The Herald, 1911-09-29, Page 8ualit t You are cordially invited to see the leading styles in Fall Millinery. Te shall endeavor to show all and goodswe can without any effort to sell we hope for the attendance of every- one. Your Whiter Underwear will be satisfactory if you buy it Here, where all the different kinds are shown and a proper ht is assured. We're ;gad to show what we have whether you choose to buy or not. - Big values. in Lathes' New Coats See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon attractiveness.. The st'les are simply grand, you can't help liking them: The priees we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the garments. FURS Come and see our new stock of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, Ladies' Fur Coats and. Gent's Fur Lined Coats;'we have them all Prices. Velveteens, Wrapperettes and Flannelettes • we are plowing all colors in Velveteens, which are very fashionable this fall, Ladies' Neckwear and. efts We have everything that is New in Ladies Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything that is new and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up to date. BIG REDUCTION IN tes'W ai s Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce J. J. GENERAL. MERCHANT Z IC 9 t ri Telephone 28 MARKET R)w PoRT —The fol 'see of the public senoras, and the lowing is the report of Zurich course lu this subJect for Fourth market corrected up to Thursday, j classes has beencuusider,tlay tsim- Barley 50 to 52 elided_ in Peas.,,,... 75 The course UHogrrtlrbr for all Brun 20.00 classes in the;public sohoo's has rihorts,,.2200 2200 been rudioa!1y changed, 0)5100Oats .• is to receive much ester t- 37 38 commercial and economic Wheat., 70 th uhy h gra'a•ter at~ Five Roses flour.. 2.8P tea?tion than it has received in the Purity . • ... z $0 beast, Royal Household2,80 Au effort is to be made to adopt l'eoice fxtnatly .,. • 2 80 the oour e of study in each school Hay ..........:.... •..... 6. 00 7,00 to the needs and the special coven dried apples 5 5 tions of -,the locality. In schools (;lover seed 8.00 0 00 with only :one tetteher the trustees Potatoes .. 25 25 may substituttafor Art and Nature Butter 16 16 study, ono or more of the following Eggs ... • 16 :.16 subjeet, Domestic, Science,-111unuul Hogs livevyeight 7,15 Training, Elementary Agriculture HENSALL MARKE'L' Physical culture is obligatory in all glasses of the public schools. (look's Best Flour...-. . 2.ee and a manual will shortly be issued Wheat 60, by 'the.Educttiore Department for Oats ... 30 30 the guidance of the teacher in tak- Barle.....,..,. • 60, 70 ing'no the subJeot. Peas yso $0; A. two years' opul•se of study is Hogs liveweight., 7.15 outlined for .Fifth Classes On cotapletmg the first year's conrse a "I have a world of confidence in, ,t;tipil may take an examination Chamberlain's Gough Remedy for which will entitle him to a Junior I have used it with perfect success" Graduation' Diploma ; both these. writes Mrs. M. I.' Basford, Pooles- examinations will be condncted by ville, Md For sale by All Dealers. the Education Dei t and either Dip - Mr. David Wetherapoon the well nutria will admit the pupil to a high known bridge contractor of Ai.isa. 'Schoot Craig had both his autos destroyed The Character and scope of the by fire, last week, together with i Entrance examination is nnchang• the garage. Mr. Wetherupoon went t rid,,` but in, future it will b,, known with a lantern to get some gasoline: 'as'. the Junior High Suhool Entrance which was stored in the building, (Examination This e_camination and in some manner the fluid ign.t 4loses much - ot its importance from ed and before anything could be 1 the fact that there are now three done everything was in flames ( other ways of securing admission. He was badly scorched hieaself in to a High School namely, (1) by trying to save one of the atitos. means of a Junior Graduation Dept The loss is said will reachoyer ( 2) by "means of a Senior Gradua-. $5000 00. t tion Diploma and (3) by passing the Senior High School Entrance Exs.rnination The latter examine- tienadmits the candidate to the middle school` of the high school. ,..