HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-10-06, Page 1The Official Organ of ..Zux
Vol. XII.
.fel •
We cordially invite the ladies .to . our grand Diplar
'of Fall Millinery and Novelties. Miss E. .Fowler is
again, in charge and will be pleased to show- you the.
latest in New Fall Hats, Shapes, Trimmings, etc.
Opening clays
Saturday, Sept 23rd and l onday
Sept. 25th, and Following Days. 0
ti 0
New Fall Dress Goods
We are showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods
for Fall and Winter Suity. Our store is noted for its large stock . of
all the popular lines in. seasonable Dress Goods and we have outdone
all previous efforts this season in selecting a larger and better stock
than ever. You are'cordially invited to look over our goods, whether
you buy or not.'
' Coats and Jackets
Do not buy, your new Fall Coat before looking , over our stock.
We have just received a largo shipment of the latest styles and cloths
Also Fur Lined. and Imitation Astrachan Coats, Fur Collar, etc. j�
• rap.perettes and Flannelettes
We desire to call special attention to .our line of Wrapperettes
and. Flannelettes. Extra quality goods end prices as low as any.
We handle the famous Puritan make of Underwear. A complete
line in Men's,.Woinen's and Children's Underwear, all sizes and
Sweater Coats
We are making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. We are
showing a large range for men, women and children. Prices from
$O cents up. If you intend getting one, call early before the best
colors are gone.O.Also a full line of Toques just in. k!
ktfj Hose and Gloves
Another line that we make it special feature of. We carry
tieverything in this line worth buying and we:want you to see them.
Fur Ruffs and fluffs
What about your furs for the colder weather. Our new stocklis
now in and is complete in every detail. Be sure you see thein. i -:•'a.
Gent's Wear
We are outfitters for men. If you need a New Suit, Overcoat,
• Cap, Gloves, Socks, Shirts, Ties, Mufflers, etc.. the can please • you.
Our price is right, quality considered.
Fur .Coats
Headquarters for all kinds of Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, imi-
tation Astrachan Lined Coats, Leather Coats and Corduroy Coats.
t• We calf give you extra values in these. No trouble to show goods.
The cy �,...., l„nc invinovo y .uo i6n-
We are right when it comes to the question of buying a good
Rrnete or Heater. Our leader is the Peerless Peninsular Range,
which cannot be surpassed in quality. We fully guarantee every
'stove we sell.
Reda Furnaces,
F,vetroughh1g, Etc.
Telephone 9
0a`earemraram MA -04 its .1a %.
oreeraarara. c aeea-i4 s ees
Read 0. Fritz ad.
'Miss Matilda. Johnson
friends in Buffalo.
Mr. August Hill of Crediton, was
a visitor in 'town, on Wednesday.,
Mr: and Mrs. Jacob Sarum of
Mitchell, spent last week visiting,'
friends in town.
Mr. Horace Schilbe left of Tues,.
day for Waterloo, where he has
secured a position,
A numbers of school aeports warir
crowded out this week. They will
be published next week.
Comfortable house for sale. Nice-
ly located near Lutheran church .
Apply to E. Zeller, Zuich.�
An inquest was held on the body
of the late Samuel Sweitzer, who
was shot below Grand Bend "
We take sett onions this Fall, in
exchange for , Hardware, Harness,
and Furniture, at.Hartleib's.
s visiting
Mrs. Taggart of South Bend Inn{,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Itrs
F Hess Sr, and other relatives,
The Sabbath School in the Evan-
gelical church will begin at. 9'15
instead of 9.30 a. m,, next Sabbath.
and Hay Township
OCT. 6, 19H.,
NO :1O
Will Geiger of Hensall, was in
on Tnesday,
Fritz wants to talk to you about
fall shoes for wet weather.
. and Mrs. Ed Neeb of 13ornholin
v , 7 •, R i relatives and friends in. town.
J. J. Merner's silo at his farm
down down by Wednesday's
, wind.
I will start at the .old stand to ...-
receive all kinds of poultry 'every
Wednesday. ' Highest price paid
Jas. Whyte, Zurich.
Rev. G. F. Brown will preach in
the Evangelical church Dashwood'.,
next Sunday. in connection with
their quarterly meeting and corer-
munion service.
We will give 2 pictures, framed,
of King George and Queen: Mary,
regular price ":3.00, with every lnpr
chase of $20.00 worth of Furniture,
at Hartleib's.
