band arrived on the grounds about
two o'clock and kept things en-
livened with music during the
afternoon. Everything went along
smoothly and there were no mis
haps or accidents on the ground to a
mar the day. The inside exhibits
were ex3ellent.
Following were win
HORSES— General Purpose —
Brood mare, A Eleoat, Wm Sparks ;
foal, A. Elooac, Wm. Sparks ; geld.
ing or filly 2years, John Reid, J R
Sterling ; gelding or filly, 1 yr, Wm
Sparks; team, John uecher sr.
John McKinley. Agricultural —
Brood mare, L Anderson, J Reid;
foal, 5 Cleave, Snowden Bros ; geld-
ing or. filly, A Evans, J Reid ; team
John McBride, A Meliok, Leavy
Draft—Brood mare, A Mustard, C
B Middleton ; foal, A Mustard, 0
Middleton ; gelding or filly, J
Stewart. J Sparrow ; team, J Spar
row, L Anderson. Roadsters -Brood
mare, J Deoher jr-, J Reid ; foal, H
Darrow, J Deoher jr ; gelding or
filly, 2 yr, and 1 yr, J Decher jr ;
team, Fred. Ellerington, J Deoher
ar ; single roadster. 3 McOlymont,
N Peck Carriage—Brood mare.
C Truemner, G A Battler ; foal, G
A Battler. C.Truemner ;, gelding. or
filly,' 2 yrs Geo Little; I yr S
Cleave; single Carriage, A G Ehnes
A McBeath ; lady driver, 3 MoOly
mont, J Decher, sr.
CATTLE—Grade Cattle— Milch
cow. J and W Reid, E H Wise ;
heifer 2 yrs. J and W Reid, L
Anderson ; 1 year, E H Wise, R E
Reid ; heifer calf, E H Wise, J
Reid ; steer calf, J Reid, E H Wise ;
steer 2 yr, E H Wise, R G. Reid ;
steer 1 yr, R G Reid, E H Wise.
Derham—Milch cow, J Reid, Beat
ty Bros ; heifer 2 yrs, E 13 Wise 1
and 2 ; 1 year, Beatty Bros., J Reid;
heifer calf, A Elcoat, Beatty Bros ;
bull calf, A Elcoat, E H Wise.
Jersey—Milch cow, J Kegan, J
Gardner. -
SHECP—Ram, E H Wise, A El
coat : shearling ram, ram lamb,
pair ewes, pair shearling, pair ewe
lambs, 0 Middleton ; pair fat sheep
any breed, 0 Middleton, Geo Pen
hale. Lincolns -Ram, Geo Penhale,
Snowden Bros ; shearling ram, ram
lamb, pair ewes, pair shearling
ewes, pair ewe lambs, Geo Penhale
Long wool—Ram, shearling ram,
ram lamb, pair ewe Iambs, pair
shearling ewes, pair ewes, John
PIGS—Berkshire —Aged boar,..
brood sow, boar under 6 months,
Snowden Bros ; sow, 6 months,
Snowden Bros , R. Smith. York.
shire—Boar 6 months, Geo Penhale
Red Pigs—Aged boar, brood sow,
boar 6 months, sow 6 months, pair
bacon hogs. best boar any breed,
best sow any breed, Snowden Bros.
POULTRY—Silver grey Dorkins,
J S Howrie, W B Battler ; light
Brahmas, Beatty Bros. 1 and 2 ;
dark Brahmas, J S Howrie 1 and 2 ;
barred rooks, J W Ortwein 1 and 2
white rooks, 3 W Ortwein 1 and 2;
black Spanish, W B Battler 1 and
2 ; white Leghorns, Dr. Woods 1
and 2; brown Leghorns, J S How.
