HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-13, Page 10The Quality STORE You are cordially invited to see ie leading styles in Fall Millinery. ire shall endeavor to show all goods re can without any effort to sell and •e hope for the attendance .of every- ne. Your Winter Underwe-ar will be satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the fferent kinds are shown and a proper. fit - is assured. :e're glad. to show what we have whether you choose 'buy or not. Big values in Ladies' New Coats z See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon activeness. The styles are shnply grand, you can't help liking sm. The prieeswe ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the nients. A FURS Lome and see our new stock of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, :dies.' Fur Cats and Gent's 7.ur Lined. Coats, we have 1 m all Prices: Velveteens, Wrapperettes and Flannelettes we are showing all colors in velveteens, which are ry fashionable this fall, Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies eekwear and Belts. You will find everything 'tat is new and different displayed here. All the ipry cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up date. BIG REDUCTION IN L.dies' Waists Edighest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce eamanwrommeem—. m- . 0 GENERAL MERCHANT Z rie - ri Telephone 28 HEA DQUA F'TERS FOR Celebrated3 .roadway CLMETIIIN(i MARKET RkiPORT,—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up to 'Thursday, Barley .... 50 to 52 ..,., 75 20.00 .. 22.00 22.00 .., , 37 38 75 76 2,80 2.80 Bran .. Shorts. . Oats Wheat Five Roses flour Purity... , Royal Household 2.80 Choice fam.ily..,'. . 2.80 Hay. ,. ... .. 6.00 7.00 Dried apples :. 5 5 Clover seedt,.. 8.00 9,00 Potatoes. ....:.., 25 25 Butter ....... . 16 16 Eggs . 16 16 Hogs liveweight 7,15' MARS HILL A very pleasing program was given in the Methodist church on Monday evening of this week when the Misses Rennie of Zurich, were present and delighted the audience with their singing. There was music by the choir and addresses by the pastor,Rev, Rennedy, Rev. G. Kerr of Lucan, and Rev. Gettis "of Ailsa Craig. Mr. J. Stanley of Lucan, occupied the ehair in his usual able way and also gave a recitation. The many #rieiads of Mr. Thos. Trovetbiok were pleased to see him around again on Monday, after being confined to the house fora couple of weeks. Mr. John South commences .this week to thresh clover seed. They will commence threshing at Mr. God- fricl l+ahner on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Herbert Hoist has charge of the threshing outfit. SCHOOL REPORT The following names are in order of merit for the month of Sept. ember. Jr 1II Genevieve Zettel, Clara Weber, Albert MoOormiok, Charlie Davidson, Minnie Merner. Roy Weber, Walter Bender, Willie Clt3rlI s, sermon made a deep impression on Br II b Albert Hess, 1Viary Zettel, the audience,as the offering will show. The collection amounted to $185. This is splendid,considering the heavy expense the church is ruder, in con- nection with the building of the en- closed shed. In the evening a special serinon was preached to the young men.. The choir gallery was filled with young men, who sang several fine selections. The duett by the Misses Faist of Pigeon, Mich., was beautifully rendered, and was apprec- iated by the large audience. At the close of the service ilr.Bnrn announc- ed that he would preach a sermon for the young ladies next Sunday even- ing, but the young men will not be excluded -'from the service, all are. wel- come, , ?i. Mrs. Dan 11Iclsaac and childern and`Mrs..Ort spent Snnday with "Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mellick, near Zurick. Mrs. Ort will visit them for a few dw,rs I:v. :William E. Shaw assistant Ergingerof the Hydro-Electic Power Co nnlision,called on. H.Eilber M.P.P. will). the object oflearningthe amount. of Bower that would be used by manu- facturers and farmers in this vicinity. It; proposed to hold a meeting before long' to get some idea of the horse power that could be used in Crediton and'.L'ownship of Stephen. Nomination was held in the town hall on Monday of this week to receive nominations for Reeve to fill the unexp ired term. of 1911. There were only two nominations that of Wm. Ander- son' and H. Willett of Dashwood. Mi:ji Anderson withdrew 'and Mr. Willettwas elected by acclamation to fill the vacancy caused by the dea- th :if the late reeve, Samuel Steitzer. waclay last was a red letter day in the Evangelical church. In the morning the service was well attended. The pastor, Rev. E. Burn, preached the annual missionary sermon. The Carrie Brenner, Hazel Fritz, Al. berta Mittelhoitz, Cealiea Desjard ine. Roy Foster. Sr II a Paul Jeffrey, Janet Thiel, Ada Howald, Margaret Fuss, Leo Mittelholtz, Laura Sararas, Gar. field Witmer, Reinhold Koch, Ward Fritz, Simon Thiel. Jr II Margaret Hess, Graham Merner, Frances Zeller, Gladys Fisher, Russell Preeter, Maggie' Deiehert, Clarence Foster, Ernie Bender, Lawrence Rau. Earl Zettel, Leroy O'Brien, Elmore Clausiae. L H. Mulholland, Teacher. —. asga®®.0c1,0®®o♦000®10.0,000 ►sa • ® CREDI1®lel • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Miss Leah Young of London, is" 'visiting in town. Mr. Chas. Zwicker spent Tuesda in London'on business. Mr.:' ilton Harris left Monday..jor Sarnia wherehe has secured a position, Dr. and Mrs. Orme and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Holtzman autoed to. -Lon don on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Dashwood were visiters at the home of Mr. Chri- stian Beaver. Messrs. Young Bros. have a, number of second hand base burner stoves for sale. The Misses Faists of Kilmana are visiting friends and relations in and around Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker and a number of friends motered to Hen- sel). on Sunday. Miss Clark of Dashwood, renewed acquaintance in the villiage Sunday Inst. Rev. E. Buns took part at the fun - neral of the late Mr. Fleishaner of Tavistock on Friday last. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geiger of Zurich,were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gotfried Nicholason on Sunday last. Misses Nora and Ada Siebert of Dashwood were the guests of Mrs. Sam Brown on Saturday. I,.iiss Crissy Brown has returned. home after a few weeks visit in Dash- wood. Mrs. Russell Redden of Pori Huron. visited Mr.and Mrs.Robert Dinney for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Harry kuhn and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Trick autoed to Clinton on Sunday. Dr. Riely of Lendon,and Dr. Obi ien of Wyoming, visited in town on Monday. Dr. Roulston and Mr, M. 3. Sont- cott of Exeter, will have charge of the services in the Methodist church both morning and evening no Sunday next. The Messers Harvey Hill, William Roessler, Harry Yearly spend Sund- ay in Exeter. There must be some attractions. Mr. George Deaver of Sandusky, r Michigan, who has spent a week und- er the parental roof, has returned to engage in his former duties. A nui'nber'ef young people motored to Brinsley on Monday night to atfe- ndthe programme that was given in the Motbodtst church. ! EY ! ! The well. known Eye Specialist, E. KATZ ill once more visit the town of Zurich ►.t :10oxrninion House WEDN]SDAY—OCT. 18— MATTRESS One-third of your life is spent in bed. It should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every care. Do you so spend it.? If not, the Ostermoor will surely help yon ! It,s "Built for Sleep" Other mattress 2 piece from $3.00 up. Will examine Eyes by the New Method that seldom fails. Mr. Katz took a new course in New York ,since his last visit to town, and guarantees to restore all refraction cross. relieve ,"'eye strain. headache, dye - sight trouble, when other opticians fail. Special Care Taken of Children's Eyes Glasses supplied , at a Low Price • .. Ey. K. T A full .stock of all kinds of NIT R to choose from at prices Just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price 100 GIRLS WANTED. $5 per weak to start with for girls eighteen and over. Apply at once, D. S. PERRIN & CO. Limited, London, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T N PHONE 3 9 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION TOE In the. estate of Bhristophcr Fisher, late of the Township of Hay. in the County of Huron, Decease 1. 'hThtiee is hereby given pursuant to R, S. 0,. 1897, Chap. P29. that all creditors and others, having claims against the estate of the said Christopher Fisher, who diecl.on or about the 20th day of December A. D. 1901, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to John Fisher, at Retisall 1?.O.one o .the'executors of the said estate on or be - We friday the 20th of October, 1011, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims, in writing, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them duly verifier] by statutory declaration. And ';,take notice that after the said date the executors will proceed to tlistribnto the assets of the said deceased .among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of a hieh they shall then have received notice, and the executors will not be l" able for the said assets or any part thereof to eny person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by thorn at the date of such distribution. Dated at Zurich tl,is 26th day. of September, A. D. 1911. ,Tots 1 ts.rrat, t Executors, ' itiicrn :r X r-rtciin, ( es ,r int les Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price .`JJ® PU-IONI y9 AIRFLJJS1 ZURICH RUBY & OASCHO Take Pleasure in Announcing that on Saturday, Sept. 23rd and Monday, Sept: 25, They are having their Fall Millinery Openings. MISS GIGHRT who has been in charge of this Millinery department for the last couple of years. will again be with us,' and we will be pleased to have you come in and leek over our stock, We cordially invite you to visit our show room, Ladies' Fall Dress Goods We have a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods in e,11 the latest shades. Anything in the line of Dress Goods can be shown here. Prices from 25c to $1.40. Flannelette and Blankets We have the laxgest range of Flannelettes ever shown in this store, light or dark in color, also carry all the different sizes of Flannelette and Woolen Blankets, Sweater Coats Our Sweater Coats just arrived last week and you ladies who want a nice Sweater Coat, come early and we are sure we can please you. The men and boys Sweater Coats are also very fashionable. Fresh Groceries always kept on hand Oat Meal 20c a package or 3 . for 55c Produ.;e taken in Exchange. UNTERTAMG e Prompt Service Moderate r`'harges '.-.OFFi Zurich, - Ontario MOXIMINIPMENIgEMOMUMMMO NOTICE I hereby request that all accour.ts owing at Cabana's Brick and. T,le Yards, be paid on or before _Oct. let. 0-8 17x. iYItx,.LER, Mani iu ;,r rq get tt� .spate ��Rc from Ur. 4`s Magic Ohltmen6 41 We have not • sold out our Implement Business yet We are still forging ahead at the Old Place. The following are some of our lines we keep in stock Plows & Repairs Percival No. 10-13, Flenry's No. 21, Cockshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson all kinds, Land Rollers, Implements & Repairs Binders, Mowers, Oultivators (best made) Hoe Drills, Disc Far- rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seed Drills for ail, seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray, ors best in the market, Gar- den Cultivators, Lon- don's Hay 'Tracks, London's Barn Fixtures, Buggies, Carriages, Wagons All our own make, F. HESS ZURICH