The annual harvest festival
vices of St. Paul's ch' rch i
will be held ;on Sufle ,
B. A., Rector of Blyth w
morning and evening.
Mesdames Heyrock and Geiger, and
Misses Elizabeth and Ella ,Rannie
have been engaged to render a num-
ber of quartettes, at a concert to be
held in the Methodist church, Hen-
son, this (Fri'day) evening.
The best plaster. A piece of flan-
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
Liniment and bound. on over the
affected parts is superior to a plas-
ter and costs only one tenth as
much,. For sale by All Dealers.
Don't forget the".,Bayfield Fair on
Tuesday and Wednesday of next
week. '!he directors are getting
everything in shape and expect a
big turnout. Clinton . band will
furnish a musical program, on
Wednesday. Grand concert at
Anniversary services will be betel
in the Presbyterian church, 1-Iills-
Green, on the coming Sabbath, Oct -
8th. Morning service at 11 o'clock,
evening service at 7.30: These
services will he conducted Ihy Rev.
Mr. McFarlane, 13. A., of Bayfield
Everybody welcome.
The monthly business meeting of
the Y. P. A. of the Evangelical
church was held last Tuesday even
ing with Mr. Henry Pfile in the
chair. After the business was
transacted Mrs. C. Heyrock read
an instructive paper on the Life
and work of Miss Frances Willard
the great leader in the temperance
Lame back is one of the most
common forms of muscular rheu-
matism A few applications of
Chamberlain's Liniment win give
relief. For sale by all dealers.
n --.At Zurich, on the 2nd Inst,
r. and Mrs. Andrew Mittel-
' a caughttr.
r Oliver Johnson of Clinton,
.bis brother Thos. Johnson, for
cf .ys, last week.
ABIda Weseloh of London is
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
z, for a, few weeks.
11 pay the highest market
dr any quantity of good
tis. G. Fritz, Zurich.
:Huron County . W. C. T. U.
iition meets at Goderich, on
ay and Wednesday, next.
gilt Shetler, who has been at
ati for some ,tilne, has accepted
rigor as _harnessrnaker in C.
leilk's harness department.
yola are thinking of purchasing
P range or heater, do not forget
rialliable range. There is no
sw ori, the market that will cook
ke with as little fuel as the
To, Malleable Iron Range. We
oeilelleh a listof users next
then you can ask these people
=ee what they have to say. At
t+ire are a very large number
'ev four -dollar bills in circula-
the .present time and the
ieris growing daily. When a
inanager is asked the reason
his he said "Government bills
t as good as ours. The rea-
the ciretilation of ,4 bills is
lot of banks have just about
- holinlit allowed for notes
s "Acct equivalent to the
' '.' 1 of.their paid-up cap.
no g ernm ni
New Fall 3hooi
The New Fall MoCiels in Men's and Women's Shoes are now ready
your inspection.
Children s Fine Shoes
Wo carry a full line of the Weston
Shoos, the best The best Children's
Shoe on the market. These Weston
Shoe are solid throughout and no
other shoe can equal them for wear.
Men & Boys' Everyday Shoes
We have a full line of Split Leath-
er Calf Grain and Kip
e'Atigier, the dramatist; vas
dkriately . addicted to tobacco.
When he^was writing "Le Gendre de
1M Eoirier'he used every morning"
on sitting down. to work to fill twelve
pipes; and he always continued smok-
ing until he. had smoked them all.
At the end of the eighth pipe his
mouth was so inflamed that every puff
was painful, but it was then his prac-
tice to smear his tongue with butter
so asto be able to smoke on to the
bitter end. It is not surprising in the
circumstances that his doctor warned
him that unless he gave up smoking
he would die of nicotine poisoning
within twelve months. He did give
it t:p, but his lift was nevertheless
sho:toned by 'his habit.—Paris Gan-
kn 14.00 bilis have been issued and
are :acini; circulated. On the obverse
side the large figure 4 is not very dis-
tnic.tly made and unless you put an
exyia• pair of specks on, it might be
taken for the numeral one. Beware!
les[, yon give a $4 bill for a $1 hill.
Dr. McLaughlin and Win. Zimmer
were in Toronto this week as delegates
from Dashwood, represeuting the de-
postoi"s of the defunct Farmers Bank,
in this vicinity. Tho meeting was
held on Tuesday, and the object of
the meeting vas for the formation of
a Farmers Bank relief' committee, for
the purposoof securing one hundred
ccr is on the dollar.
