HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-13, Page 3The Official Organ of Zux'ie�
Vol. X11.
and Hay Towns
We cordially invite the ladies to our grand Diplay
of Fall Millinery and. Novelties. Miss E. fowler i5
again in charge and will be pleased to show you the
latest in New Fall Hats, Shapes, Trimmings, eto.
. Opening days
• O
Saturday, Sept. 23rd and ilonoay
Sept. 25th, and Following Days.
ti 1
1 New Fall Dress Goods
'We are showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods i
for Fall and li'inter Suity. Our store is noted for its Tare stock of p6
( all the popular lines in seasonable Dress Goods and we have outdone Mt
all previous efforts this season in selecting a larger and better stock
than ever. Yon are cordially invited to look over our goods, whether
yon buy or not.
Ladies' Coats and Jackets(
Do not buy your new Fall Coat before looking over our stock.
We have jnst received a large shipment of the latest styles and cloths
Also Fur Lined and Imitation Astrachan Coats, Fur Collar, etc. §
rapperettes and .Flannelettes
We desire to call speciltl attention•.to our line of Wtapperettes
and Flannelettes. Extra quality- goods and prices as low as any. .
U n`dra.r - C`
We handle the famous Puritan make. of Underwear. A complete V
0 line in Men's, Women's and. Children'sUnderwear, all sizes and
Sweater Coats
We are making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. We are .
showing a large range for men, women and children. Prices from IN
il50 cents up. If you intend getting one, call early before the best
colors are gone. -.)-Also a full line of Toques jnst in.
liose and Gloves
Another line that we make it special feature of. We carry 1
everything in this line worth buying and we..want you to see 'thein.'
0 Pur; Ruffs and fluffs i
What about your furs for the colder weather. Our new stock is
b inow in and is complete in every detail. Be snre. you See them.
Gent's Wear §
We T are outfitters for men.. If you need a New Suit, (lvercoaa,t,fi ,
Cap, Gloves, Socks, Shirts, Ties, Mufflers, etc.. we can pleaseyou,: •
Our price is right, quality considered.
Fur Coats
Headquarters for all kinds of Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, iini-
talion Astrachan Lined Coats, Leather Coats and Corduroy Coats.
a4( We can give you extra values in these. No trouble to show goods. AtAt
aaata�ar�ar� tira*.-ate► .S410 410 <114)
See'our single harness
at Hartleib's.
The Rannie Quartette
some vocal selections at
on Monday evening.
• T e Stove uestion
We are right when it winos to the questionof buying a good
Drage or Heater. Our leader is the Peerless • Peninsular Range, pi
which cannot be surpassed in quality. We fully guarantee every
stove we sell.
Ueda Furnaces,
Fsvetroghing, Etc.
The last game of baseball of
for $9.00,sea4021 was played on •the Oli
die:Mond, on Thursday after
furnished between the Zurich and Oli
teal; is. it proved to be hard fo
Brinsley, an cxoiting battle as Clinton
• reay to do their utmost to d
Mrs, (Rev.) Whiteside of Kempt- Zur cls, baying suffered defea
vine, is visiting her parents, 11r. thehaknds of our boys in e
and Airs J. A. Williams. gaiaae played this season, ea
Mr. Henry Fleisohauer attended
the funeral of a relative, at Tavi-•
stock, on Saturday.
Mr, a.nd Mrs. G. Holtzman left
for Mildmay, on Monday, to attend
the funeral of the former's another.
We have reduced prices on horse
blankets, call and see how cheap,
you can buy a pair, at Haartleib's.`
Mr Henry Kalbfleisch has sold.
his fifty acres in the 7th Con, to
Messrs. Simon Ureb and Louis
• Debus.
Crown Attorney Seager of Goder-
ich. was in. town on Tuesday, on
his way to the Sweitzer inquest;•at
I will start at the old • stand to
receive all kinds of 'poultry ever.
Wednesday. Highest Price paid
Jas. Whyte, Zurich.
Rev. G F. Brown, pastor 'of the
Evangelical church will conduct:
the quarterly and communion'
services in Colborne, next Sabbath
Mrs. Charles Fritz and Mrs. Sam
Merner attended the W. C. T, U
County convention at Goderich,
this week
The best plaster. A piece of San= Score by innings.
gel dampened with Chamberlain's R R B
Liniment and bound. on over the atria. 1. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3-6 12 2
affected parts is superior to a plas- Oltiaton 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.0 0-2 6 2
ter and costs only one tenth as Umpire, N. Fitzsommons, Clinton.
much. For sale by All Dealers.
On s; ^cvhioh ended in a draiw. With
thita . end in view the mrhty
"Wok" Tasker, of the Canadian
lejue was secured to occupy the
pitcher's box and everything seem-
ed:; lovely, Zurich. started 'the
soe„ iiag, in the 1st innings, adding
Iter in the fourth and fifth,
e three more were added in the
Clinton scored their two
i the fifth. Twelve safe bits
lade off Tasker, the boys
g his curves and in shoots an
problem to solve. '.Teddy"
n pitched a Wonderful,; game
as the ninth innings came
car his speed increased. He was
• zle at all stages of the game
e Clinton players. The fielding
Goth teams was excellent,
ton having three double plays
?aeh credit.
The line up : .
c E Wurm
2nd R Fahner
c f H Fahner
1st T Wrtrm
F Brown
3rd C Misner
s s L 'Hoffman
1 f .A. Edighoifer
r f 0 Eilber
er s oe cars
-Men & Boys' Everyday Shoes
We have a full line of Split Leath-
er Calf, Grain and Kip.
Mr Henry Ortwein is able to, be
out again. About four weeks ago
he acoidentalIy cut a bad gash- In
his foot, and tbqugh he is oyer; '
;rears old; the •Wound' he:L1'ed"'"
very rapidly.
Lame back is one of the most
common forms of muscular rheu-
matism. A few applications of
Chamberlain's Liniment will girlie
relief. For sale by all dealers.
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather there was no Y. P. A
meeting last Tuesday. This week
the meeting will be in charge of
the Misses Lydia Faust and Flossie
Hartleib Subject, "New work our
society can do:
Assessment Commissioner Thom-
as Halliard of Waterloo, has
completed his returns for that
town, showing a gratifying in
crease in growth. The populations
has increased by 180, making 4,800,
and the assessment is boosted by
$557,023, totalling $2,973,451..
Don't trifle with a cold is good
advice for prudent men and wom-
en. It may be vital in case of a
child. There is nothing better
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for coug'is and colds in children.
It is safe and sure For sale by
All Dealers.
(;all and see our big stock of
furniture, everything at out prices
for thirty days, kitchen chairs 35
cents each, bed springs $1.75, rnat-
trsss 2 piece $2.75, at Hartleib'e.
Rev. Fathers A. L. Zinger, 0. R.
Benninger, C. Kiefur and W. V high shelf for $26 00, not a cheap
TCloepfer, members of the faculty *range but a good range, cheap at
e our halters complete for 60
t Hartleib's.
rl Wurtz is 'visiting
frith/m- ewcl,
fo , a few' weeks. .
' Rev: :0, G. Hallman of Ben -
miller, Ont , will preach in 'the
Evangelical church next Sabbath,
bath morning and evening.
see our double and stitched
halter", only $1 00 each, at Hart
The Dominion Government has an-
nounced Monday, October 80th, as
Thanksgiving Day. The change from
Thursday to Iliouday has given such
satlfaction that it niay now be con-
sidered established.
Mr. Andy F Hess is the champ-
ion. bowler of Zurich. The final
was played off with Mr. J. F
Rickbeil, on Monday afternoon,
the -snore being 26-17. This about
winds up the'game for the season,
although the green is still in gond
shape. thanks to caretaker 'flick
heir's continued efforts.
Over half a million asters, red,
white and blue, are to be used in
the making of a great floral flag for
the reception of President Taft,
when he visits Pasudena on Oct-
ober 16 As now planned, the Sag
is to hang over the table when the
banquet is served, and it is expect-
ed, to be one of the most beautiful
decorations of the kind ever con-
ceived or assembled.
The new High Toes in Patent Lea.
they, Gun Metals and Dongola I iclry
These are the leaders.
Boots, Rubbers and Felts bought of the best Manufacturers in Canada.
Brind your feet and get them Fitted.
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
SAi��� q E FAUST ®®RI
The New Flour, Feed
and Grocery Store
Specials in Flour
Purity and Royal Household
These brands are what every house-
wife wants for best results in baking.
All Fresh and up-to-date
We handle all kinds of Grain and
Mill Teed
Farm Produce of all kind wanted;
Car of Potatoes wanted
at once.
Telephone your wants to No. 23.
See our cast range reservoir and
of St Jerome's College Berlin. cele-
brated on IFriday, the tenth an-
niversary of their ordination,
Father . Zinger, President of the
College, was the recipient from an
unknown donor of a pipe organ for
the use in the college chapel.
Biliousness is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Ohani
berlain's Tablets are essentiaally
stomach medicine, intended aaspeei•
ally to act on that organ ; to cleanse
it, strengthen it, tone and iuvigor•
ate it,,to regulate the liver and to
banish biliousness positively and
effectually. For sala by ail dealers.
When yoti pull down the town in
which is your home von tire. pulling
down yourself, and when you build: 1g11, (Yo,lelir=Ii, t,ivals faith iii tlre� li-.t
up you are buitciatig up your. -elf t jxcrriz on tin C+ieat l„lcr• r\hich
and lieigb.bor. '1 rs and laattii .h handled j 1`iiirl (-treat
shipped by vessels
that till goad tlai:n.ze are away y eraltait item 1°tail Willi.on milli 1 tart \i her,
some other los lity, t4ive, ;nun let i41: q,100.A-:13 1+tetit,:s of ;to:a it
town all tli'at ilrnise it skit lenitttutt. Nktve handled r>t1 of flats La 'tarot
tel, bear. It ve+r•taalnly \\ ill. a1o1\ a a .1fii;,+t,1 h,..l‘els were NNilo;ii;
no harm and will c`,o' yon n -til uni ,t irtn i tt4iie - -t°cte eat.:: `a �,It' r
and above an 1raLtrra7la,Lea \ xA it ho.G°,i.; %lay.401.1, 1 \t,` V barlo' • and 101, '42
institlition,a, luyil els were flour.
Cheat fulness, says Ruskin, is as
natural to the heart of a man in
strong health as color to his cheek ;
:and, wherever there is habitual
loom, there must be either bad
air, unwholesome food, improperly
severe labor, or erring habits of
life, Cheerfulness is the best pro.
motet of health, remarks Addison.
ltepinings and murmurings of the
heart, give imperceptible strokes to
those delicate fibres of which the
<.itail organs are composed, and
rear nut the machine. Cheerful-
.aess is as friendly to the mind as
to the body,—Ex.
For the year ending igia.; :at,
es Wante&:
65 cents a hundred pounds from
now until October 19th. Hensall
Evaporator will be closed after the
above date.
Phone No. 16
A new electric motor was received
last week by the Crodericli Elevator
and Transit Co. It was purchased from
the Allis -Chalmers -Bullock Co., of
Montreal, and was shipped there by
express in a special car on the G.T.R.
It is said to be the heaviest shipment
of express that ever was brought into
Goderich.It weighed. 12,000 pound.
You are not experimenting 021
yourself when you take Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy for a cold as
that preparation has won its great
reputation and extensive sale by
its remarkable cures for colds, and
can always he depended upon. It
is equally valuable for adults and
children and may be given t o
young children with implicit confi•
deuce as it contains no harmful
drug. Sold by All Dealers
4f^`l3 3 --a `11
.t w
Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. Yon
take no chances. We absolut-
ely guarantee them 2 years
The, Best Luminous Alarm Clock
and spasmodic repeater, $1.25
and $2.00, None Better.
Mnet cal Alarms, with autome-tie
fly. The best made — $2:25.
0 W
jeweller, - ZURICH
Our New Fall Shoes
We cordially invite the ladies to our grand di-4play of Fall Shaes. WO.
are showing a large rang , in Gun Metal, Vici Kid and Patent Leather; with
Velvet Tops, made on th New York puff lasts, the very latest,
Gentlemen's Shoes
We are outfitters for Men's Fine Shoes, Come in and sea th new la;€
in Men's Fall Shoes.
Mr. Farther come in and IA us to" e to you alt( ut Water Prof Sires' fo
the wet weather,
lie ?airing Done Nz ally and Promptly.,
We are•headquaar.cr for
A Trunk or a Suit Case
Butter and Eggs Taken in Exehang ,
R r 9
,e Home