rie, .1 Pollock; silver spangled
Homburgs, W B Battler 1 and 2;
Buff Ooohins, W B Battler 1 and 2;
Red Caps, W B Battler 1. and 2;
Rhode Island Reds, 0 Truemner 1
and 2 ; Andalusians, J 5 Howrie I
and 2.; white Wyandottes, J W
Ortwein 1 & 2 ; black Minoroas, J 'S
Howrie, W B Battles ; white breast
ed black Polands, J S Howrie, W
B Battler ; buff Orpingtons, J S
.Howrie, W B Battler ; blank Lang
shans, J S Howrie 1 and 2; Ban-
tams, 3 S Howrie, Dr. Woods ;
Pekin ducks, Snowden Bros, W B
Battler ; Rouen ducks, J 5 Elowrie,
0 Truemner ; Toulouse geese. R
Smith; any other variety of geese,
Snowden Bros„ F Kegan ; turkeys,
Snowden Bros, Special—Canaries,,
Mrs, RosS, Snowden Bros.
with the finest lot of
goods ever shown in
Z urich.
Just received a large
quantity to please any-
body, so drop in and see.
if I cant suit you, Also
carry an immense No. of
samples to choose from,
All kinds of goods for
trousers, dark ' or light
prices low as possible.
Laundry fan Connection
W. H. Horn/LAN
Failor - ZURICH
the prize
11 I
1our dough rise,
c � ,,_Che, encouraged.
Added Bucl very sagely:
"Makes it rise in the mixer and expand
"in the oven. It's the elastic part of
"flour—absorbs all the water and milk
"—and things."
Rose grew interested.
"FIVE ROSES, said Bud, is exceedingly rich
"in gluten. 1 s'pose because it's all made
"from Manitoba wheat. Takes up a lot
"more water — makes those fat loaves —
"lasts tonger too."
"Saves money, doesn't It?" asked Rose.
Bud in a ibig voice:
"The fat loaf makes the fat pocketbook."
Use FIVE ROSES always.
And Rose said YES. $
lII1I11l1Iihl11t11ll P1111111 i11111
DAIRY PRODUPE—Salt •biittsr, large yellow onions, R Delgattv,
Mrs .1 Reil Relic !;t- g•,tty ; butter
for toile Ilse, Mrs. .1 RNid, Piank
Kegan ; butter for table use,, 5
ib" , 11rs .1 13.e'id, F Eie'gin; ohsese.
honor ,n.,,l , ,1 K W i-.• ; grape wine,
home insides, Dr woods, Mrs T W Tough ; Pare's golden yellow
Houston ; best Col of home. Made ,oelerv, Mrs. Hewson, T Camernn ;
wide, Ur. Woods Mrs. T,Eloustons small yellow tomatoes, Snowden'
oannecl fruit; J Deeher. 1+' Kegan: Bros , W .Metcalf.
honey in comb. G Beattv.:R'l3tos,n I.I DIES' WORK.—Fancy hand -
honey in jar, G Beatty, S Cleric; :kerchiefs, Miss Livingston, Mrs. 1
to sett ,; s, y,µ: . ose ;' arry cr c : toe; rs• • e — ' b, t
G Beatty ; maple syrep. W' Battler, son, Mrs. Ross ; table mats, Miss
R Deign tty ; hest col honey, R .Livingston. Mrs. Wickwire ; crochet
Brown, 'S Beatty. work in cotton, Mrs. Howrie, Miss
GRAM AND SEEDS -White Livingston ; orochet work in wool.
winter wheat, (:i Cooper, J K Wise s Mrs. Hewson, Mrs._ Ross; head
red winter wheat, spring • wheat, neck lace Mrs, .Hewson, ,firs.
large white netts, snail white peas, Wickwire; shadow embroidery,
T K Wise ; 6 rowed barley, J .K Miss Livingston. Mrs. Hewson ; 5
Wise, (x A Cooper ; 2 -rowed .barley, n.'olook tea cloth in cotton, Mrs
J K Wiso; white oats, .1 $ Wise, G Howrie, Mi -s Livingston ; child's
A Beattie ; black oats, timothy Seed dress feather stitched in silk, .1
spelts, .1 K Wise ; yellow.'corn, .Forrest, J Decher sr; embroidery
Haines W Battler ; sweet Corn; Jas in lace stitches Miss Livingston,
Camp hell ; corn any other -variety, Mrs. Wickwire ; collar and cuff stet
G A Cooper, W Metcalf ; millet, embroidered, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs A
Wm lm- ky E Erwin ; drawn work, Mrs. Wick
Fi:Ul'--'lr.ipes, Mrs. G H Fiero wire, Mrs. Howrie ; bedroom slipp
son '- t , v i.iri Bros'; oil of grapes ers, J Decher sr ; Mrs ,S Hewson ;
Mrs Cl li Hewson ; col apples, G battenbnrg lace, J Decher sr , Mrs.