„gym„ . �,. HEADQUARTERS FOR Cdebrt"t d Broadway rt THE OSTERMOOR MATTRESS As usually treated, a sprained; ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying. Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soonas the injury is received, ,and observing the directions with eaol, itI?:RL{ET_COMPARISUNS bottle. a cure can be' 'effected m r , from two to four dtlys.; For sale that the elections are over b nAlel 'whenge say. s : "Wouldn't it- "tiii 2eciptciofty "snowed tinder" A amuse you to see ,tire girls ‘ starlc� l a folio�ving comparison in prices streets with ti'1ei9 arm products, between the Um around the «t.tes and Canada, for the past hands in their pockets, lints on tl ' y ars may be interesting back of their heads ancjerona tui.. The table is taken from black cigar in their mGu kls? - adieu' Farm Journal and was the risen do it." Nor any more. led from d the daily market than to see the hien stand arotla ' 'e_in the'r e he daily of both the streets with heels 4 inolre; high, clothes so tight t1iQFY'i yes, that for horses being for. t "six months of.this year : step only about`6 inches and tY VE STOCK their whole forms, ext 'i=n., •~ waste paper Irasl{ a 'over a , a. ai Foes mkt, prices of other women' fair xnaide �hoice;'Tor- chewing gum. Iket CA *"r nen <t s. butcher. ronto ,.5.29 Buffalo 5 56 it. s,'Torento,.6 01 Buffalo 8.13 `. rt 'lis Montreal 6,06Iiiew York 7,27 "cf.. C. T. U. a "s, Toronto..4 47 Buffalo 4 88 ogs. choioe, Toronto " 6 9fi Buffalo 7.35 GRAIN One-third. of your life is spent in bed. 1t should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every care, Do you so spend it? If not, the Ostermoor will surely help yon ! It,s "Built for Sleep" Other mattress 2 piece from $3,00 up. A full stock of all kinds of FURNITUR to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price WHAT DR elRElei'1+ELL • PHONE 3 HRTLEI ��: , ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATIOiN STORE In the r eeently publis het , t hea, winter entitled "Grenfell of Labrador,. '.-teat, o .00 Detroit 100 there are references to drink and Gats,: No 2 whits, c ° the drink traffic dial ought to stir Toronto. .........40 Buffalo 46 the souls of all friends of tnissi,tri] Barley, tomalting ary effort and ,hake them labt4f';. 'Toronto 57 Buffalo .76 for the overthrow of the enti e Ry or o n�Toronto 71. Bnfftlo .88 liquor business. Mr James �:tol FODDER stone, the writer of Dr. Grenfelt�'s Biogrophy, states that he beard Timothy. No, 1, the doctor say that "more fisliei; Toronto .12 5.1 Buffalo men had been destroyed by drink, Straw oats, ror- than Artie storms had•sent loo -the onto.... ... .... 7.23 Buffalo 8 09 bottom of the deep," and be gives DAI1.i.Y PRODUCE the following pronouncement of...Butter; creamery ar west Shirig1e4s Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price 171. C. ,Y\A_UJLLFL IBJ` ZURICH 16.80 Dr. Grenfell on the:questi f on o prints Toronto.26 Buffalo personal abetinenee: "DuringB utter, dairy, Tor - twenty years' experience on the onto-- -. • • • • ..21 Buffalo sea and oa the snow in winter—an Oheese, Toronto. •13 Buffalo experience atter an upbringirig'.in (bee storage Tor - in soft plaaces—I have found wb t onto ... •......21 Buffalo alcohol has been entirely unnecess• g ary for myself. and if ever I have the opportunity given. me to tray n orc1 at any time or in any Place Eggs, fresh, Tor- onto...... ..24 Buffalo HORSES w which would help to inhibit the .use ot alcohol as a beverdge, so long as I can stand . on my feet I shall be proud to get up and speak it " Such is the testimony i5f this eminent medical missionary who 1'110 given his life to benefit the people living in the Labrador Peninsula, a region in the •North American continent lying between Hudson Bay and the Gulf of