HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-20, Page 1Vol. XI.1
The Ofa
gi We cordially invite the ladies to our grand Diplay
of Fall Millinery and Novelties. Miss` E. Fowler is yii
again in charge and will be pleased to show you the ,t
latest in. New Fall Hats, Shapes, Trimmings, etc.
Opening. clays
Saturday, Sept. 23rd and flonday
Sept, 25th, and Following Das.
New Fall Dress Goods
We are showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods
for Fall and Winter Suity. Our store is noted for its large stock of
all the popular lines in seasonable Dress Goods and we have outdone
all previous efforts this season in selecting a larger and better stock 0
than ever. You are cordially invited to look over our goods, whether
you buy or not.
Ladies' Coats and Jackets §j
Do not buy your new Fall Coat before looking over our stock. )1!
We have just received a large shipment of the latest styles and cloths
Also Fur Lined and Imitation Astrachan Coats, Fur Collar, etc. §
Wrapperettes and Flannelettes P.,
We desire to call special attention to our line of Wrapperettes
and Flannelettes. , Extra quality goods and prices as low as any. .,l ..z it
We handle the famous Puritan snake of Underwear. A complete
line in Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, all sizes and
Sweater Coats
We are making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. We are
showing a large range for men, woolen and children. Prices from
50 cents up. If you intend getting one, call early before the best
colors are gone.OtAlso a full line of Toques just in.
fiose and doves
Another line that we make a special feature of. We carry
everything in this line worth buying and we:want you to see them.
Fnr1Ruffs and duffs
What about your furs for the colder weather. Our new stock is
now in and is complete in every detail. Be sure yon see them.
Gent's Wear
We aro outfitters for hien. If you need a New Suit, Overcoat,
Cap, Gloves, Socks, Shirts, Ties, Mufflers, etc.. we can please y
Our price is right, duality considered.
Fur Coats
• Headquarters for all kinds of Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats,i
tatinn Astrachan Lined Coats, Loather Goats and C,otclrlroy
We can give you' extra values in these. No trouble to show goods.
e otove
\Ye are right when it comes to the giiestion of buying a good
Rrngo or Heater. Onr leader is the Peerless Peninsular Range,
which cannot be surpassed in quality. We fully guarantee every
stove we sell.
Ueda Furnaces,
avetroughnig, Etc.
Telephone 9 -
UR 11
3a1 3tc 3 3 :# 1 3 43 f� isc ' /s' (1
al Organ. of Zari r and Hay Township
Mr. Louisz,,+�leffrey shipped a car
of potatoes•4o Chatham, this week:,
Miss Chrissie Brown of Crediton,
OCT., 20, i9 1 1.
/1,1T01.1.110111.1111111,111101.10 ersts4Matesexmasexoommosnmat
NO 1
ktollowe'« 11 Oct. 31,
The new parliament will be call-
ed for the despatch of business on
NO. . 15. ' .. This- date was fixed by
tli cabinet -in council, on Monday
eruoon . . •
gtheran`'Cbnrol.---The evening
ice, in St. Peter's. Lutheran
oh Will be oonduoted'. in Eng -
j, The subject of meditation
"The Kingdom of God
1 of• great price." .A. 'hearty
ration is extended to all.
e members of the new cabinet
classified religiously as follows;
Vis. -Bordon, Burrell, White,
is, Hazen, Roche and Perley,
A Leans Messrs. Reid, Crothers,
s, Cochrane and Kemp, Meth -
Messrs. Mantel, Doherty, Pelle-
ud- Monk, Roman Catholics;
Vaster, Baptist. There is one
is visiting at the home of Mr. J. s
Preeter. , 1a
Mrs. Heyr}bek is spending `the v.
week with: her sister - Mrs. Henry 'li'
Guenther, ..-j t Dashwood.
:,tittf lial.offer on new post cards
worth 2t to 5 cents each, selling at
6 for 5 cente, ,,l rrs. Mo0ormiok. -
Rev. G, F. Brown and Mr. Wm.
O'Brien attended aiSunday school
Convention at Kippen, on Monday.
Mr Calvin Williams of $uffalo,
is home for a visit with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Williams
His Lordship Bishop Fallon, of
London, called at the parsonage
here on Wednesday, on his way to
St. Joseph.
The Executive of the South
Huron Liberal Association, held 'a
meeting at Hensall, on Monday
afternoon. -
I will start at the old stand to
receive all kinds of poultry -every'
Wednesday. Higliest price paid.
Jas. Whyte, Zurich.
Please take notice that Mr. J. J.
Merner's eider mill will be run on
Monday and Tuesday next, and
will close thereafter for this season.
