HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-13, Page 2Me4l4-4117Ltg7 ['be alil -..gennsiaL—amm=stasalulastincemiaas... You are cordially invited to see leading styles in Fall Millinery. - shall endeavor to show all goods. can without any effort to sell and. hope for the attendance of every - e. Your Winter Underwear will be satisfactory if you buy it here, where on the erent kinds are shown and a proper fit is assured. .'re glad to show what we have -whether you choose buy or not. Big values in Ladies' New Coats • See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon tictiveness. The styles are simply grand, you can't help liking in. The pries we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the FURS Come and see our new stock of Fur, Ruffs, Muffs, ai..z4e.X33.31,CtookA. faua...Ggutlt 1.?.nr,,Lina Coats, Nve haY65,, ma all Prcces. ' • — -Velveteens7 Wrapperettes and Flannelettes we are showing alcolors in Velveteens, -which are 'y fashionable this fall, Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies ckwear and Belts. You will find everything at is new and different displayed here. All the ry cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up date. •MiliMei••••••MISISC6SepteolYrnmantiniernasOMI*01141••••••••••••••••••••••••.Fions•••••••••••••••••10 1310 REDUCTION IN a les dID•rm ighest prices paid fin- all kinds of Farm roduce ists MARKET. R.IPORT ---,The fol- lowing is the report of Zuriola rear lret corrected up to Thursday, BurloY • , 50 to 52 Peas 75 Bran , • . 20.00 Shorts 22,00 2200, Oats__ .. 37 38 fttN Wheat .... 75 76 Five Roses flour ...... 2,80 Purity , , 2 80 Roy n I Huueho1d , 2,80 enoiee family 2 tic Hay ..... , . 6,00 7.00 Dried apples 5 5 ()lover seed 8,00 9 00 Potatoes Batter 16 16 Eggq 16 16 Hogs liveweight.... '7,15 ELEOT1ON •RETURNS. 'rho followiug are th..1 offioial re- turns for South Iluron, for the yea's 1908 and 19 1. Mr. Merneeti majority is 104. • 1 1908 011 Lib. Con. Lib. Con No. 1 13)3 54 86 59 2 51 42 46 41 39 20 21 35 4 28 29 14 31 5 01 42 43 44 275 190 210 219 Majority 79 EXETER No. 1 25 66 20 39 59 29 32 02 35 4 48 '71 5S GENERAL MERCHANT ZITich, Telephone 28 fl affrerecumeutemr,mu.m.ontssavaoncvs..auza.....m.....m.s.c.r.e,-ratrzo-meseu,p.wer....asmosumurirne....,.....ampoior HEADQUARTERS FOR Celebrated CL INII way 137 258 Majority 121 - 13A.YFIELD No 1 35 S2 Majority 47 TTICKERSSirrn No. I 70 31 2 61 47 8 51 23 4 71 17 5 69 30 6 72 28 304 176 3(35 Majority 218 08 57 59 62 151 239 88 EXETEZI, • • Mr, and Mrs Harry Rowe at d 111Mildred, are visiting, friends in Brantford ••Mrs, b ro On ,...;ttturday hist, tater a Itionth's visit in Teronto. Nliss. Flora Lee, ot Iductin- was a guet4 of her sister Mrs. Wet clifurd daring the fere part of t1n week. Nif • FoNvell who has ent the past. taw months at Ora rit Bend, • , left.'for .New York, fide Thursday last. Alerzo Hods is superintend- . inwthe job of prI- ittinet in tile con. create abutments for Ford's "ridge on .f -be 2nd Oon. 'rho concrete abutments of Heist's bridge have been completed. Mrs, Fish arid drrughter. Hiss Annie Fish. after a pleasant visit of some Weeks at Hamilton and Paris, returneti home on Friday last, ., • 1Nkr and Mrs. Luther Penhale re- tuffied from their honeymoon trip •On $3iturclay hist, and have taken up bonseireepinz in Mr Broderick' cottage, on Andrew St • Don'ttrifie with a cold is good for .prod en t Tflckll n d wom- en. I1 may bo vital in ease of a. cihild. There is nothing better than Ohamberlain's•Cough *Remedy for coug'Is and colds in children. It is Safe and sure For sale by All. Dealers THE OSTERMOOR roml.TTRESS Mr. George Hockey, who left here, for' Brantford some months ago has moved back to Exeter an has remained his former position with Mr. Beaman. Mr. end Mrs, Hockey will reside on Clidley St: 94 81 Bilionsness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach (Jham- 57 Tablets are essentially s. stomach niedi9ine, intended especi 76 20ally to act on that organ ; to cleanse it strengthen it. tone and invigor- 49 37 ate it.. to regulate the liver and to 49 77 banish biliousness positively and 60 18 effeetnally..For sale by all dealers 61 29 64 28 ST.&13LEY 219 No. 1. 55 34 55 2 60 29 00 3 27 100 39 - -, 14 '52., • 15 227 260 Majority 33 15813,011.NE No. 1 48 102 2 59 (39 3 :37 105 4 69 60 213 336 Majority 123 A.Y No.1 44 84 48 22 3 115 92 4 60 15 5 47 31 0 49 59 7 20 25 8 62 10 153 ,You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamber Cough Remedy for a col)1 as that preparation has won its great reputation 'and extensive sale by its remarkable cures for colds, and, on-SANsrals be depended upon. It is - nally valuable for adults and . 24 01:eP:and may be given t o .48 ildrkur With 'implicit coml. -contains no harmful One-third of your life is spent in bed. It should be spent in *perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every ear°. Do you so spend it? It not,, the Ostermoor will surely help yon It,s r'Built for Sleep" - Other mattress 2 piece from $3.00 up. A full•stock of all kinds of 13 to ohoose from at priCes just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price PHONE 3 ZURICH a EST COMBINATION 15TORE HURON'S LAR 'AAA:Dealers • SillARY next, e 207 23 A. evangelistic services in 30 co nection with. Temperance and Moral Reform, will be held in the Methodistchurches'and continue 61 56 throughout tbe week Mr Clarke 46 80 or Toronto will be present, and will 36 103 conduct the services He will 58 48 48 dress the meeting in 'Alain street chorch.lon Sunday morning, union 201 293 servicesheing held in James street 92 church; in the evening. Daring the Week the Inesting,s will be held in James "st church on Monday, 24 Tuesday; Wednesday and Friday 1 evenings, and on Thursday eyening in Main st church. 37 46 45 33 41 99 417 454 990 338 Majority 164 ".1iCitILLOP No. 1 125 29 2 102 5(1 3 63 78 4 75 (33 365 219 Majority 146 nENSALL No. I 91 110 Majority 19 steritinr No. I 29 61 2 16 46 3 59 55 4 67 66 5 57 29 6 46 74 '7 55 44 8 •16 65 9 50 65 395 505 Majority 110 Seaforth Tuck'ith Exeter Usboi ne Ste, hen Hensel]. Bayfield Stanley 87 09 42 68 27 29 356 18 101 29 91 58 68 77 54 50 ., • :309 21(3 93 STANLEY NEWS Mrs.. Routley of St. Marys, was the gitest of her brother, Mr. Walter Stevens, of Blake, over Sundap),ast. Miss Mary Howard, who has been visiting her relatives here, returns to Winnhieg; on Tuesday. Ethel Stevens, of the Clinton Model :16661, spent. Sunday with her .parents. Inn.GIRLS WANTED. $5 Uu per week to start with for girls eighteen and over, 83 93 Apply.at once, D. S. PERRIN & CO. Ilinnted, London, Ontario. 2'7 50 56 42 42 61 23 50 368 10 58 46 49 68 les Just to hand. Bring in, your orders. Close price PliONE' 19 • = . Bt JJ ZURICH NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of 131iristopher Fisher, late of the Township of Hay., in the County of Huron, DecbaS01. a4 Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0.1897, Chap, 129. that all creditors and others having damns against the estate of the said Christopher Fisher, who died oner., abont the 20th :lay of December, D. 1901, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to .1o11n Fisher, rat Herisall P.O.one of the executors of the said estate on or be- fere•Friday the 20th of October, 1011, their mimes and addresses, with fall particulars of their clainis, in writing, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them drily verified by statutory declare Mon, take ' notice that after the said date the executors wjll in'ocecd to distribute the asscts of the said deceased 70 32 56 60 482 114 =CA.FITTILA.TIOX 275 196 210 210 894 170 305 158 187 - 958 151 ,- 239 218 38C3 201 203 among the parties entitled thereto, haying 395 505 308 482 regard only to the claims of which they 91 110 sh 35 82 83 03 all than have received notice, and the 24 23871 executors will not Ile liable for the said 227 260 207 assets or any part thereof to any person 01' Persons of' whoseclaim notice ellen. not 1,Allygillop 84(5354 2979 300333 356 have been received by thorn at the date of .., \ 1,, jori tul,,,f,. 24:32 .2258 282(11(3 sstercolit:11111,bterli,h,nAt.ioirr:, 1, II. --- --- —___ Dared at '1,irich, this 2( ili. day 02 1 4 "Iging.• Iti.51":"' ', Execu...c s 0 .1.'1'ca A EL K.l.1::10,11L I RU 31111111t• OACH6 Take Pleasure in Announcing that on Saturday,. Sept.. 23rd and onday,' Sep 25, They are having their Fall Millinery Openings. MISS GICHERT who has been in charge of this Millinery department for the last couple of years. will again be with us, and we will be pleased to have you come in and look oven.: our stock. We cordially invite you to visit our show room.. Ladies' Fall Dress Goods We have a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods in all the latest shades.' Anything in the line of Dress Goods can be shown here. Prices from 25c to $1.40. Flannelette and Blankets We have the largest range of Flannelettes ever shown in this store, light or dark in color, also carry all the different sizes of Flannelette and Woolen Blankets. Sweater Coats • Our Sweater Coats lust arrived last week and yon ladies who want a nice Sweater Coat, come early and we are sure WO can please you. The men and boys Sweater Coats are also very fashionable. Fresh Groceries always kept on hand Oat Meal 20c a package or 3 for 55c Produe taken in Exchange. ISSMINI15533218120573=13e'lt 3ew.•• UNIERTAIUNG Prompt Service Moderate rharges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario "'0741. ".0 • armalasratta•C• NOTICE I hereby request that all aecom ts owing at Cabana's Brick tad Tle Yards, be paid on or before Oct. ist. 6-3 Wm, Mitven, Maw, Ir gc fateROler tram Dr. 9410.1S Mac Ointment • elio)mormosini;atesniammertnatiot elinme•••••••*1 We have not sold out our Implement Business yet We are still forgin.g ahead at the Old Place. The following are some of our linea we keep in stook' , Plows &z Repairs Percival No. 10-13, Fleury's No. 21, Oockshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson all kinds, Land Rollers. Implements & Repairs Binders, Mowers, Cultivators (best made) Hos Dri11, Disc Har. rows (best made) Eureka, Onion Seed Drills for all seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray- ers best In the market-, Gar- den Cultivators, Lon- don's Ray Traclis, London's Barn Fixtures. Buggies, Carriages; Wagons. .All our own 'Zl)a1e, IES' SON