at. Lawrence. with a seaboard of 1,100 Hailes and en area of , 420,000. :quare miles, equal in extent to the British Isles, France and Russia, It is true that there is no legalized liquor truffle in Labrador, but drink is smuggled in during summer. and Dr. Grenfell wages relentless war against these wicked traders, and asserts, "it's hard enough to sell liquor on land, but a man who will sell liquor to a seaman who is likely to lose his life if he gets drunk is a devil E. M. W. fres, .Stint, NEW REGULA.LIONS • RUBY & CiASCHO µ Take Pleasure in Announcing that on _Saturday, Sept: 23rd mid. Monday,.. Sept. 25, They are having. their Fall Millinery' Openings. 30 .26 .15 .22 25 MISS GICHERT who has been in charge of this Millinery department for the last couple of years. will again be with us, and we will be pleased to have you come in and look over our stock. We cordially invite you to visit our show room.. Heavy draft, Tor- onto .$305 Boston $379 Med draft, Toron- to • ...... 219 Boston 278 Agricultural, Tor. onto , , -.192 Boston 225 Copies :of the new RigtxltaticnS and voerse of study, for Ttiblic and High Schools, have been die• tributed by the Educai,ioiiol De- partment-, Aa examination of these reveals a number of iti po,:tant NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. Ladies' Fall Dress Goods We have a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods in all the latest shades, Anything in the line of Dress Goods can be shown here. Prices from 25c to $1.40. Flannelette and Blankets We have the largest range of Flannelettes ever shown in this store, lig or dark in color, also carry all the different sizes of Flannelette and Woole Blankets. Sweater Coats (htr Sweater Coats just arrived Inst week and you ladies who 'want a iiic Sweater Goat, come early and we are sure we can please you. The men au( boys Sweater Coats are also very fashionable. Fresh Groceries always kept on hand Oat Meal 20c a package or 3_ for 55c Produ:,e taken in Exchange. In the estate of ]bristopher Fisher, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Decease 1. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Christopher Fisher, who died on or about the 20th lay of December A. 1D. 1010, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to John Fisher, at Heusaall P•O.one of the executors of the saidestate on or be- fore Friday the 20th of October, 1911, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims, in writing, and the nature of the seeurities, if any, held by thein duly :verified by statutory declaration. And take notice that after the said date the executors will le aceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased atncing the parties entitled therel o, having regard only to the chinas of i, hich . they shall then have received notice, and the executors will not be liahlo for the said assets or any mart thereof to r ny person or parsons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the date of such distribution., baited at !nt toll, this etth clay of September, A.. D. 1911, :one tes.,rr, ' Jxeetitor , .1-41 w r•"YA"�,q,) LINIERTAKiNG Prompt Service Moderate rharges t HOFF xA i Zurich. - Ontario feamamomagetimegnagassam NOTICE I hereby request that all accounts owing at Cabana's Briek and Tile Yards, bo paid on or before Oct. lst. 843 i' .. MLLi ivn., .'Cama,; r �. i get t ::.,aline miler ROM C Dr. £ft 's. !Idle Ointment, umstracocsctncurras forging ahead at the 01 Place. We haven sold but ou implement Business y We are sti The following are some of our lin we keep in stock Mows & Repairs Percival No. 10-13, Fleur; No. 21, Cookshutt all kinds, WA inson all kinds, Land Rollers. Implements & Repair Binders, Mowers, Cultivt (best made) Hoe Drills, Disc rows (best made) Eurektn. Union Seed. Drills for seeds, Eureka Fountain Sprti ers best in the niarttet, teax den Cultivators, Lon.. don's Hay Tracks, London's Barn Fistures, Br,;iggles, Cari'ia Wagons An our own make. E LIESS ,771' T r + Y-7"