Mr. Fred. Witwer returned .the.
latter part of last week,'rroznan
auto trip through Northern Mich-
igan, in company with some friends
from New Hamburg and Detroit,
Lame back is one of the most
common forms of muscular rheu-
matism, A few applications of
Chamberlain's Liniment will ; give
relief. For sale by all dealers.
. Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel Jr.,
have moved. to Seafortb, where Mr.
Thiel has secured steady employ-
ment, in Mr. John Dodds' pop
works. We are sorry to Jose this
couple, but wish them every
sttccesg in their iiearrhorne. a,
Rev. M, ttallman, of Mannheim
and Mr. Henry Baer of Berlin,
conducted special services in the
local Mennonite church, on Sun.
day. There was a large attendan.
both morning and evening, - awl
much interest manifested at both
services. This congregation has a
fine church and have$lso lately
added suitable sheds to their pre
Clinton, Ont., Oct. 16,-7 he Town
of Clinton voted to -day to sell a
partly equipped plant and glve a
fixed assessment to a company to
be known as the Clinton Motor
Car Company, and the by-law
carried with a targe majority vote:
For, 382, against 10. The company
consists of Toronto capitalists and
local manufacturers. -
l;er is 1r,Colonel Hughes,
er a wait of three months
the required deposit was
'with the government. a
ury board certificate has been
ntedto. La Banque International
ganada, thelinstitution promoted
*ociolphe Forget, the Montreal
tier, The- bank made its de.
t ' with the old government and
its nertifioate from the new.
'bank which has paid. capital
n• millions, Mtich of which was
cvn from ranee, will open its
rs to the Publics at once.
lee Lon .ot city council will ask
lieople to say how much 'they
1 pay to.- bring back the military
o4ib ) to London permanently. The
tsara`of.- he different regiments of
cstern Ontario are satisfied with
iiderich camping grounds, and better
will, the-.Goderich citizens, who have
w od the. volunteers well, will be, for
at feast some time, a permanent camp-
ilig ground. No such signs as "Dogs
$i.lad soldiers, please keep off the grass"
e •:been displayed in the northern
VIII yet.
rog aAar stone period ,covered by
nua1storiv.s.and.;niei•eany lieu;!,
cod ate.,cl form the 17th to the 22nd.
The,crisis of the period will fall on
2011; 21st and 22nd. Fierce autumnal.
storms'. with lightning and thunder
during the first stages will mark this
period. Autumn rains will occur
generally at this time, attended by
dangerous -gales especially on and
about the lakes. *arly snow to the
north and west, Mercury sleet storms
will hamper and endanger wires and
ag icuitural interests,need not suprise
those concerned. Another very decid-
ed period reaches from the 18th to
24th central on the 21st. High nor-
thwest winds and cold fair weather
will follow this period.
The Thiriy-third annual meeting
of the West Huron Teachers Associ-
ation was held in the public School
Exeter on Thursday and Friday Oct-
ober 12th and 1811i, 1911. The Pres-
ident, C. E. Bluett occupied the chair.
Ttt, report of the nominating com-
mittee recommended that the follow-
ing ;officers be appointed for the en•
swing year. President Miss I. E.
511iatman, Goderieb, Vice -President
1'. B. \Veidenbaminer B. A. Exeter;
$i c. Treasurer W. H. Johnston. Kip -
pen; Councillors,-_ J. • P. Hume,
I. A. Go(irch, II. Horton,. Lumley
G. S. Howard Blake, Miss 'Fl. Kins-
A very easy method of calculating
one rate of travel on train is to count
the number of rails passed over in 20
seconds. This number is the
miles per hour that the train is travl-
ling, the calculation being based on
the fact that a, standard rail is 30 feet
long. For instance,if CO of the standard
rails aro passed over in 20 seconds,
it is easily figured out that the train
is travilling about 60 miles an hour.
A South Dakota railroad is noted
for its execrable roadbed A new
New Pall BhOOB
The New Fall Models in Men's and Women's Slices are now' ready for
your inspection.
Children's Fine Shoes
We carry a full line of the Weston
Shoes, the best The best Children's
Shoe on the market, These Weston
Shoe are solid throughout and no
other shoe can equal them for wear.
Men & Boys' Everyday Shoes
We have a full line of Split Leath-
er Calf, Grain and Kip.
Ladies Shoes
There ace the New High Toes=
Short Vamps in Patent Leathers and
Gun Metals.
Gentlemen's- Shoes.
The new High Toes in. Patent Lea.
ther, Gun Metals and Dongola Kid„
These are the leaders.
Boots, Rubbers and Felts bought of the best Manufacturers in Canada;
Brind your feet and get them Fitted, -
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
The New Flour, Feed.
and Grocery Store
brakeman was making his first run uian Exeter; Miss M. Baruilir Nile.
over the road at night and was Auditing Committee' �--Ge!o. llawson
standing in the centre of the ear, i C. >
lla� ; G. J. McGregor. Hay. I�esolnt-
ioin 'Committee, ---W. Mehay, 1Iensan
W. fir. Beaton Zurich; J. Elgin Tom.
r,7derich Mks W. Howard 1 \t ter.
Mii,q A. EConsitt Hensall. Miss T.
Johnston, Carlow.
A report from Ottawa states that
during the five months from April
1 to Septenylier 1, the number of
immigrant settlers arriving i n
Canada totalled 212,854. Ot these
1:![. 021 arrived at ocean ports and
short illness, halving reached ttme 7.1,833 were from the United States.
age of 77 years and 6 months She These figures show an increase of
leaves a family of grown up sons ,,ighteec per cent as oornpared with
and daughters, tp mourn the loss time figures for 'the corresponding
of a kind and loving mother. - The sraonths of the last fiscal year,
deceased was well liked by be ,i,,ich were iih,is') at ocean ports
neighbors and alt extend to the ,aud 88,1118 from the United States,
family the sincerest sympathy in{ welting a total for the five rnnnths.
their' bereavement, The funeral( I pril 1to Sept. 1, ISIto, of 180,21S.
took place on Wednesday after- Dat, ing the month of August thi-
noon to Bayfield cemetery. rens there wero 80,11:3 arrivals.
Don't trifle with a cold is -good ,r„arinst'24,777 for tho same month
advice for prudent men and worn. •i ear ago For the month this
en. It may be vital in case of a Sa.rr arrivals at ocean porta total'
ohild'. There is nothing ''betttr mil 1:4,03t1, au'.l from the United
than Chamberlain's Cough iterued r lit rtes 17,019. In August last yea)
for coughs and colds in children. 14,287 came by ocean ports and
Itis sine and sure. For Selo byx.l0,,490 from the United States. I1
All healers, iv''ll he eGen there was a eligle,
grimly clutching the seats to keep
erect. Suddenly the train Struck
a smooth place in rho track, and
slid along without a sound. Seizing
his lantern. the brakeman ran for
the door. "Jump for ,your lives,"
he shonted. She's off the trach 1"
On Monday Mrs ,Tane Keys.
wig ow of the late Henry Mot inch
ey, and one of the• •pioneers of
Stanley Township, died . at her
home at the Goshen Line., after a
Groceries -
All Fresh and up-to-date
6 lbs. Rice 25c.
8 lbs. Best Seeded Raisins 25c.
8 lbs. Best Currants 25c.
8 lbs. Best Oatmeal 25c.
Red Rose Tea 28c.
Young Hyson Tea 25c.
Tapioca 9c lb.
8 Boxes Washing Soda 25c.
Dutch Cleanser 9c pkg.
Bath Boricks 4c.
Biscuits 25c box for 28c.
Telephone your wants to No. 28
Apples Wanted
05 cents a hundred pounds from
now until October 19th. Hensall
Evaporator will be closed after the
above date.
Phone No. 16
falling off in ocean arrivals as
compared witn the same month a
year ago. This is supposed to be
owing to the strike in the old
country and will probably be made
up during later months. The in-
orease in arrivals from pthe United
States is remarkable. They were
62 per cent in advance of those for
August last year.
You are not experimenting on
yourself when yon take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for a cold as
that preparation has won its great
reputation and extensive sale by
its remarkable cures for colds, and
can always be depended upon. It
is equally valuable for adults and
children and may be given t o
young children with implicit confi-
dence as it contains. no harmful
drug. Sold by All Dealers.
Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. You
take no chances. We absolut-
ely guarantee them 2 yearn
The Best Luminous Alarm C1oek
and spasmodic. repeater, $1.25
and $2.00, None Better.
Musical Alarms, with automatic
fly. The best made —
Jaz w:?l1er, - ZURIC
Our New Fall Shoes
We cordially invite the ladies to our gran] display of Fall Shoes. 314
are showing a large range in (.Gun Metal, Vici ici11 and Patent Leather, with
Velvet Tops, rna=le on the„Ncw3Tork puff lasts. the very latest,
Gentlemen's Shoes
'We are outfitters fc r Men's"Fine Shoe Come in and see the new lasts.
in Men's Fall Shoes.
Mr. Farmer conic in and let ns tri'k to y ni about Water Proof Shoos trot*
the wet weather,
Repairing Done Neatly and Promptly.
\Ve are h .w'.quarter, for
' -
A Trunk or a Suit Case
Butter and E;rgs Taken in Exchange,
.4."4\ 9 IT Zurich
The Horne of Good Shoes