The second quarterly meeting
and communion service will be
held hi the Evangelical•rhurch next
Saturday and Sunday. Preparatory onaturdav 9crayon'imortrilit. s Forrest, flowers
Ladie's Shoes
There ace the Now High Toes,
Short Vamps in Patent Leathers and.
Gun Metals.
Gentlemen's Shoes
The new high Toes in Patent Lea-
ther, Gun Metals and Dongola ,Kid.
These are the leaders.
Boots, Rubbers and Felts bought of the best Manufacturers in Canada.
Brine your feet and get thein Fitted. ' -
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
SAM. L F*UST7 g � 2i
2-40 Class --T, Murdock Hensall,
let, C. Either Zurich, 2ni1, McDon-
ald, Portershill, Lr<t. Fa.arners'
Trot -- McDonald, lst, J. Decher jr,
2nd, Ed. BoveS, 3rd.
W. C . T. U
A Druhkard's Crime.
With his 8 year old son clinging
to his watch chain, Ora Pattison, a
Cedar mountain woodman, yester-
day afternoon shot and instantly
killed his wife, Alice Pattison, and
then fired a bullet into his brain,
dropping dead at the feet of she
That the double tragedy was the
result of a drunken fit of temper is
the statement of the boy, who
valet' 3f trove t .roteot his mot
which' ie ` = eysole -witness, the
little fellow last night told his
almost incoherent story to Deputy
Coroner Pathel of Renton. Piecing
the boy's story together, the
deputy coroner learned that the
father had come home drunk in
the afternoon and bad begun
quarreling with his mother. Mrs
Pattison retired, weeping, to the
bedroom. and Pattison followed
shooting at her, Tbe boy, fearful
of what would happen, tugged at
his tether's coat, begging him to
leave his mother alone. When the
father drew his revolver, the
Young lad vainly tried to grasp the
weapon, but only succeeded 113
reaching his father's watch chain.
The broken chain on the body on
the floor told of the little fellow's
struggle to protect his mother.
The murder and suicide was
accomplished in a moment and
Roland, dumb with horror, gather
ed his two little sisters and his
Iittle brother, and ran from the
house. A passerby attracted by
the four little white-faced children
sitting on a bank, weeping as if
their hearts would break. inquir-
ing the cause was lead to the scene
of the tragedy by Roland. The man
afterward notified the authorit-
ies.—Victoria Daily Times
E. M. Williams. Pres. Supt.
(Continue3. from page 5)
011 painting portrait, Mrs Wiok-
ertre, .1: r+orre:et. Landscape; J
Forrest, PJolinso,t, watercolor l'nsome,soe, Mrs Wickwire'. J Forrest,
service will be held nil or s titer color, J Forrest, Mrs
evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. Il Wickwire, -Pencil drawing, ,T For-
Grenzebaoh of Dashwood, will rest. `l` ichneon, penanclink sketch
officiate at all of these Cervices. Fierest,Forrest, T Johnson, penmanship,
will also have charge of the service .1 Forrest, painting on felt, J Borr-
on Sunday evening. est, P Johnson, do on silk, II Well,
The tliirt fourth annual meet -Forrest.
ing Of the West Herne Teachers' I;awicizs ANT) PLANTS
Association will he held in the •
Colloctumn flowers, Miss K Camp•
l ell. Et 1e .1 ohnton, maple leaf, T
lokinson, bouquet, It Campbell 1 &
.1, geraniums, K 'Campbell, Mrs J
Public School Exeter, on Thursday
and Friday, Oct. 12 and 13. An
excellent program has been pre,
put•ed and included iii the sreakois
will be S. J. Radcliffe, B. A , of the i lforre:it, cacti. T Johnson, K Camp-
taindon Normal School and D. A. R It
Mo achlori, of the Canada 13u ieesra ;jenu.ton, tuotdes, K Oompbe 1
"'sego, Chatham, Ont. i1C.:3. Jobneten,
Apples Wanted
At the Hensel]. Evaporator after
Sept. 1;;t., starting off at 50 cents per
ewt. for fall apples.. Bring in as soon
as possible after above date.
Phon e No. 10
A Good Full Stock.
Of Watches.
And .Jewellery
yV ..
at f�Pq 1 0,: