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The Herald, 1911-10-06, Page 8
AZi • :. „a t le. You are cordially invited to see leading styles in F 11 Millinnery e shall endeavor to show all goods can without any effort to sell and hope for thle attendance of every - e. Your Winter -Underwear will be satisfactory= if you buy it here, where all the 'crept kinds are shown. and a proper fit is assured. ''re glad to show what we have whether you choose buy or not. Bid values in Ladies' New Coats See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon :activeness. The styles are simply grant], you can't help liking m. The pries we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the Tents. FURS Come arid: see our new stock of Fun Ruffs, muffs, $ ` .t lax Gr-. is .. u.•ta.d._(+..eXl•�i''S Furj inea. Coats, we have -,11 all Prices.. Velveteens, Wrapper'ettes and Flannelettes we are Showing all colors iii 'Velveteens, which are y fashionable this fall, Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies ;ckwear and Belts. You will find everythin; at is new and different displayed here. All the :ry cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up date. BIS REDUCTION IN La les its 1 MARKET R1iPORT —The fol..' lowing is the report of Zurich market eor reoted up. to Tliurscley, l3arlaay, ., "50 to 52 75 Peas , 20.00 Shorts..,......,.... 22,00 22.00. Oats 37 38 oe Wheat.:,,,. 75 76 Five Rosea flour.... 2,80 Purity . 2 8t1 Limy rel Household 2.80 Choice fttwtly. ...,.. 2 8e H try . .. .. . 6.00 7%00 Dried. apples .. , _ 5 5 (.lover seed... . 8.00 9 00 Potatoes. ..... •255 25 Batter 16 16 Eggs 10 16 Hogs livatveigbt....., 7,15 ELECTION RETURNS. The following are th : offietal re- turns for South iluron, for the years 1008 and 19.1. Mr. 1lIereer's majority is 104. smitroa ('1I 1908 Lib. No. 1 1V3 .51 32 4 `28 5 61 ' 975 Majority 79 :EXETER No. 1 25 66 2 32 59 3 39 62 4 48 71 Con. 54 42 90 190 Majority No 1 Majority Highest prices laid for all kinds of Farm roduce J. GENERAL MERCHANT 7,ERCHAN G uri 9 Telephone 28 HEAP C:',DUARTERS FOR Ceiebrated CL dway ycxw r• a^� �i.�w Mew'. L lF:. 'li y�"ate a 7.. iii•' 'iii, ... .. ,. 137 258 121. - f LY rIELn 35 82 `24 1911 Lib. Con 86 59 46 41 21 35 14 31 +as;® .0o404,044.04o0400ao04e0 4 +44 0044404004m.oamo©s+A0a. MT, and Mrs Harry t'tnwe tit d Miss Mildred, are visiting frionde in Brantford Mrsr'I. McCallum ipttirned home 00 Saatttrrla,,y last, otter o. month's visit in Toronto. Miss Mora Lee, of Ltu'ttn- was a guest of her sister Mrslit:oltf'ur'd during the fore part of the kNecit. Mie, H. Fotvell, who. h e a si•ent the past few months tit .Greed Bend, left,. for ' IS eve York, on Thursday t ENE ]'Y X11. last. Alnrzo Hodgins .is superintend- ing -the job of puffin?: in tlbo con- crete abutments for Ford's 'ridge on tire 2nd Onn. The onncrete abutments of Heist's bridge have been completed. One-third of your life spent E 1.ET:,.TERMOOR T SSS is in bed. Mrs, Fish end daughter. Mi t'; It should be spent in 'perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, Annie Fish. after u. pleasant visit 1 beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every care. Do yon so spend it? If not, the Ostermoor will surely help yon 1 It,e 2 piece (torn $3.00 up. of wale weeks at Hamilton and Paris, returned borne on Friday last; r and Mrs. Lntber Penbaie re- turned from theirhonoyinoon trip an tatarday Inst., and have taken tiler liousekeeilin? in Mr Brode.riek's 'pottage, on Andrew St 43 44 Don't trifie•with a cold is good ndeice for prudent mon end wool- _ 210 211) en. It rimy leo vital in case of a Ichild. There is ii.ntbing better than Ohainhel lain's-Oough Remedy oq 6t, for cong'is 'and colds in children. It is Safe and sure For. sale by 57 All. Dealers 59 02 9 3 58 Mr. George Hockey, who left _ here, for Brantford some months 151 - •139, ago has moved back to Exeter an,: 88 has resumed his former position with Mr. Beaman. Mr. and Mrs, Hockey will reside on Gilley St. 47 Ti.701:213.1511ITII No. 1 70 31 76 2 61 47 49 8 51 23 49 4 71 17 GG 5 00 30 01 6 79 28 64 394 176 3115 Majority 218 219 STANLEY No. 1 55 34 2 00 99 3 27 100 -('11: 14 52 51'tr..: r- 45. 227 200 207 33 Majority No. 1 :3 4 Majority 81 57 29 37 37 18 23 153 55 27. 00 ;.24 191 w$ .:.'5 USI1o'i NE, 48 59 :17 (t9 213 No. 1 44 2 48 3 115 4 60 5 47 6 49 7 29 8 tit 454 390 Majority 104 \ioxILtor No. 1 125 22 2 102 50 3 (13 78 4 75 03 109 69 105 00 Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach ()lam. beriuin's Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especi ally to act on that organ ; to cleanse It strengthen it, tone and invigor- ate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness pnsitively and effectually. For sale by all dealers Yott are not experimenting on c'ourself when ynn take Chamber loin's Cough Remedy tor a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures for colds, and odnilways he depended upon. It is.eAual1y.valuable for adults end lire i and may be given t o ildateny with implicit confi- ' eltlii,tuins no hanig til 7:44 Dealers ,on, - Sunday next, wti'sb; evangelistic services h3 congectian with Temperance and Moral Reform, will be held in the ]Methodist churches, and . continue throughout the week Mr Clarice of^Toronto will be present, and will conduet theServices. He will ad. dress the meeting in Clain street church. on Sunday morning, union services being held in James street church, in the evening. During tiie week the meetings will be held in J'LLEnes'-st church on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, and on Thursday evening in Main st church. 46 61 36 58 336 201 123 II LY 34 37 22 46 92 G7 15 45 31 33 52 41 25 22 19 47 365. 219 Majority 143 II MSALL No. 1 91 110 338 101 01 63 54 309 93 83 80 53 103 48 203 92 17 87 69 42 88 27 22 356 18 r'Built for Sleep" Other mattress A tui -stock of all kinds of a_T to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price A. ya..r . •� of '+r :�. PHONE 3 ZURICH HURON'S LA i GEST COMBI6"3,ATIO ;;TORE - STANLEY NEWS Mrs, lioutley of St. Marys, was the guest of her brother, Mr. Walter Stevens, of Blake, over SnndayAast. Miss 11lary Howard, who has been t isiting her relatives here, returns to 5S Winnipeg on Tuesday. -.Miss•Ethel Stevens, of the Clinton 77 Moclel school, spent. Sunday with 59 her lia'ellts. Just to hand. Bring in . your orders. Close price r�I PHONE' I9 0 ZURICH 210 98 Majority 19 10 5TEI'II EN No. 1 29 01 2 16 46 3 59 55 4 67 66 5 57 29 6 46 7.1 '7 55 44 8 -16 65 9 —50 (i5 305 .505 Majority 110 ILI;:cJArITULATXON Seaforth 275 190 210 210 Tuck'ith 394 170 365 153 27 17 50 56 100 GIRLS WANTED._... $ per week to start with for girls eighteen and over. Apply at once, D. S. PERRIN .0 CO. Limited, London, Ontario. . 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS, RUBY -GASCHO Take Pleasure in Announcing that on Saturday,. Sept. 23rd and Monday'', Sept. 25, They are having their Fall Millinery Openings. MISS GICHERT who has been in charge of this Millinery department for the last couple of years. hill again be with us, and we will be pleased to have you come in and look ovei our stock. We cordially invite you to visit our show room... Ladies' Fall Dress Goods We have a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods in mil the latest shades," Anything in the line of Dress Goods can be shown here. Prices from 250 to $1.40. • , 58 46 ,• In the estate of I3hristopher Fisher, 49 late of the'Townsbip of I -lay_. in the 68 County of Huron, Decease 1. 1V'otiee is hereby givenpursuant to 42 79 11. 8. 0. 1.597, Chap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the 61 32 estate of the said Christopher Fisher, who 23 56 died on o'r about the 20th lay of December 50 60 A. D, 1901, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to :John T!'isher, at II -orison 1',O.one abbe executors of tho ettidestate on or be - 368 4$2 fare Friday t he 20th of October, 1911, their 1.14 names and addresses, with fall particulars Of their claims,. in writing, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by theta ably vor•i3+ed by statutory declaration. And, take ' notice that after the said date the executors will proeetd to dist,ihute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they B.hat;ll then 'have received notice, and the r:r3.altors will not l,e liable for the said o-tissts or any part thereof to any person or persons of wlioseclaim notice shall not have bean received by thorn at, the date of Such tit tribution. . Datod atLi job, this 2('th ehiy of Upt..tllbet A T'N, 1!1). Exeter 137 ' 258 Usboine 213 336 Ste, hen 895 505 lleusall 91 110. Bayfield 3,5 82 Stanley 227 260 ].lay 454 290 .Mu1 illop 31)5 9580 ti1,ajoi' t,y 154 151 239 201. 203 308 489 83 93 24 81 207 287 338 356 219 309 216 241,9 9250 93110 14 Flannelette and Blankets We have the largest range of Flannelettes ever shown in this store, light or dark in color, also carry all the different sizes of Flannelette and Woolen Blankets, Sweater Coats • Our Sweater Coats just arrived last week and you ladies who want a nice Sweater Goat, Come early and we are sure wo can please yon. The risen and boys Sweater Coats are also very fashionable. Fresh Groceries always kept on hand Oat Meal 20c a package or 3 for 55c Proclu.;e taken in Exchange. .1p.ats hainau 114xect�,o�s r 11 c a.(..., t .ea.:. ar , IERT KM Prompt Service Moderate rharges Ka .OFF°'r'zAN Zrtrich Ontario yam• 'zi-:a?autn.a7+' + ,.� .ta ^ler:,iu„3G , iFL, ..: r: Ys,r,�;,,.,. .1 @' O TI G 1e 1 herby request that all accour: is owing at Cabana's Brick and T',le Yards, be paid on or before Oct. 1st. 6-3 . Wm. .muck', Mari. 7;r get it::..,.ar ate R iie$ vole DI. P.,,.,, c MaAlc Ikilltinclll. We have not sold out our implement ® 'Business yet • We are. still forging ahead at the Old Place. The following are some of our lines we keep in stock' Plows 4 . Repairs Percival No. 10-13, Fleury's No. 21, Cookshutt all kinds, Wilk- boson all kinds, Lancl Rollers, Implements & Repairs Binders, Mowers, Oultivators (beat made) Hoe Drills, 1)180 Har. rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seed Drills for an seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray. ars best In the market, Gar, den Cultivators, Lon- don's Hay Tracks, London's Barn Fixtures Buggies, Carriages, Wagons ' All our own ' make, 11ES„. ZURICH