Galbraith, J Sterling; fall apples, Howrie; doylies, Mrs Erwin, Mrs
Galbraith, J Sterling ; winter Ross ; plain hand sewing, Mrs.
apples, J Sterling. D Galbraith; Ross, Kate Ross ; hemstitching,
col pears, F Kogan, J Sterling ; Mrs. Ross, F Middleton ; pin cu -h -
plate fall pears, F Kegan, Flora. ion in eyelet, Kate Ross, Mr:;
Wilds plate winter pears, F Kegan' Houston ; sofa cushion. Mrs How.
Robt MoM.urray ; peaches, Flora i rie, Mrs Erwin ; tea oosey, Mrs.
Wilds, Robt Delgatty ; plums or 1 Houston, Mrs. Ross ; etching in
prunes. Flora Wilds ; Baldwins, J cotton or linen, Mrs. Houston, J 0
Sterlir•g, R Smith ; northern spies, Forrest ; modern cross stitch, Mrs
D Galbraith, J Sterling ; yellow Wickwire, Mrs. Houston ; braiding
crabs, Snowden Bros , T Brownett ; Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs Haines ; Irish
red crabs, --Raines, l> Galbraith. point lace, Mrs. Ross, Mrs Howrie'
king of Tompkins, J Sterling, Honiton lace, Mrs, Wickwire, Katr
Robt. "Reid ; greenings,----Baines, Ross Wallaohin centre piece, 7olin
Robt McMurray ; ribston pippin, Decher sr., Miss Livingston ; floral
Robb Reid. Robt McMurray ; 20 oz tinted centre piece, Mrs. Howrie,
3 Sterling, Robt McMurray, Mrs Wickwire ; Whisk holder, Mrs
wagners,—Haines, J Sterling ; golds Houston, .T Forrest ; pierced bras
en russets,—Haines, J Sterling ; candle stick and shade, Mrs
Blenheim pippin, R Sootchmer, J Erwin; kitchen apron, Mrs. Hoes
Decher ; snows, D Galbraith., R ton, Mrs. Ross ; darning on sooks,
Smith Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Wickwire ; ladies
VEGETABLES—Early potatoes, underwear, Kate Ross, Mrs. Ross ;
Snowden Bros , R Turner ; late po- Roman or out work, Miss Living.
tatoes, W Sparks, R Turner ; ston, Mrs. Wickwire ; hardanger,
mangols, long red, G Battler, W Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. Houston ;
Battler; mongols, yellow globe, oroohet fascinator, Mrs Ross, Mrs
Snowden Bros ; intermediate man- Houston; woolen socks, Dr Woods,
gals, J Sterling, Mrs; G H Howson ; .T Decher sr; wollen gloves, Mrs
field cal rots,•S Cleave, R Smith; Mrs. Houston, J K Wise ; woolen
table carrots, Mrs. A E Erwin, R mitts, W Battler. Miss Livingston ;
Delgatty ; table beets, F Middleton, rag mat, Mrs• F Regan, Mrs. J W
Mrs tI H Hewson ; cabbage, R Reid; braided mat, Kate Ross, Mrs
Snaith, S Cleave l cauliflower, Mrs. Ross; patobed quilt, Cotton, Mrs.
Rawson, W Metcalf ; musk- Erwin, Wm Batter ; patched quilt
melons. 0 Battler, R Penhale : cloth, M Porter, J Decher. sr;
watermelons, R Penhale, W Tough ; crochet quilt, J Decher sr ; Mrs.
pasrnfps, S Cleave, Mrs. 0111 Hew- Howrie ; silk quilt, Mrs. Howrie, M
son ; pumpkin, R Brown, W Battler 1 Porter ; col ladiea work, Miss
, squash, 5 Cleave, J. Tough; sugar 1 Livingston, Mrs Howrie; crochet ?
beets, 5 Cleave, Snowden Bros ;' lace in cotton., Mrs. Erwin, knitted
white celery, R Delgatty, R t3mith ; lace in wool, Mrs. Houston ; fancy
red celery, R Delgatty, Snowden apron, Mrs. Houston, Mrs Wiek-
Bros ; winter radish, W Battler, .1( wire teneriffe lace Kate Ross, Mrs
Tough; citrons, R Sn:tab, G Battler Ross. Special—paper flowers, Mrs.
small white beans, 0 Cooper, J K ,Houston,
Wises; large white Beans, Snowden FLOWERS AND PLANTS—Bon i
Snowden Bros ; small -red tomatoes,
it, Srnith, W Tough ; large red tom
ntoes. R Smith, Mrs G 13 Hewson ;
large yellow tomatoes, Snowden
Bros., W Battler ; salsify, S Cleave,
col dahifas, Mrs Hews in, W Melt• i Liniment and bound on ove
calf ; collection of pan-,ies, Mev I affected parts is superior to a
Hewson, W Metcalf ; geraniums. i ter and costs only sono tent
Sirs. .Hewson. F Began ; gladiolus, , much. For sale by All Deale
Mrs. Hewson 1 and 2; fuschias, Mrs
Hewson land 2; foliage plants, F.
Kegan, Mrs Hes'son;'-ouse plants';
F Kegan,. Mrs 'Hewson; asters, 'r
Mrs +Crsnn, ; begonias,
F. i Tena re st
Kc.�an, Dirs. Hewson, be«onias, F. '
Kegan. T C umer'•n, sweet peas, i
Sirs Heimann, \V Metcalf
"Iotit Ii<iriie maleic t 1, i"'D�+f I 1 ' h c h t i 114E Td w A13:1: 1'POl i Pencil drawing
Miss Living -t+m .J & Fo.rre�t ;cray-
on drawing, Mrs. Houston. Mrs.
'Wickwire., water color painting, ff
Dirt'. NVit•knire. Miss Livingston,
nil painting, F .sl hid le ton, Miss',
Livingston, Kensington painting,
Mrs . Ross. K•t ie Ross, lustre paint-
ing, sirs. Howrie. Kate Ross, 1
painting. on stilt, s.etin ar velvet,
Mrs !Mass, K.te Loss, best snapshot I
of 13 t s 11041 se:'nrry. N Peck, Mrs ,
Ross, burnt work. P Middleton,
Jit:- \Vickwira, hand painted china
F Ketaen. Mrs Wac•kwire
M NU FAO ruEu aS—set of sin-
gee harness, John Tippet. T Cam 1
Bron, set double harness, John
Rohert Deigatt}'. ... .. ..........1
D. Mei)nnaall 2
Wibiicsna Connell 3
The hest plaster A piece of flan-
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
Bar airs for 60
We are offering Big Barge'
Sewing Machines for the nest 6
The Singer $35
New Williams $28
New Raymond $2
that the T. Eaton Co. sell for
we will deliver the same ma
giving you two weeks trial, for
Our Stock of Furnitu
always complete. Here you
find all the latest designs in Fur
at reasonable prices.
We have the Telephone Offi
our store with 400 connections,
you call us up or write us, we
the rest.
Furniture and Undert
ll-- • 11111114r.
intit�i►iir .:
rarga,a se >•raus'Av,limelovo
- .
Do you own
"PAItKYTE" or ar
you a Slave to 11.
A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the stro
kind cf insurance against the geims of disease. It a preventative as
epidemics and contagicn in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the
Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of".
home; cost less than a Cent a day, and lasts a lifetime. -
Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Specific!
the most Prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than r,
Ask Your dealer for prices.
The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by.,
Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Man.
Branches—Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Nrancc
J K Wise ; po'ato onion, '1` j.gnet of flowers, large, W Metcalf, . and is sold by
Cameron, S,nowd.en Bros ; large red 1: Mrs, Hewson bouquet Sowers o -
onions .liv Smith, Jas Campbell ; ; stnall, flies. Newson, 14Irs, Flosvrie ; a J4artleib. Zurich,